Alpha’s Betted Bride (Gabriella)

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

CHAPTER 92. Edmund’s POV Liliana was looking at me, her lips slightly parted and her mind seemed deep in thought. I held on d on to my cup to keep from showing how shaky my hands were. Talking feelings and being exposed like this wasn’t my thing, I never had to do it. I’d wink at a girl and they’d come to me but this wasn’t a one-night thing and I wanted to do it right. The question was if she’d let me. “I know that you’re more than that, it’s just,” her voice was so low and fragile and nothing at like we had seen her be Her eyes flickered and she rolled her head “You don’t understand,” she sighed and closed her eyes. Her head fell and her hand let go of the fork she was holding. “Don’t understand what?” I asked her and pinched my brows together. Liliana slowly opened her eyes, so slow that I could see every littlest emotion that swirled around in there. Her shoulder slumped and she exhaled. “The fight isn’t over,” she whispered as though it was a secret. “What-what do you mean?” The doors to the dining hall slammed open and Aiden stood with his wolf front and center and stared daggers at Liliana. Gabby stood behind him and so did Noah, Nick, Erin, and Cassy. “He’s alive.” Aiden growled and walked toward Liliana who was up from her chair and facing him. “Yes.” She said and raised her head “Who is alive?” I asked and got up from the chair. I walked over and stood between them but she placed her hand on my arm and I stepped to the side.. “Asher King, he’s alive.” She said and looked at me “How is that possible? You killed him,” I said and looked back at Aillen. He handed me a note with no more than five words written Ready for round two, brother?

I wrinkled the paper in my fist and looked at Liliana. “Did you have anything to do with this?” “I protected him with my magic, he’s still protected.” In just a second all of her walls went up and she raised her head, looking fiercely at Aiden. “Gather all of your warriors and tell them to get ready.” “Why should I listen to?” He asked. Because I am your only shot at surviving “50 we go and we fight him again and then what? He can’t die!” “You’re not going anywhere, he’s coming here. If you’ve got the note it means he’s already on his way.” She said and got up in his 1/4 CHAPTER 92. face. All of the warriors were getting ready and the pack members who wanted to fight gathered in front of the house. any harm. Aiden had warriors The women, children, and elders were tucked away safely inside the house and wouldn’t come to stationed around the house and their biggest priority was making sure that nobody got inside. The healers were ready to take care of any everything was now ready for their arrival. of our injured warriors and We stood in lines and lines and waited and soon enough they came. We heard their howls from miles away, some had shifted and others were coming in their human form. We thought we killed off every last one of them but turns out there were more. Asher returned with a whole other pack, completely f*cking carefree of the lives he sacrificed during the first fight. Not that they deserved any less, all of these people were the sc*m of the earth but how he could’ve managed to get such a huge number of followers I had no idea. They stopped a few feet away, He looked over to his side and his eyes landed on Liliana . “Thank you, darling,” he said and then looked at me with a bright smile. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“Have you befriended my witch?” He asked and I stepped forward. “She’s not your witch anymore,” I said. “Is that so? Whose is she then?” He asked and smiled widely. My claws extended and my wolf stepped forward. “Ours.” I growled in unison with my wolf. Asher’s brows furrowed and he looks confused for a second before he burst out laughing. “You must not be aware, your little witch is the one who protected me,” he said as though it would rock my world. “He knows,” Liliana stepped up beside me and now the shock on his face was evident. “But it won’t happen again.” She raised her hands and clapped them together. She took a knife and cut it into her arm, drawing blood, and then took out a vial. She opened the lid and Asher’s eyes widened. “No!” He reached out his hand and pointed, he screamed at the top of his lungs but it was too late. She poured out the blood on the grass and then her own fell into it. She started chanting something and looked between me and Asher. “Make sure they don’t get to me until the spell is finished.” He seethed and looked back at the rest of us “KILL HER!” He growled as his eyes glowed and he shifted. Everyone ran toward each other but I stayed by Liliana, fighting everyone who tried reaching her. Aiden shifted as well and went after his brother but he wasn’t fighting as he should, he was tiring Asher out in wait for the spell to be broken so that he could kill him. I bit down on the men who neared us but many of them were trying to get to her. He had ordered all of his men to kill her off so that’s what many of them tried to do. Another wolf jumped down next to me and I recognized her. It was Marie, Aiden’s mother. She started fighting them off and holy shit she was strong. Dead bodies were piling up around us and were constantly walked on but nobody batted an eyelash. More kept coming and I felt my

2/4 CHAPTER 92. wolf tiring from fighting too long in one spot. “It’s done!” Liliana screamed. Aiden heard her and now started biting for the kill. I took off and ran to join the others but constantly looked back to make sure Liliana was alright and that she was. She raised her hands and drew them in circles creating enough air to push them back. She raised one hand and squeezed in the air and I saw several of the men choking to death. “Gabby!” Her scream sent shivers down my spine and I turned in slow motion to see my sister laying on the ground with a wolf sinking his teeth into her. I ran over, bit down on him, and sunk them into his neck until he stopped breathing. ‘I’m fine” “Are you sure?” No but I’ll think about it later, behind you!” She screamed through the mind link and I turned just in time for my wolf to get his snout clawed. Aiden and Asher were going at each other, both had blood dripping down their fur, and scratch marks and bite marks covering their bodies. Come on, Aiden. My head turned in between fights and I look around at how outnumbered we seemed to be. Just as I was biting down and ripping out another neck, I saw something down the road from over the fields moving quickly. All shifted into their wolf forms they ran toward us and jumped into the fight, they started fighting against Asher’s men who looked confusedly around at the new ones. I recognized these wolves, I fought with them, trained with them, and grew up with them.I saw a man walking up and the closer he got the more I could see that it was Cole. He had brought our pack here. I internally laughed and bowed my head in respect. He started fighting in his human form and then shifted to take on more of them Asher jumped forward and his claws sunk into Aiden’s wolf. I looked back and saw Marie still helping Liliana fend off those who came at her. Regardless of

whether or not the spell was down they still wanted her dead, she had switched sides. The blood was spurting around us, the healers ran out to get all of our wounded warriors and they were many. Asher’s men were killed off one by one but the number of men was crazy. The grass was crimson red from the blood of all the dead and the wounded and body parts lay scattered around our feet. Aiden jumped at Asher, he clawed at his eyes and Asher’s wolf staggered back and yelped. He got on his hind legs and clawed again, this time blinding Asher’s wolf in one eye. “NO!” Aiden moved in on Asher but his head slowly turned, everything moved in slow motion as I heard another scream, one that caused my body to freeze and time to move slower. This time, however, it wasn’t Cassy, it was Liliana. I turned and saw Marie’s wolf laying on the ground, her breathing shallow and a bite mark on her side. 3/4

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