
Chapter 59

Chapter 59

wouldn't have believed it if the weight of her body didn't tackle me to the ground. Her familiar smell and

the warmth of her hands surrounded me and overwhelmed by it and by how much I had actually

missed it, I began to cry as I hugged her back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, tears rolling down my cheeks, "How?"

"Girl, shut up and let me hug you as much as I want." her words were muffled and choked, making me

giggle slightly as I pat her hair that was in braids "I've fucking missed you."

"I've missed you too."

That was how we laid together, on the cold ground as little flakes of snow began to fall. I stroked her

hair softly as she cried hard into my shoulder. A warrior suddenly appeared in my vision, and obviously

wanted to help us up but I raised a finger to tell him to give us a minute.

A little while later, her head popped up and a big bright grin was plastered over her face.

"Is it me or have you gotten buffer? What the hell have you been eating?" she asked, scrunching her

eyebrows like she hadn't just ugly cried into my shoulder

I laughed as we stood up and answered, "Trust me. My muscles have nothing to do with food."

Her lively chatter started up immediately. She spoke animatedly of how the Blue moon pack was a

beautiful place and how she had made friends with the pack warriors that she had been standing with.

Although I had numerous questions, I let her say everything she wanted and gush about how she had

missed me and more as we got into the car and drove off. She told me how it wasn't long that she had

gotten in and had demanded to be taken to me at once.

I obviously couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she was here in the pack. What had happened

during these few months for Xander to change his mind? I found myself pondering over it as we drove

through town and towards the direction of Xander's house.

"Is it only you? What about Ben and Maria? Donovan and Freddie? What about-?"

"One at a time, jeez. Everyone is good and we are all here." The information made my heart soar and I

found myself smiling in excitement as we pulled into the driveway. I could sense them before I could

see them and once the doors were unlocked, I pushed myself out of the car and ran towards the door,

pulling it open with little to no grace

My feet led the way and as I turned into the living room, I found them all, sitting and laughing as Gladys

poured juice.

"M-Maria. Ben." Their eyes turned to me and what came after was the most heart-wrenching reunion

ever. The familiar warm, firm arms of Maria wrapped around me and I found myself breaking down so

quickly, it was almost unreal

The little drum of energy against my abdomen, which came around for the first time in a while,

reminded me of who I was and the things I had been through. It reminded me of what my hands had

done and the months that I had to be strong for myself and others.

It hurt. It hurt so much I found myself gasping for breath as I held on tighter, giving in to the feelings I

had tried to ignore. Despite the loving shushing sounds I heard and the comfort, it did nothing to

alleviate the throb of pain I felt. I was supposed to be relieved and crying with happiness, wasn't I? Like

I had done when I first saw Astelle.

My family should get the same. I shouldn't give in this way and allow things to happen. Still, as I told

myself this, I felt my consciousness slipping away as I nuzzled my head deeper.

This is where I was supposed to be.

'Ava' Keira's voice was loud in my mind like she was screaming 'It's okay. Please calm down.

Everything is okay now baby girl. It's alright.'

Yes, it was alright now.

"W-What's happening?" I heard a voice ask, "She's getting hotter!"

"Do something!"

"Get some water from the kitchen Freddie!"

"Her eyes are closing. Is she still breathing?"

Their voices got fainter and fainter and my vision flickered constantly, through tears and an aching

heart. My hand reached out for someone to grab it, wanting to let them know that I was fine. Wanting to

tell them that even though no words escaped me, I desperately wanted them to pull me deeper into

their arms.

The voices ceased for a moment and I felt cold for a moment before the warmth engulfed me again. My

heart that beat frantically began to calm down and although it remained irregular, I felt myself start to

breathe again and the feeling of giving in to the pain dulled significantly. My whole body felt alive and

my hand was covered by the strong hands of one I knew.

There was no mistaking who was holding me.

My eyes opened slowly and after blinking for a few seconds, I looked around. Ben held Maria as they

looked at me with worried expressions. Cassie had the expression of someone that was going to pass

out. Donovan looked pissed but so confused, that it was almost comical. Freddie held Astelle's hand

and Smith held a jug of water with his mouth ajar.

My body became hyperaware and looking down, I found a messy head of dark hair nestled into the

crook of my neck in the most awkward of positions. His breath tickled my neck and stupidly, the heat

rose to my cheeks as his head rose slightly for his eyes to meet mine. The right was blue but the left

was as black as night

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly, the darkness in his left eye not dissipating. I licked my lips and

nodded my head, before clearing my throat "Good."

"I.." I started, taking a deep breath "I'm sorry. I haven't learnt how to-"

"It's alright." his interruption was accompanied by a ghost of a smile as he pulled away from me, but still

supported me with his arms as we stood together "Can you stand right?"

"Yes. Thank you."

