Crossing Paths With The White Wolf

Unknown POV

Unknown POV

"Is everything in place?" I asked.

"Yes, they are ready," Bartolo, one of my closest associates answered.

"You're sure? We only have one chance at this. If one of them f***s up..." I warned. "They are ready. Both know what's at stake." He answered without hesitation.

"Send them then. And Bartolo..." I said and made sure he was listening to me before I kept going, "If this fails, you'll be the one to go in front of the boss and explain." I saw with satisfaction as he visibly gulped before nodding and exiting the room. We were playing the long game now. I turned to look out the view from my floor-to-ceiling windows, the Sol Enterprises sign was lit in front of me like a lighthouse calling me home. I chose this location a few years ago when they first set up these offices. I had meant to keep an eye on them, but they hadn't lasted in San Diego very long before they sold the majority of shares and became silent partners. Still, ever so often I saw them come in, so I kept this office.

I turned around and went back to my computer. The website for Guardian Moon was still open. I scrolled down to see the Founding Members' picture at the bottom. It's been over 800 years since I was left for dead on that mountain. Since I tricked them into thinking I had died. Some days, I still regret making the deal with Tezcatlipoca all those centuries ago. I had been angry and feeling unappreciated and his whispers in my ear had been too good to ignore. Had I known the path they would take, I might have...No. There's no point in could haves, would haves, or should haves now. I had chosen my path and, for the most part, I enjoyed the power and freedom that came with it.

I went home that night and summoned Tezcatlipoca. The battle all those centuries ago had left him weak and while he could absorb some energy as needed, it was temporary. He also used a lot of it to influence certain things in our favor, which meant he never bothered to use his own energy to come onto this plane of existence.

"Teotl(God) Tezcatlipoca," I bowed as his shadow materialized in front of me from the pool of my blood in the middle of the incantation circle.

"Has everything gone to plan?" He asked.

"Everything is proceeding as expected. The plants are on their way to Huitzilopochtli as we speak. We should start getting reports from inside their so-called pack as early as next week." I said with my head bowed.

"So you have nothing for me." He sneered angrily, making me snap my head up in surprise.

"Uh sir, I- I thought you would want to know that the plan is underway." I stammered.

I felt a shadow tendril wrap around my foot and I was slammed against the china cabinet behind me. "I am a god. Do not waste my time again or I will find another to carry out my plan." His voice bounced all over my loft. By the time I was able to stand, he was gone. I gritted my teeth and looked around at the mess. A few priceless pieces were now reduced to trash. Instead of cleaning, I walked over to the whiskey and poured myself a large glass. I walked over to my floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking San Diego. If things went right, this would all look very different in a few decades.

"Shame, I kind of like this city," I mumbled to myself. I threw back the remaining amber liquid in my glass before I went to the laundry room to grab the broom and dustpan. I called the escort service to cancel my usual girl. I was not in the mood for company tonight. "What is taking so long for them to check in? You said I could trust them!" I held Bartolo by the throat. It's been two months since we sent in our spies and we haven't heard a single word from them.

"You know they have massive tech security. They can't send anything out until they are allowed out of the packgrounds," Bartolo managed to choke out. I let go of his throat and walked toward my desk. "We have to be careful. This will be our only shot. If they are discovered, we won't be able to get anyone else in. They have the support and friendship of many werewolf packs and the vampire community for discovering some sort of experimentation on their populations." He added. "They have one month. One more month. If we have heard nothing by then, you will go before him and explain. You're dismissed." I said as I returned to my computer.

"Sir. There's more." I looked up to see Bartolo still massaging his neck.

"What?" I ground out.

"We followed them to Chile," he said quickly.

That got my attention. "They hadn't been to Chile in years. Where exactly?"

"Near Laguna de Torca," he answered, looking at the ground.

"Did they find him?" I asked.

"We're not sure yet. They have been there for a few days but our tracker lost them in the forest. They are keeping an eye on their plane. If they come back with him, we'll know," he responded nervously. "This is another failure on your part, Bartolo. You should have killed him when you could instead of just killing his mate." I hissed.

