Alpha Kael

Chapter 27


I don’t like the idea of being alone with Blue.

With Kael gone, quiet has fallen over the group. The look in Blue’s eyes is so intense, I have to look anywhere but him. Out of all these Silent’s, it’s surprisingly the one I know who frightens me the most. Now that Kael has left, most of them turn to each other to mutter under their breath, whereas Blue concentrates on only me.

“Come outside with me,” Blue says in a way that is less of an offering and more of a demand. I bristle, however, I don’t react with anything other than a nod. “I want to test your skills to see what we have to work with.”

I’m not sure if he has the authority to make me do this, however, no one else seems to be questioning him. In fact, no one else wants any part of it.

So I have no other choice.

Wordlessly I follow him out of the building, glaring at his back. He takes me to the back field of the institute where the old buildings I occupied just last night stand. Strangely, everything is dead quiet, as if all the people that once dwelled here have suddenly vanished in the last hour or two. Maybe they have been told already that they have not been selected as the winner and they have already left. It would make this all the more real…

Still, despite all this, I’ve been suspicious about whether or not this is real. Now, seeing that everyone has disappeared, a lump has come into my throat. There’s a very good chance this is real.

Blue finds a spot for us right in the centre of the field. Not that it makes much of a difference since it seems the entire territory has been vacated.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

At least if he does something everyone can see.

“Alright, we might as well start off easy. How much experience do you have with physical training? Specifically, sparring?” Blue asks, folding his arms over his chest. The way his eyes wander down my person makes it clear he’s judging me, assuming there’s nothing to be that would be worth anything as a Silent.

I straighten, feeling a slightly pitch of anger within me. “I went to a girls boarding school where we couldn’t even touch each other. And it’s not like I could train for this, I didn’t know Silent’s existed. What are you expecting?”

My tone doesn’t bother Blue. It’s not the first time I’ve spoken like this to him. He knows I don’t trust him. He can’t just rifle through my things and stalk me and no expect that.

And he makes me uneasy.

It’s almost impossible to put my finger on, but I’ve seen him before. Wherever it’s from is beyond me, and no matter how much of my brain I search, nothing comes back. The source of the memory he lies in is his eyes. Nothing else about him is familiar aside from the intense blue eyes. If only he would tell me his real name, although I doubt that will happen.

“Being a Silent, you quickly learn if you don’t catch on fast enough, you’ll fall behind,” Blue tells me firmly, his expression failing to falter. His seriousness is unnerving. “And you’ll disappear.”

I swallow uncomfortably. Blue smiles, enjoying my discomfort, it seems. “You don’t have to worry about that, though. I can tell Kael likes you. You’ll be trained well.”

That thought doesn’t help me. I know nothing about this, and I somehow doubt I’ll be able to catch up. Especially physically. Blue towers over me, shoulders broad, biceps bulging from his shirt. If he were to fight me now, there is no way I would stand a chance. Maybe I could run, but I doubt I would be able to hold my own.

When I remain in silence, Blue talks again. “Okay, hit me.”

I blink a few times, unsure of what to do. Blue stands there, hands tucked behind his back, giving me the chance to take a punch if I wanted to. Of course, I don’t obey immediately, unsure of whether this is a trick or not.

“Go on,” he prompts. “I know you want to. I want to test your hit, see if you really have the true makings of a Silent or not.”

That was enough for me. Without hesitating, I clench my fist and strike Blue right in the middle of his chest. He doesn’t flinch, he doesn’t wince. I do, as burning pain consumes my knuckles when I draw my fist away. I’m not sure if that was worth it, but it sure felt good to punch Blue after everything he has done.

“Alright, you have a strong punch. Why don’t you do it again?” Blue offers, still standing in his stance, waiting for me. Again, I go straight for it, however, instead of my punch landing, Blue suddenly grabs my hand and pushes against my momentum, forcing me back.

Shocked, I stumble a few steps back and my legs fall out from under me.

The ground catches me, and my entire body erupts in pain from the landing. It takes me a moment to recover my breath and understand what just happened, when Blue puts his hand out to pick me back up. I brush him off, struggling to my feet on my own. I’m not accepting his help.

“What was that for?” I growl, brushing the grass and dirt off my pants. Blue only smiles, which I should have expected.

“Thought I should take you down a peg,” Blue tells me, tilting his head. Once again, he resumes his position in that stance, looking down at me expectantly. I glare back at him. “Now hit me again.”

I shake my head at him.

He folds his arms over his chest. We are at a stalemate, staring each other down. It gives me time to evaluate him, to try figure out who he is. No matter how hard I observe him, I can’t come to a conclusion other than that his eyes are so significant. Cold, unblinking. It reminds me of lakes I’ve seen in pictures but never in real life.

“I know you, dont I?” I finally say, deciding to voice my suspicions. Blue blinks a few times, but that is his only reaction. And it is in no way telling.

“No, you don’t.”

His tone is firm, reprimanding. It shocks me slightly, that that is his reaction. Immediately, suspicion blooms in my stomach, and I decide I can’t let this go. There is no way he is telling the truth, and I have to figure out what he is hiding.

I take a step forward. “I’ve seen your eyes before. The moment I saw you, you sparked something familiar in me. Explain that.”

“It’s rather simple,” he says flatly. “Many people have blue eyes.”

The excuse is meek and pointless, and I don’t fall for it. What is he hiding? When I take another step forward, he takes a abrupt one back. Is he hiding something? I take another step forward, and again, he matches it back. My feet remain planted in my spot as I narrow my eyes on him. His jaw is clenched. He’s worried.

“Where do I know you from? What are you hiding?” I question. When I reach out grab him, he grabs me instead, gripping my forearm rightly. When I go to pull away, he only pulls me back harder.

“Silent’s pasts die with them,” Blue hisses, looking over my shoulder as if anyone was anywhere near us. “You’re a Silent now. So that counts for both of us.”

I frown. “So I’m right?”

A muscle in Blue’s jaw ticks. Suddenly he lets go of me, pushing past me with so much force he nearly knocks me over again. Irritated, I turn and chase after him, refusing to let him leave without giving me the answers I need.

“What are you hiding? I have a right to know,” I snap, trying to pull at him, but his gait doesn’t falter. “Come on Blue, why won’t you to talk to me?”

Blue suddenly halts again. “Do you know how much danger it puts us in talking about this here? Don’t you have any idea?”

“No, I don’t. That’s the point,” I growl.

Once again, Blue takes a moment to answer. He looks as if he is debating whether or not he can be honest with me or not. I won’t stop probing until i get the answer I’m looking for. I knew I had a feeling about Blue. He’s from my past, and I can’t figure out how. I mean, I was locked up in a boarding school for most of my life. And I never saw any boys there. Especially not boys like Blue….

Blue looks over his shoulder, finally loosening a sigh. “You know what, fine. Yes, I’m from your past, okay? And it’s very dangerous talking about this here. Especially right now. Kael would kill me.”

I shake my head, not quite understanding. “Why would he kill you for knowing me?”

“Because I’m from your childhood. Early childhood before all this happened. Before your parents were killed,” Blue says in a lowered voice. “And the only reason I’m here is because of you.”

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