Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 20

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 20

Amy looked at the door of the room the children were and sighed, should she secretly run away at night ? Her plan to run away the first time was jeopardized by Callan, perhaps, it could work out this time. Sh e walked inside the room and sat by a side quietly, Nell who was now done arranging the kid‘s cloth in t he wardrobe, she walked over to her and said,” I left you because Broderick gestured for me to leave, h ope you understand?” “Sure,” Amy said and Nell placed her hand on her shoulder and said,” I‘ll leave the room so can you spend time with your children.” “Thank you,” Amy smiled faintly and watched as Nell walked out. Once the children saw that Nell walked out of the room, they ran towards Amy and swarmed around her. Amy was so happy to be around her kids again. She could see the joy and happines on the children‘s face.

“Mum, we missed you,” Elijah spoke up. “So much, mum…” “We miss you, mum,” the children said one after the other as they leaned on several parts of her body. Amy remember ed how she almost die a couple of minutes ago in the hands of Broderick and the thought that she may never had seen her children if she had died sca red her. She really need to escape this place. If she knew that the random gigolo she picked to have se x with years back was the most powerful man in NorthHill, she would never had done that even in her weirdest dream. But it‘s even more strange that she kept colliding with him in recent times. “I‘m so sorry that mama left you, I had an emergency at work and quickly travelled for it, but I‘m back now,” she said, feeling so much comfort around her children. All of them were very happy and then Moses spoke,” when do we stop calling Nell, mother and stop calling y ou, aunt?” Before Amy could respond, Elisha added, “I don‘t really like to stay with Nell. I like to stay wit h you.” “Same here, mum,” Angel said. “Mum, let‘s keep living together like we used to… We don‘t wan t to live with Nell anymore,” Queen added. “Is Nell unfair to you?” Amy asked, wondering if Nell had don e something wrong to her children when she was absent that made them not to be willing to stay with her anymore. The children shook their head in resp onse, it wasn‘t like they didn‘t like Nell, it was just that they were more comfortable with Amy mothering them than Nell. Amy sighed and said,” okay, we will go back to our house today.” “Why?” Debby asked i

n her tiny voice before others could even speak. “Because...” Amy didn‘t know what she can say that ca n make sense to her kids as regarding why they had to leave. “I will explain to you all when we get home, okay?” She said and the children nodded .

He found her She played with them in the room for a couple of hours and when it was evening, she wal ked out of the room with her kids. was

When they got to the large living room, Nell, who was at the dinning, drinking tea sighted the mother and her six kids and stood ,” Amy, where to?” “I need to leave, mother, I‘m sorry, please tell second mother that I have left,” she said. Eventually, she has to put her happiness first before that of anyone. Nell nodded o nly and watched as Amy walked out of the kids, her calm face turned into a frowned one at once and sh e walked very swiftly to Broderick‘s room. She was almost planting a knock on the door when the door gave way. Broderick was at that time about to walk over to his home office but he was surprised to see his godmother standing before h is room. “Mother, is anything wrong?” He asked, seeing the look of urgency on her face. “Amy is trying t o get away with my kids, I firstly wanted to confront her but if I do, she may form a lie and give the kids back to me but I‘m sure she may leave with them again someday, that is why I hav e decided to inform you so you can stop and warn her to avoid my kids and stop trying to run away with them. Nell said. “That woman tried to steal your six kids away from you?” Broderick asked angrily, his fi st clenching very tightly, “Don‘t worry, mother. I‘ll get the kids back to you. It‘s impossible for her to escape NorthHill without my permission. But not only will I warn her not to try such anymore, I‘ll give her the punishment a kidnapper deserve.” He said and p laced his hand gently on Nell‘s shoulder after which he walked out With a deep frown on his face, he walked out of the mansion but didn‘t see Amy and the kids. He placed a call acros

s to his personal assistant at once and said,” Brett, that woman who is my wife tried to escape with my god mother‘s six kids, find her, when you do, inform me immediately.” “On it, sir,” Brett said after which he h ung the call. The bus that Amy took with the six kids fr Alessandro‘s mansion packed before her old hou se, she helped the six kids stepped down after which she did also, in a jiffy, they were all inside the room. But Amy‘s heart was not at peace, Broderick was the most powerful man in North Hill and even if she was a needle, he would most definitely find her. She tried to hide her l ook of anxiety from the kids and neither of them suspect, she arranged food for them, cracked joked wit h them and help them to sleep. She didn‘t know how to inform them that they were going back to South hill, it‘s necessary that she goes back to there cause that‘s the only way she can avoid Broderick. Although her children will not get access to better education, but at least she would be able to be with them peacefully without fear of Broderick ever finding out that the kids were his. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Cause if Broderick finds out, then she‘s doomed. A cold man like him will only take the children away from her. She won‘t even t ell the kids a thing, she would explain to them when they get to Southhi. She booked a ticket for a train online. The train was to leave by 6AM so she knew she had to wake very early and leave with the kids. It was even good that the train was leaving early, that way, even if Broderick was searching for her , he would not find her. Around 5AM the following morning, she woke the kids up, it was a whole lot of s truggle for them to be fully awake cause many of them still feels sleepy. They were not found of walking this early. The kids were asking why she had wake them up to bath but she told them she would explain when

He found her they get to their destination, after ensuring that the kids took their bath, she went ahead a nd get dressed too. They all walked out of the house. There were scanty people moving across the stre et and that was a relief for her. In a jiffy, Amy and her six children were at the train station. After

the formalities of presenting her ticket and that of the kids, they all walked inside and sat. Amy felt bad for waking the kids early but she assured herself that once t hey get to the city, she would let them to get a proper sleep. The boys were seated on the seats before her while Angel, Queen and Debby were seated right beside her. Angel and Queen were resting their h eads on her shoulder as they were still sleepy but Debby sat upright. She was wondering why they had to leave early this morning and was quiet sad that she may not get to see Broderick anymore. She loved the way Broderick treated her when her and her brothers and sisters went to Broderick‘s office. “Mummy, see!” She smiled as she pointed to Broderick who had just stepped inside the train. There was an intimidating aura that his presence brings. The few people that had occupied the train were shocked to see the most powerful man in NorthHill standing in the train. Some immediately had their head lowered while some were stealing glances at him. But overall, everyone inside the bus were wondering what Broderick was doing here.

If Broderick were to travel outside of NorthHill, he won‘t use a public train for any reason. Debby stood from her seat and ran to him, screaming,” dad!” had a murderous look on when he walked inside the train, as soon as he saw Debby approaching him, his face loosened and he arched his brow a little to welcome the little one in

his hand. Many people inside the bus brought their phone at once and began to take pictures and video were not so much similarities between the duo, anyone who looks closely will see the sound similarities that exist between the father and daughter. “Don‘t stand,” Amy warned the other kids who wanted to also do what Debby did and they sat back at Amy‘s command. Amy wondered why Debby was calling Broderick, ‘dad.‘ Did s out already? Or did Nell tell her? Brett walked in and ordered for everyone inside the car to step down a with her to where Amy and the other five kids sat. Amy didn‘t expect that he would find

her so soon. Could it be that it was when he didn‘t see her this night that he assumed that she had ran away,

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