Werewolf Committee

Chapter 7: Ch 6

Chapter 7: Ch 6

Pulling away from the kiss my fingers immediately reached up to my lips. I gasped and traced my bottom lip looking at him in awe.

He panted slightly, out of breath as his hazel orbs stared into mine. I smiled at him shyly playing with my fingers while he gazed at my lips.

"I.." I trailed off not knowing what to say.

"You have wonderful lips," he said quietly and I felt my cheeks flush.

"Um-yeah thanks. You too. I mean so do you-very nice ah lips," I said mumbling like a idiot and I quietly looked away from Tate trying to hide my flaming cheeks.

You stupid fool.

I felt the gentle caress of his fingers touch my chin and make me look up to face him.

"I appreciate the compliment," he said with a slight smirk. He slowly started leaning in to steal another kiss, and I did to, start leaning into him.


I jumped away in embarrassment, cheeks flushed as I looked down at my stomach.

A throaty laugh came from Tate and even though the sound gave me shivers, the embarrassment I was in didn't disappear in the slightest bit.

"How could I have forgotten to feed my mate," he said his eyes amused but seemed a little angry that he hadn't thought of it.

"You know what? I'll get myself food. I'll see you later!" I shouted running for the door, wanting to get away from him in the mean time, to save myself from any further embarrassment.

All I got to see was his amused attractive face before the door swing shut.

Cheeks flushed I hurried away from the room and scowled at myself for being stupid.

I searched the building and looked for the kitchen. I walk on the shiny white tiles and finally entered a pure snow white looking kitchen.

Snatching the first I thing I see, which happens to be a cheese sandwich, I bite into it and moan in delight.

"You're eating my sandwich," a small voice said from the entrance of the door.

I turn around and see Eddie. Seeing him reminds me of my crazy abilities and I shake my head to clear my mind.

"Sorry kid. Finders keepers," I said through a mouth full. I felt bad but was way to hungry to care.

I finished eating and Eddie was sitting on the white stool next to me watching me with a smile.

I looked at him and back at the empty plate.

I was such a rude person.

"Oh! Eddie! Was that your sandwich! I was so hungry I..." I scratched the back of my neck my playful demeanour vanishing as I truly felt bad.

"Its alright! I don't like cheese anyway," he said making a funny face and sticking out his tongue.

I laughed and ruffled his dark hair which he simply smiled to.

"So you're the Luna," he suddenly said in awe as he studied me. I shrugged my shoulders unsure and got a little nervous.

Yeah. Nervous that an eight year old would disapprove of you.

"A magic Luna!" He gushed loudly this time and my eyes went wide as I looked around to see if anyone heard. I brought my finger to my mouth motioning for him to keep quite.

"That's so cool!" He whisper-yelled and I had to grin at that.

"You find a lot of things cool don't you Eddie?" I said smirking.

Suddenly a stupid idea popped into my head. And knowing the history of following my stupid ideas I jumped up from my seat.

"I know what we can do to make up for eating the sandwich!" I beamed making Eddie stand up.

"My sandwich.." He mumbled giving me a disapproving look.

"You know..you're quite a smart ass for an eight year old," I said admiring the little kid as we walked out of the kitchen.

"Thanks," he said, puffing out his small chest, "-I get that a lot."

Making our way outside, I walked a few meters ahead of the building and into the snow, Eddie silently trailing behind.

"What are we doing out here?" He asked kicking the snow at his feet.

"We're going to experiment," I said in a low mysterious voice.

Eddie straightened up at that, his eyes glowing as he ran over next to me.

"You mean," he paused looking around before dropping his tone into a whisper, "-your magical powers?" He said clapping his hands.

I nodded smiling.


Both Eddie and I stood in front of a heap of snow not sure what to do.

Finally moving, I lifted my hand in an upward motion to make the snow move.

However the snow just laid there.

"Lazy bastard," I mumbled angrily at the snow. It was making me look bad to the kid.

This time I closed my eyes for a second before opening them and taking a deep breath. Slowly I motioned my hands upwards and the pile of snow slowly raised with the motion of my palm.

I squealed in delight and the snow jerked at the sudden lack of concentration and it hit the floor.

I spun around to see Eddie looking at the snow in awe.

"Did you see that?" I gushed my eyes not believing it.

"That is so cool!" He said clapping his hands. I was about to motion the snow again but straining my hearing, I heard someone approaching and stopped.

"Eddie! Son, there you are," Roger said appearing in sight, his boots stomping on the snow.

"Dad!" Eddie said in excitement as he launched himself into his fathers arms like the last time he had.

Roger picked him up with ease and then looked at me, giving me a warm smile.

"Luna," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Please call me Elina, Roger," I said. Technically I wasn't Luna yet, and the formalities were a little to extreme.

"Elina, sure. I've got to take Eddie here inside to explain the past events. I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all," I said with a smile.

They both walked away and entered the building, while I stood there staring at the snow. White, fluffy snow.

Picking up some snow in my hand I used my palms to make a ball before throwing it at a tree and I watched as it popped into little flacks.

I giggled when it left a dint in the tree.

Suddenly, warm arms wrapped around my waist and I was pulled into a solid chest.

"Are you having fun?" Tate's breath fanned next to my ear making me shudder.

