Claimed By The Don

Chapter 9

Ava p. o. v

Life, it is full of surprises, but not all surprises that are being thrown at you are pleasant. A bell went off in my head, I find it hard to breathe, I choke on my air when I tried to breath.

Surprise gasp were heard around me, he managed to take everyone by surprise even his friend or whatever that came with him seems to be taken aback. But he was quick to replace the surprise look to the one of amusement.

If I wasn’t so shock plus I know he’s not one to just around, I would have laugh at the expensive joke but then I will only be deceiving myself. I stare at the man in front of me like he has just suddenly grown two horns on his head, which he returns with a challenging one.

challenging me to say anything to object.

“That or I will kill all these people and still marry you” He sigh, tiredly, I guess he’s already bored with the situation.

Now of all times I need a miracle to happen and get us out of this situation.

Marry him? like who the hell is he to just order me to marry him, and to even think he carried himself Like deputy Jesus is more annoying.

I wants to wake up from this dream so badly and feel relieved, but I can’t because this isn’t a dream, it is very much real.

“Like hell, I will let you take my sister.” Alex seethe coldly, everyone gaze left me to him, I was about telling him to keep quiet to avoid getting into trouble, I was interrupted by the loud sound of a gun shot. My eyes went wide at the thought of my family getting hurt, my heart leap. The sound of broke glasses from the frame right behind Alex head caught my attention.

I frown, then realisation Dawn on me.

that would have been Alex’s head, OH My God.

“I missed that.” His thick valvet voice vibrated through the house. “On purpose, the next one will be your head” my heart made a pause then beat once, then paused and beat twice before slowly went to beating abnormally.

He meant it when say he will kill my family if I refuse to marry him, and him shooting at Alex made me realize what I have to do.

“I will marry you.” If marrying him is the only way to keep my family safe, then it’s worth it. I will most definitely do anything to keep them at a safe distance from danger.

“Have you gone mad?” Alex exclaimed and a warning growl came from behind me.

“You shouldn’t do it if you don’t want to my dear.” Dad said regretfully earning a sharp harsh look from Alex which shut him up. I wasn’t doing this just to pay off his debt, I’m doing it to save our family, the same family he fail to protect.

“Baby girl, are sure you want to do this.” Mom’s voice was pleading telling to say no, and then allow harm to come to them when I can help? never. I nod determined to at least solve one problem this time.

“Ava, please you don’t have to do this, we can find a way around this.” Alex rushed out, trying to reason me out of it.

“There’s no other way out of it.” The other man said clearly amused by the whole drama playing in front of him for free.

Ignoring him, I face mom and Alex with reassuring look, “I have to do this, it for us and please don’t try and stop me” I said firmly.

Alex let out an annoyed sigh and marched upstairs to his room slamming the door with an uneeded force. I felt a presence behind me, I didn’t have time to make out who was behind me before a hand circle my waist and turn me around I came face to face with a chest covered in a well tailored suit.

my breath hitched at our closeness, I placed my hands on his chest wanting to pushing him back, but couldn’t proceed as my hands met a rock like chest. His arms tighten around my waist bringing us impossible close.

His lips met my forehead and lingered for some seconds before removing it and stepping back.

“Our wedding is three weeks from now.” His suddenly spoke startling me along with what he just said.

Three weeks? What the hell!!!

It’s way too close, what about my school, it should be like a year or two not weeks, I am freaking out I know but who cares.

“See you soon.” He whisper close to my ear and with he’s gone like the breeze, leaving behind the sadness created.

What did I do wrong in my previous life to deserve such cruel fate, why me? of all the girls out there. My life is officially ruin, all I want to do now is sleep and wake up to realize all this is just a night mare.


I walk out the house immediately the sound of the cars fades away, not wanting to be in the house much longer. I needed sometime for myself, to think and gather my emotions.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I felt sad, sad at the fact that how I planned my future is not how it’s going to be, confused, why me . I’m angry, angry at everyone and everything, even my own existence.

My heart shattered into a million tiny pieces at the thought of how my life has changed within this short duration, I want to run away, that seems like a good idea but stop myself remembering how dangerous he is, he could wipe out my family without blinking.

This isn’t how I pictured myself getting married, I’ve always imagine myself all over the moon about my marriage, happily doing preparations for it, but right now I just felt like drowning.

As if the universe can feel my pain, the once bright and warm weather turns dark and cold in an instant, it started raining down heavily, the water slapping my skin harshly but I couldn’t care less. it’s as if it lessen the heart ache.

My skin must be pale by now as my whole body feels numb, I couldn’t feel the droplet of the rain nor the coldness. I might have stayed in the rain for an hour to be feeling this way.

I had ignored the yellings and pleads from my parents for me to leave the rain, that I will catch a cold.

catch a cold? I laughed bitterly. I would love to be sick than to be in a force marriage, To some people I am overreacting but please consider yourself in my place for once and tell me how you feel.

I cried and cried but still nothing changed.

I woke up feeling cold and sneezing every two seconds, it’s not a good sign, I have a fever but I’m not regretting being in the rain yesterday.

After standing on the field for hours it stopped raining but I wasn’t able to move, my whole body was numb. it’s was dark and I should be scared but I find it peaceful so I didn’t bother trying to leave. It was Alex that forcefully carried me to my room and I slept with the wet clothes.

I crawl out of bed to the bathroom to have a warm bath, but I flinch when my feet made contact with the tiled floor quickly wearing my fluffy slippers, I stood up dizzily but managed to make my way to the bathroom.

I came out of my room dressed and without saying a word to anyone I left the house.

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