Always Yours

Chapter 6

It was the roar of a motorcycle that woke me. I jumped from the couch, tripping over my blanket and face planting the floor.

Nobody rode a motorcycle on this street.

Picking myself up I darted toward the window. The weather hadn’t changed. Rain still battering down, the roar of thunder and lightning still ripping through the sky.

I moved the curtain and twitched the blind.


The street still didn’t have power.

My stomach tightened.

I saw the light, the bike at a standstill at the bottom of my driveway.

It had to be Franko.


But why was he here at this time of night? Surely Tommy would have told him I was safe? Shaking my head I chewed the inside of my cheek.

My safety didn’t concern him. Nothing about me concerned him. I jumped at the slight knock on my door.

My heart was beating so fast.

I tiptoed across the living room and moved closer to the front door.

“Specs I can hear you. Open the door”.

My full body relaxed but I wanted to throttle him. Who shows up at someone’s house in the middle of the night?

During a storm and when there’s a power cut.

Franko that’s who.

I opened the door and let him come inside. I didn’t need him to make a scene at this time of night. I also didn’t need my neighbours to see. I’m sure they’d love to tell my parents all about that.

“Why are you here?”. I asked.

“Get changed, I’m taking you home with me”.

Indeed he was not.


“You’re not staying here on your own so go get fucking changed”.

I glared. He couldn’t tell me what to do and I certainly wasn’t leaving my house in the middle of the night. Especially not with him.


“It’s the middle of the night”. I hissed. “I’m not going anywhere with you now leave my fucking house”.

“Wrong answer darling”.

I took a step back, Alice’s words playing in my head. He was dangerous, ruthless. “Please just go”.


“When is this going to stop?”. I whispered.

I was done. I couldn’t keep playing this game with him. I wanted to go back to my life when he would tease me and nothing more. I could handle that. This I couldn’t. The sudden interest in me, the asking me out. I wasn’t interested, I couldn’t date him.

I wouldn’t.

“I just want to know you’re safe”.

“So, you come to my house at this time?”.

“Been busy”.

Yeah, probably busy shacking up with some girl.

“I’m safe so you can leave”.

“When you gonna let me take you out?”.

Not this again.

“You don’t want to take me out. You like the idea of it, the chase because I keep saying no but deep down you don’t want me”. That was the truth, it had to be. There was no other reason for his sudden interest.

“The fuck-…”.

“I’d like you to leave now please”.

“Fine. Your fucking loss princess”.


The storm lasted a few days.

Today it was back to normality and back to school. I hadn’t heard from Alice since she stopped by my house. Probably too wrapped up in Tommy. Which was fine. I didn’t mind that she was ditching me for her boyfriend.

Was he, her boyfriend?

“Aubrey are you even listening to me?”.

I wasn’t. I was too busy thinking about what today was going to bring. I also hadn’t heard or seen Franko since the night of the storm. I was nervous as hell in case he did something. I basically rejected him in my living room.

What if he was going to hurt me?

“Aubrey Stone”.

I made a face. I hated when she used my full name in that tone of voice.

“We’ll have to reschedule shopping on Saturday. I need to go into work, and I don’t know what time I’ll get finished”.


“Could I maybe get some money and I can go with Alice?”. Even if Alice was busy, I would go by myself.

“I don’t see why not”.

“Thanks mom”.

“Do you need me to drop you off on my way to work?”.

“If I had my own car you wouldn’t need to drop me off”. I placed my empty bowl in the sink. “But yes please”.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“I thought you spoke with your dad about a car?”.

“I have to get a job first”.

“That’s fair. Are you ready?”.



Alice was waiting by our lockers.


“Hey”. I smiled. “Where’s Tommy?”.

She shrugged.

Oh no.

This is what I was afraid of.

“Do you want to skip?”. She asked.

I didn’t want to face today either, but I couldn’t skip school.

