Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 5

A few minutes later she heard the unlocking of the door. Jax walked in. His hands and one side of his face had blood on them. Raine stood up.

“You can go back to the bar.” He told her.

“You need help cleaning that up?” Raine asked pointing at the blood on his fists and face.

“You offering baby?” He asked.

“If you need help, then yes.” She replied.

Jax walked over to a door and opened it. He got out a first aid kit from the cabinet, then walked into the bathroom. Raine followed him. He set the kit on the sink and sat down on the closed toilet.

“Towels are under the sink.” He explained.

Raine grabbed a towel and wetted it. After she cleaned the blood off, she applied some antiseptic on the cuts. She cleaned the blood off his face too.

After she was done, she realized that she was standing between his legs. And once again she can see the bulge in his jeans. He caught her looking and grinned.

“Fighting makes me horny. It’s the adrenaline rush.” Jax explained.

“I see.” Is all Raine could say.

“I could use some help with it too, you wanna help take care of it for me? Don’t stop now.” He smirked.

“Sure. If you can answer me one question truthfully with the correct answer.” Raine smiled.

“Lay it on me. I don’t lie, I’ll always tell you the truth.” Jax replied.

“If I were to give in and be fuck buddies with you, would you be monogamous with only me? That means no other women but me as long as we are together.” She paused.

” No sex with others which includes blow and hand jobs from other women. Just wanna make sure you fully understand what I am asking.” Raine explained.

“I can promise on the days we are fucking; I won’t fuck anyone else that day.” He smirked.

“Sorry, not good enough. I don’t share, at all!” Raine retorted.

She walked out of the bathroom and went back to the bar. A few minutes later Jax went to the bar and hollered for Rose. She hurried to him and he put an arm around her shoulders and took her in to the office with him and shut the door.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Jokes on you buddy.” Raine whispered. “Hope you like second best and fucking a bitch who’s stealing from you.”

Raine finished her shift. She put the trash bag at the end of the hall for the guys to take it out to the dumpster. No way is she letting Jax know she’s ready to go. She walked over to the bar.

“Hey Ice? Can you walk me out?” Raine asked.

“Sure darlin.” Ice replied.

He walked her to her car. She unlocked it and he opened the door for her. She went to get in but he stopped her. Raine looked at him in question.

“Give him time. He’s fighting it right now, but he’ll wise up. Change can be scary.” Ice explained.

“The thing about time, is that sometimes things happen that burn bridges that can’t be crossed later.” Raine replied.

“Drive safe.” Ice replied as he shut her door.

A few weeks passed and Raine watched Jax take girls in his office. He doesn’t even try to talk to Raine, or even ask her about having sex with him anymore.

Slowly day by day her heart hurts a little more. She’s not sure how much more she can watch. It sure seems like it doesn’t bother him at all. She had picked up several waitress shifts and had been doing really well in tips.

Not that she had any worries there. When she waited tables, the guys got handsy. They would try to grab her ass when she walked by, but she was always quick to grab their hands first.

She would bend their thumbs back in a move she learned in her self-defense class. Each time she would look up to see Jax standing nearby watching as if he had been on his way over to take care of it himself.

Finally, after she’d been there a month, she had seen enough to feel confident to talk to Jax about the problems she saw in the bar. Jax was sitting at the bar with Candy rubbing all over him.

At first, he stayed in his office, but the last two days he’d been sitting at the bar flaunting the girls right in her face. It was making her sick. And she was about to the point of quiting if it continued.

“I need to have a private conversation with you.” Raine explained.

“I’m a little busy right now.” Jax smirked.

“Fine. Your choice. Probably why your bar’s profits are in the shitter. Your dick takes priority over everything else. You let me know when you are interested in hearing what I have to say. I get paid regardless.” Raine retorted walking away.

“Raine! My office now!” Jax roared pissed at her calling him out like she did.

“Are you serious Jax?” Candy huffed. “I thought we were gonna fuck! I’m horny now!”

“Looks like I’m going to be busy so go fuck one of the brothers.” Jax replied.

“Hey Steele, come take care of Candy.”

“Ok bro, I’ll take one for the team.” Steele laughed.

Jax followed Raine to his office. She walked in and sat in the chair in front of his desk. Jax shut the door and sat in his chair. Then he looked at her.

“Alright, you’ve got my attention.” He replied.

“How well do you track inventory and sales?” Raine asked.

“I keep copies of what I order. I count it when it’s delivered. And the register keeps track of sales.” Jax replied.

“They don’t match up do they?” Raine asked.

“It doesn’t seem like we’re making the profit we should be making. How do you know?” He asked.

“Because I watch everyone and everything in the bar.” Raine replied.

“Go on.” He said.

“I’ve seen MD give out way too many free drinks to the ladies he’s trying to fuck. I also noticed he makes drinks way too strong by using more liquor than the drink calls for.” She explained.

“That means he’s using more inventory for drinks and people are paying the same price. There’s no way you can turn a profit when the drink costs more than what you’re charging.” Raine explained.

“Ok I’ll watch him.” Jax replied.

“There’s more.” Raine replied.

“Well, spit it out.” Jax retorted.

“I’ve been watching the waitresses when they ring out drinks. Rose doesn’t ring up half her orders. She stuffs the money in her pocket.” Raine replied.

“And I’ve seen her put a ten in the drawer and get change for a twenty. Also, during fights I’ve seen her take money from the register when no one is watching.” Raine replied.

“Someone’s not jealous and trying to take out the competition, are they?” Jax laughed.

Raine stood up and walked over to his desk. She slammed both her hands palm down on top of the desk.

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