Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 28

Lacey's POV.

“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU HOOLIGANS? AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY PLANE?” “Hooligans? who the hell ae you calling hooligans” 1 growled as glared at the air stewardess who was glaring at my children like they were trash under her feet “Ooh, youve angered our mummy wolf now, you better runt Teddy said with a smirk and if 1 wasnt so pissed off right now then 1 wouldve chuckled at her cute tle self “1 dort care who your mother i, brat you dort belong here" “First of al, b+ call my daughter a brat again and Il kick your ass, do you understand me? I may look like classy woman right now but fight ike Ive got no damn sense when it comes to my babies, 5o try me. I dare you. secondly she's got more rights to be on this plane than you do because i belongs to her father, youre the one iho doesrit belong here” The sir stewardess tured her glare from Teddy to me and she looked even mre pissed if that's possible.

ihc fie i ae yousiond Whi are you onemy lands

She growled and looked at her with mock confusion.

“Your plane? why are you an ai stewardess on your own plane?” “Erm b.because LL am She stutered and 1 smirked slightly.

“Or maybe you're an ai stewardess because its your ob and the actual owner of tis beautiful et hired you to serve him and his family” ssid 251 stepped closer to hee “Wh.who are your She once again stutered and this time I as smirking ful “Im Lacey Back, Logan Black's wife ssid and her fce paled.

don't know where 1was geting thi confidence fom, maybe is because this beh insulted my kids not once but ice and had the nerve to 52 they dict belong here when they ve got more rights to be here than her bt 1 was liking thi new confidence and 1 hoped to god it stayed “Y.youre ling, Logan doesrith have & 3 w wife” “Actually 1do and youre looking right a her” Logan ssid from behind me and he doesnt sound happy at al “Mr Black erm. 1.” “Mr Black? what happened to Logan? you seemed very comfortable calling me by my name earlier, Karer Karen, seriously?

“Sorry i 1 didit mean to be unprofessonsl with you" “Youre apologising to me but youve yet to apologise to my kids who youve insulted twice and my wife who youve been rude to Logan growed and Karen started to tremble, not that I can blame her Logan may be the sweetest and gentlest man with the kids and me but he's a pitbull ith everyone else and I know hes not a happy man right now because Ive seen what he ke when his employees pss him off and its honestly not cue sight.

The worst parts tha this girl wasn't jus unprofessional but she was dsrespectiul 2 well to the three people who are nat only her boss’ children but they re the future of Black enterprises, her employer.

“Tm sony, Wis Black” “Apology accepted now, what about them?” said whist nodding my head slightly to my three bundles of joy.

Logan Junior Dayton and Teddy were standing with their arms crossed over their chests looking like a trong powerhouse, Love i Tm somy kids" “Youre forgive “Yeah its not our fault youre not nteligent enough to notice thvee kids who look exactly ike your boss” Dayton says and 1 had to stifle a chuckle Ianteci to reprimand him for being cheeky to an adult but I coul't because A) it was funny and B) he was fight any normal person who wast enraged fe she was would see the instant similarity between Logan and our babies but she didnt “Did you just say Tm nt intelligent? 1 know how to speak thee diferent languages. young mar “Congratulazioni paliamo cinque lique diverse” Congratulations, we speak five different languages) Logan Junior said leaving Karen dumbfounded while Twas smirking and Logan was looking at im vith both a shocked and impressed

Logan Junior said leaving Karen dumbfounded while I was smirking and Logan was looking at him with both a shocked and impressed expression on his face.

Logan i an alan American who s very proud of is rocts an 1 remember him telling me once that he always loved to vist aly whenever hes got fee time, so can oy imagine his pride right now a he listened to his zon speak Ian.

“1 dort. 1 dort understand._uhat did you just say?” “He said we know fv diferent languages in alan” Teddy said 2 she glared at Karen.

