Alpha's Nala

Chapter 19. Relationships

Chapter 19. Relationships


Why do I feel like Mum, after seeing her surprised look a second ago, doesn't like me being single?

Is being single that bad?

“Hold on, hold on” — Mum reached for my hands and squeeze it, lightly this time — “you can't be serious, right? I mean, you particularly don't have someone special with you right now?” She asked, sounding a bit… bothered?


So it is bad?

I shook my head — almost flustered, in a NO.

“Not even a suitor?” She looked, suspiciously, upset by this now.

Odd, but the tone of her voice was making me pretty gloomy...

Like, Seriously Mum?

What's wrong with being single and having no suitors, anyway?

I lived this long with no boys by my side — except for my brothers and Dad. I'm happy on my own, and that's what I believe to be the most important.


“Ma, the only suitors I have ever since I know what that word meant, tried to either break me or kill me.” I finally stated, my turn to be annoyed now, “Depending on whom was hungry at that time.”Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Mum inhaled sharply, her green eyes slightly widened.

Wait a second, is it just me, or she looks alarmingly worried... for me?

Now, I'm feeling uncomfortable.

“What about human males? Those guys from work? Oh, oh who's that guy again” — she let go of my hands and snapped her fingers — “from the front office… Kevin, was it? What about him? I remember him being so close to you… or that male with piercings, who's very obsessed with you… the engineering ” — she placed her fingers under her chin, remembering — “a guy named Demer... Deter… Demeter — ”

“Demetrius, Mama.” I interrupted, squinting my eyes as I corrected her.

“Yeah, that guy. What happened to him? To them? Please don't tell me child you broke those poor boys' hearts for the sake of work again.” She inquired, I heard a desperate tone somewhere in that sentence.

I snorted.

“Excuse me? They are the ones who broke my heart, Mama. They're too afraid of independent women that they ended up looking for much more easy prey to pounce on.” I replied dryly.

Mum looked perplexed at this, as she mumbled, “I don't understand — ”

“They're both cheaters, Mama. All of them suitors… all are damn two-timers that I can't believe I even befriended some in the past.” I interfered again, scowling.

Mum shot me a pitiful look and then, within a second, twisted into a more anxious expression.

“Huh, but maybe not ALL — all, Lily. I mean, don't generalized men species for what a few of their brothers did to you.” She defended, encouraging a smile at me, “Some human fellas I know, are all in a long-term relationship already. Five to ten years in maximum... That's great, based on your human culture, right?”

My culture? What's it got to do with my culture now?

Recognizing that Mum's being silly again, I rolled my eyes at her.

“Sure, sure… unless they are all married,” I argued.

Mum shot me a bewildered look at first, but I noticed she thought hard about it. Then, realizing my point, her face beamed in comprehension and then into a full-blown interest.

“Actually, not all of them.” She replied softly. Still, baffled with something else, she wrinkled her forehead in question at me, “But it's still a long-term relationship, Lily. That's what counts, right?”

Oh, so that's what it is…

Nonetheless, Mum should have known better; I'm no ordinary lady, to begin with. That's why I shot her an ‘are you serious’ look, earning me an innocent ‘WHAT’ face from her.

I immediately rolled my eyes at her once again...

“Mama, my kind has its own beliefs regarding relationships, and personally, I respect that. But being raised by mythical beings and be surrounded by them 24/7; seeing how your romances go and how strong your bonds are, made me believe that there's more to just years and affection for a human.” I expressed, seriously staring into her eyes now.

When she didn't comment or react — her full attention on me, I continued my talking.

“I wanted a CONNECTION, Ma,” I confessed, swallowing hard now since I never express my thoughts regarding LOVE before. “Not just any physical or mental attraction. I wanted it like it was intended for me, FEEL it like it was made to complete me… simply just making me WHOLE, Ma... not by heart or by mind... but a pure soul...” I explained, almost lost in thought.

Mum saw my struggle, but instead of an apprehensive face, she looked surprisingly proud of me.

