Alpha Adryan

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Their interaction is interrupted by another presence.

A vicious growl leaves from the newcomers lips, making the forest floor shake with vibrations and causing the birds on the trees to fly away.

The voice makes her wants to shrink into herself like a cocoon, and listen to his voice all day long at the same time. It sends tingles down her body and warmth to replace the cold feeling she felt a few seconds ago, her brows scrunch in confusion. What is happening to me?


Kira takes that exact moment to say those words and shock fills her entire body. 'Mate? My mate?' She thought to herself.

His presence was a force to be reckoned with, someone extremely powerful and his aura ernitting darkness like no other.

His presence is of one that wouldn't go unnoticed in a room full of people.

He smells like vanilla, sweet and addicting.

"Alpha" The Beta greets his Alpha, confirming her suspecion right.

Alpha Adryan Romano.

"Mine" his voice growls out, and she feels the wind shift around them. A few minutes passes by but he doesn't do anything to acknowledge her, his mate.

Alpha Adryan Romano couldn't believe his eyes, all those years his father had spend telling him that he didn't have a mate out there was an utter bullshit.

He had heard people spread a lot of rumours about him, some went even far as to say that' the moon goddess wouldn't make a mistake of blessing him with a mate. A beast like him deserves to die alone'. He never wanted a mate after what he had seen his sweet, timid mother go through his father's hands, and they were males.

Who is she and what is she doing in my territory?" His voice is one of dripping honey, husky and deep at the same time. Perfect combination.

Her wolf whines in her head, realising that her mate didn't acknowledge her presence and sadness fills her body as the thought of rejection clouds her mind.

"What are you doing in my territory rogue? He spits out the word rogue which makes her flinch back and causes her wolf to whine again.

"-I didn't-t knnow thatt -i was tress-passing on your territory she stutters out in fear.

"What's your name mate?" He asked her.

"J-Jade" I reply.

Jade. His mate was beautiful, he thought to himself as he studied features. She smelled like strawberries. She was short and had curves in all the right places.

Her strawberry blonde hair stuck to forehead as she was drenched due to the rain but it didn't hide her beauty. Her eyes, her green emerald eyes held so much emotion, but one stood out the most to him. Pain. A pang goes through him knowing that he was the cause of her pain.

Her mate growls and she feels him take a step forward, towards her direction. He stands before her and she could feel his minty breath on her forehead, her head was bowed down, pointing towards the ground and her whole figure trembles in fear.

Even if she couldn't see him physically, she could tell that he was really tall. He stood a head above her short frame. Her five feet three inch frame would probably look like a midget next to him.

"Look at me" he grits out and the sound of clenching of his jaw doesn't go unnoticed by her. She shakes her head side to side as tears leave her eyes, trailing down her face in a fast motion.

The next thing she feels is his touch, he holds her chin in a firm grip and tilts her face upwards.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you mate" he growls out throatily.

"H-i can-tt" she yet again stutters her words out and her words seem to anger him as his hold on her chin almosts becomes painful to the extent of breaking skin. She whimpers out in pain.

"Why" he viciously growls out and which almost makes her take a step back in fear but she stays rooted to the spot.

"I'm b-blind" she says and his painful grip leaves her face and the warmth his body provided me leaves her side.

All form of thoughts fills her mind. How the strongest Alpha in the country doesn't want her, a blind she wolf as his mate, and that he's going to reject her, pain fills her body causing her chest to tighten painfully.

"Brian' his voice speaks up after a few moments of silence.

"Yes Alpha' Brian, his beta speaks up.

Take her towards the Dungeon' and her wolf whimpers loudly when she hears his words.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

She feels a presence next to her, and arms go around her bicep and takes her towards what she now knows is towards the Dungeons.

The Beta has a firm hold on her arm but it wasn't painful like her mates, she trips and fall on the way as she was new to her surrounding and her being blind didn't help her situation at all. He helps her get up and guides her towards the Dungeons.

They cross a heavy metal door, atleast that's what she could make up of the sound when Brian opened it. After a couple of steps, he warns her as they come to a stop before a cell after a few seconds.

She hears the rattle of keys and of a door being opened and his hold on her bicep is back as he gently guides her inside the cell, and places her on a hard but firm surface, her hands come in contact with a flat surface and she realises that it's the a mattress.

The Beta leaves her alone after locking the cage.

She moves her head from side to side, and she feels cool air meet her skin letting her that know there is a small window near the bed.

She takes a deep breath in and the scent of blood and death hangs in the air.

The pain in her side has her whimpering in pain, as it takes time to heal slowly. She felt helpless.

She lays down on the flat surface and let sleep take her away from her pain.

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