Alpha Xander: His Contracted Luna

Leader like him

“Alexa,” Minnie said softly, touching her friend’s arm. “How are you holding up?”

Alexa shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. “I don’t know, Minnie. I just feel numb. I can’t believe this is happening. Why is this happening?”

Minnie rubbed her friend’s back, allowing her to cry as she needed to. “I wish I had the answers, Alexa. All we can do is be here for you and your family.”

Alexa wiped her tears away and looked at Minnie. “Do you think the black powder will work?”

Minnie sighed, knowing the seriousness of the situation. “I don’t know, Alexa. But we have to hold onto hope. Your mother is a fighter, and she has come this far. We can’t give up on her now.”

Alexa nodded, but her eyes were still filled with pain. “I just don’t want to lose her, Minnie. She’s my mom. She’s always been there for me.”

Minnie took her friend’s hand, holding it tightly. “I know, Alexa. And we’re all here for you. Catherine and Reagan will be back soon, and we’ll do everything we can to help your mother.”

Alexa managed a small smile, grateful for Minnie’s words. “Thank you, Minnie. You’re a true friend.”

The two sat in silence for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts. Minnie was trying to find the right things to say to Alexa, but nothing seemed good enough. She knew that sometimes, all someone needed was a listening ear.

Finally, Alexa spoke up, her voice quiet. “What do you think will happen if the black powder doesn’t work? What will I do then?”

Minnie sighed, knowing that these were thoughts that Alexa had probably been struggling with for a while now. “Let’s not think about that right now, Alexa. Let’s hope for the best and cross that bridge if we have to. We’ll all be here for you, no matter what.”

Alexa nodded, but the worry in her eyes did not fade. Before Minnie could say anything else, Sandra, the nurse, walked into the room. “Ms. Alexa, your cousins have arrived with the black powder. We can administer it now.”

Alexa stood up, her heart beating faster. “Thank you, Sandra. I’ll come with you.”

Minnie watched as her friend disappeared down the hall, feeling helpless. She prayed that the black powder would work and that Alexa’s mother would recover. The waiting was agonizing, and all they could do was hope for the best.

Hours later, Minnie checked on Alexa, finding her friend asleep in her bed. She whispered a prayer for Alexa’s mother before quietly leaving the room. It was times like these that reminded Minnie how precious life was and how much she valued her friendships. She hugged herself tightly, feeling the weight of the day on her shoulders.

Minnie slowly walked out of Alexa’s room, trying her best to keep her footsteps quiet so as not to disturb her sleeping friend. As she made her way towards the door, something caught her attention. A sketchbook was lying on the floor, almost hidden under a pile of clothes.

Curious, Minnie picked it up and flipped through the pages. She saw various drawings- some were of objects, some were of animals, and some were of people. As she got to the last few pages, her eyes landed on a particular drawing.

It was of a very handsome man- tall with broad shoulders, chiseled jawline, and deep, soulful eyes. He looked remarkably similar to Alexa, and Minnie couldn’t help but wonder who he might be. She toyed with the thought of asking Alexa about it but decided against it, not wanting to pester her friend.

The next morning, Minnie woke up early, feeling restless. She got dressed and decided to go to the pack clinic to check on Alexa’s mother. When she arrived, she saw Sandra, the nurse in charge of her care.

“Is there any improvement?” Minnie asked, anxiously.

Sandra shook her head, “I’m sorry. She isn’t responding to the treatments. We’re doing our best, but her condition is still critical.”

Minnie felt a lump form in her throat, and she let out a sigh of despair. She knew the stakes were high, and they needed all the help they could get. She had heard that Reagan and Catherine had gone out to search for a cure, and she couldn’t help but hope they would come back successful.

“Do you want to see her?” Sandra asked, sensing how much Minnie needed to be near her friend’s mother.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Minnie nodded her head and followed Sandra into the room. As she gazed at her lying still on the hospital bed, she felt her heart tug with emotions. She had always known Alexa’s mother, and the thought of possibly losing her was terrifying, both to her and to Alexa. Alexa was just recovering and getting better from the loss of her brother and now her mother was on the line. With the unrest that was happening in the pack Minnie didn’t know what was going on with the men but she knew that the pack was slowly falling apart under the rule of a leader like Mayfair.

As they walked out of the room, Sandra pointed to a bulletin board. “That’s where we put up updates on the patients’ conditions. You can check there for any news.”

Minnie nodded, her eyes fixed on the board. She spotted a picture of Reagan and Cassandra, and underneath it was a note that read ‘Search for a cure- Day 3.’ She couldn’t help but pray that they would come back with something to help her.

As they walked through the halls back to their room, Sandra offered her comfort, “I know it’s tough, but you must stay strong, Minnie. She needs you and Alexa now more than ever.”