Thi ele girl may look ike hr ather but she’s got my glare and Im not exactly sure f thats a good or bad thing “You should know that Karen because your resume ays you're fluent in Mandarin and alan Logan says sounding annoyed.

“Mr B. Black, I'm sory 1.” “1 dort care about your excuses Karen, get back to work and well discuss your future with Black Enterprises when we get back to New York i

Karen scurried away to her quarters and the kids went back to the cockpit “You really cart get good help these days, can your" Logan sid as he rubbed his forehead.

Youre not gonna fir her are you?” “I dort have a choice, babe. zh lec o me to get his ob and then she was rude and disrespectful to my fail, not to mention, she feels way 00 comfortable with me if he’s calling me by my fst name and saying my property is hers” let out a sigh as walked over o Lagan and wrapped my arms around his wait. he then wrapped his arms around my shoulders and Kissed th top of my head “Don fre her, Logan” “What? why not” “Because finding a ob s hard enough these days and losing your ob around Christmas is even worse, especialy since her chances of fining another ob are even lower now because nobody is gonna want t hire someone who was fred by you" 153y and Logan chuckles slighty “Youre so smart. baby” ook up at my husband and smile.

“Of course 1am, Im not just a hat rack, you know?” Logan once again laughed before leaning down and kissing me.

“Why are you kissing again?” Daytorss cute and annoyed voice intemupts us We look over a him and I chuckled when I aw him looking at us with a disgusted expression. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Tlove kissing your mom, Dayton” “Why? dont you evr get bored of doing that?” “Hell ner Logan says and 1 oll my eyes.

“1s there meting you need, Dayton?” ask and he looks a us with confused expression at firs but then the light bulb i i head mustve come on when he remembered why ne interrupted us “Hub, oh yesh the captain ssid were taking off soon” “Well, when we do. you three need to come back out here ok. the pilots are there todo 3 ob, not to entertain you three” “0k mum Dayton runs bck tothe cockpit and 1 walk over to a chai and it down.

“Hey babe, what are the chances the kids will fall asleep on this flight?" “Himm, normally d say ffy-ffy but considering how wired they are right now Id say those chances are probably slimmer. why?” Iwas rummaging through my bag ta find the ki Pads which they immediately come locking for as soon as they come in here when I felt Logan presence hovering over me.

“Because 1 want some time alone with my wife He says and immediately stopped what Iwas doing Ithen looked up at Logan and my heart ate picked up when 1 aw his lus filed eyes.

knew what he wanted because 1 also wanted the same thing as wel but wast sure was ready for that ust yet.

The one and only time Ive ever had sx was sx years ago, 20 you can imagine how nerve-wracking it i for me to be intimate with Logan again, especially since this time Il be sober nike last ime when was crunk out of my mind.

“Youve got the rest of your Ife to be alone with me, Logan” “Yeah, know but 1 want you now need you now” He growled as h leaned in and nuzzled his face in my neck.

“Tanna make love to my ie, Lace. wanna kiss and touch every square inch of your perfect body 1 wanna hear you scream my name in ecstasy as 1 bury every inch of myself into you giving you pleasure ike youve never elt before 1 wanna show you just how much 1 £+++'g love you Lacey Black” Oh my god.

mentally moaned and 1 closed my eyes from not only Loganis words but also when he kissed th crook of my neck sending a jolt of pleasure through my boc “But 1m willing to wat unt youre reac love” Logan whispered as he brushed his lps against mine.

opened my eyes and looked Logan in his eyes before saying something which I may or may nt regret ater o but 1 hoped I wouldnt “If yout wiling to wit and youve already waited sx years for me then a few more hours should hurt you, right?” Logan looked at me confused a first before his eyes widened when he realised what I meant “ace.

“Twant you as wel Logan but Id rather we waited unt were completely alone and won't be disturbed Laid vith a smile Logan smiled back at me az he looked down at my lips before locking me i th eyes again.

“Tlove you Lacey Black” “Tlove youtoo, Logan Black” 127d a leaned in and kissed his ips.

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