"Sir, it wasn't my fault. The b***h dove in front of him and we didn't have more arrow shards." He backed away, a hand going subconsciously to his bruised throat.
Unknown POV

"Is everything in place?" I asked.

"I want none of your excuses. Where are we with the remaining siblings? We need to find as many as we can before he does. They cannot interfere in what our god has in store for him," I asked impatiently.

"We have been looking at a couple of possible leads. They are not easy to find. They have been hiding from him for centuries," he explained.

"Time is not on our side here. If they figure out they are no longer hunted, they will seek him out. We cannot afford him making so many allies," I reminded him.

"But s-"

"FIND THEM" I yelled. He scurried out of the room and left me alone in my office. Nothing was going right and I had to report next week.

I picked up my phone and dialed the number I had memorized. I heard the click and a woman's sultry voice. "Jerry's pizza. What can I get for you?"

"The off-the-menu special. Tonight. Have everything ready by 7" I said.

"Yessir." She stammered before I hung up.

More satisfied that this day would end on a good note, I continued to work for the next few hours. When I finally finished, I headed down to my favorite warehouse in this city. It was unremarkable to anyone that didn't know what secrets were hidden inside. I drive into the hidden parkade entrance using my member card. I'm greeted by a valet the moment I make it into the underground parking lot.

"Master Yogi. Welcome to Forbidden Pleasures. It's good to see you again sir. Your room is ready." I tried not to roll my eyes at the member code name I had been given by her. To preserve anonymity, every member was given a cartoon character nickname. Part of me wondered if I was given mine because I was brown.

I walked through the double doors and blinked as the flood of light hit my eyes. The outside of the warehouse looks almost decrepit and abandoned. Nothing remarkable about it, but the inside is a different thing altogether. Opulence is found everywhere. Nothing is underdone. There's no elegance. It's not meant to be. This is a place where you get what you want and there's no limit to your desires for the right price.

Lady Ariel came out of her office door. Her usual fiery red waves were in an up do. Her signature red lipstick and long nails are immaculate as always.

"Yogi, my favorite client." She purred. "Hard week darling?" She asked as she dragged her red nails down my arm.

"I have. Is my off-the-menu ready?" I hate small talk.

"Of course, it is. Isn't it always? But are you sure? It's only been a week since you last ordered the special." She asked, something odd flashing in her eyes.Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

I grabbed her by the chin and pulled her close to me. "I do not come here for a lecture. I pay good money for you to keep her safe and have her ready for my needs. Do I have to revisit our understanding?"

"No." She winced as my fingers dug into her porcelain complexion, leaving angry red prints when I released her. "Everything is set up as usual in room 18." She told me as she took a step away from my reach.

"Thank you." I nodded and made my way toward the room. The hallway was dark, with only footlights at the bottom to illuminate the way and light up numbers indicating the room numbers.

This place was a clandestine fun house for the depraved and those rich enough to want something highly prohibited because they were bored of their lush lifestyle. I was the secret founder, as I had done in every city I had lived in for the past 4 centuries. It was a good source of extra income, and a commodity I liked using myself. I had found that no matter the century, country, or race, there would always be those that were willing to pay to satisfy their darkest desires without consequences.

I had handpicked Ariel from the streets. She had been willing to do whatever it took to survive and that is what I needed. I hired someone to mold her and polish her and set her up as a manager of this branch. I could do what I needed for my own needs without worrying about her conscience. If she was starting to develop one, I would need to get rid of her and find another. That's the problem with mortals. When they have to survive, they are willing to do anything to stay alive, no matter how pathetic their existence. But the moment that they began to feel safe and forgot what it felt to be down at the bottom of the feeding hierarchy, they began to develop a conscience. They began to feel for those less fortunate than them, forgetting that one simple mistake could land them back in the hell they came from, or worse. Ariel had been working for me, without knowing, for almost 5 years now. She had begun to forget her place. I sent a quick text to Bartolo to have someone send her a reminder.

