A Deal With The Billionaire

A caring and loving mother


Theme: A caring and loving mother



They stayed silent for a while until a vibration from Raven’s phone broke off the silence.

‘Hi Raven, I am standing outside the intensive care unit but you are not here and mom too. Where exactly are you?” Tiana asked on the other line.

‘Oh! Tiana, we are at the cafeteria.’ Raven whispered unintentionally.

‘Alright. I will be right there with you.’ Tiana responded.

Raven ended the call. “Is that Tiana?” Eva asked.

“Yes mom.” Raven nodded.

It didn’t take long for Tiana to find her way to the cafeteria. She spotted both mother and daughter sitting at the far end of the room.

“Evening Eva.” Tiana embraced Eva tightly.

Eva patted Tiana’s back gently. “I know you love me so much but smothering me to death shouldn’t be part of your intention. I believe.” She teased, smiling up at Tiana who let her go almost immediately.

Tiana pouted. “Yes are so funny, Eva.”

Eva ticked Tiana’s side and she laughed out loud. Then she ordered her to grab a seat next to her friend.

“So your friend right here now just told me not too long ago that she is getting married. You girls have been sneaking up on me. That’s so unfair!”

Tiana blinked several times like a plastic doll programmed to do so every second that clicked by. “I don’t… fuck!” She spat, feeling the pain of being stepped on her feet surge through her. She glared at Raven not hiding her furious look.

Raven twisted her head like it was in pain. They had been long time friends enough for her to know she had to agree to whatever it is to save her friend’s ass.

“Are you okay, Tiana?” Eva asked out of concern.

“Oh Tiana… is it the usual pain on your wrist again?” Raven reached out for her right hand on the table. She began to massage it. “You see mom, Tiana always feels this sharp pain on her wrist. I think it must be from handling too many knives while chopping all sorts of ingredients.”

Tiana also played her part well by feigning a painful look from the spot where her friend was massaging.

“It must be quite serious. You should see the doctor.” Eva suggested.

Raven and Tiana exchanged glances before turning to look at Eva. Tiana cleared her throat. “There won’t be any need to see the doctor. I am fine now. And about… Raven getting married… it is true. I mean… isn’t she lucky?” She faked a laughter and Raven joined in too.

“I am so happy for you my friend.” They embraced each other.

Eva stared at both young ladies trying to see if any of them was playing her. However, even if they were Raven and Tiana did a great job in not giving themselves away.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

“It is alright, if you want to get married then who am I to refuse? But I want to meet with the young man as your mother.” Eva insisted.

Pulling at a hair strand that escaped her bun, Raven muttered out of uncertainty. “Okay mom. I will let him know.”

Eva emptied her cup and stood up. “I will head back to be with Rowan now. You both can talk for some time. And his surgery isn’t due till tomorrow so we can take shifts later.” She informed them before walking out of the cafeteria.

They watched Eva’s receding back till it was out of view. Tiana swung her head rapidly as she turned to face Raven. And with a raised eyebrows she said, “Yo girl! I am sure you have a whole lot to tell me! Now spill it!”

The first thing Raven did was placing the finger that has the ring on the table. Tiana had caught sight of it when Raven was massaging her wrist but she had to hide her surprised look so her friend won’t get bursted.

Raven recounted everything that had happened since she clocked out of the restaurant for the day. Tiana couldn’t believe her ears as Raven told her every bit of how her day had gone.

Tiana had expected it to be a silly story to escape her mother’s probing but hearing the actual truth was beyond what her mind had been set to hear.

“Tell me you are narrating a Hollywood movie script.” Tiana uttered in disbelief.

Raven heaved a sigh out of frustration. “Tiana, will you quit acting dumb already. I feel stupid enough.”

Tiana was speechless for some seconds as she stared hard at her friend. “You aren’t playing or making things up right?”

“Hell yeah I am making things up because this seems like something I want to joke with.” Raven replied with sarcasm lacing her words.

Holding up Raven’s hand. “This is enough. I mean… this is a fucking diamond engagement ring on your finger! Raven, did you charm the young man?!”

Raven rolled her eyes. “Oh please, if anyone would be charmed then it is definitely me.”

“What did you say his name was again?” Tiana demanded.

“Christopher Crawford.”

“Wait a second.” Tiana pulled out her phone from the bag. She typed the name on google and clicked the search button. The name sounded familiar in her head but she needed to be sure Raven was in her right state of mind.

Her eyes almost shot out of the socket as she gasped out heavily. “Oh my freaking God!”


“You are getting married to the rightful heir of Crawford Corporation! I am not sure you know anything about this family! How in world did you get here girls?! I am so fucking jealous!”

“Behave yourself Tiana. Children are here watching you. You can’t throw around curse words in such manner.” Raven cautioned. “Moreover, you need to keep your voice down. I am not supposed to tell anyone else about this fake marriage. But I can’t seem to keep it to myself. And if I do it is possible I lose my damn mind!”

Tiana leaned forward. “I am so sorry. I can’t help my excitement because you don’t get to meet powerful men like that anywhere.” She whispered.

“You are being too dramatic now.”

“Permit me to do so.” Tiana winked.

“I am scared, Tiana. What if this gets out to the press? I really can’t help being dragged by the public. Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed to take on this contract.” Raven said as tears clouded her vision.

Tiana held her friend’s hand once again and she stroked them gently. “Don’t be like this, Raven. You only did what you thought was right. Your baby boy’s life was on the line and you did what every caring and loving mother would have done to save her child. Moreover, it is not forever. You are only going to do this for six months and by the end of it you would be fifty thousand dollars richer together with other savings in your account.” She winked to emphasize her words.