“Of course, you don’t”. A sigh fell from her lips as she closed the door to her locker. “I’m going home. I’ll see you in a few days”.

I couldn’t exactly leave her on her own when she was feeling like this. But skipping school?


“Fine, but I want to know what happened between you and Tommy”.

She slipped her arm through mine as when headed for the exit. I was going to be so dead when I got home today. I had never skipped class never mind a full day.

“You’re freaking out, aren’t you?”.

“You do know she’ll ground me for life. You’ll never see me until I’m thirty”. My mom was ruthless when it came to discipline.

A laugh fell from her lips as we reached her car. “Your parents are too hard on you. Live a little and suffer the consequences later”.

I must admit I liked the sound of that. I never had the courage to do anything bad. I was your all-American good girl. Never got into trouble, never touched alcohol or drugs. My parents never had to worry about any of that. I was a well-behaved child.

But I liked it. It set me on the right path for when it was time to venture out on my own. To make my own choices, to live my own life.

“I like who I am”. I got in and put my seatbelt on.

“Skipping school isn’t going to change who you are”. She started the car and pulled out of the school parking lot. “You always follow the rules, Aubrey. But we’re teenagers and some rules are meant to be broken”.

Not in my house. But I guess in some way she was right. I had to make mistakes to learn right?

“Aren’t you tired of always being the good girl?”.

“Not really”. I shrugged.

I didn’t know how else to be or act. I was raised this way. It wasn’t a bad thing that my parents wanted what was best for me. Why did she have to label it? Just because I didn’t brake rules or get into trouble didn’t make me a good girl.

I was just me and I liked who I was.

I didn’t want to talk about this anymore.

“What happened with Tommy?”. I asked.

“He won’t make me his girlfriend”.

This is where my shoulder to cry on comes in. I knew from day one this would happen. Boys like Tommy don’t do girlfriends. She was just another notch on his bedpost.

“Did you sleep with him?”.

She didn’t go home instead she pulled up outside the diner.

Her silence told me she did.

I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to make her feel worse. She fell for his act, and he dumped her straight after.

“I should have listened to you”. She whispered. “I’m so stupid”.

“You’re not stupid he’s just a pig and you deserve so much better”. We headed inside and found an empty booth.

“I can’t believe I fell for his act. I really thought he cared about me”.

It might have only been for a few days, but she fell for him hard. She believed everything he told her, and he used her for a quick lay.

“I really liked him”.

“I know”. I wouldn’t judge, or say I told you so. I would be the supportive best friend that I always am. “Do you want to share some cheesy fries?”. I asked.

“And a chocolate milk shake?”. She grinned.


“Shouldn’t you girls be in school?”.

I looked up my eyes meeting Franko’s mom.

Oh shit.

My heart was racing.

“Study break”. Alice smiled.

“Hm if you say so. It was nice seeing you again Aubrey. Stop by the clubhouse soon. I want to talk to you”.

“Clubhouse?”. Her eyes widened. “Was that-…”.

“Yup. Franko’s mom”.

What could she possibly want to talk to me about?

“Are you going to go?”.

“What, no”. I frowned. “I’m not getting mixed up with whatever that was. I told him last night and we agreed that he would leave me alone”.

“Told him what?”.

“Can we not?”. I asked.

I didn’t want to talk about Franko. He wasn’t doing to me what Tommy did to Alice. I would not let him try and worm his way into my life so he could try and bed me.

“Take my advice and stay away from him. They’re all nothing but trouble”.

Exactly what I had been trying to tell her. We don’t fit in with people like Franko. We come from different worlds.

We placed our order with the waitress and were in the middle of talking about Saturday when we heard the roar of bikes.

“We’re not leaving”. I spoke.

“I don’t want to face him”.

“It might not be him”. I took a sip of my coke. “But if it is we’re still not leaving”. They weren’t getting to chase us out. “Besides I’m starving”.

The door chimed.

It was him alright, with his arm thrown over a girl’s shoulder. Franko followed and a few of their friends from school.

