Alpha's Nala

Chapter 13. Marina; An Unhappily Ever After

Chapter 13. Marina; An Unhappily Ever After


If she's SINGLE then why...

But Harry said…

And I thought…

“What's wrong, Dyme?” Ms. Dawn, identifying my sudden turmoil, hastily inquired and I heard a glass cup being placed on a desk.

I dragged my gaze up and halted when I found her bewildered face, with a hint of worry, looking straight at me.

“Single?” I absentmindedly spit.

She didn't understand it at first and instead of discussing it with me, she simply eyed me — a bit dumbfounded at the second.

“Is that a mock or a question, Legaxy?” She finally voices out, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Confirmation.” I plainly replied, my eyes intently scanning her perplexed face.

For some reason, and as quick as she was, she got what I meant that her eyes slowly widened in realization.

Okay, it's true... But, why declared being SINGLE before?

Surprisingly, at that second, instead of being mad and throw a denial at me, Ms. Dawn looked more… embarrassed.

“Let me guess, Harry told you?” She gave me a sheepish look as she straightened herself up at her seat.

I nodded, my initial shock slowly fading.

“Only a hint” — I wrinkled my nose, recalling the chat — “since he advised me it's better to ask you for the details — if you grant me any, rather than getting it from him... You know, out of pure respect.”

Hearing this, Ms. Dawn flashed a warm smile.

“Harry and his Beta ways.” She murmured as she shook her head out of amusement.

Her eyes then shifted from me to the ceiling-to-floor glass windows, looking out at the garden scenery; her eyes were, once again, distant while her face was blank — as if reliving a memory.

As for me, I was momentarily stunned.

“Beta? Like a second in command on a werewolf pack?” I asked, sounding shocked and confused.

“Yes, that kind of Beta.” She responded softly and her eyes move back to stare at me, “Harry was my mates' Beta —”

“Your mate was an Alpha!” I exclaimed while shooting up from my seat.

Unfazed by my reaction, Ms. Dawn simply nodded her head.

“Yes, and it's MATES… as in, plural.” She revised, a light blush appearing on her creamy white cheeks. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Obviously, by now, I'm too shocked to even react to anything. I didn't even bother to scrutinize the pink hue on Ms. Dawn's cheeks and make fun of it because my mind was somewhere else — registering an unexpected and surprising declaration.

I mean, really?

First is Harry, a bar owner, was a Beta to a pack? I should really ask him the full story the next time we met.

And Ms. Susie Marina Dawn, the Big Boss of Mallow Hotel, didn't just confirm to me that she has a werewolf mate but also admitted to having two?

This I need to know, NOW — blame the gossip force inside of me...

Seriously speaking though, I didn't expect that and it's getting me all awfully giddy and, strangely, excited.

Perfect! Another girl talk to cherish — only if I knew how to get my mouth and tongue to function again…

Because of too much excitement flowing inside my veins, my mind's gears were turning way too fast for my liking. It even made all the queries that I wanted to ask, scrambled up inside my brain; I basically couldn't get a single question out of my mouth.

“Close your mouth, Dyme. You look like a fish out of the water. And please do sit down, you look like you're about to faint.” Ms. Dawn pointed out sternly.

I quickly did as instructed and slowly sat back down on my black office armchair, certainly embarrassed at the moment.

I cannot believe that I allowed myself to be consumed by the overwhelming sensation to interrogate that I hadn't realized I was actually gaping at Ms. Dawn...

It was very awkward that I could tell, it earned a spot on my embarrassing book of records.

(Do an internal facepalm)

Still intrigued by the declaration, I started gawking at her.

As if sensing my strong need to talk, Ms. Dawn shot me a pleasant smile and made me move to sit by her side — which I did; two stacks of paperwork already forgotten.

Then, she proceeded on positioning herself on the armchair in a comfortable posture; her back leaned on the seat, one leg over the other, and her hands resting on her lap.

Finally, she spoke.

“I'm not gonna lie, but the twins were the most powerful and well-respected yet feared men I have ever met. They always get what they want, always get their way, and always win whatever battle it is. That's maybe the reason why they were always targeted for their position and territory. It doesn't help the fact that they are the Alphas of the North. They are known to be — ”

“The North?” I repeated in a mumble, interrupting the boss's talking, “Isn't that the area where the dangerous Black Rock pack is... Waaaaait a minute, you were saying” — I squinted my eyes at her — “that's them, isn't it?”

Ms. Dawn nods her head at me… almost timidly.

My eyes widened in realization.

“No way! You're mated to the Killer Alphas of the North?” I asked breathlessly, sounding almost curious and interested than scared.

Boss couldn't help but sigh at my unbelievable enthusiasm.

“Yes, and shall we continue with the story, or do you have any other questions to ask that needed a yes or no answer?” She deadpanned me.

I immediately clasp my mouth shut and nodded for her to continue.

She smiled and began again.

“My fairy tale is not really that magical… it was almost, ordinary. You see, I met the twins when I was working for this financial company in the South of the Redwood region. We do mainly investments there, and word got out how successful the transactions were that the twins decided to try and check it out one day.

I know it was fate that brought us together because, by the time the twins showed up for the appointment, my boss was called out for an emergency. So, being the only person available to negotiate that day, I took the task and present the plan to them. Long story short then, they signed a contract with us...