"Yeah," I said breathlessly spinning around in his arms.

"You know, you have your daily lesson in a few minutes," he said his arms tightening around my waist pulling me closer to his chest.

"I know. I've got science," I said smiling and then realized what he said.

"Wait, a few minutes?" I asked my eyebrows scrunched as I took a hold of Tate's wrist and looked at his watch, and sure enough it was nearly noon.

"Oh! I have to go," I said pulling away but Tate grabbed my arm and slammed me back into his chest inhaling my scent. Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

"Don't go," he whispered his head in the crook of me neck as my back was flush against his.

"I have to," I said in the same tone he used.

He softly growled and with one last inhale of my hair he let me go.

"Go now. Before I take you on the snow," he said rubbing his hand across his face.

I looked at him and tilted my head confused, until I suddenly understood and my eyes grew wide.

"Right. Well, before we do something my health teacher wouldn't approve of, I should get going," I said, giving him a slight wave as he grunted and gave me a nod.

Oh, Mr Ronald that old man. He was such a great health teacher.

Children. Don't have sex. It leads to babies and babies then lead to teenagers like the lot of you. Its a disaster! He had yelled once his hands throw up in the air.

I started my hunt looking for the science room. I was glad Tate told his father and the others not to let it slip that I'm his mate. He wanted to do the formal ceremony and introduce me, himself.

Finding a room in the school part of the building, that clearly wrote SCIENCE LAB in big bold letters, I entered and slowly took in my surroundings.

People were at desks with bunsen burners, conical flasks and tubes that held strange coloured liquid. Some people poured it into one tube and it bubbled up and created a mini explosion making them giggle.

I looked around and spotted a man with big glasses who I assumed was the teacher.

Walking over to him I lightly tapped his shoulder and he turned around looking at me confused.

"You're not in my class?" He asked standing up to his full length. He was tall and lanky.

"I am now! My names Elina Weitzel. I'm new," I said with a toothy smile.

"Weitzel?" He questioned and his eyes grew wide and a creepy looking smile spread across his face.

"You're finally here! Come, I'll show you what we're doing," he said grabbing onto my arm and walking me forward. I looked at him confused but nodded my head.

"You see these tubes? Were mixing chemicals together to create a reaction,"

After he informed me of what to do I nodded my head and waited for him leave.

If there were two things I'm good at, at school it was Maths and Science. I knew exactly what formulas to mix to create exactly what I wanted.

I mixed the colourful tubes together after putting on safety glasses. I was having a blast until someone bumped into be- hard, from behind.

Tripping forward, I accidentally knocked over the various tubes that fell around the bunsen burner.

Everything happened so quickly. One moment everything was fine and the next people were running around screaming.

On my chosen desk a huge flame erupted and the whole desk was burning. I toke steps back and watched in shock as it spread so quietly.

Impossible. Those chemicals could never create such fire hazard. I knew that for a fact.

I looked around and everyone was yelling and shouting, as the teacher looked calm as ever simply telling them to get out.

They all exited the door that was left open. I ran for the door as the flames over took nearly half the class room and thick black smoke spread across the room.

I coughed violently and made my way out but stopped.

I had to get rid of the fire. It was my mistake.

I walked back into the classroom carefully avoiding the flickers of the flames. I spotted a bucket with soil in it, and using my strength emptied it to the floor and ran over to the taps filling it up with water.

Throwing the water onto the fire, nothing happened. The fire hungrily ate up the water and the roof started to crumble down.

Fire is no match for you,

My wolf whispered in my mind.

Just think.

Just think. I repeated, and a crazy idea hit me. I had nothing to lose and went through with my idea like always.

Turning the tap on full blast I raised my palms and faced it to the water. Concentrating deeply, I slowly moved my hand and quickly lashed out to the fire. The water hit the fire and it sizzled dimming down a little.

Satisfied, but not fully done yet I faced the tap again and focused my mind . I imagined the water coming in a great amount and washing away the flames.

I coughed again as the smoke entered my lungs and knew I had to do this quickly.

This time bringing up both my palms I motioned the water up. The pipe in the sink popped and suddenly a huge amount of water floated in the air at the mercy of my control.

Motioning towards the fire, it hit it and I covered my eyes as it sizzled and the fire roared in defeat before all that was left, was half a crumbled roof and burnt, black furniture as smoke coated the air.

Wheezing for breath I ran out of the room and fell to the ground. Taking a deep breath I stood up and frantically searched for Tate's office but stopped when I heard a voice.

"Yes the fires still going," the muffled voice said on the other side of the door. "Soon, a quarter of the building should be burnt and we can continue. That's right Adrian. Phase one complete," I gasped in shock and jumped away from the door.

That fire was made deliberately?

I heard the footsteps coming closer to the door and I ran to hide behind the nearest corner.

I had to suppress a gasp as the science teacher walked out, his phone clutched in his hand, his face smug.

He walked down the hall and stopped when he saw the science lab fire free and black smoke coming from the door.

I watched as his fists clenched in anger, his hands tightening around the phone.

"Impossible," he whispered, and slowly but surely, walked back to his office and slammed his door shut.

I watched with wide eyes, and then quickly got out of there, coughing and making my way to Tate's office.

But the question that didn't leave my mind was, who was Adrian?

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