Always Yours

Chapter 22

My stomach was in knots. Did she know about Franko?

“Where have you been?”. She asked as I sat in the chair opposite her.

Oh god she knew. Was there any point in lying about it?

“At the diner with Alice. Are you okay mom?”.

“Are you seeing that boy?”.

I felt sick, my legs shaking under the table. If I tell her the truth, I’ll never be allowed out again. She will literally ground me until I’m thirty.

“Who?”. I frowned.

“That boy, Franko, is it?”.

My mouth became dry but how did she know? Had she seen us together or did someone tell her? I had to lie, and I had to lie good. Good enough for her to believe me anyway.

“I’m not seeing any boy mom”.

“Boys like that are no good Aubrey. You’ll never have a good life with someone like that”.

It was the same speal every time but this time it was ignored. I wasn’t listening so when she snapped her fingers in my face I jumped.

“I want you to tell me the truth Aubrey”.

“I am now can I please be excused?”.

“I only want what’s best for you Aubrey”.

“Can I go to my room?”. I didn’t want to talk about this anymore. Yes, I lied but I lied for good reason.

“Yes”. She sighed.

I didn’t ask why her car wasn’t in the driveway. I didn’t ask why she was home early. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went straight upstairs. I had some maths homework to do and then I planned to take a shower and going straight to sleep.

I did wonder how I was going to get to school tomorrow with her car not being there.

It was almost midnight, everyone in my house was in bed for the night. I heard my dad come home and when he came to check on me, I pretended to be asleep. I didn’t need an earful from him as well because no doubt my mom would have shared her thoughts with him.

A frustrated sigh fell from my lips as I sat up. I couldn’t seem to settle. I was tired and yet I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. My mind wouldn’t shut off. Pushing my covers off I frowned when I heard the light tap.

Shaking my head I ran a hand down my face. And then I heard it again. A tap against my window. Weird. Grabbing my water from my bedside table I took a sip but again another tap.

Getting out of bed I went to my window and pulled the curtain back slightly. You have got to be kidding me. He couldn’t be here. Not now, not ever and especially not at this time of night.

“Yo princess let me in”.

This could not be happening right now.

“Aubrey”. He sang.

Wait was he drunk?

I was so dead if he woke up my parents.

I quickly made my way downstairs being as quiet as I could be. Unlocking the front door, I ran outside.

“You can’t be here”. I hissed.

“Hey baby”. He smirked slipping his arms around my waist. “You gonna let me come inside”.

“Are you drunk?”. I wrinkled my nose at the strong smell of alcohol coming from his breath.

“Maybe”. He grinned. “Let me come inside”.

“You need to go home”. I pulled myself from his embrace so I could go back inside until I noticed his truck park half on the sidewalk and half on the road.

He was killing me right now. He had no idea how much trouble I would be in if my parents caught him here.

“You’re an idiot”. I hissed. “Get in the truck Franko I’ll drive you home”.

“Ain’t no way you’re driving my truck darling”.

“Oh yeah?”. I crossed my arms over my chest. “Then how about I call your mom?”.

“Bitch”. He muttered but did as I asked and made his way to his truck.

“You can’t keep showing up at my house”. I started the engine and pulled the truck onto the road taking off down the street. “Do you want to never see me again?”. I asked. “My mom will kill me Franko”.

“Fuck her darling. Come stay with me”. I swatted his hand away as he tried to place it on my knee causing a laugh to fall from his lips.

“Am I taking you home or dropping you at the clubhouse?”. I was not in the mood to deal with him like this.


We didn’t speak the rest of the journey and by the time we got to the clubhouse he was asleep.

Great just what I need. Turning off the engine I unclipped my seatbelt but hesitated with my hand on the door handle. There were bikes everywhere the music loud.

I didn’t want to go inside. Not to mention I was dressed in my pjs, and it was full of men in there. But how else was I going to get him inside better yet how was I going to get home?

“Franko”. I shoved his shoulder in the hopes he would wake up. He groaned and turned his head the opposite way.

Having a quick look in the backseats I spotted a hooded jumper crumpled up in the corner. Grabbing it I pulled it over my head and slipped my arms in the sleeves.

“Franko”. I shoved his shoulder again but this time I didn’t even get a response.

Fuck my life.

Opening the door, I headed inside. I couldn’t hear myself think, couldn’t see 2 feet in front of me with how much cigarette smoke was in the air. Wrinkling my nose, I jumped when I felt a hand slip around my waist.

“You lost sweetheart?”.

This is what I was afraid of. I couldn’t breathe. Before I could speak, he was ripped away from me, Blue had him by the scruff of the neck.

“She’s off-limits brother best you fucking remember that”. I watched as Blue dragged him outside.

I couldn’t speak, the words stuck in my throat. I couldn’t move my feet glued to the floor. Everything around me was loud. Laughter, chatter, the music.

When a hand latched onto my arm the fear settled in, but I relaxed instantly when my eyes landed on Blues. He led me through the back and took me outside where it was quiet.

“It’s a little late for you to be here Aubrey. Everything all right?”. He frowned when he noticed I wasn’t dressed.

“Long story short Franko is asleep in the truck. I had to drive him home”.

His features changed, worry flashed in his eyes. “Has something happened to him?”. He headed for the truck, and I followed closely behind him.

“He showed up at my house drunk. I wouldn’t let him drive home”. I chewed the inside of my cheek. “I really shouldn’t be here and if my mom-…”. I paused.

“I’ll get someone to drive you home”.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Can you drive me?”. I asked.

“Aye sweetheart just let me deal with this idiot first”. He gave me the keys to his truck. “Sit tight”.

“You won’t hurt him, will you?”.

“You care about my boy Aubrey?”.

I nodded.

“I see”. He pulled open the passenger side door causing Franko to fall out hitting the ground with a thump.

“The fuck”. Franko groaned. “What’s-…”. He paused pulling himself to a sitting position. “Dad?”.

“Best you sober yourself up before your mom finds out. Drink driving, you trying to get arrested?”.

His eyes darted to mine before he turned his attention back to his dad. “Gotta get Aubrey home”.

“Don’t worry about Aubrey now get inside and sleep it off”.

He did as he was told. Blue led me to his truck and took me home.

The drive wasn’t so much awkward, but I felt he wanted to say something to me.

“Do you know what you’re getting yourself into?”. He asked.

And there it was.

“I’m not getting myself into anything”.

“You are sweetheart, and you don’t even realise it”.

I didn’t want to have this conversation with anyone let alone his dad.

“Our lifestyle isn’t for everyone Aubrey, but my boy seems to be smitten with you. All I ask is that you don’t lead him on or break his heart. The last thing I need is Franko out of control”.

“We’re just friends”.

“If you say so sweetheart”.

It must be a Mendez thing because Blue didn’t drive off until I was safely inside. I locked the door and quietly made my way back to bed.

As if tonight never happened I buried my head in my pillows and drifted off to sleep.

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