Alpha’s Omega Mate

Chapter Twenty-eight

Then, she turned to face everyone in the room.

“Get ready, my daughter is leaving for the palace on Saturday!” she announced, excitement bubbling in her.

“What do you mean, Tabitha?” Alec asked with a frown etched on his face.

He had been standing dumbfounded, watching his wife jubilate to the news he brought.

Tabitha narrowed her eyes at him.

“I should be asking you that. What do you mean?”

Alec scoffed.

“You have not even consulted me and you are jubilating?” he asked and the smile on Tabitha’s face drained immediately.

“It’s my daughter who is going! I made the decision!” she asked, causing him to raise an eyebrow at her.

“So, has it come to this? If so then… isn’t my daughter the one to be visited?” his lips were curved into a smug smile.

Tabitha glared at him, angrily.

“You!” she pointed at him.

Alec chuckled. He was able to touch that spot and had gotten the reaction he wanted.

“Make sure to let me know when she would be going,” he turned his back to leave but stopped when he recalled something.

“And do not forget to send a letter stating when she would be arriving at the palace. They do not act in a disorderly manner like you do…” he trailed off and smirked before leaving.

“There…” she pointed at him in range. “Did he… did he just speak to me in such a manner!?” she yelled angrily and brought her fingers to her hair.

This man was driving her crazy. She could not understand why he seemed different.

He used to be gentle and docile, a man of few words but now he was hostile and arrogant.

Was he like this before and she never noticed? Or did he just cultivate this attitude?

Audrey who had been standing afar watching the adults spew venom at each other decided to speak after she felt the storm was calm now. At least, a little bit.

“Mother, Why would you–”

“Be quiet! You are the reason why I am facing this insult!” she yelled, flinging her arms in the air.

“H– how?” she had an innocent look with a hint of confusion on her face.

“This would not have happened if you had a mate!” she yelled and continued when the lass face still held a confused expression. How come did her daughter not inherit her brain?

She took steps towards her daughter, prompting her to take a few steps back as she spoke,

“Come to think of it you fool! Can you not see that his attitude has changed!? It is obvious that this change occurred after that useless child got into the palace! Ever since then he had turned into a human peacock!”

Her chest heaved as she finished speaking. She was trying to calm her anger.

Tabitha brought her fingers to her forehead and sighed.

“I do not care what you think but you are moving there and that is final!” she hushed in a stern tone and turned.

“Servants!” she screamed.

“My lady,” a female servant appeared in front of her, curtseying.

“Get me ink and paper!” she ordered.

The servant curtsied and rushed out. She returned later with what was requested.

“Now, write,” she ordered, looking away from her daughter.

“But moth–” she tried to say but Tabitha gave her a stern look, causing her to recoil and go to the table to start writing.

“You are going to see how well she is living at the palace. A weak servant now living as a queen with her likes serving her,” she seemed like she was in a daze as she stared at the silver vase which was standing across from her.

“Then, only then my child would you understand that mother knows best.” Her voice was eerily calm as she spoke, touching her daughter’s hair.

Audrey could not help but wonder if she was not the same person whose voice was bringing down the manor a few minutes ago.

“I am done, mother,” she informed, dropping the brush.

Tabitha picked up the paper and read it. Then, she nodded her head in satisfaction.

“Servants!” she yelled with her eyes closed.

“My lady,” a female servant ran into the room.

Tabitha handed the paper to her.

“Have this delivered to the palace,” she ordered with a smile on her face.

She looked upwards with a smile.

She was happy. The moon goddess had seen her plight and decided to shower her with blessings.

“Mother, I hope you would understand that I have no interest in what you are plotting,” Audrey uttered, moving to her bed.

Tabitha broke into a peal of manic laughter.

“Are you going to argue that you do not admire the alpha?” she asked with a small smile on her face.

Audrey stopped on her track as her mother’s words hit her.

Indeed, she admired the alpha a lot. In fact, she always did since she was young.

But now that Cassy had him, there was no need for her to admire him, right?

She was not sure of her answer to that.

Tabitha chuckled, watching her daughter’s movements.

“I asked you a question, Audrey,” she spoke, the small smile on her face never leaving.

“I– I don’t,” she said and sat on her bed.

“You don’t have to hide anything from me–”

“I am not hiding anything from you mother. This is my truth,” she quickly countered her mother, rushing her words.

She could not even dare to look at her.

Tabitha was about to speak but Audrey did not want her to. She wanted to be alone.

“Mother, please leave. I want to be alone,” she said calmly and lay on the bed, facing the other side.

“Audrey–” she pointed at her, wanting to say something.

“We should take our leave, my lady,” a female student told her, trying to support her.

“Let go!” she pushed her away.

Taking one glance at her daughter, she uttered,

“You have to be truthful to yourself, my dear child,” and with that, Tabitha walked out of the room, smiling to herself.

