A Night With The Ruthless Mafia Don

Chapter 18: Unexpected Companionship

With a heart full of anxiety and hope, Marisa swiftly walked to her son’s ward. As she entered, she was met with a heartwarming sight that momentarily eased her worries. Her best friend, Clarabelle, stood by her son’s bedside, engaged in a lively conversation that filled the room with laughter.

Unable to contain her relief and joy, Marisa couldn’t help but break into a warm smile. She approached the pair, and Clarabelle turned around, her eyes lighting up as she saw Marisa.

“Marisa!” Clarabelle exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight. She rushed forward to greet her friend.

Tears welled up in Marisa’s eyes as she embraced Clarabelle, feeling the familiar comfort of their friendship. It was moments like these that reminded her of the support and love she had in her life.

After the heartfelt embrace with her best friend, Marisa turned her attention to her son, who was now looking up at her with a mixture of surprise and joy. She hurried to his bedside and enveloped him in a warm, loving hug.

“Good morning, mummy,” The little boy greeted cutely as he wrapped his tiny hands around Marisa’s neck.

“Jeffrey,” Marisa whispered, her voice filled with love and relief as she held her son in a tight, heartfelt embrace. Tears of joy welled up in her eyes as she clung to him, unable to express the depth of her emotions in words alone.

Marisa, filled with a deep love for her son, gently leaned down to give him a soft kiss on the forehead. Her kiss wasn’t just an expression of love, but it also made him feel safe and protected, like nothing bad could happen to him. In a calm and soothing voice, she whispered comforting words to reassure him. She reminded him of the promise she had made, that she would always be there for him no matter what. Their connection as mother and son was incredibly strong, and in that moment, it felt stronger than ever.

“Did you get something to eat?” Marisa asked her son.

“Yes, Mom. Aunt Clarabelle brought us spaghetti with meatballs, and she made sure I had a good meal,” the young boy replied with a smile.

Marisa was grateful for her friend’s help and continued to hold her son close. She spoke to him in a gentle tone, “Don’t worry, Jeffrey. We’ll be leaving this place soon, and we’ll go back home together.”

“Okay, Mommy,” Jeffrey replied, his trust in his mother evident in his smile.

Marisa got up and turned to her friend, Clarabelle, who had been a supportive presence throughout their difficult time.

“So, how did things go?” Clarabelle asked with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Marisa hesitated for a moment, thinking about her encounter with Alejandro. Finally, she answered, “It… it went well.” Her voice carried a hint of secrecy, but she quickly shifted her focus to the urgent matter at hand. “I need to see the doctor to arrange the payment for Jeffrey’s surgery. We want it to happen as soon as possible.”

Clarabelle nodded in understanding, showing her unwavering support. Marisa looked back at her son, her determination and love evident in her eyes.

“I’ll be back soon, Jeffrey,” she assured him, and he nodded in reply.

Marisa released a soft sigh as she left the room, her thoughts still centered on her son’s well-being. With each step, determination fueled her purpose as she made her way to the doctor’s office. The corridor seemed longer than usual, and every second felt like an eternity.

Upon reaching the doctor’s door, she hesitated for a moment, her hand trembling slightly as it hovered over the doorknob. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation ahead, and then gently knocked on the door.

“Come in,” the doctor’s voice called from inside the office.

Marisa turned the knob, pushing the door open slowly, and stepped into the room. The doctor, seated behind a cluttered desk stacked with medical files, looked up from their work as Marisa entered. She closed the door quietly behind her, muffling the sounds of the bustling hospital corridor.

The doctor, a middle-aged man with kind eyes and a reassuring presence, extended a comforting hand, inviting Marisa to take a seat across from him. “Please, have a seat, Marisa,” he said, his tone gentle and understanding.

With a nervous interlock of her fingers in her lap, Marisa settled into the chair, burdened by the weight of her responsibilities. Her eyes met the doctor’s with a blend of hope and anxiety.

“I’m here to discuss the arrangements for Jeffrey’s surgery,” Marisa began, her voice steady but tinged with concern. “I want to ensure that we can proceed as soon as possible.”