Minnie nodded, grateful for Sandra’s support. As they said their goodbyes, Minnie couldn’t shake off the feeling of worry and uncertainty. She knew they were running out of time, and they needed a miracle to save Alexa’s mother. But she needed to get some information from Xander, she had seen him at the gate posts a few days back which is surprising , on the night of the attack Minnie didn’t recall seeing him leave the pack. Something was definitely wrong and she needed to find out, maybe he might have other means to save Alexa’s mother.


Xander paces around the hallways in the gatekeeping post, he was bothered. He saw the bloodshed and how Mayfair had killed Kai’s pack. Kai and his men were nowhere in sight and they knew Kai wouldn’t take it easy on them, not after all his family were killed by a bloody Alpha who wanted nothing other than power.

“You shouldn’t be bothered about what they would do.” The gatekeeper who just returned chimed. ,”We can always opt for a peace treaty or frame them up-”

“This is insane. Kai and his men know how insane Mayfair can become, we opted to settle it amicably a few days back but were thrown out. And just a few days after that Mayfair attacked them, it spells something’ already ”

They both signed and returned to plotting and strengthening the territory.

Xander had just finished talking with the gatekeepers when Minnie approached him. “Hey Xander ,” Minnie said as she approached him.

“Hey Minnie, how can I help you?” Xander asked as he looked at her curiously.

“I wanted to ask you about the attack that Mayfair led,” Minnie said. “It didn’t seem fair, and I want to know what happened.”

Xander let out a sigh. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much, Minnie,” he said. “I’ll make sure that the pack is protected.”

“But it doesn’t seem right,” Minnie protested. “The pack should be led justly, not by someone who is willing to attack his own pack members.”

“I agree,” Xander said. “But we need to focus on protecting the pack right now. Speaking of which, have Catherine and Reagan come back yet?”

Minnie shook her head. “No, they haven’t,” she said. “Why do you ask?”

Daniel’s expression turned worried. “I sent them on a scouting mission,” he said. “I’m worried something might have happened to them.”

Minnie felt a pang of fear in her chest. “Do you want me to go look for them?” she asked.

Xander hesitated before nodding. “Yes, that would be helpful,” he said. “Just be careful. We don’t know what kind of danger might be out there. Stay for a night and return if there is no news on them. Kai and his men are blinded by rage and I would do anything to eliminate everyone from our pack.”

Minnie nodded determinedly. “I’ll be careful,” she promised. “I’ll bring them back safely.”

As Minnie turned to leave, she could see the worry etched deep in Xander’s face. She knew that he was doing his best to protect the pack, but it seemed like the danger was lurking around every corner.

As she walked away, Minnie wondered what kind of trouble Catherine and Reagan might have gotten into. She knew that she needed to find them quickly, and she couldn’t afford to waste any time. Alexa’s mother’s recovery depended on her.

Xander took a deep breath and squared his shoulders as he approached Mayfair , the Alpha of the pack. Mayfair was seated on his throne, looking every bit as imposing as usual. Xander sensed a tense energy in the room, but he knew that this discussion was crucial and he didn’t care how he felt, he just wanted to pass out what he felt to him, not when Catherine and Reagan are still out there.

“Mayfair ,” Xander said, holding Mayfair ‘s stare.”May I speak with you?”

Mayfair gave a curt nod. “Speak.”

Xander hesitated for a moment, casting a glance in the direction of some of the other pack members lingering in the background. But he quickly focused his attention back on Mayfair.

“I wanted to talk to you about the recent attack on Kai’s pack,” Xander said carefully, watching the tiniest and little emotion pass through his face.

Mayfair ‘s face hardened at the mention of the incident. “What about it?”

“I think you made a grave mistake by attacking them without provocation,” Xander said firmly, hoping to make Mayfair understand the severity of the situation. “You have put our entire pack in jeopardy.”

Mayfair scoffed. “You think we’re scared of a little retaliation?” he sneered. “We are stronger than they are, and they know it. They won’t dare to come at us again.”

“You may be right,” Xander conceded, “But that doesn’t change the fact that you acted recklessly. And I’m not just talking about Kai’s pack. You have created a lot of enemies with our actions, and sooner or later, it will come back to haunt us. Not only that, Kai and his men never did a thing to hurt the pack.”

Mayfair ‘s eyes narrowed. “Are you suggesting that I made a mistake?”

“I’m suggesting that you made a mistake,” Xander replied firmly. “As your Beta, it is my duty to make sure the pack is safe and secure. And right now, I don’t feel that way.”

Mayfair stood up, his towering frame casting a shadow over Xander. “You think I don’t care about the pack’s safety?” he scoffed. “I am the Alpha, I always put the pack first.”

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