“What a dog”. I whispered.

“I can’t-…”.

The waitress placed our food on the table. “You girls want anything else?”.

“A job”. Oh, shit that was an inside thought but I did need one if I wanted a car.

She smiled. “Speak to Bob, he’s the manager but won’t be in until tonight”.

“Thank you”.

“You want to work here?”. Alice asked.

“I need a job”. I lifted my fork. “I need my own car and the only way I can get one is if I get a job”.

“But here?”.

I shrugged.

“Franko is here all the time”. She whispered.

I didn’t care. He was irrelevant.

“I don’t care if-…”.

“He’s coming over”. She scrambled to her feet and hightailed it to the restroom.




A laugh fell from his lips. “Skipping school?”.

“You didn’t have to hurt her”.

The smile disappeared from his face.

“Could have just told her it was sex and nothing else”. I continued to eat my fries. “Pretending to care about her is low even for you”.

“Well shit”. He laughed.

“Is there something you need?”.

“Franko wants a word”.

I made a face. “And he sent you over here to tell me that?”. I don’t know where the confidence came from, but I was loving it. Playing it cool really worked. I wasn’t afraid of him; I wasn’t afraid of any of them.

“He’s in back. Best you don’t keep him waiting”.

“Bye Tommy”.

I didn’t move from my seat until I finished eating. I headed for the restroom; Alice was hiding in one of the stalls.

“Are you going to come out?”. I asked.

“Is he gone?”.


“What did he say to you?”.

“Come out of there I’m not talking through a toilet door”.

She unlocked the door and stepped out. She had been crying, her eyes red and puffy.

“Did he say anything about me?”.

I hated that she was so upset because of him. He wasn’t worth her time or her tears.

I shook my head. I felt bad for her, but I couldn’t lie just to make her feel better. “He’s not worth it Alice”.

“What did he want?”.

“To tell me Franko wants a word”.

“Did you speak to him?”.

I made a face. “No and I’m not going to”. I don’t know who he thought he was trying to summon me. Did he think that would work? He says jump and I say how high?

I don’t think so.

“You should see what he wants”.

“I don’t care what he wants now are you okay?”.

“No, I’m not. I really thought he liked me. I bet this was all a game to him so Franko could get to you”.

“That’s ridiculous”. I crossed my arms over my chest.

“But what if it’s not?”.

“You sound crazy and if it was then it didn’t work now come on let’s go home”. Surely, if Franko wanted to talk to me, he would have just done so. Not send Tommy in to hurt my best friend.

That didn’t make any sense. And what did he think he would achieve by doing that?

“You’re thinking about it aren’t you”.

A sigh fell from my lips. “Tommy is an ass. He hurt you and I hate him for doing that. He’s not worth it and he doesn’t deserve you”.

“He took my virginity Aubrey. He sweet talked me into bed, and I fell for it. I thought I was giving it to someone that cared about me. I can never get it back”. Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks as a lump appeared in the back of my throat.

He hurt her bad.

“Come on”. I grabbed a hold of her hand. “Let’s go home”.

“Let me fix my face first. I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry”.

“I’ll be right outside”.

I let out a big breath. I don’t like seeing her cry. Especially over some shitty guy. They were still here. Laughing and joking. Making a scene just like always. I took some money from my backpack and placed it on the table.

“Your bills already been paid for sweetie”.

Of course, it had.

“Then you keep it”. I smiled.

“My tips already been taken care of. Oh, and the manager is here if you want to grab a quick word”.

Oh, that would save me having to come back here tonight. But I didn’t want Alice to think I had left her.

“Just head through the back. I’ll let your friend know you’re still here”.

I glanced at her name tag.

“Thanks Jen”.

I made my way through the back area stopping when I came to an office door. I knocked twice before entering.

I should have known.

I should have smelled the rat.

“When I tell you I want a word don’t keep me fucking waiting”.

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