I continued to walk down the corridors of the place I had built. By this point, I had it down to a science. The rooms, the halls, the security measures. It all seems to be done with the promise of privacy, secrecy, and anonymity. We provide everything from clean-up to medical services to secret adoptions. Each hall has only 4 rooms. Each room has three different layers of soundproofing. There are no windows. There's only one way in and one way out. Once the member inputs a code in, they can only leave with the exit code. The club is exclusive and full vetting is done before anyone can become a member. There's a very specific warning clause in the Non-Disclosure Agreement where it stipulates the harm that will befall anyone who speaks of this place to someone else. Considering the things we allow them to do to our "employees", most have taken the threat seriously. I've only ever had to act against a few idiots who thought they were above even my rules.

The members can do anything for the right price within these walls and no one is the wiser. At least that's what they think. Despite the anonymity that is promised, everything that happens within these walls gets secretly recorded and sent to my private server. No one, not even Ariel, is aware of this, but I always have an insurance policy in case I need to call in a favor or two. They were my emergency safety net.

I reached my room and took a deep breath before I opened it and walked inside. It was set up to my specifications. A 4-poster bed in the center back wall, rose petals and candles decorated the room. The lights were already dimmed and she was waiting for me in bed. Her hair was dark as night and straight. She kept it long because she knew I liked it like this the best. Her beautiful sun-kissed skin was supple and perfect. She always moisturized before my visits. Her full lips were partially open and her eyes were closed. Her delicate body was wrapped in silk, just for me. My heart warmed at the sight. She looked so peaceful. Like the true goddess she was. She must have fallen asleep while waiting for me.

I removed my jacket, tie, shirt and shoes gently without making any noise so as not to wake my love. I climbed into bed and laid next to her without touching her. Seeing her sleeping like this made me fall in love with her all over again. She had my heart today as sure as she had it the first day I gave it to her. I lay there for about 20 minutes before I couldn't help myself. I brought my hand forward and pushed some hair off her face. I leaned in and, ever so softly, kissed her lips. I saw her eyes flutter open and I smiled as her eyes greeted me.

I saw the recognition in her eyes and she pulled back with a gasp, falling back to the floor as her legs tangled in the chains that prevented her from leaving the immediate area of the bed.

"Good evening my love," I said as I stood up and went around the bed to help her up. She scrambled away from me as much as she could, but of course, the only way for her to get away from me was to climb back into the bed. "Still not convinced, are we?" I chuckled. She was so coy. I walked over to the opposite wall and turned the lights up. I flicked the switch and turned to see as the mechanical winch picked her up by the chains around her arms and lifted her above the bed. Once her feet were no longer on a solid surface, the bed slid into the back wall before lowering her just enough for her feet to brush against the floor. With the lights on now, I could see the bruising and half-healed wounds all over the exposed flesh of the silk baby doll. I c****d my head to the side, examining her and feeling my c**k harden as her chest heaved in fear of me.

"What do you want to play with today, my goddess?" I asked her as I looked back towards the wall where all of our toys were hanging. I picked up the modified n****e clamps. "Shall we start with those wonderfully perky breasts of yours today? I don't want to hurt your healing ribs. What weight should we start at? 5 lbs or do you think you can start at 8 today? Let's be adventurous. We'll try 8!" I said as I picked up the 8-pound dumbbell beneath it.

"You know, even after all these centuries, I'm still amazed that no matter what we do to this lovely and luscious body of yours, it always heals just....flawlessly." I cooed as I placed the n****e clamps on her. The clamps had a needle in between the two sides to pierce through the n*****s to hold them in place. Both clamps were connected with a chain across her chest with a spring snap hook for the strap attached to the dumbbells. She gritted her teeth and I saw tears gathering in her eyes. "You still won't scream for me? Why can't you let me hear that beautiful voice of yours?" I asked, unable to withhold a little hurt from my voice. "SING TO ME!" I yelled in frustration. She smirked before she spat in my face. I swung the back of my hand and hit her squarely on the face. She winced and swallowed a scream as the weight on the n****e clamps swung back and forth, the clamps finally tearing through the center of her n****e before falling to the floor. I sighed. "Look at what you did. We didn't even get to have fun with it today. We're going to find another toy."