“However, the twins somewhat formed a few ‘conditions’, ” —she quote in the air— “in return for the signed contract… they privately discussed that with my boss. I later found out the details through Harry when he kidnaps me from my workplace and brought me to this 5-star hotel at the North — ”

“Wait, what? Harry kidnapped you?” I interrupted, almost in disbelief.

Ms. Dawn snorted.

“Yeah, the moron manhandled me when I said NO to his third request. He did ask me, GENTLY, but he was a total stranger then. What did he expect me to do? Just say yes and go with him? Act like it's a walk in the park? Hell no! So I put up a fight, and ended up being kidnap anyway.” She babbled, with another one of her bratty pouts.

I could only do a facepalm at my boss's childish attitude.

“Anyways, Harry told me about the twins' plan on wanting me close... Like literally moved in the same region as them. From there, I already knew what was happening... That I was the twins' mate. Though, knowing how deadly their reputation was, I tried to get my freedom back. I lost, pssh” — she rolled her eyes — “of course… It was two against one. TWO stupid” — she emphasizes and showed two fingers in front of me — “but freaking sexy alphas, against one little innocent me, Legaxy. Clearly, I was outnumbered there.

But the most annoying part was the daily basis. For years of being with them, the crazy twins found ways to always infuriate me, seeing it was amusing. And to make up for it, they will seduce me to bed... Horny wolf-men.” She halted once more, rolling her eyes once again at the memory.

I, understanding what that meant, felt myself blushing for the nth time today.

Ms. Dawn noticed, that she huffed her nose and frowned at me.

“DO NOT make fun of me” — she crossed her arms in front of her chest — “on that part of the past. Blame the stupid ‘mate bond’ for it.” She told, pouting her red lips again. She looked so adorable that I couldn't help but smile. “Anyway, in the end, I learned to accept everything, especially my fortune with the Killer Alphas until I fully submit to them…” She declared, a small smile appearing on her face.

“So I assume you have your happily ever after then, Ms. Dawn?” I inquired softly.

What I saw next confused me; Instead of seeing a full beam of happiness, Ms. Dawn apparently grew sad.

“Well, it's not really a happy ending...” She mumbled, awkwardly caressing her blonde bangs, “It was more of letting go.” She added in a whisper.

“What? I don't understa — ”

“I mean, they were already married, Dyme,” She interrupted. “I was already 28 when I met the twins and they were 35… long overdue for mate hunting. So, instead of waiting, they finally decided to go with the arranged marriage. Though, what hurts me the most was when they found me. Instead of telling the truth, they just made me their mistress. Knowing me, I'm no” — she tucked a platinum blonde strand to her ear — “homewrecker, Dyme. I know they are mine by destiny, but they made a choice then. I could ruin them for that, but I couldn't... I love them too much to even stay mad at them.” Ms. Dawn explained.

Hearing this, I could feel my eyes widened once again, and my breathing became ragged.

“Oh my god! I didn't know, Ms. Dawn. I'm so sorry. I was not aware, I — I”

“Hey, hey… It's okay, just breathe.” She encouraged me.

I did what was instructed and, slowly, even my breathing. When I was finally calm, Ms. Dawn softly squeezed my hands.

“I'm the one who needs to apologize, you know. It was my choice not to tell you... Not that I don't trust you, it's just too much of a drama and you know I hate those. I was, eventually, planning on it... Well, until Harry happened.” She frowned then.

I could only nod at her and for once, I'm grateful for the silence that follows through. Still, as much as I wanted to deny it, I cared to know what happened next.

Was there any conflict?

Was the infidelity between the Alphas and Ms. Dawn known?

Any rejection then?

Who rejects who?

“If you wish to know, I rejected them...” She suddenly uttered, both breaking the silence and answering my unasked question. “It was for the best, love.”

“Do you still love them?” My stupid mouth couldn't help but ask after a long pause.

I internally screamed at myself.

Ms. Dawn, on the other hand, smiled — and this time, it reached her eyes.

“Yes, Always have. But, I chose to move on... It's healthier that way.”

I nod once more and thought of another topic, much lighter — I hope — this time…

“So what are their names, if you don't mind me asking?” I encourage a smile at her.

Her smile widened.

“Night and Xavier Black.” She simply replied.

Another surprising moment for me —

“Black? Like Mr. Heinz Black?”

“Yes, and if you are wondering” — Boss at this moment, stood up from her seat — “whom Heinz is to the twins, he's their youngest brother.” She explained, stepping away from me now.

And once again, I am stunned speechless.

Ms. Dawn turned and saw me like that; a new, warm, smile appeared on her face and her eyes staring amusingly at me.

“I guess, you have enough big surprises for one day. I suggest you go home now, Dyme.” She dismissed.

That quickly snapped me out from my daze; the reality of unfinished work came crashing down on me.

“Eh, boss, about that… you see, my work” — Ms. Dawn briefly glance at my desk — “is still pending so I have to — ”

“Doesn't matter. Just shut up and go home, Legaxy.” She interrupted while nonchalantly walking towards her office.

“But — ” I argued, worrying about the undone pile.

“Work on that on Monday and just leave!” She shouted from her office, “Or I swear to god, I will change my freaking mind and make you work here 'til your pretty ass burns!”

And that, right there, is my cue...

I instantly giggled, knowing all too well she will not follow through with it. But still, I moved and started packing my backpack. Then, I checked my phone.

I was quick to notice that I got no schedule of gigs for tonight and the rest of the weekend.

Oh, okay…

Guess, I can focus on family time now. Especially, the three boys will be home this weekend.

Off we go then.

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