Slowly, his arms left me to stand on my own, the cold setting in again as I turned to fully face my loved

ones. Although I should have been embarrassed that they had witnessed the episode and the remedy

to my episode, I didn't let it hinder the happiness I felt and took turns hugging them and whispering that

I was okay. Through it all, Xander stood behind me and patiently waited. When he was sure I was fine

and everyone was quietly seated, he nodded his head and disappeared out of our sight.

'He'll be okay.' It relieved me as I heard Keira's voice and quietly agreed.

Gladys gave me one last smile as well, before leaving us all alone.

The lack of his presence was like a pinch at my skin, but I ignored it as I addressed their questioning

gazes. Maria held my right hand as Astelle held onto my left, caging me between them

"Since when are you flirty with your abuser?" Donovan's loud question cut through the air, shocking me

My eyes turned to see him, on the edge of his seat and glaring at the spot Xander had stood.

"Donovan." the stern warning in Ben's voice was clear as Maria clutched my hand tighter

"It's okay." I answered, smiling slightly to show that I wasn't upset. This kind of reaction was to be

expected. My focus centred on Donovan's irritated expression as I said "I can't keep fighting with him,

Don. You don't know everything, frankly, even if any of you did, I doubt that you'd understand."

I sighed heavily, and my mind took me back to the many things between Xander and me these past few

months. Fighting each other, ignoring each other and hanging on to the feelings of the past. It was true,

a few months back, I would have never imagined things would turn out this way and I would never

imagine that the hate I thought I felt for him could simmer down to what it was now. Xander respected NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

me, no matter how much of a stubborn person he was. He was open about some things and he got on

my nerves, I found it easier to relate with him now than before. Only an idiot would do what I was doing,

living and being friendly with someone that had left a scar on me that would possibly never heal but I

would also be an idiot for not acknowledging that things could get better.

With this in mind, I began to explain to them in detail just what had transpired between us, from the

moment we had met until this very moment. At some points, I found myself crying. At some points,

there were so many emotions from around the room that there was a bit of effort put in for me to

continue speaking. Other times we laughed together, as they heard about the embarrassing things I

had done.

Purposely, I skipped some information so as to not give them any more anxiety than they were

probably already feeling.

By the time I was done, they sat quietly and looked to be in their own thoughts. Donovan's face didn't

change and he looked like he still thought of what to say, even as Freddie's hand was firmly clamped

down on his shoulder.

"So from what I'm seeing and from what you just said.." Smith said, being the first to speak up as he

pushed his hair backwards "...he's head over heels in love with you but he doesn't force his feelings on


"Doesn't force his feelings?" Ben snorted, "Did you see him breathing down her neck? That boy

deserves a smack in the head. He's lucky I was too shocked to do anything."

"Oh you know you wouldn't have been able to do anything honey." Maria said, smiling at him. He

grinned back at her, shrugging his shoulders

"I bet he'd have taken you down within 5 seconds." Freddie inputted

"5?" Cassie's loud familiar cackle was like music to my ears "That's too much credit you're giving poor

old Benjamin."

"Shut up Cassandra." a playful scowl appeared on his face and I found myself giggling quietly

"Wait, you guys are okay with this?" I asked, thinking about how their reactions were so minimal

"With everything that's happened, of course, we are. I don't think anyone has had any reason to doubt

your judgement." Astelle said beside me, rolling her eyes like it was the most obvious thing to do

"You don't think I'm being too reckless?" I asked, still feeling worried

"You've been reckless for as long as I've known you Ava." Maria said, "It tends to not come out much,

but I've always known."

I laughed as conversation resumed around me, everything centring on the stupid things I had done

over the years. My spirit became settled as I joined in, just like old times and fondly watched them joke

around. All conversation was suddenly cut short when Donovan stood up and walked off to God knows


"Going for a walk." he mumbled quietly, knowing I'd hear him

The bang of the front door was loud as I felt it underneath my feet. I made the move to stand but

Maria's hand held onto mine tighter, drawing my attention to her.

"Leave him be." she said, "The Alpha told us that there are guards all around so he won't get far."

"What if he causes trouble?"

"Then maybe he'll have some sense knocked into him and see that you're not that scared girl we

adopted all those years ago." Her warm smile calmed me as I hugged her and gradually, the

conversation resumed around me. Although I was slightly worried, as he was a human in werewolf

territory, I believed that nothing would happen to him

If anything did, Xander would be to blame and obviously, it would do nothing for the platonic

relationship we now had. It was almost comical to imagine, but I had realised it sooner than later that

he wouldn't do anything to hurt the ones I loved and would make sure no one under his authority would


Well, maybe except Marcus. I still worried about how they related with each other. Hopefully, he got to

meet my adoptive family.

As I looked around at my family, I hoped deep inside, that, unlike last time, I would have no reason to

be torn from them again.

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