Billionaire Assassin

Chapter 2

KILLING THE PRINCESS:Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

It was 10pm sharp when the assassin left the hotel room.

As he entered the reception room, everything and everyone seemed to stop as they all stared at him, some in lustful stares, others in wonder. He was all dressed in black and carried a small box in his hand, his two hands were in black hand gloves. His hair was tied in a ponytail and was extremely long.

How could a man be this beautiful and have silver shiny hair which was longer than a lady’s own? Who had created this beautiful human whom they think deserves to live in a better place and not amongst them.

That seems to be the thought of everyone in the reception room.

Going straight to meet the receptionist he gave her his room key and sent a tiny smile towards her direction. The receptionist nearly fainted when she saw the smile.

“I will be back soon Mary.” The man said his deep baritone voice causing the receptionist to be aroused and feeling wet all of a sudden.

“Okay sir.” Mary said, staring and getting lost in his deep silver eyes that matched his hair.

“It’s Adam not Sir Mary.” The man supplied the fake name he had used in booking his room.

Mary smiled seductively at him and replied to him. “Okay Adam.” She said with a sexy voice and winked at him. “Do you want to see me tonight after your return? In your room to have me all to yourself?” She added ignoring those around her as she pointed to her big cleavage which she opened a little bit by the time she had finished her statements. She was a beautiful lady and has the shape of eight(8) that guys would love to date her.

How pathetic. Is this how humans behave? Well he wasn’t going to reject her offer, he was a man with needs after all.

The silver haired man thought and forced himself to smile at her seductive gesture and bend his head down to whisper in her ears so that only she could hear.

“I will see you then Mary hopefully naked like the day you were born in my bed when I return.”

He left with that and didn’t wait to see Mary’s face filled with red as she blushed. Thank goodness she shot her shot and it hit the target. Nobody can reject her offer, not with this kind of body she has.

Oh, she can’t wait to finish her shift and go to his hotel room number and wait for him to return.

Adam (fake name) came out of the hotel and started walking towards his right. Contemplating changing in mid-stride or not, Adam (fake name) glanced around the busy sidewalk. It was a myth that Shadow Chasers couldn’t change in the presence of any light. He could vanish into a thick cloud of black shadows, right now, if he really wanted to change. Commanding the darkness was in his blood. He could, but there were too many curious eyes watching him right now as if this was the first time they were seeing the sun. He completely ignored their look and continued his walk.

Direct sunlight, on the other hand, would make it impossible for him to change. The sun trapped him in his form, but here, under the dim twinkling lights of the city night, he could change into his dark shadow.

People shouted at each other during their meaningless discussion. A dog barked inside his cage as he passed it. Somewhere in the confusion, a car horn blared. Sparkles of light, from the millions of electric bulbs lining the city streets, reflected off glass and metal. The fall evening air had a slight nip to it, yet that didn’t keep these crazy city people at home as they roamed about without any fear.

He had an appointment to catch up with.

Rushing into the empty alleyway a few metres away from the hotel, Adam (fake name) commanded every shadow to him. The darkness gave him an advantage. He loved the feel of the shadows pulsing through his veins. He changed into an ominous black mist of shadow and plastered the wall, he started moving faster as he only passed where the city streets light wasn’t touching.

The shadows.

%%%% The Demon’s Princess %%%%

He came out of a huge tall building and straightened his clothes, his small box was in the shadows. Pulling out a mask from one of his pockets, he wore it.

His shiny hair was replaced with dark shiny hair, his face was now filled with red tiny freckles.

He was a different person now. Though his new face was handsome. He commanded darkness and his silver eyes were replaced and turned into midnight eyeballs.

He made his way to the front gate of the building and pressed the gatebell.

A man in white uniform opened the gate after he had looked through his security cameras to see who it was.

“Good evening Sire, Princess Joanna has been expecting your arrival.” The guard said as he opened the smaller gate for the handsome man to enter.

“Thank you.”

Looking around the mansion with interest, he noticed about 40 guards stationed in different sectors of the palace to keep an eye out on the assassin. He could clearly see their guns and swords all already to strike. He smirked and allowed himself to be led inside the palace, a palace he knew in and out like the back of his palm.


Another guard opened the door of the palace for him and the one who had opened the Gate.

They entered inside the Mansion.

Everything inside the house was decorated with expensive rich taste.

They entered the sitting room and Adam (fake name) smiled at the faces he saw.

All the royal family were present.

Princess Joanna stood up from her seat and went to meet him, she hugged him tightly and faced her parents.

“Mum, dad, this is my boyfriend Adam. And Adam, these are my parents.” Princess Joanna said excitedly as she introduced her boyfriend.

“You are quite a handsome, good-looking young man. Now I know why my daughter couldn’t stop talking about how cute you are.” Queen Grace said to the young man with a smile.

“Thank you, my Queen.” Adam (fake name) thanked.

“Mum, you shouldn’t have said this in his presence.” Princess Joanna said, giving her mother a playful glare.

“What, he needs to know how you only talk about him and nothing else, plus he is a very handsome one.” Queen Grace defended herself.

“It’s good to see the man who my daughter can’t stop talking about.” King Philip said with a warm smile.

“Thank you My King.”