Lia was right. Her daughter was not what she claimed to be, it won’t take long before she would succumb to her.

“Get me Lia now!” she ordered in a loud voice.

It was going to happen. Finally.

Cassy fluttered her eyes open the following morning and stretched her limbs before sitting up properly.

“Cassy, you are awake,” Joanna’s voice startled her.

“Oh,” she flinched, holding her chest. “Joanna! You startled me!” she exclaimed, causing a smile to appear on Joanna’s face.

“Morning,” Joanna handed her a cup of green tea.

Cassy rolled her eyes and took a swig from the mug before handing it back to Joanna.

“Morning to you too,” Cassy replied, getting out of the bed.

“I prepared the bath already,” Joanna informed her as she began to take off her clothes.

“Thank you, Joanna,” she said with a smile on her face.

Joanna sat in the room waiting for Cassy to finish. She had requested that she was going to take her bath herself.

Joanna smiled. It seemed like she was back to herself and she also seemed to like her sister as she have been bubbling with joy, her megawatt smile never leaving her face

Cassy came out a few minutes later wrapped in her towel. She put on her undergarments and Joanna helped her in putting on her dress and corset before going to sit in front of her vanity.

Joanna picked up a brush and began to brush her hair.

“I wonder how I am going to live with the alpha. I still have not gotten used to his presence around me despite us living in the same…” Cassy trailed off when her cheeks began to grow hot.

Joanna stopped brushing her hair and brought her face closer to hers with a knowing smile on her face.

“What? I did not hear you quite well,” she taunted, still smiling and Cassy’s cheeks became more red.

“I– I did not say anything,” she countered without looking at Joanna.

“What?” she stood properly and furrowed her eyebrows which made her look like she was in deep thoughts. “I thought I heard you saying something like you lived in the same room and–”

Cassy’s palm latched over her mouth as she tried to prevent her from saying any more words.

Goddess, this lass had no shame.

“What are you saying?” she removed her hand from Joanna’s mouth and sat down looking away.

“But you said–”

“I did not say anything,” she quickly interrupted her.

Joanna chuckled and began to brush her hair again while Cassy tried to calm herself down.

She felt so flushed as the memories of seeing him shirtless and butt naked flooded into her mind.

Oh, moon goddess, she thought she had forgotten this.

“You know, Cassy, that you don’t have to be so flushed,” Joanna began, still brushing her hair. “It’s not a bad thing if you–” Cassy interjected.

“Oh, Joanna. Do you like seeing my cheeks coloured–”

A knock came on the door, interrupting them.

Their heads turned to the door immediately. They were ready to devour the person who dared to interrupt them.

“Come in!” Joanna said in a loud voice.

A male servant walked in and to where they stood then bowed.

“You received a letter from the beta’s manor, your highness,” he notified, still bowing his head.

Joanna glanced at Cassy and she nodded slightly. She stood up and went to collect the letter from him.

“You may leave,” Joanna dismissed him as she handed the letter to Cassy.

He bowed and left.

Cassy exhaled and opened the letter.


I was so excited to hear from father that you missed us and when he said I was going to keep you company at the palace I could not hold my joy. I had to plead with mother to allow me to go to the palace this weekend.

I cannot wait to meet with you this weekend, sister. We have a lot to catch up on.



Cassy exhaled. She had a tiny ounce of fear that her father’s decision for her sister to come over might cause issues but the letter had proved her wrong.

Cassy looked up at Joanna who raised an eyebrow, questioningly.

“What does it say?” she asked.

“She would be coming over this weekend,”

“Then why are we waiting? We have to inform the alpha so we can make proper preparations!” Joanna implored and Cassy nodded in agreement.

“Your majesty,” Cassy and Joanna greeted in unison as soon as they were allowed entrance into his study.

Once again, Kai’s breath was stolen by the omega’s beauty.

She looked innocent but her body seduced him sweetly, her hair was styled up giving him a perfect view of her collarbones and shoulder and as she batted her eyelashes staring at him, he felt drawn to them.

No, he had Isabella. He tried to tell himself.

He cleared his throat, trying to get out of his dirty thoughts. He was not going to allow himself to do the dirty thing he did back at the inn.

“You may sit,” he gestured for her to sit and she did.

Cassy went straight to the point.

“I have come with a reply to the matter we discussed yesterday,” she said without looking at him.

“Yes,” he replied monotonously, nodding his head.

“She is coming over this weekend,” she told him and continued when he did not reply.

“So, I would love to know when I can start moving my belongings.”

Kai chuckled, causing her to look at him.

That handsome annoying face.

“Moving to where? What properties?” he asked with a mocking smile on his face.

Cassy’s face scrunched up into a frown. What was he saying? Was he not the one who asked them to find out?

This man was bent on disgracing her in front of everyone.

“I do not understand what you mean,” she finally spoke.

“Did I ever agree to your request?” he raised his eyebrows at her questioningly.

