Contract With The Billionaire


After the issue of the divorce, Mia decided not to file a divorce again because she couldn’t deny that she wasn’t in love with Alex.

“You need to take her away for a few hours and distract her so that I can plan my surprise here.” He said, and Chloe looked confused. She thought he would ask her about Mia’s likes, dislikes, and all that, when he said he wanted to talk to her but he did nothing like that.

“Also, don’t take her to the orphanage. Take her somewhere else.” He added, and on getting no reply from her, he looked at Mark, who only shrugged.

Annoyed, he clicked his fingers in front of her face, bringing her out of her trance.

“I hope I don’t need to repeat myself.” Alex said it in a pissed tone, and Chloe rolled her eyes.

“Whatever. But what are you planning? At least let us know.” Chloe asked curiously, but he isn’t going to let her know.

He only gave her a smirk, and she scoffed.

Mark was enjoying the show until Alex asked him to accompany the ladies.

“What the hell! Why should I go with them? No, I’ll stay here and help you.” He said it stubbornly and crossed his hands.

Alex curled his fists and was ready to punch him, but they heard Mia’s voice.

Alex froze as he sensed her behind him but didn’t turn around.

“What are you guys doing?” She asked, looking at Chloe in particular. Chloe immediately glared at Alex and walked towards Mia.

“I was getting done with what was left incomplete earlier. Warning your husband to stay away from you.” Chloe spoke with such hatred that Alex and Mark believed her words as well.

“Now let’s leave.” Chloe said, and Mia frowned.

“What? Where?”

“Mia, I know you want to be away from here, but it’s only because of Bryan that you are hesitating. Trust me, he’ll be fine for a few hours.” Chloe tried to convince Mia.

“Till then, Mark and I can take you somewhere where you can spend a little time with yourself.” She said softly, and even though Alex knew she was saying all of this to take her away, every word she spoke was like an arrow piercing his heart.

Mia looked hesitant as she fidgeted with her hands.

It was true she wanted to get away from this place, or rather, from the man who right now didn’t even have the courage to look at her, but she was still skeptical about Bryan.

After she had left him that night, she didn’t have the heart to do it again, even though it was only for a few hours.

“Stop thinking too much, Mia, Bryan will be fine. In fact, he’ll be getting more time to spend with his dad, who is at home today, so don’t worry and let’s go.” Mark chipped in, assuring her, and she looked at him.

Mark blinked his eyes, and she slowly nodded, biting her lower lip, causing Chloe to gasp dramatically.

“You are my best friend, not his. Stop stealing her away” Chloe narrowed her eyes at Mark, pulling Mia close to her, whereas he only smirked in response.

Mia chuckled at seeing the duo, and it made Alex feel all the more guilty. He couldn’t do that, even if he tried to make her laugh.

“Okay, let’s go then.”

It had been four hours, and Mia wanted to go back to her baby, but the two idiots weren’t allowing her, and she was growing suspicious and annoyed.

“That’s it. I’m leaving.” she announced, and stood up to leave when Mark panicked and nudged Chloe to stop her.

“Mia, listen” Chloe tried, but one look from her, and she zipped her mouth shut.

Luckily, Mark’s phone pinged, and he sighed in relief when Alex said they could let her come back.

“Okay, bye, Mia.” Mark said it happily, and Chloe looked at him in disbelief, whereas Mia narrowed her eyes at him.

“What are you guys hiding?” She asked, and they froze.

“Bryan must be waiting for you, please go.” Mark begged, and as much as she wanted to stay and find out, he was right.

So she thought of dealing with them later.

Once she reached, she heard some commotion going on inside, which made her frown.

She opened the door and heard a shout.

“No, wait, not like that.” Alex froze seeing her at the door, whereas Mia stared around, dumbfounded.

Her eyes landed on Alex, and a minute later she burst out laughing.

Although it annoyed him, her laugh was enough to let it go.

Everybody else joined her in the laughing spree, whereas Alex grumbled under his breath, trying to get rid of the confetti that now covered him.

She felt a tug on her dress and looked down, only to find Lena grinning up at her. There was a letter in her hand, which made her frown as she took it from her.

Lina once again tugged on her dress and asked her to bend down, which she did, and a kiss landed on her cheek, which made her smile.

“This kiss was not from me.” She giggled and ran away before Mia could say anything.

She stood up and opened the letter.

I know I don’t deserve you, but I promise I’ll keep trying to earn your forgiveness, even if it takes years.

Her eyes met his, and she could see the anticipation in them clearly.

Crushing the paper in her hand, she threw it away and watched as his face fell. She ignored the pain and looked around with a smile.

All her orphanage kids were here, and they looked happy, and she knew it was all his doing.

“Mia, your house is so big.” One of them commented excitedly, and she chuckled.

Watching the kids run and play around was fascinating, but what was more attractive was watching him get surrounded by kids and trying to pay attention to all of them patiently.

Her heart warmed at the sight, and she sighed.

She looked for Bryan and found him sitting on the couch, beside Alex.

He was leaning on his dadda with his concentration on wait, what?? is that a phone?

She gasped and quickly walked towards him, and without a second thought, she hit Alex on his shoulder.

“Alex, what is this? Why did you give him your phone?” She hissed angrily, and he stared at her dumbfounded.

“What? When did I…” He turned and found Bryan fidgeting with his phone, which made him frown.

When did he give him his phone?