“Oh my baby,” She muttered as she engulfed me into a hug, snapping me out of my daze completely, “I'm happy that you know what's best for you because you are the BEST. You're independent, clever, and strong, and no man knows that unless he is the ONE.” She freed a little from the hug to look at me, “However, the one you wish for is a bit on the dream-ish side. Are you sure you want that? I mean, I'm not saying he's non-existent... it's still possible, but… what if, he's not here… soon?” She inquired, embracing me again.

“Then I wait Mama.” I simply replied, hugging her tightly.

I heard her sigh and felt her lips on top of my head, kissing it.

“I truly believe that he is out there, that there is someone out there for you, Lily.” Mum started again, much in a whisper, “Don't ever question that... However, you are too young, so maybe not now. I know you're willing to wait and you are patient... Though, all I'm saying is, not now, okay? You're still my baby and Mummy just wants to have you, just a little longer… please.” She pleaded.

“But, I'm not as young as everyone else here, Mama.” I pointed out, my voice thick from emotion, “You guys never age a bit.”

Mum suddenly jerked me out from the hug to shot me an ashamed look...

“Oh Lily, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you like that.” She apologized.

“No, no it's not like that Mama, I'm not offended. I swear.” I assured her with a small smile, “All I'm saying is, FOREVER is not my ‘best friend’, Ma and my own RED searching could take a while... I am human… and what if my partner turned out to be a mythical being… would he wait for me too? Or would he end up REDless because I died” — I gulped — “already, from old age? Would he even know I existed? Or like Ms. Dawn, would he chose to get married to another woman so he could achieve his happily ever after?”

Mum didn't respond to any of my fusses. Instead, she hugged me again and this time, she cuddled me a little tighter — just like I did, a while ago. The warmth it gave off made my smile quiver and there were tears… No, I need to be tougher than this, need to be stronger…

I am not hurt, to say the least, but what made me teary-eyed was the idea of finding me a ‘RED’.

A.K.A a ‘partner’,

Common word, ‘relationship’,

Known term, a ‘boyfriend’.

You see, I'm not really as available as you think...

If I wanted to check my luck on matching with a Vampire or Witch, I actually can't. My family DOESN'T ALLOW me to take that chance because obviously, it's too dangerous — the Hue Kingdom second the motion to that.

Maybe a werewolf?

Possible but too risky. Not that I don't want a werewolf as a mate, but having a connection with one is considered a CRIME.

The Hue Kingdom, after accepting me as one of them, legislated a law that bans me — Yup, ONLY me, since I'm the very first of my kind to be adopted by the mixed-race — to have any relationship with the ‘enemy’, regardless if I was their destined ‘mate’ or not.

They called the crime, TREASON... And did I mention, it was punishable by DEATH?

Oh, yeah. I just did…

Human, then?

Oh hell no! I will NOT take that opportunity, NOPE. Not happening...

I do not wish for my own kind, especially the males, to DIE in the hands of my clan just for the sake of loving me. I'm already a living temptation to the Hue Kingdom so I'm not adding another fire to that mix... I rather die for them, than them being killed because of me.

So there you go people, that's my dilemma for you… my very complicated life.

Mum had noticed my long, gloomy silence that I felt her arm shift, and then, felt her hand caressing the top of my head — comforting me. When I tried to peek at her through my eyelashes, I saw her wanting to say something — maybe words to soothe me. But for some unknown reason, she hesitated and just closed her mouth entirely.

All of a sudden, we heard a car honked.

We snapped our attention to where the sound was and saw that it was just Dad, sitting on the black SUV and was currently parked at our front house's yard...

Realizing it was time to go, Mum freed herself from the embrace, and before proceeding to the car, she kissed my cheeks and mumbled an ‘I love you’.

I replied, ‘I love you too’ and kept my eyes on her as she gracefully leaves my side to walk — much like glide — towards the car.

Dad, on the other hand, only waved goodbye at me before driving off. I waved back and then peacefully watched them leave.

My attention went back to the invitation on my hands then. I was tempted enough to open it. However, when I was about to flip the black card that was inside the gold envelope, my phone started ringing.

I quickly slipped the card back and checked my phone.

Boss calling…

Knowing that it was urgent, I instantly answered the call. Thus, making me place the invitation on one of our cabinets — completely untouched and well, barely forgotten.

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