Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 5

“Boss, it’s been over a week and you still haven’t gone to see the don, he has been calling nonstop, maybe you can just go and see him today since we don’t have any pressing schedule today,”

Yoey his personal assistant said as they entered his city apartment in Russia, Luciano was still in no mood to meet with or speak with his grandfather, he already knows what he wanted and he wasn’t about to have that discussion again, it was tiring to always be made to see reasons why he should be married and breed when he doesn’t see the point in the whole thing.

“I am tired, I want to rest,”

He said taking off his shirt and throwing it at Yoey.

“Sir, this will get out of hand, I heard your cousin Mako just landed in Russia last night and he went straight to the mansion,”

Yoey informed, as much as Luciano didn’t want to go see his grandfather, he couldn’t not go now, his grandfather always do this to get his attention, his grandfather knew so well that his cousin was everything wrong but each time he wants to get him to do what he wants, he always finds a way to involve Mako, even though all Mako has ever done is try to bring down the name the family has made for itself for the last hundred years, he got up, as Yoey handed him his shirt back, he pulled it on.

Luciano wasn’t even kidding when he says the empire his family built will crumble if ever Mako is allowed to take power, he would rather die than let that happen.

“What do you say, boss? You know he is bad and the don only invites him like this to prove something,”

Yoey said.

“I know, let’s just go even though I already know what the man wants to say, my answer will still be no,”

“Sir? Can I ask why? I mean I know you don’t like commitments but you can pick a wife of your choice right? ”

Yoey asked and Luciano glared at him.

“Pick a wife? Have you ever thought of a woman being your weak point? I don’t want it, when I want to get laid, I know where to go, if I can get what I want from different varieties, then why do I have to stick to one? Be serious!”

He said as he got up, he didn’t wait for Yoey and just walked to his car and sat down, he watched the driver run around a little before he got into the car, Yoey came too and they drove off towards the mansion after Yoey told the driver where they were headed to.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Luciano entered the mansion and wanted to leave immediately, this place, it held so many memories for him, a lot of which he wants to erase forever, it was home but still, a lot happened here too, which is why he barely visited here even though he knew he might have to move back here when he finally takes full control which would happen soon, he knew what he would do by then, he would rebrand and erase any place that brings up bad memories for him, there was a lot of happy places here to, just that the bad memories no matter how recessive they were couldn’t be removed from his head.

He ignored all the people greeting him as he walked straight to his grandfather’s study which also serve as his office, he didn’t bother to knock as he pushed the door open.

“Look who finally decided to show up,”

His grandfather said smiling brightly, Luciano was in no mood for smiling.

“Deda, you wanted to see me?”

He said as he sat down, ignoring his cousin who also ignored him.

“Aha, I got called Deda again after how many months? Sometimes I wonder if you even like me,”

His grandfather said in response.

“Deda, I have work to do, if I come to pay a courtesy visit every damn time who will do the work?”

He asked looking around the office, nothing ever changes here, it is always the same, this place has been the same since he was born.

“I was once like you, my dear, and I got tired later on and you will too which is why I am telling you that you need to make a family, have people to go back to when you get tired, if I didn’t have my wives to go back to it would have been hell for me,”

His grandfather said and Luciano resisted the urge to roll his eyes, his grandfather had six wives, he didn’t want to think about it but right now, none of his wives were in the mansion and that spoke a lot about him, so even if he wanted to take marital lessons, his grandfather was the last person to get it from.

“I am not interested, Don,”

He responded.

“That’s what you always say, need I remind you that you are not getting any younger Mishka,

His grandfather said using the name given to him by his grandfather which was only used by him.

“I still don’t want it and besides I am only thirty-two, still very young and marriage is not even on my list,”

He responded as he heard his cousin chuckle, he didn’t even look in his direction, the loser can laugh all he wants.

“Well, in that case, I won’t be held responsible for whatever I decide,”

His grandfather said and he shot him a look.

“What do you mean by that?”

He asked as his eyes went to Mako who had a smile on his face, he was family but Luciano wished he wasn’t so that he could just gun him down, the man pissed him off so much.

“Well, your cousin here is more ready than you to run this family, as it stands now, he has a lot more advantages than you, he is getting married and that’s one of the best decisions ever, if you are not going to do the same, then don’t hold me accountable for your loss,”

His grandfather threatened, it didn’t even make any sense, Mako didn’t know anything, nothing, he was the worse choice ever even if Luciano wasn’t heir, he would never think of Mako, Luciano was just a month older than him but the man acted like he was fifteen, he could barely do anything right.

“Don, I have said it before, it might have gone over your ears so I will say it again, I have no intentions of getting married, marriage might have been the standard of living in your time but it is not right now, a lot has changed and marriage no longer holds so much power in the society,”

Luciano said, he could already picture his grandfather boiling inside but he didn’t give a fuck.

“I am not forcing you to anymore, I moved on from that, I am telling you right now that I won’t take you seriously if you don’t do the needful,”

His grandfather responded, Mako was sure enjoying the show.

“You can’t be serious about this right? Don? You want this empire down? It was handed to you because you were fit to do the job, you never gave it to dad because you knew he couldn’t do it and now you wanna pass it on to this loser?”

He asked pointing at Mako who got offended, Luciano didn’t care, Mako won’t stand a chance against him in whatever.

“Mind your words cousin,”

He said, speaking to him for the first time, Luciano gave him a look over.

“Why? Do I lie? You are a loser and it is not even hard to hide,”

He responded and turned back to his grandfather.

“A loser who is ready to commit, a lesser choice but he has more advantages right now,”

His grandfather fired at him and this time he did roll his eyes, it was just so hard not to, his grandfather was so unserious.

“And marriage is the advantage? Be serious! Deda, marriage? You should do better,”

He responded.

“I won’t have you speak down on me in my house!”

His grandfather roared and Luciano took that as his clue to leave, he shouldn’t have come here in the first place, it was always better to stay away, his grandfather valued the Siegel name too much to give it to a loser like Mako, this wasn’t like any other thing he would force down his throat by using Mako as a threat, this was the Siegel name and he was damn sure he wasn’t going to do it for real.

“Deda, I can do anything else, you know damn well I am doing a good job right now, and this is my right too, you can’t deny me that,”

“I should use your words against you this time too, Mishka, times have changed, firstborn no longer inherit everything,”

This was it, he was done talking about this, his grandfather was just going to keep going and it was better if he just left.

“I am just going to leave,”

He said, got up and walked out even when his grandfather kept yelling at him, he didn’t stop until he was in his car, and as soon as Yoey entered they zoomed off.

“I am guessing it didn’t go well,”

Yoey said.

“Just shut up and let’s go to that rat’s house,”

He said in response, he needed someone to take out his anger on and he knew just who.

When they got to the house, the rat was just about to leave and ran back inside when he saw them, too late for him, Luciano brought out his gun as he broke open the door and stepped in.

“What did I tell you about paying up?”

He asked landing a heavy slap on the shaking man’s face.

“You have to give me more time, or take what I have to offer,”

The idiot said, Luciano couldn’t believe his audacity, he landed a punch in his face and watched as the man held on to his bleeding nose.

“You have nothing to offer me, I need my money you loser,”

He yelled punching him again.

“I have what you need,”

The idiot said again, he was really asking for it, and Luciano was in the mood to give it to him, he pulled him up and landed a few more punches on his face.

“You say one more nonsense and I will end you,”

He warned as he let him go and he landed on the fall strapping helplessly for whatever…

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