“Also I promise to keep this with me till I end up in grave. Raven, you do know that I will do anything to protect you right?” She made a zipping of the lips and then a cross sign.

Raven couldn’t help but roll her eyes again. “Tiana, do you always have to be so dramatic?”

Tiana placed both hands on her cheek and did the puppy face. “I can’t help it. Being dramatic is like my brilliant charm.” She exhaled deeply. “You can do this with your head up, Raven and don’t let anyone trample on you. It is purely business and you are both of value to each other. I know how people like them work and think. They would love to toss you around like piece of shit but don’t let anyone do that to you. Do you understand what I am trying to say?”

Raven shook her head in understanding as tears streamed down her face.

“Please don’t cry, Raven.” She pulled her in for a tight hug.

Raven relaxed into the warm embrace of her friend. If for anything at all, she was grateful for the existence of Tiana in her life. She was never judgmental and she always had something positive to say.

“You should go home now, Tiana. It is getting late. Do me a favor and drop off my mom at home. She hasn’t rested well since Rowan was rushed down here.” She requested after withdrawing from the embrace.

“That’s cool by me. You sure you don’t need rest too? You look exhausted.” Tiana noted.

Raven waved her off. “I am fine.” She said, picking up her phone. Just then the device vibrated in her hands showing an unidentified number. She picked up the call.

‘Hello.’ The voice resounded from the other end.

Even though it has just been few hours since she met him, Raven knew the voice by heart already. And her heart skipped at the sound of it.

‘Hi.’ Raven replied.

‘This is my private number. I just wanted to notify you so you can have it saved.’ Christopher informed her and without waiting for her respond he hung up the call.

“What the hell?! That son of a gun!” Raven fumed.

“Is everything okay?” Tiana asked.

“You won’t believe who called me just now and also hung up on me.” Raven whined. She has never felt so disrespected all her life.

“Who?” Tiana asked again, looking confused.

“Christopher Crawford!”

“Oh! The rightful heir!”

Raven raised her eyebrows. “Stop it, Tiana.” She cautioned.

Tiana laughed, holding up her hands in surrender. “You don’t have to be uptight and don’t let his sour attitude get to you in any way. Let go and see Rowan and then I will drop Eva off at home.”

It took a whole lot of begging and convincing to make Eva agree to going home. She has only accepted when Raven told her that she would be needing some change of clothes so does Rowan too after his surgery the next day. Eva and Tiana left some minutes later.

Raven held her son’s hand gently. He looked pale on bed. His heartbeat and breathing reading constantly on the monitor next to him.

For a long time, Raven had a closer look at her son. She was amused at how much he had changed from when he was just a little baby and didn’t weigh beyond 3. 5kg.

She has loved him more than her life ever since he began to grow inside her belly. The connection has been sealed from the very moment she discovered she was pregnant.

Raven had been so happy, thinking life about with Jacob and how beautiful their family would be. But all those dreams had been shattered when Jacob had left her hanging and denied having anything to do with her or her child.

Tears pooled in her eyes every time Raven remembered that day and she couldn’t hold back the tears again.

Her life has not been easy, but it had seem like bliss when she fell in love with Jacob Miller. He had been everything she wanted in a man. If he hadn’t been such an asshole, maybe she wouldn’t be getting involved in a contract marriage.

Raven glanced at her son again, there was no regret in her heart for signing such a contract. When her hope had dimmed and she could see her world crumbling down before her own eyes, Rowan’s birth had given her a new vigor to love. He had given her a new direction, a new life and more reasons to live and not give up.

If she had to do more fake marriages to save her son’s life and lie to the face of not just her mother but a thousand more people then she would do it.

“Don’t give on mama, Rowan. I love you so much baby. Please stay alive for me. You can fight this baby. I miss you so much. Please come back to mommy. Please baby.” She wailed hard next to her son for minutes.

Believing herself and feeling more settled after letting out her feelings. She stood up to wash up her face. It was getting late and she needed to be up early to see Rowan off to the operation room.

Stepping out of the restroom, she grabbed her phone and a message from Tiana popped up. It was a picture of Christopher Crawford and underneath she captioned it.

‘He looks so hot I could do away with chilies for the rest of my life.’ She added a crying emoji too.

Raven couldn’t help the smile that spread through her face and just then her call came in.

‘Hey there. Are you okay?’ Tiana asked.

Raven snorted. It was typical of Tiana to be worried about her. ‘I am fine, Tiana. I promise.’

‘Ok love. I just wanted to be sure. Good night!’

‘Night Night.’ Raven ended the call.

Another message came in from her mother telling her she was home and also informing her to get enough rest.

Raven yawned in agreement. She hasn’t had a proper sleep for days. Laying next to her son’s bed, her phone message notification came up earning a groan from her.

Raven felt it was Tiana refusing to let go of her obsession with Christopher. Her irritation only mounted when she saw that it was a message from Christopher.

‘Do you have a dinner dress? If you don’t have one then we are going shopping tomorrow!’

Raven could read every word in her head and she imagined that Christopher Crawford would have said it in a commanding tone.

She let out a deep sigh. She bit on her lower lip to stop herself from screaming. It wasn’t even twenty four hours yet and the man was already getting on her nerves.

‘My son is having his surgery tomorrow. Don’t be so self conceited. Good night. I will see you when I can see you.’ She typed the message out of anger before putting her phone on airplane mode.

The inconsiderate man has successfully ruined her night. And Raven doubted if she was really going to get any sleep.

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