Fated To Love You Forever

Chapter Sixty Four

Damien felt refreshed when he awakened the next morning. He had slept for about ten hours and he was feeling much better now.

His visit to the spa yesterday which included a needed body massage, had also helped his intended relaxation.

Not accustomed to eating breakfast, he showered and went through his morning routine, and then checked in briefly with his company in New York. It had only been a day since he got to London, but he had already resolved within himself to check in with the manager whenever he got the chance, and so far it was going smoothly.

He spent the rest of the morning going through the documents and charts concerning the hotel he was staying in, and so far Damien was impressed. There was practically nothing to complain about.

The system was so spotless that he didn’t see the need to take over or change anything, as that might even ruin their momentum, and he found that he quite enjoyed how the manager ran the place. He was even considering applying the same system in his other hotels, and so far so good it was simply amazing.

He was so busy analyzing all these things, that he didn’t realize it was midday already, and it was not until his reminder went off on his phone then did he remember that he had a meeting by 2PM today.

Quickly, he shut his laptop and changed into more suitable clothes for a meeting.

Since the meeting was going to hold in the lobby downstairs, he didn’t need to make as much haste, and so he took his time getting ready.

When he was done, he made his way to the down lobby of the hotel and on getting there he sighted the restaurant situated close to the lobby where the meeting was supposed to take place.

He walked in, ready to ask where his reservation was, but just as he turned, he saw his lawyer and private investigator seated at one of the tables.

Walking to the table, he shook their hands in turn and lowered himself onto the seat that was reserved for him.

Damien had asked them to meet him here in London to discuss a few details about the case, as they were things that he did not wish to discuss over the phone.

He was originally going to have a conference call, but when he remembered that his private investigator was already in London running additional investigations, he decided to ask the lawyer to fly in from New York to the buzzing city and he had arrived just two days earlier before him.

“I trust everything is well with you both?” Damien asked, taking a sip of water from the bottle on the table, and they both replied with a nod, “Yes sir.”

“And you?” The investigator asked, and Damien shot him a brief confused glance at first before answering.

He was anything but good and he wouldn’t actually be, until he had settled everything that concerned the Connors and the issues that brought him here, but of course he couldn’t start relaying his problem to them so he only nodded, replying curtly, “Things are good.”

Clearing his throat, he looked around the restaurant, only just noticing the empty table.

He frowned, “This table should not be empty at all.” He looked back up at the two men, “Have you had lunch? Either of you.”

They both shook their heads, waving Damien’s statement off and saying that they didn’t need to eat and that they were okay but he wasn’t having any of that.

He himself had barely had breakfast, and so he couldn’t order something for himself and nothing for them.

“Nonsense!” He frowned, waving his hands, “I’ll have none of that now.”

Without giving them another chance to protest, Damien gestured to a waitress nearby who was already waiting on standby.

“What would you like to drink, sirs?” She asked, bowing a little.

“Nothing for now. We have water here.”

The waitress nodded, handing him the menu.

Going through it quickly, he then ordered her to bring them some food and snacks and giving her his preferences, she gave a short nod in response, and disappeared to the back.

A few minutes later, the waitress breezed in with the appetizers he’d ordered.

Some small plates of Mac and cheese bites, a portion of Italian salad, and some fruits and smoothies.

The presentation was perfect, and Damien grunted in approval. As he stared at the precise food arrangement, he recalled that the only thing he had not taken note of was the food the hotel restaurant served, and now he was more than eager to see how well they pulled this section off.

This was why he had ordered some Italian food bits. It was exquisite yet difficult to make, and it had to be nothing less than perfect. He would give his assessment after having a taste, that was for sure.

The first bites of the Mac and cheese was so good, and it melted in his mouth so deliciously. Satisfied with the taste, he faced the two men and they began to discuss the rest of the investigation, while eating slowly at the same time.

The private investigator made it known to Damien that he had not discovered anything new, but he was still keeping an eye open so he wouldn’t miss anything.

Damien nodded, and after they had informed him of all the necessary things, he cleared his throat, “I don’t know if this is appropriate, and not to tasking but I’m going to need you both to stay in London till all of this is over. I wouldn’t have bothered but then, I might need some information or legal advice, and I don’t want to rely on some random strangers I might hire here, or talk to you both via phone calls. So I don’t know if you can see reasons with me. I hope that won’t be a problem?” He asked, and Mr Paul, the lawyer shook his head, “No, sir. It’s no problem at all. I did suspect this, and that’s why I cleared all my appointments before flying down to London.” He responded, shoving the last bite of his appetizer in his mouth.

“How about you, Mr Rudiger?” Damien asked and the private investigator also didn’t find a problem with what he’d just asked them.

While that was being settled, two waitresses breezed in once more, and one of them packing up the used plates, the other served the first course meal which consisted of steaming spaghetti carbonara with a side of fresh lettuce, accompanied with fried, spicy meatballs and a bottle of white wine.

The men immediately dug in, eating as they continued to converse.

“That’s good then.” Damien nodded, and continued, “Because I have quite a few ties to settle before leaving London. So I need you both on standby. I wouldn’t want anything to delay me to.”

They both nodded and continued their meal. The second course was brought in soon after and it consisted of grilled pork and peas, with a befitting bottle of red wine.

The lawyer cleared his throat and faced Damien, “Is taking revenge on the Connors still on the list?”

Damien stiffened, his grip on the fork tightening as he gritted his jaw.