The doctor nodded, his expression filled with compassion. “I understand your urgency, Marisa. We will do everything in our power to ensure a swift and seamless process.”

Marisa then proceeded to handle the payments for the surgery and meticulously signed all the necessary documents, ensuring every detail was in place.

With the administrative formalities complete, the doctor leaned forward, and his kind, reassuring eyes were unwaveringly locked onto hers, conveying a sense of understanding and urgency.

“Marisa,” he began, his voice gentle yet resolute, “I understand the urgency of Jeffrey’s situation. We won’t delay. I’ve just received confirmation from our surgical team, and I’m pleased to inform you that we can begin the surgery immediately.”

Marisa’s heart danced with relief, and her eyes filled with tears of gratitude as she whispered, “Thank you, Doctor. Thank you so much.”

The doctor’s compassionate smile remained constant as he continued, “We have ten more minutes before the surgery starts. I recommend you spend that time with your son while the nurses prepare him for the procedure.”

“Of course, Doctor,” Marisa replied, her smile reflecting her immense relief and gratitude. With renewed hope, she left the doctor’s office, knowing that her son’s paralysis would not be permanent, and headed towards her son’s room with a heart full of anticipation and a smile that refused to fade.

When Marisa entered her son’s hospital room, she saw Jeffrey looking nervous, but he managed a faint smile when he saw his mom. Her presence made him feel better, even though they didn’t need to say anything.

Marisa’s best friend, Clarabelle, was sitting beside Jeffrey. She was telling him stories to help him forget about his fear of the upcoming surgery. Her stories were like magic, taking Jeffrey to exciting places and making him forget about the scary thoughts.

“Hey, Jeff,” Marisa said with a gentle smile as she walked over to Jeffrey’s bedside.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

Jeffrey looked up, a mix of fear and uncertainty in his eyes. “Mom, Aunt Clarabelle told me they’re going to do surgery really soon,” he said, his voice shaking a little.

Marisa shot a quick, disapproving glare at her best friend Clarabelle for revealing the impending surgery to Jeffrey. Clarabelle met Marisa’s gaze with a look of apology, realizing that she may have made things more challenging for the young boy.

Turning her attention back to her son, Marisa knelt beside his bed and took his hand in hers. She smiled reassuringly and spoke with a soothing tone, “Jeffrey, I’m sorry you had to hear about the surgery that way. I was planning to tell you myself. But it’s going to be okay, sweetheart. The doctors are going to help you, and I’ll be right here with you the whole time. You’re brave, and I know you can handle this.”

Jeffrey’s anxiety began to ease as he felt the warmth and comfort of his mother’s words. With Marisa by his side, he started to regain his confidence, ready to face the surgery with a bit more courage and optimism.

As they shared these comforting words, the nurses walked inside the room to prepare Jeffery for the surgery. Marisa stayed by her son’s side, offering words of love and encouragement, helping to ease his anxiety.

Time seemed to pass quickly, and before they knew it, the nurses informed them that it was time to move Jeffrey to the operating room. Marisa kissed her son’s forehead and whispered, “You’re strong, Jeffrey, and you’ll come out of this stronger.”

With a newfound sense of hope and resilience, Jeffrey was wheeled towards the surgery, and Marisa and Clarabelle watched until he disappeared from view, their heart filled with love and unwavering support for him.

As Marisa and Clarabelle made their way to the waiting area, the worry etched across Marisa’s face was palpable. Her steps were heavy, and her eyes bore the weight of the concern she felt for her son. Clarabelle, walking beside her, couldn’t help but notice the deep lines of anxiety that creased Marisa’s forehead.

In the waiting area, Marisa took a seat on a two-person chair, her posture reflecting the turmoil of her thoughts. She sat there, her gaze fixed on the floor, her hands tightly clasped in her lap, her anxiety nearly overwhelming.