By the time I left the room, she was no longer conscious. My shirt was ruined and I wore a new pair of jeans and a t-shirt I had in case our play time got a little too intense. I slept like a baby that night, knowing I had paid attention to my baby for hours. Unknown POV

"Sir, we have news. Huitzilopochtli has found another of his brothers. They heard the conversation around the packhouse. They will be retrieving the location in the next few days. Huitzilopochtli will be leaving to find them in a week's time. If we can get there before them, we should be able to retrieve him before he even arrives." Bartolo ran into my office huffing and puffing.

"Why are you breathless? If we don't have a location yet, we can't move on this information," I asked.

His face fell and reddened. "Of course, sir."

He turned to leave, "Bartolo. Have the team ready to leave at a moment's notice." I added.

"Yessir." He bowed before exiting my office.

Two days later, I found myself pacing back and forth in my penthouse. They were 8 hours late in checking in. It hadn't been a smooth 12 years since Huitzilopochtli became a wolf and Tezcatlipoca was growing impatient. We had only been able to find one sibling before Huitzilopochtli and we hadn't been able to turn him. We had used our crystal shard to feed his energy to Tezcatlipoca and it hadn't been as much as he'd hoped. He was still trapped in the world of shadows. We needed this win before Tezcatlipoca lost his patience and we all suffered for it.

Another 20 minutes went by before I finally heard the phone ring.

"You're late. Did you get him?" I barked.

"I need help!" A strange trembling voice on the other end answered.

"Who the f**k is this? Where is Bartolo?"

"He's dead. They are all dead sir. Huitzilopochtli and his pack showed up and tore us to shreds. They got his brother and they left us for dead. I....I lost my arm. I need help, sir. Someone to come pick me up."

"Have some decency. Die with your team," I snarled before hurling my phone at the wall.

Another failure and now, there was no Bartolo to take the fall. I began pacing again as I tried to rack my brain and figure out what I was going to do next. Could I blame it on some random person, I thought as I stepped out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. I could run, but I had a comfortable life and what would I do with her if I went on the run? She was a special case that required specific handling. I couldn't just bring her with me without a struggle. What I needed was a win. Could I could never turn her over to him. She was mine. She was sacred. A sudden wave of need came over me and I went and fished out the sim of my shattered phone and pushed it into a burner.

"Have her ready in 20 minutes. Off-the-menu special," I said and hung up without waiting for a reply. I drove to the warehouse. Cinderella was waiting for me by the valet, looking nervous and fidgety. She has only been in my employ for less than a year and didn't seem to like me very much. Good. I like it when they are afraid. They ask fewer questions and do their jobs more efficiently. Ariel got too comfortable a while back and we had to terminate her contract. She returned to the sea to rest with other poor unfortunate souls.

"Is she ready?" I barked.

"Sir, we haven't been able to wake her. Her recovery has taken longer than anticipated. Her arm..." She started.

"But is the room ready?" I asked.

"Of course," She said meekly.

"Then that's fine. I might need to move her in the next few weeks. Make sure you have a bag ready for her if I do." I said as I turned to go into the building.

"Sir?" She asked timidly.

"Is there something in my instructions that wasn't clear?" I asked as I turned around to face her.

"Sir. It's just that the doctor said..." She shut up the moment she saw the look on my face.

"YOU HAD ANOTHER MAN LOOK AT HER?" I yelled as I pushed her to the wall and pushed her up by the throat. She began scratching at my arms as she struggled to breathe. "What part of my instructions were not clear? No man should set their hands or eyes on her! No doctors."

"She was dying." She wheezed out.

"She. Was. Not." I said through gritted teeth as I let her drop to the floor. "I want the name of the doctor and personal information," I said. Even through the bloodshot eyes, I saw the fear creep into them.

"Sir, please he was just trying to help." She begged.

"Don't make me say it again Cinderella or the clock will strike midnight and your whole ride will become a rotten pumpkin again." I threatened. Her eyes widened as tears left her eyes and she nodded before slowly getting up and rushing to her office with a limp. I waited impatiently before she brought out a sheet of paper with a name, phone, and address.