“I thought you promised? I helped you remember!” Her voice raised an octave higher but he was calm and collected with a smirk playing on his face.

“Did I? Why can I not recall?” he asked nonchalantly.

“Kai!” she glared at him angrily.

He was already enjoying this game when she called him by his name.

He averted his gaze to Joanna.

“Did I make a promise?”

Joanna was dumbstruck. She did not want to offend Cassy and at the same time, she did not want to anger the alpha.

“Your majesty, your highness,” she curtsied, almost trembling. “I do not have a say in this, it would be best if I take my leave.”

Without waiting for any of them to say anything, she rushed out of the study.

Cassy scoffed. “Why did you scare her away?”

“Tch. I did nothing, she is so chicken-hearted,” he maintained a stoic face.

Cassy rolled her eyes. Why is he so good at changing immediately like a chameleon?

He was the one who asked her to confirm the date and now he was refusing that he had said that.

“I would take it as you are not a man of your words if you–”

“You may move in tomorrow night,” he interjected, causing her eyes to widen. “I would love to avoid the eyes and not create gossip in the palace.”

Although she felt relieved that he had agreed to the arrangement, she was still annoyed with him for playing with her.

“You were going to agree and you had to–”

“Do you want me to cancel it?” he raised his eyebrows tauntingly.

Cassy huffed and stood up, heading towards the door.

“Cassy,” her name rolled out of his tongue causing her to stop and turn. She wetted her lips with her tongue in the process causing him to gulp.

He averted his gaze back to her face and again he noticed how good she looked that morning.

“Are you not going to say anything?”

“Uh– I–” he wanted to face palm himself. When did he start stuttering?

“You look good,” the words rolled out his mouth, causing Cassy’s cheeks to turn red.

Was that a compliment from him? “T–thank you, I guess?” she wanted to slap herself. What kind of reply was that?

“I will take my leave now.” She rushed out of the study.

“I apologize for–”

“It’s okay, I understand,” Cassy said before Joanna could speak as they took long strides back to her bed chambers.

“Why are your cheeks–”

“I got stung by a bee,” she interjected quickly.

Joanna’s eyebrows furrowed as she looked around.

“But there are no signs of flowers,”

“You know nothing, Joanna,” she told her and doubled her steps.

Days rolled by with Cassy spending her time writing and reading. She also had dinner with the servants occasionally as she loved interacting with them…

And soon, it was the weekend. The day Audrey was coming to the palace.

That morning, Joanna and Emma who was back dressed her up with Joanna being extra on dressing more appealing.

When she was done, she took a trip to the alpha’s bed chambers and knocked when she arrived.

After waiting for too long without an answer, she angrily opened the door and walked in, only to meet him naked in the parlor.

Cassy quickly closed her eyes and turned around.

“Seems like you love seeing me naked,” he commented, tauntingly.

“You refused to answer when I knocked,” she told him, her neck and face had already turned red.

“I was going to put on my clothes and answer you but you decided you wanted to see my body–”

Cassy groaned. “Would you stop talking about your body? My sister would be arriving soon,”

“Wait for me in front of the lake. I would be there soon,”

She nodded and rushed out of the room.

She took in a deep breath of fresh air immediately after she was out of the room.

“Goddess, that place was hot!” she exclaimed and went back to her bed chambers.

“Are you sure he asked you to wait here?” Joanna asked again for the fourth time that morning.

“I remembered he did. I do not understand him,” Cassy replied feebly.

Her legs were already weak from waiting for him for almost an hour now.

Emma rolled her eyes.

“I am certain that he found a reason to ditch you,” she muttered under her breath but Joanna had heard her.

“What did you say?” she asked, glaring at the girl.

“Oh please–”

“That’s enough, you two. We should go in front of the palace, Audrey would be arriving soon,” Cassy cautioned and began to walk away.

Joanna hissed and glared at her before walking away.

A smile appeared on Cassy’s face as soon as she sighted her sister’s carriage from afar.

The carriage stopped in front of the palace and Audrey looked out of the window, smiling.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

“I have been waiting for you to join me for breakfast, sweet. What is taking you so long?” she heard a familiar voice from beside her as Audrey began to descend from the carriage.

Cassy turned to him, startled and confused. What was he saying? She was the one waiting for him to show up but he refused to and now, he was saying this.

Joanna touched her with her elbow, signaling her that her sister was watching her.

“Oh, I had to meet with my sister and luckily she is here now,” she said through her fake smile, both of them mirroring their looks.

To others, they looked like a happy couple but only they knew what their smile meant.

Kai turned around and suddenly he felt someone’s body wrapped around his. The person seemed like she was trying to rub her breast all over him.

“I finally met you!” the person squealed in a high-pitched tone.

Kai looked down at the person wrapped around him and his eyes widened.

This woman was something but Cassy was not going to see this.

It would only take a while before he proves this.

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