Crossing Paths With The White Wolf

Chapter 31

Helios POV

'Mate' My wolf's and my voice went out through the link. To my surprise, she smiled knowingly and said 'I know'

'How?' I asked. 'It's a long-'

'Story. So you keep saying. I couldn't help the hurt that came out of me. She knew. That meant she'd known this whole time. She pushed me away knowing I was her mate. What had she planned to do, wait until she was leaving before rejecting me? Is that why she is still here? Ezequiel howled in the back of my mind. After I shifted trying to save Celeste, I had recognized his voice as the one that I had heard in the darkness. It was certainly something I would have to get used to, having a companion inside my head. 'Helios. Why is this happening?' Theo's voice came through the link. I hesitated for a moment before I turned around. Natalia was a conversation that would have to wait. I owed an explanation to my friends. I had made a decision that affected all of us, but I had not been given the chance to ask them if this was something they wanted.

'I'm coming, I answered. I walked towards my friends. Gillian and Danny were looking at me strangely. They inclined their heads slightly when we arrived. I felt as Ezequiel retreated to the back of my mind and I felt my body shift back to my human form. "Can you guys switch back?" I asked. They shook their heads.

"I don't think they know how?" Gillian said.

"Can you guide them?" I asked.

"We tried, but we can't talk to them, so we can't understand why they can't shift back," Danny explained.

"You have the aura of an Alpha, Helios. Try to command them to shift back." Gillian said.

"How do I command them?" I asked, rubbing my forehead from the migraine that wanted to explode.

"I'll ask Markus" Danny said. I waited when his eyes glazed over. A minute later, his eyes cleared. "He said you need to request it with intention. Think about what you want them to do when you ask it of them. Feel the authority behind your words." I can help you. - Ezequiel said, - Just think of it like you're plugging another control into the console and pass it to me. It will allow me to come forward, but not all the way. I can feel the pack connection to our friends. Their wolves are trying to help, but they are freaking out.

I tried to imagine what he said and I suddenly felt as if he was right next to me. "SHIFT," we said. Slowly, I saw their bones and bodies contort back to their human forms. "Why is this happening so much slower than me?" I asked Danny.

"Their shifting is actually more normal speed for a first change. It hurts and takes a few minutes. It gets easier after that until it no longer feels like you're breaking. I honestly don't know what the hell is going on, so I don't know why you're shifting faster." Because we are Selene's brothers. - Ezequiel answered in my head.

It was 3 agonizing minutes as I watched my friends' bodies contort painfully back into human form. They were panting and sweating. When it was done, Theo and Sebastian looked at each other and embraced. Sebastian grabbed Theo's face and kissed him with a ferocity that made me long for that kind of love.

We have that kind of love. We have a mate. Even if they lied to us - Ezequiel said. My heart beat a little faster, but I didn't want to think about why they lied to us. It hurt to even think about Natalia rejecting me. I looked over at Gillian and Danny, who were smiling. "I think they are mates? They were sniffing each other once the moon peaked," Danny said. I nodded.

"So what happened? Why are we suddenly all shifters?" Gonzalo asked once his shock was over.

I sighed and called over Celeste, who was sitting just a bit away. I had no doubt she knew what was going on. She hadn't looked surprised when I shifted. "Selene talked to me. After that last torture session, my spirit went to a platform with her." I looked over at the building behind us. The noises had stopped and by how calm everyone was, I could tell we had won. "This isn't the end. There's a much bigger corporation in charge. This is just a branch of it. I will give you all the details I know later. She gave me a choice. I could stay as I am, or I could merge with one of my brothers. One of the ones I had killed. Because they were killed with the crystal dagger, they aren't able to be reborn, to cycle back into another human." I looked down in shame.

I felt Ezequiel's strength flow through me and I continued my story. "The catch was that whatever choice I made, would be yours. You are all tied to me. All of my warriors. You've lived as long as I have because your life force is connected to mine. We thought it was because of my sister, but it was because of me. When I accepted to merge with my brother's wolf, you also got a wolf." I put my hand through my hair, "I wanted to give you a chance to decide, but there was no time. I'm sorry. When she told me that we would all change on the next full moon, I hadn't realized it was so close."

