A wife for my brother


The first to arrive at the flat was Daniel, he had been there a few times in the last few years, but this time Laura’s presence was noticeable in little things all over the house. It was obvious that they had been sharing the place for quite some time.

For some reason he felt nervous, this situation was very similar to when his mother would set him up on dates with her friends’ daughters; only this time he came of his own free will. Maybe because this was the first time he was the one who was waiting for approval.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang, it was Deanna. As soon as he saw her cross the threshold he knew this was going to be harder than he had thought. She entered with a huge smile and within seconds filled the place with her energy, as if she was radiating some kind of warm light. Her hair was down, the abundant caramel-coloured mane draped over her shoulders.

Daniel’s first reaction was to stand up immediately, as if pushed by an invisible force. Seeing him, Deanna didn’t hesitate to walk up to him and stand in front of the tall black-haired man.

-How do you do, I’m Deanna, are you Daniel? – She extended her hand with another smile.

-Nice to meet you, Deanna. I’m Daniel, Harry’s brother, it’s a pleasure.’ He took her hand to shake it and felt that warmth radiating.

Laura came in with some drinks and snacks and both women greeted each other. The atmosphere felt a little awkward, but Harry, with his usual chatty manner, began to prepare the ground to ease the tension a little. This meeting had to be a success if the plan was to work. And it did, just not in the way he had intended.

-So you study with Harry and Laura,’ Daniel groped.

-Yes, we know each other from university.

– And what do you study? –

– Lyrical singing –

– Mmmm… – Daniel answered with a hint of… disapproval?

Harry had warned him, he had warned him.

– Mmmm, what? –


-You must have something to say besides ‘mmm.’ –

-Nothing… I have a lot of respect for artists…

– Maybe we should eat now – Laura said trying to change the subject.

They had to restrain Daniel before he showed his special character, they knew Deanna wouldn’t keep quiet either. The best thing to do was to try to stretch and dilate the eminent shock.

Dinner passed in pleasant chatter, it seemed that Daniel and Deanna had found a turning point. Until the ‘topic’ came up.

-We need to do this as quickly as possible. You don’t know how grateful we are that you can help us,’ said Harry.From NôvelDrama.Org.

-That’s true, thank you from the bottom of my heart,’ added Laura.

-I’ll cover university expenses for the year we’re married, in compensation for having to pause your career,’ Daniel shot back.

– What do you mean, pause my career? I’m not going to pause my career –

– You’ll definitely have to, I can’t be married to a college girl. It wouldn’t look good –

– I don’t want your money –

– That’s not the point. You’re about to make a sacrifice and it should be compensated –

– Good to know it’s going to be a ‘sacrifice’ –

Harry and Laura looked at each other, the fine line had been broken.

-I have 3 children, you know that, don’t you? –

– Of course I do.

– Good, because we have to establish rules for you to interact with them.

Deanna looked at Harry who responded as if resigned. Inwardly he was praying that his friend would hold out for the rest of the night and not regret it. Daniel seemed to be trying to close a business deal and not a wedding.

-Another thing you have to respect is that we have rules at home that work very well and we can’t… change them.

– Where do you live? On a military base? –

– I hope you won’t find it difficult to adapt, despite your obvious disinterest in everything I tell you –

– It’s not disinterest, but I can hardly adapt to anything with such a ‘military’ attitude –

– ‘Military’? It’s just a bit of discipline… And you can’t dress like that any more – And he pointed to his bare knees.

– Ah! It’s a convent, not a military base –

– Guys, please…’ Harry interjected.

But from then on it all went downhill. The conditions Daniel was trying to impose were met with a contrary response from Deanna. He wasn’t being polite at all, it was strange, he used to be polite despite being upset about something.

-These are the minimum standards I need you to meet if this facade is not to arouse suspicion. You’re not exactly the kind of woman I’d go out with –

– Well, thank you. I understand what you’re saying, but not the way you’re making it sound like you’re trying to close a contract –

– I’ll talk to my lawyer about that tomorrow, the prenup. It will be a fake wedding, but legitimate and we have to cover that too.

– Then let me review: I have to play by the rules and drop out of college. I guess you must have a manual on how I should interact with your kids and I should change the way I dress. The prenup thing I totally get –

-Well, I’m glad we came to an agreement. –

– What agreement? That’s just what you want, but I also have my conditions –

– What would they be? –

– Since I can’t continue at the University, I’ll take one day a week at my discretion to attend private singing lessons –

– Fine, I’ll cover that expense –

– I don’t need you to do that, I have a job –

– That you’ll have to quit, so I’ll cover the expense –

Deanna was about to explode, she only restrained herself because Laura was looking at her with big, worried eyes. She gave the impression that she was begging for patience. Deanna took a deep breath.

-All right… since you’re an ATM with legs, I also want a room in your house, just for me, that functions as a music room,’ she said.

-I can do that… -That’s it? –

– For the moment I guess so.

They stood in silence without looking at each other. Harry and Laura had been holding their breath without realising it as they watched them argue.

-I’ll talk to our parents tomorrow so we can have a family meeting and introduce her. I trust Laura will be able to help her adjust to the situation – He was talking about her as if she wasn’t in the same room.

-Well,’ Harry said and gave Deanna a furtive glance as if trying to apologise. He was already hearing her in his head complaining incessantly about Daniel’s attitudes.

This guy was unbelievable, he showed no qualms about expressing himself unfiltered. As if everyone was his employee and had to follow his orders.

-I’ll go then,’ Deanna said, she couldn’t take it anymore.

-Let me call you a taxi,’ Harry told her.

-I’ll drive her home,’ said Daniel.

-I don’t think that’s a good idea, Daniel.

– Why not? In a few weeks she’ll be my wife, it’s the most normal thing in the world, Laura… Let’s go –

He simply stood up and stood by the door, waiting for her. She resigned herself, greeted her friends and they went out. They didn’t say a word to each other the whole way until they reached her building.

– Is this where you live? –

– Yes… Well, thanks for the ride. Good night – And that was it, she got out of the car and got lost inside the building.

Daniel stayed a few more minutes looking at her and then thinking. If he didn’t manage to mould her a little to his standards, no one would believe the story. She was a feisty woman who wouldn’t keep quiet, she had that caramel hair all curly, the big expressive eyes, the warm smile… What was he thinking?

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