A Step Closer to Love


Arabella was not a fan of alcohol because she was lightweight. After a cup of beer, she could easily pass out. While the was still in Japan she was often ostracized for her friend groups because she refused to join in the fun.

She usually preferred her quiet evenings with her nose in her book.

“Are you not going to drink?” Ryder asked taking his bottle of beer to his mouth.

“You are no fun,” Chole said tugging her hand.

“I am so sorry. I don’t drink because I pass out after a glass” Arabella said explaining herself for the nth time tonight.

It was not a strange occurrence to encounter someone who could not handle their liquor. They were rare but not strange.

“Take half a glass then,” Noah said pushing a full glass her way.

Arabella felt uncomfortable. She has never been forced to drink when she did not want to. This was a first for her. ‘Were they allowed to do so? Was it because she was a newbie?’ she thought as her hands shakily went to the cup.

She pitied Kieran because he was the one who would have to log her back home like a piece of wood. How would she explain showing up drunk only on the second night of her stay at Everly’s house? If her mom heard she would cuss her out in Japanese that she barely understood.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“I think it is illegal to force someone to drink,” Kieran said tapping away on his phone. “She already said she is a lightweight” he added.

“But this welcome party is for her” Mia grumbled.

“She never asked you for a welcome party. You threw one for her without asking her if she was interested” he continued.

The table fell silent. Kieran has a habit of putting a wet rag over the mood. Arabella who felt uncomfortable now felt relieved that someone was taking her side even though it was the last person she thought would do that.

“Vibe killer,” Aaron said in a disguised cough.

“If anybody brings tries to make her drink again, I would call the police,” Kieran said and then dripped his phone to the table before taking a sip of his beer.

“Are you that uncomfortable?” Aurora asked Arabella her voice icy cold.

“I just do not drink,” Arabella said.

She did not want to embarrass herself and she wanted to be sober enough when she had to tell Kieran that she did not need his help at work. She didn’t want to be bullied. If he wanted to help her then the best bet was to leave her and ignore her like he does to the others.

“You’re boring,” Chole said pinching her arm lightly. “But I still like you” She added dropping her head to her shoulders.

“Let’s toast to Arabella becoming a part of the family then,” Ryder said.

He knew his friend and he knew that Kieran could call the cops on them because they forced her to drink. He was not always vocal but he hated injustice and bullying.

The dinner ended with everyone drunk except Arabella who was sober and Kieran who was tipsy. She has no idea what to do. She did not know their house address so she could call cabs for them. Taking the courage she shook Kieran who was still half awake.

“Kieran” she called his name gently. He opened his and stared into hers. His gaze was deep and piercing and the color of his eyes shone deeply.

“How do we get everyone home?” She asked ignoring his deep eyes as they stared at her.

“Home?” He asked his voice slurry.

“Yes how can they all get home?” she asked again.

He smiled a little before he began to have hiccups. That was the first time she had seen him smile ever since she knew him. He always put on a serious expression which made no one come close to him.

“Kieran can you hear me?” she shook him lightly again. He yawned and closed his eyes.

She looked to the table and her eyes caught the glass of water. They were welcoming her why did they all drink so much? Were they mourning something or was this just an opportunity for them to drink without control?

“I might get in trouble for this but it’s getting late and I can not sleep in a bar,” She said loudly to herself.

None of them were in proper shape to give her an answer. Even Kieran who wasn’t as drunk as the rest could barely keep his eyes open. She picked up the glass and dipped her finger inside and sprinkled the water on the face of Kieran.

He winced and murmured something she could not piece together. She did so again. He repeated his actions and scratched his nose adorably.

“I need sleep,” Arabella said her voice louder than when she first spoke to herself.

She traveled and had to resume work the over next day. She was still jet-lagged and had not had time to sleep properly. ‘Would she get in trouble for leaving them here?’ she thought.

The temptation of leaving them and finding solace in the bed at the house was more tempting. She held the cup in her hand and threw the content to the face of Kieran.

The water trickled down his face and dropped his shirt. He jerked up and glared at her. At this point, she did not care about the kind of look he gave her as long as she could get home.

“Are you awake now?” she asked.

“Yes, I am. Thanks to your water” he answered grumbling.

“I am sorry I had to do that, but I have been trying to wake you up for a while now. How do we get everyone home?” She asked.

Kieran picked up his phone and began to call designated drivers for each of them. Soon the drivers were coming in and helping the drunk people to their cars. The last driver to come was the one to take Arabella and Kieran home.

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