A Deal With The Billionaire

The Proposal


THEME: The Proposal



Christopher had the best and brightest smile on his face. He cleared his throat to utter the words he had prepared to say to her.

“Jessica, I didn’t expect that we would grow so fond of each other. Right? It all started as us being friends and along the line I fell in love with you. No lies, you are the reason behind my laughter and smile. Four years of dating you made me realize one thing, it is that I’ll always want you. I am certain that I can never get tired of you. I am deeply in love with you and I want you in my life forever. I have had many dreams but the greatest one remains to make you my wife. So make my fondest dream a reality. Will you marry me, Jessica Campbell?” Christopher smiled as he uttered those words.

Slowly Jessica shook her head as tears formed in her eyes. He shouldn’t have put up such a surprise for her. After a minute when no response came from her, he said, “Please say yes, Jess. I need you in my life.”

“I… I… am… sorry, Christopher.” She mumbled.

“Why are you sorry?” Christopher adjusted his knee wondering why she was apologizing to him.

“I can’t marry you.” She clarified.

His smile faded quickly. The words she uttered spoilt the sweet atmosphere they had groomed since they set their eyes on each other.

Christopher was taken aback by her response. He knew it wasn’t a joke because no one would crack a joke in such situation.

“Why no? Why don’t you want to marry me? Is there something wrong? Tell me, is it about me?” He stood up on his feet and closed the gap between them.

“I already made myself clear over the phone.” Jessica swallowed hard to get rid of the lump of tears that threatened to spill down anytime soon.

“No… no… Jess. You can’t do this me.” He tried to hold her hands but she sidestepped him.

“Listen Jess, I am sorry. I swear it, I am deeply sorry for asking you to marry me over the phone. And believe me, I am not proposing to you because of my possession at the corporation.” His voice was shaky and he could already feel the beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

“I need you in my life… forever.” He fell down on his kneels and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Jessica tried to push him away but he held on to her. “Please don’t do this to me. Jess, I need you for the rest of my life.” A tear slipped down his right cheek.

“I am not ready, Chris. I don’t want to start a family yet. Try to understand the nature of my job. I can’t afford to be distracted because my boss is working really hard to win this upcoming election.” She explained in the calmest tone she could muster.

Christopher looked straight at her. “I know. I know. I know how much you love your job. And I am making a promise that I won’t stop you in anyway. You can travel anywhere with your boss while I do my work at the corporation. I can-”

“It just can’t work.” She tried to detach herself but failed again.

“Listen Jessica, I have a plan on how things can work out for us.” Christopher interrupted her.

Jessica became impatient. “What if I don’t want to be in the plan?” She blurted out.

“What?” Christopher pulled away from her.

“Yes. What if I don’t want you in my plans too?” She said again.

Jessica wasn’t ready because her job was her top most priority. She feels that getting married to someone like Christopher Crawford would be the end of her career in politics.

“What are your plans?” Christopher asked.

“Politics.” She replied sincerely.

“What?” Christopher jaw dropped slightly. He was seeing the woman he loved as a different person. Her expression was cold and distant. She made it so obvious that proposing to her was a wrong move.

“My job comes first before anything else. It is what I enjoy doing and I can’t trade it for anything in the world.” She added.

“What am I to you exactly?” Christopher demanded with clear annoyance in his tone. He couldn’t believe that she was clearly choosing her job over him. Maybe Benjamin was right after all. He thought.

“I enjoyed every moments with you but I have never considered marriage in my whole life.” Jessica answered.

Christopher scrunched up his face in disappointment. He was different. Marriage has been on his mind since he asked Jessica to be his girlfriend. He has decided long ago that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He doesn’t have a track record of women. Jessica was his first woman and they have known each other for over a decade now.

They both attended the same college where he had met her. Somehow they clicked at first meeting which was at the freshers party. In one night, they discovered so many things about each other. For Christopher, it was love at first sight but Jessica made it clear that she doesn’t want a relationship in college because she was yet to get over her previous relationship. Her ex boyfriend had betrayed her feelings in high school by going after everything in skirt.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

They grew fond of each other even as friends but Christopher did a good job at hiding his feelings for her. It was two years after graduation before he was able to man up and confess his feelings to Jessica.

Christopher has never thought of dating someone without having marriage in mind. He had vowed that he would stick to one woman for the rest of his life. And he picked Jessica Campbell.

“I can’t believe this is happening right now.” Christopher whispered.

Jessica knew there was only one way to end this whole drama. “I am sorry, Chris. This should end. I can’t do this with you anymore.”

Christopher clenched his fists as he predicted her next words. “You promised me.”

“I take back my promise.” She replied.

“You… you… said… that you would never leave me!” He snarled.

“Let us break up.” Jessica blurted out.


“I am done with you!” And with that she turned away and left the room at a close run.

Christopher could feel his heart shredding into pieces as she exited the room. The last few words echoed in his head. “Let us break up. I am done with you!”

He dropped down on his kneels and broke down in tears. The box of ring slip from his hand. “No Jess…” He sobbed.

This happened to be the toughest moment of his life. The day had started good, the excitement, the energy he had channeled into making the plan, the good mood he had set them in but it had ended on a sad note.

Christopher knew he had played his part well and he had worked according to plan. Jessica was the problem. She doesn’t want marriage. So what did she expect to be the end of the relationship? Was it just sex, good sex and great sex to her? Now she was gone.

Christopher sat on the floor as he imagined how everything had played out. Too many things were running through his mind. He became a verb at the moment, making a lot of actions. He would lay down on the floor, the next minutes he would stare at the box of ring, and then his gaze boring at the ceiling. He doesn’t know what to do.

Go after Jessica and plead with her? Should he give her some days off probably she would give him a call? Accept the break up and move on? Move on? It is never going to work.

His mind was full and clouded. He kept heaving a sigh at the end of each thoughts. He was down in sadness until there was no more tears left to cry.

Thirty minutes clicked by, in absolute silence until his cellphone rang. He would have been glad to answer the call only if everything had turned out well as planned but he wasn’t in the mood and he didn’t bother to check the caller.

After like four rings, Christopher became irritated by the continuous beeping sound so he grabbed the phone, pressed down the power button and switched it off without looking at the screen. He dragged himself up from the floor and left the service apartment. He has made up his mind.

It was of no use staying back at Idaho. He hailed down a taxi to the airport. And the next minutes, he was checking in to board the next plane back to Connecticut.

Throughout the flight, he was deeply lost in thought. He couldn’t stop wondering if Jessica ever loved him. Maybe he should have asked her before she walked away.

“Perhaps am I not good enough? Did I do something wrong? Or maybe I have made a mistake in the past? Did I get on her bad side? Did I ever do anything wrong without apologizing?”

Christopher pondered but he couldn’t find any fault in himself. All he has ever done was love Jessica sincerely and wholeheartedly.

When he arrived at Connecticut, his head was hurting so badly and he was void of emotions. Finally, he reached his apartment, crashed on the bed and continued thinking.

He thought about what his family would say if they found out he has ended things with his long term girlfriend. But more than that, he was worried about his father who needed to be relieved of the CEO duties. The condition to get married before becoming the next Chief Executive officer.

Christopher had expected things to run smoothly for him because he had a girlfriend but it was easier said than done. He had failed in winning over the woman he loves.

Christopher ran his hand over his face. “I am never going to become the chief executive officer. Matthew should fill the spot since he is married.” He clicked his tongue.

Christopher decided that he should distract himself from thinking before he loses his mind completely. He hoped out of bed, picked up his car keys and drove to the nearest entertaining place he could find solace in.

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