Unknown POV

"Sir, we have news. Huitzilopochtli has found another of his brothers. They heard the conversation around the packhouse. They will be retrieving the location in the next few days. Huitzilopochtli will be leaving to find them in a week's time. If we can get there before them, we should be able to retrieve him before he even arrives." Bartolo ran into my office huffing and puffing.

"Have two meals brought to the room now, and then I want nothing to disturb me. Understood?" I hissed. She nodded and rushed off again as I turned to walk down the familiar path I always take. Down the darkened corridor, to the left, stop at room 18. I walked in and saw her sleeping on the bed. Her arm was in a splint and there were bandages around her torso and leg. My anger rose at the realization that not only had another man looked at what was mine, but dared to lay a hand on her.

I strode to the bed and grabbed her by the hair. She woke up slowly but didn't react to the tight grip on her hair. "You let another touch you." She smirked and her eyes closed again. She didn't react as I slapped her face to wake her up. What the f**k was wrong with her? There was a light knock on the door and Cinderella walked in with a cart full of food. I grabbed her by the hair and brought her to the bed as she yelped in pain. "What the f**k is wrong with her? What did you do?"

"It's just pain medication." She whimpered.

"Why would you give her pain medication? I did not authorize anything of the sort. Did you even read the packet I gave you regarding her care? Do I have to talk to the owner about this?"

"No. Please, sir. We were just worried about her health. We didn't want her to die and deprive you of your time with her. We just want to make sure you're happy."

I twisted her neck and let her fall to the ground with disgust. I hated being disobeyed. She put my love in danger. I sent a text for clean-up and replacements for the night. I sat on the couch next to the bed as I waited for my people to arrive.

After thirty minutes, there was a knock on the door. Mirage walked in with another two women. See? Was it so hard for people to remember that no men look upon my love? Was it really that hard a thing to remember? "Did you bring the replacement?" I asked and she nodded respectfully before another two women stepped in with a pretty brunette bound, gagged, and unconscious.

"I apologize for the difference in hair color," Mirage said. I waived my hand dismissively. She was close enough. They strung her up against the right wall and left without another word. I looked at the woman in front of me carefully. She had been slapped enough that the bruising on her face made it just unrecognizable enough to pass for what I needed. If I dimmed the lights just right.....I thought as I moved the slider a little downward. There. I would buy it.

I sat back down and uncovered my plate. I ate in silence as I waited for one or both women to wake up. The aromatics of the food seemed to do the trick because she woke up first after a good half hour. She was facing me, the woman on the wall at her back. I smiled and motioned to the plate I set beside her. She said nothing but sat up and began eating her soup. She still hadn't looked around, too afraid to turn her back on me. I smiled sweetly as I finished my steak and put down my utensils. "Will you sing for me tonight?" I asked her.

She turned her head and looked away from me, choosing to stare at the wall instead as a way of answering my request. Why was she so difficult? Was it really such an unreasonable request?

"Will you at least talk to me?" I asked, trying to keep the pain out of my voice. Anything. Please. Give me anything. Don't make me rip it out of you. I just want to hear the voice that enchanted me again. I begged her silently, my anger at her blatant disregard for my happiness rising.

"We have spent the last three centuries together. Do you really not care for me at all in all the time we have spent together?" I asked when she continued to stare at the wall. I got up and picked up my coat. I pulled out the partial crystal dagger I had. Remnants of the original crystal dagger. It had taken me decades to hunt it down when I first left the service of Huitzilopochtli. I could have never gotten close enough to his and stayed alive.

She recoiled when she saw the handmade dagger with the crystal shard on its tip and I smiled as I saw her jump back onto the bed and finally take notice of the woman against the wall.

"No. Not Coyolxauhqui," she whispered. Her melodious voice filled my heart with warmth and love. This. This is what I needed. Her voice was like a drug to me. I yearned for it. "You made me do this, my love," I said, approaching the unconscious girl.

"No. No. Please. Don't do this." She begged.