“Come and sit with us, we thought you were no longer coming.” King Philip said as he and his wife went towards the elegant glass table and silver wood chair made from the most expensive woods in France.

On the table were fried rice, salad, chickens, juice and fruits.

“I wouldn’t disappoint your beautiful daughter, my King.” Adam said following the King as Princess Joanna glue to his muscular body. Those words seem to gladly touch King Philip’s heart.

The men’s servants there pulled four chairs out for them which they sat on.

“So my daughter told me how she met you one rainy day when one of her car tyres leaked and you helped her to fix it. That single act of yours made me want to meet you to thank you for helping my daughter who was alone in the heavy pouring rain.” King Philip said in open admiration of his son-in-law to be.

“I could not stop myself from helping the beautiful stranded lady in the rain. My parents taught me well, my King.” Adam (fake name) said sweetly looking at the Princess with love.

He was so good at acting.

He had monitored his next kill movements and was the one who had leaked one of the tyres of her car when she had visited a friend of hers and was about to head home. He knew fully well that it was going to rain that day, in fact he was the one who had made it rain heavily and had disconnected the network in the city to prevent the princess from reaching out to the palace mechanic.

He also knew she would be coming out alone, so he pretended to come to her aid and helped change the tyre with the spare one he saw at the back of her car booth.

Their love story started from there…. How ironic that she will die by his hands tonight.

Princess Joanna blushes under his stares.

“Let’s eat and enjoy ourselves then.” King Philip said and lifted up his glass filled with red wine promoting the other three to lift up their glass cup. “To a long life and good health.” He added.

“To a long life and good health.” Princess Joanna and her mother said together.

“To a long life and good health.” Adam (fake name) said softly and drank the wine in one gulp.

It is going to be a long night.

___ The Demon’s Princess___

Adam was laying on the bed of the princess as Joanna placed her head on his chest. He was not asleep and so was Joanna.

The room was dark and the only light in the room was the bright rays of the moon.

The whole Palace inhabited are asleep except for the guards he saw outside.

“Why don’t you make me feel like a woman Adam?” Princess Joanna asked softly. “My parents really love you, they have approved of our relationship and will likely get us married. I see no reason why you won’t touch me now.” She added as turn her head a little to look at him straight into his dark eyes.

Adam smiled. “Not now my princess, I have told you I will make love to you when it is the night of our wedding.” Adam lied. He had no intention of sleeping with her.

He couldn’t touch her because she is a Princess and one of the rules given to him before he embarked on this journey was not to sleep with anyone who is a Princess.

“So when are you going to propose to me my love?” Princess Joanna asked.

“Très vite mon amour.” He replied in French which means ‘Very soon my love’.

“Oh, I can’t wait to become your wife for life.” Princess Joanna said happily.

“Me too amour (love).” Adam said and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Princess Joanna smiled at that gesture and breathed a sigh of relief.

“My princess.”


“If today were to be your last day on earth, who are you going to spend the rest of your time?” Adam asked.

“I would like to spend my last day on earth with you, staring at your handsome face as my eyes closed in death, that is if truly today would be mine last day.” Princess Joanna answered without hesitation.

“Your wish is my command, my Princess.” Adam said and pushed Joanna very hard on the tile floor.

“Why did you push me off the bed?” Princess Joanna demanded when she stood up from the ground, ignoring the pain in her body from where they made an impact on the ground.

Leaving the bed, he places his hand on the dark wall and brings out his little box, opening it he brings out a small sword which fits the box and once it touches his hand, it grows longer.

All these happened so fast that Princess Joanna only saw her boyfriend with a long sword.

“What are you doing Adam?” Princess Joanna asked fearfully as he approached her.

“Doing as you wish, my Princess.” He answered and raised the sword up.

Before Princess Joanna could scream for help, he had sliceda the sword through her stomach, nearly cutting her into two.

Before her body would touch the ground, he caught her and carried her to her bed dropping her gently.

“Y-you are t-he ki-kille…”

“Killer? I am the killer.” Adam said, confirming the dying Princess’s suspicion. “And I am doing your last wish. You are staring at my handsome face while you die.”

He opened the box on the bed and brought out an empty bottle, he placed it inside the Princess mouth forcing it to go inside and begin to chant.

Her soul left her body and entered the body, he collected the bottle and locked it up. Her once beautiful skin was crumbled and wrinkled.

She died staring at his face.

He removed the fake face he wore and cleared his throat, a Demon appeared next to him. They were the same height and had the same body structure.

He gave the face to the Demon who wore it. The demon went over to bed and lay on it. Adam punches the Demon hard and slices his stomach a little. This will show he was attacked by whosoever that killed the princess.

The demon will have to stay until the Princess is buried and that he will leave.

Taking the box, he commanded the shadows surrounding them to come to him and once again he changed into an ominous black mist of shadow and left the mansion.

He could hear the scream of the Demon who was pretending to be Adam.

Reaching his hotel room, the sight that met him was welcoming. Closing the door behind him he stares at the lady on his bed lustfully.

Mary was in his bed with her legs wide o*pen and was n@ked like he had told her too.

Wow, this night is so good for me.

He thought and quickly removed all his clothes to join her in bed.

He was going to bed her all night long.

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