“I don’t care. Now you have to figure out how to take it from him.” She sent him a warning look, and he rolled his eyes before he turned to Bryan and tapped his little arm.

Bryan looked at his dad, who kept his palm in front of him. Staring at his palm for two seconds, he went back to the device in his hand, making his mom glare at his father.

“Bryan, buddy, give it to Dadda.” Alex tried once again and pulled the phone from his hand, which caused him to let out a cry.

He tried to reach for it, but Alex had already pocketed it before he could take it.

Bryan stared at Alex with his big, innocent eyes, now filled with tears, before he crawled away from him and cried.

Mia picked him up immediately, and he hid his face in her shoulder. Alex let out a helpless sigh at the turn of events.

Great! First Mia, and now Bryan, just what he needed.

“Party without me?” Everybody screamed upon seeing Mark and Chloe at the entrance, and Alex felt a lot relieved because he could finally focus on the two people who were upset with him without worrying about the kids.

Mark found Mia and Bryan in a corner, and Alex stared at the two with a helpless face.

He snickered before walking towards him and tapping him on the shoulder.

“What did you do now?” He pointed at the duo, as he held back the laughter that threatened to come out, and Alex glared at him.

“Nothing, take care of the kids.” He gritted out, before standing up and moving away from there.

Alex took a deep breath, as if preparing himself for what was about to come. He took a step in Mia’s direction but stopped when someone held his hand.

Frowning, he turned to find a small boy staring up at him with a frown on his face.

He was amazed as the boy raised his hands, asking him to pick him up. Hiding his smile, he did as he was told and picked him up in his arms.

“Are you upset?” The boy asked him, and he smiled at how innocent the question was.

“I’m not, but she is.” He pointed at Mia, to which the boy’s face lit up.

“Mia ? Do you love her?” He asked, and Alex froze at the question.

“You know,” he started again, forgetting about the previous question, which relieved Alex as he relaxed and continued to listen.

“Whenever any of us is upset, Mia would give us a lot of hugs and kisses. It always worked, you should do the same.” Alex chuckled at his innocent suggestion, and he ruffled his hair.

“That is a very helpful suggestion, thank you.” Alex said, but stopped, realising he never knew his name.

“Richard.” He grinned.

“Thank you, Richard. I will surely try that.” He smiled and gave him a hi-five before setting him down.

Richard ran away immediately, and Alex couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.

“Who are you? What did you do to my best friend?” Of course, the moment had to be ruined by the one and only Mark.

“Fuck off.” Alex said bluntly, and they heard a gasp, his eyes widened when he realised it was Mia and not Mark who gasped.

This time, Mark didn’t control himself, he burst out laughing, looking like a maniac. Mia gave a long lasting glare, before walking away.

He groaned loudly and felt like pulling his hair because nothing seemed to go his way.

With a murderous look, he charged at Mark, who screamed like a girl and ran away.

The kids cheered as the two played Tom and Jerry, whereas Chloe gave them a disapproving look.

“These two are worse than the kids.” She thought.

When the kids finally left, and thankfully along with Mark and Chloe, Alex fell on the couch, tired and feeling annoyed. The whole purpose of bringing the kids here was to make Mia happy, but instead he made her more mad, with Bryan being upset like a cherry on top.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

He wasn’t liking this at all, so he got up and left for his room.

He found Mia nowhere and realised that she must be in her room, so he made a run in that direction.

The sight there made him smile, but at the same time, he clenched, knowing he couldn’t be a part of the moment.

Bryan was sitting on Mia’s knees. She held him by his waist and moved her legs sideways, making him laugh.

It was like a ride for him, and his laugh made her laugh as well, and she continued to do the same until he was laughing crazily.

Not wanting to disturb them, he turned around to leave when her voice stopped him.

“You can come in, if you want.” She said, as her attention was still on Bryan, but he did enter inside anyway.

“I just came to say sorry.” Alex apologised, if it was before, she would’ve gasped because Alexander is saying sorry, but now she just doesn’t care.

“For what?” She still didn’t look at him, and it frustrated him.

“For cursing in front of kids,” he mumbled, and now this was surprising for her.


“And for upsetting you.” he answered, and she stared at him, but he did not look away, wanting her to see the sincerity in his eyes.

“And?” She challenged him.

He took slow steps in her direction, never breaking eye contact. Bryan was now distracted by the button on her top as he played with it, not interested in his parent’s talks.

“For being a jerk.” Mia clenched the bedsheet in her right fist, as he stood at an arm’s distance from her.


“For failing to be a good father.” That caused her to freeze and glare at him.

He looked away this time and refused to accept anything else.

“Alexander.” She gritted, and he immediately looked at her when she used his full name.

“No parent is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. So don’t give me that bullshit just because of what happened today.” She ordered him, and he chuckled, making her more angry.

“What’s so funny?” She snapped low, not wanting to scare Bryan.

“Well, you just cursed in front of our son.” He smirked, and she flushed in embarrassment upon realising that he was right.

Bryan finally noticed his father’s presence and leaned towards him, babbling something as Alex took him into his arms.

“He’s not upset?” Alex uttered surprisingly, as Mia rolled her eyes at his stupid question.

“He’s a year old, Alex. Do you expect him to remember everything and hold grudges?” She gave him a sarcastic smile.

“I wish you were like our son as well.” He mumbled under his breath, and Bryan giggled as if he understood his father.

Mia narrowed her eyes at the father and son duo, who were now grinning at each other.

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