He had not expected the question so it had thrown him off guard a little. Besides, any conversation relating to the Connors was not usually what he wished to discuss, except there was some information to pass, but not this…

Quickly catching himself on time, and clearing his throat, Damien replied, “Yes, of course. That’s the reason why we’re here, isn’t it? I already have a head start having bought off the last of their properties, but it still doesn’t end there. I still have quite a few things in mind.”

They both nodded thoughtfully, and as Damien began to run through the beginning of his plans briefly, dessert was served.

Slices of Pizza Margherita and small chocolate cupcakes with a small serving of frozen yogurt.

“I’ll first get information on the people close to them, of course. When I find them I’ll slowly seep out all the information I need. Hopefully in that order, I’ll be able to gather all I need to know.” Damien continued, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips, as he took a bite of the served chocolate cupcake.

As he finished saying this, both Mr Paul and Mr Rudiger asked if they could help in any way, but Damien shook his head, “I’ll need you both to lay low for now. When I need you I’ll let you both know. Just be at alert.”

They both nodded once again in understanding and talking about lighter issues, they finished their meal.

After running through the plan one more time, Damien paid the bill for lunch, and bidding them an hearty farewell, he departed back to his room.

He was satisfied with how the day had gone, feeling much better and more reassured knowing that his investigator and lawyer was nearby. Plus the fact that the food at the restaurant had been amazing, had really uplifted his mood so well.

He would need to commend the manager, and urge them to keep up the good work. He already had a little surprise for the manager and the staffs too, but then he would announce it later.

For now he needed to take his shower, and proceeding into the bathroom, he did just that.

After bathing he would go down to the gym for some exercise, as he needed the workout right now.

It would be invigorating and hectic, but then it would also help him clear his head and think straight.


Madison took one last look at the bathroom floors and sinks, before walking out.

She was satisfied with how neat it was, and she had really done a good job cleaning the otherwise smelly lavatory.

Today was her day off, so she had decided to do all her weekend chores.

If she did them now, she wouldn’t have to bother with it over the weekend, and it also meant she would have more time to herself, and she cherished this thought so much.

Ever since she had gotten her pay, she had felt so happy and light as though nothing could go wrong, and she just wanted this feeling to go on.

Of course she had other worries, but now none of them seemed to matter, as she just wanted to live her life fully, and she was doing just that.

Discarding her straying thoughts, Madison peeled off her rubber gloves and made her way into the kitchen in search of something to prepare.

Since she felt so happy she decided she would make something special for lunch, and thankfully she still had some leftover cookies from the other day which she had already munched on with a glass of milk. It would hold her till she was done making this new meal.

She was definitely not making pasta today, as she had been eating lots of it. Instead she was doing something rather different today.

Gina had given her a recipe for a bean stew earlier that week, and recalling that she had even tried it at her friend’s place, it had been wonderful, but now for some reason she didn’t even know, she seemed to have forgotten the recipe.

Sighing, she decided she would call Gina to ask her, and checking the time she saw it was still quite early.

Since today was also Gina’s day off, Madison trusted that her friend would still be sound asleep.

She grudgingly decided to make the bean stew for later. So now, she would just make some egg sauce which she would have with brown rice later on, or boiled potatoes.

It didn’t take her long to finish cooking, and when she finally crosschecked, seeing that she had completed every other chore she had to do, she sighed again albeit happily this time.

She was more that exhausted, but still it didn’t make her any less happy nor content.

As she lay on her bed and began to scroll through her phone, an incoming call interrupted and smiling when she saw that it was from Gina, she quickly picked up.

After they had exchanged pleasantries, her friend asked what she had been up to, and Gina grumbled in regret when Madison informed her of the egg sauce she had made instead of her initial bean porridge.

“I couldn’t call to ask for your recipe cause I knew you’ll be sleeping, but then the sauce I made isn’t that bad too.” She added, bursting into laughter when Gina regretted not having a taste, and so Madison promised she would make it again.

“Good, good…” Gina replied happily, “You have to make it again, and give me your own recipe.”

“Sure.” Madison assented, “Anything for you my dear friend.”

The two women discussed, with Gina asking if Madison had checked out the clothes they got the other day, and it was then that Madison realized that she had completely forgotten about it.

She hadn’t even gone through the dresses, and so she made a mental note to check them out later today.

She just couldn’t forget at all.

“Anyway, I’ve finally found the perfect club for us to attend Madison!” Gina squealed in delightful as she added, “It’s so nice and I think you might know it. It’s just a few blocks away from that restaurant we went to. I can’t wait! We’re going to have so much fun.”

Madison laughed along. Her friend’s excitement was so contagious she couldn’t help but feel the same.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“I mean, I’m excited too. But you seem overly happy about it. Any particular reason why you’re so invested in this?” She asked, already genuinely curious.

Gina chuckled, “Oh come on, Maddie. We need to enjoy life once in a while. We’re getting older, you know? I don’t want to be that person that keeps working so much that they forget how to have fun. I want to be a super mom, and grandma too with so much tales to tell my children and grandchildren.”

Madison smiled.

She hadn’t thought of it that way, but now she did, realizing how true it was.

She would be so sucked up in trying to make a living that everything else would pass her by, and so it was necessary to have a little fun once in a while.

Even though the talk of children and grandchildren, had irked her, Madison decided not to think about it all, and instead she just thought about the night out coming soon.

She was genuinely excited about it.

Talking for a little while and then bidding each other farewell, Madison soon hung up the call, and dropped her phone on the bed.

Standing up, she opened her wardrobe and pulled out the shopping bag she had even forgotten to open, and getting comfortable on her bed again, she spilled the contents all over.

With a wide smile on her face, she began to sort through them.

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