Clarabelle, sitting beside Marisa, could sense her friend’s distress. She gently placed a hand on Marisa’s shoulder and offered soothing words, “Marisa, I know this is incredibly hard, but Jeffrey is in capable hands, and he has your strength to guide him through. We’re here for each other, and we’ll get through this together.”

Marisa nodded, her eyes glistening with tears, grateful for Clarabelle’s comforting presence. Clarabelle’s phone unexpectedly rang, and she retrieved it from her bag, noticing her boss’s name flashing on the screen. Worried about potentially losing her job, she quickly answered the call, her voice tense as she listened to her boss’s stern words.

Her boss didn’t waste time and told her, “Clarabelle, you need to get to work within the next thirty minutes or you’re fired.”

Clarabelle, in a hushed tone, tried to explain that she needed time off due to a family emergency, but her boss hung up abruptly, leaving her with a heavy heart.

Turning to Marisa, Clarabelle gently placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder and said, “Marisa, I’m so sorry, but I have to go to work. My boss is giving me an ultimatum.”

Marisa, understanding the situation, managed a faint smile and replied, “It’s okay, Clarabelle. You have to take care of your job. Thank you for being here with me.”

Clarabelle hugged Marisa tightly and assured her, “Jeffrey will be just fine, and the surgery will go well. Don’t worry too much.”

With those words of comfort, Clarabelle left the waiting area, and Marisa watched her go, feeling a sense of gratitude and understanding for her friend’s predicament.

As Marisa sighed softly, her thoughts once again drifted to her son’s surgery. Lost in contemplation, a masculine voice suddenly jolted her out of her reverie. She raised her head and saw Dave, the man she had bumped into earlier when rushing into the hospital.

Dave greeted Marisa with a friendly smile as he approached her in the waiting area. “Hi Marisa,” he said.

Marisa returned his smile, appreciating the gesture during this trying time. “Hello, Dave,” she replied softly.

Dave gestured to an empty seat beside Marisa. “Mind if I sit here?”

Marisa shook her head, her gratitude evident. “Not at all. Please, feel free.”

As they settled down, Dave couldn’t help but notice the worry in Marisa’s eyes. Concerned, he asked, “Is everything okay? Why are you at the hospital?”

Marisa hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to share her family’s situation with this stranger. But something in Dave’s friendly demeanor made her feel comfortable, so she decided to confide in him. She took a deep breath and then said, “My son is having surgery today. It’s a bit of a difficult time for us.”

Dave’s expression shifted to one of profound understanding and empathy as he nodded gently. “I’m truly sorry to hear that. I genuinely hope the surgery goes well. If there’s anything I can do to assist, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Marisa took a deep breath and looked into Dave’s eyes with a sense of gratitude. “Well, there’s something you can do to help,” she said.

Dave leaned in, his curiosity piqued. “And what’s that?” he asked with a compassionate tone.

A faint but sincere smile graced Marisa’s lips as she replied, “You can keep me company while I wait for my son’s surgery to be completed.”

Dave nodded and replied with a warm and reassuring tone, “Of course, I’ll be here with you. You’re not alone, and we’ll get through this together.”

Marisa found comfort in his willingness to offer his companionship during this difficult time. As they sat together in the hospital waiting area, Dave started a conversation.

As Dave and Marisa chatted and laughed together, a man who had been instructed by Alejandro to watch Marisa from a distance observed them without their knowledge. He took out his phone and called Alejandro.

“Hello, boss,” he whispered.

Alejandro replied in a deep voice, “Yes?”

The man told him, “Marisa and the guy she bumped into earlier are sitting together and talking. What should I do about the guy?”

Alejandro’s response was stern, “Follow my orders for anyone who gets too close to Marisa.”

The man acknowledged, “Understood, boss,” and hung up.

He shifted his attention back to Dave and Marisa, who were still engrossed in their conversation and laughter. With a feeling of impending danger, the man muttered quietly, “I hope you’ve had your fun, because it’s about to come to an end.”

With a swift and silent movement, he pulled a hidden gun from his waist, cocked it, and aimed it at Dave. Despite the joyful atmosphere, Dave had no idea that his life was in grave danger.

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