"Why shouldn't I? Why would I do anything for you when you deny me such simple requests? Do you know what Tezcatlipoca would give me for her? He would make me a King." I spat.

"I'll do anything. I'll sing for you." She pleaded. I stopped a few feet from the woman.

"You'll sing for me?" I asked, unable to keep the hope from my voice.

She nodded, her eyes flickering to the unconscious woman on the wall.

"Will you let me kiss you?" I added. She nodded again, tears gathering and falling silently from her face. I carefully approached her. I crawled onto the bed towards her and she seemed to shrink back. I stopped. "This won't work." I sighed dramatically and sat at the edge. "I can't make you love me. I think it's best if I just get her out of here and give her to my-"

"No please." She said and I felt the bed dip and the chains clink as she moved towards me. She came to stand before me. I looked up at her, marveling at her beauty and knowing all of this was worth the effort. "I want to kiss you," she said softly, putting her hands on my cheeks. I held my breath as I saw her slowly moving her head down towards mine. I closed my eyes as her lips touched mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. I've been waiting for this kiss for 3 centuries. One that wasn't stolen. One that was freely given. I tried to deepen the kiss but she pulled back after a few moments. I sighed but sat in the middle of the bed with my back against the headboard. I would take this progress. She stood awkwardly in front of the bed, her chains were stretched as far as they would go. I pulled out my phone and plugged in the code to remove her arm chains. Only I had the ability to remove them. I trusted no one else.

Her eyes widened and she rubbed the marks on her wrists for a moment. She looked back at the woman on the wall and I saw her squint her eyes as if she was realizing that it wasn't her precious goddess, but by now, I knew I would get what I wanted. She was a good woman. She would not let someone die if she had a choice in the matter.

She cleared her throat and I sat up a little straighter in anticipation.

8′′8080 80 8000 8888" (Go to sleep little one..)

"NO" I roared, startling her and making the woman behind her stir. I got up and grabbed her by the throat. "You are not Bastet here. You are Xochiquetzal. My Goddess. Not theirs. You will sing to ME, not to them."

She nodded her head and I released her before walking back to the bed. When she began again, I sighed with relief as she began to sing in Nahuatl.

"kizaya teokalli tonal chokani (From the house of God, weeping woman)

ihkuak pano onik itta (It was there that I saw you pass)

kualnezki tlakemit! (I saw you with your attire)

uikaliz chokani (You resembled, weeping woman)

tlen tonantzin tik meltoka(The mother of gods, I believed you to be)"

I closed my eyes and felt joy as she continued to sing. Her voice had a way of soothing me, giving me calm and bliss. I allowed myself this moment of contentment before my thoughts drifted to the problem at hand. I couldn't give her up. I couldn't take her with me. The only thing to do was find a solution. I needed to send a message. My eyes opened as the song ended. My goddess was crying, the woman on the wall was as enchanted as I was. Of course, she would be, I thought proudly, my love was the goddess of beauty for a


I stood up and put the chains back on her wrists. "Please. Leave them off." She begged. I c****d my head to the side and dropped them. She had earned this bit of freedom for a few days. I held her head and gave her forehead a kiss.

"I'll never let you go, Xochiquetzal. You are my goddess. Mine and mine alone." I whispered to her lovingly. I saw the tears gather and drop from her eyes. "I saved you from Huitzilopochtli. He is power hungry, absorbing the energy of any god he can get his hands on," I lied, "The sooner you come to understand the depth of my love for you, the better you'll be. At my side, I won't let anyone come near you. You'll always be mine."

I grabbed my jacket and the dagger. I walked towards the woman on the wall and unchained her. I saw the hope in her eyes as she began to look around. I then grabbed her by the hair and sliced her throat with the dagger.

"Nooo," Xochiquetzal screamed. "You are a monster," she cried as we watched the woman bleed out on the floor.

"I could have been a good man for you," I said calmly before I walked out and let my people gather the dead woman for disposal. I drove home and made plans to have someone pay Huitzilopochtli a visit. It was time he knew what he was dealing with because I was about to up my game and he wasn't ready to see what I had up my sleeves.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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