"So, the magic we thought was hers, for why we never aged?" Theo said.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

"Mine, she said. When you swore your servitude after the battle, my life force became entwined with yours. It explains why I always felt when one of you died."

"Is everyone like this? Even the ones that left you?" Gonzalo asked.

"Everyone that is left, yes."

"We should send an email. Explain what is happening. Some may not have shifted yet if they aren't in the same hemisphere. We thought we were going crazy, hearing our wolves," he said.

I winced, "Sorry."

"Stop apologizing. You made the right choice. We can help better as shifters. We've always been a little jealous of the shifters. I'd be pissed if it meant Theo and I couldn't...." he trailed off as he looked lovingly at Theo, "but it's clear that Selene approves." He grinned

at me.

I started feeling a dull ache in my chest. It didn't feel like any of my own body aches from going through the torture sessions. My head went up to my chest, trying to rub the uncomfortable sensation.

Mate is pushing her healing too much. She's going to hurt herself - Ezequiel said.

I felt her eyes on me, like a physical touch. I looked over to the garage. Thanks to the flood lights, I could see her kneeling next to one of the cages. We made eye contact but she said nothing. She hadn't tried to link me since she found out I was a wolf now. Pain went through me like a jolt of lightning.

"Are you still immortal?" Gonzalo asked.

"Yes, none of that has changed." I turned to look at him.

Helios, she won't stop healing. She is going to make herself pass out. Go to our mate. - Ezequiel growled.

"Gonzalo, can you send an email explaining the changes? Let them know they can come to us if they wish. Selene said we're still connected, we're a pack now. Tell them they can come home if they want. I have to go stop my mate from hurting herself." Gonzalo smirked, "Good luck." I sighed and nodded, not even bothering to address the fact that none of them seemed surprised I had a mate.

I started making my way to the garage. The closer I got, the more I felt her exhaustion. She ignored my request to take a break, only to practically pass out as she stood up. I felt the sparks burst down my body as I picked her up. I realized this was similar to what I've been feeling for the past month every time I touched her. She must have felt them like this, and never said anything. I held my breath as I wondered if she would push off, but felt relief and hope when she leaned into me instead. Markus nodded at me as he climbed onto the bus again. I knew we would have a long conversation when we returned. We chatted for a bit before we drove back in silence. Natalia had fallen asleep in my arms and I couldn't take my eyes off her.

'You look like you think she's going to disappear in your arms, Gonzalo mind linked. I was startled a bit, still getting used to it. I felt his laughter in my head, 'that was pretty much our reaction when we realized we could do it.'

'It's going to take some getting used to for sure. I sighed, 'I think she is going to reject me!'

'Why would you think that? Isn't the mate bond something every wolf cherishes?'

'We were mated before tonight. I've been feeling the sparks, although muted all month. When I told her we were mates, she said she knew. She never said anything. I think she was planning on leaving without telling me at all or she was going to reject me before she left.' My voice broke when I said the words 'reject me. The pain Ezequiel and I felt at the thought was sharp. He howled in my head at the thought.

'Maybe she has her reasons. We know almost nothing about her,' he said.

'Yeah, like the fact that she can't die?" I said ruefully.

'What? Is that a white wolf thing?'

'I don't know. She told me in the middle of the fight. Said it was a long story!

'You guys really need to have a long chat. She just found out you were immortal the day you got taken. The only way Celeste stopped her from running off after you was to tell her who you were. She was desperate to find you. His words made my heart beat faster as I looked down at my sleeping mate again. Gonzalo sighed, 'I know you better than anyone, Helios. Don't get pinned on what's happened and miss out on what could. Give her a chance. Remember, her priority was the safety of the young girls. We weren't exactly forthcoming about ourselves either. Don't go into this already assuming she's going to reject you!

I considered his words for the next two hours. He was right, even before the mate bond, when I knew I loved her, I thought there was no way she would accept me. I needed to listen to those around me. I needed to convince her to give me a chance.

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