Fated To Love You Forever

Chapter Twelve

Madison sat crouched on the floor of her small motel room, her hands placed tightly over her ears in an attempt to block out the distant sounds of the hoarded paparazzi who still swarmed outside her room actually, asking for her reappearance.

Her hands pressed harder over her ears as she sobbed, the residue of tears at the back of her eyes falling down helplessly, she kept hoping for someone to come take her away from all of this misery.

She was already fed up with the series of unending challenges she had to face, but now it only worsened by the day.

She just wanted it all to end. She was tired of everything.

As she shut her eyes tightly, tears streaming down her face, she continued crying, pouring out her pain so seriously that she didn’t even hear the door of her room swing open, until a very familiar husky called out, “Madison!”


She looked up seeing him barge in, panic and worry visible on his face, and quickly she scrambled up to her feet the moment she saw him.

“Al-Alvarez…” She broke down sobbing and falling into his firm grip.

“God, what happened? Paparazzi… I see paparazzo outside and…? What happened damn?”

She cleared her throat, managing to wipe some of the tears away before she could speak, “The motel manager and some of the receptionists tipped the media off. I saw them counting a stack of bills on my way back in. Seems they sold me of and I just can’t even…I-I can’t explain the shock that I felt…they kept asking so many questions, it flooded my brains, Alvarez.”

She paused to catch her breath as she felt her throat tighten even worse than it initially was, “There was a m-magazine too…I was on the front page. Everyone is talking about m-me… They are all saying harsh things about me. They are…”

Stuttering, her face still dripping wet, Madison clutched hard as her chest when she remembered the reporter who had asked about Damien.

All she wanted was to move on and forget him, but like always he kept on popping up indirectly in her head. “I’m so tired…I’m tired-”

“Shhh-” Alvarez cooed, pulling her into a tight hug before she could say more.

Embittered by her situation, she continued to sob into his shirt, words failing her for some time.

“It’s okay, Madison. It’s okay…” He mumbled reassuringly, his hold on her and never letting go of her.

He was also rubbing her back, and he kept on urging on, “Let it all out. I am here for you, okay?” Nodding, still burying her face in his chest, she was so grateful for his embrace and he let her cry for a while, before pulling her face up, and making her look at him.

Still comforting her, he wiped her tear-stained face, pulling her hair which was now damp from away from her face.

When she had calmed down, he helped her down into a chair and not even saying another word, she watched as he began to move around the room, grabbing every strange item that belonged to her and piling them into the small suitcase she had.

She tried to protest, mouth open already wanting to ask what he was doing, but he stopped her by raising his hand, “You are in no condition to say do anything right now. Okay? I’ll take care of it.” She eventually nodded, grateful to have Alvarez back again in her life.

She had called, and he had arrived already understanding the situation without asking much questions.

He was basically her only friend, and although he had work and other things to do, he had come running to her aid, and she was forever grateful for that.

She had no idea how to repay him back, and at the thought a tear slid down her face shamelessly, but she sniffed it back straightening herself instantly.

Soon he was done packing, and extending his arm, he said softly, “Come on.”

Madison took his arm without hesitation, not saying anything as they walked out of the room into the empty corridor, and she heaved a huge sigh of relief, thinking that they had left but she was soon put to shock, because as they neared the motel exit, her eyes widened in shock.

They were still waiting for her, and now it was worse because it seemed like the number of paparazzi had increased by ten.

The fear, humiliation and exhaustion from facing them the first time resurfaced, and she felt tears sting the back of her eyes.

She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t, and she was going to break down.

She could feel it, and just before she could do something embarrassing, Alvarez clutched her hand in his, pulling her behind him leading them straight out of the door.

Her breath hitched, when they were attacked by the questions and cameras flashing.

“Sir, are you in any way related to her?”

“Is this your boyfriend?”

“Any comments on your involvement with Damien Daniels?”

That name again…

Fresh tears began to stream down her face as she held on tightly to Alvarez, who easily made his way through the crowd with his huge form, using his body to try to shield her from the cameras.

Eventually after much struggle, they made it to his car, and Madison settling into the passenger seat tried to wipe the tears from her face.

She was still busy cleaning her face, when Alvarez reached out to squeeze her hand reassuringly.

“I’m so sorry, Madison. I’m really sorry. You don’t deserve any of this…” As he spoke, she could hear the pain in his voice, and that offered some kind of comfort to say the least.

At least someone truly cared about her, but still it didn’t stop the tears from falling.

“I have nowhere to go…now the paparazzi are after me as well. I have no idea what to do… I…” She buried her face in her hands, her mind racing as she began to calculate the amount of money she had in her purse.

It wouldn’t take her anywhere. It wouldn’t even buy her a full meal for dinner.

“Come home with me.” She heard Alvarez say all of a sudden, and she gasped out loud.

She turned in shock, facing him with wide eyes, “W-what?”

“I know how you must feel bad about all of this, and you wouldn’t want to come but it’s okay. Also my wife won’t mind. You can stay for as long as you need. At least, just until you find somewhere else to go. Or until you go back to London…”

Madison shook her head vigorously, the negative answer on her lips already springing forth.

There was no way she could accept this. She had already taken enough from him, and it was enough.

Besides there was no way she would also intrude into his home, and stay there invading in his privacy and that of his family.

That wasn’t fair to him, and her too.

She had suffered enough shame already, vowing within herself to pay back every penny he had given her, although he had said there was no need to.

Her face reddened in embarrassment as she remembered all the favors she had accepted from him, her chest tightening too.

But no. Not again, Madison wouldn’t accept this. “I’m grateful for your offer, Alvarez. I really am. But I’m sorry I can’t. I can’t accept it. I’ll sort things out myse-”

“Madison…” He called gently.

“You have nowhere to go. I’m your best friend. I’d rather have you in my house where I can keep an eye on you and make sure you’re truly okay than let you go out there on the streets. It’s dangerous okay, just think about it…. please let me help you. Please…”

She said nothing, looking down at her hands.

She knew Alvarez only had her best interest at heart but it still hurt.

She was tired of being this person, of being such a leech.

Blinking her eyes still, Madison couldn’t ignore the fact that as much as she wanted to keep her pride intact, he was still right.

He had plainly told her that she had nowhere to go.

She had no money too, and even if she did, she was still afraid of lodging in a motel because of the paparazzi.

“I beg you. This one time…please…”

Another tear escaping her eyes, Madison continued to fiddle with her hands as her thoughts ran wild.


A smile slowly escaping her lips, as Alvarez opened the door to his apartment for her to step in, Madison walked in albeit timidly, her eyes roving through her surroundings.

She could hear some noises, a baby crying and then as she stood looking around, she saw a heavily pregnant woman waddling towards them, appearing in front of her, a chubby kid by her side, clutching her hands tightly.

Well, she was here now, in Alvarez’s house after so much persuasion from him.

The pregnant woman’s eyes wandered from Alvarez and then back to her, and then the pretty but tired looking lady smiled at her warmly, the same time Madison heard Alvarez shut the door loudly behind him.

Taking quick strides towards the lady who was obviously his wife, and pulling her in a passionate embrace, he kissed her forehead and took the chubby little girl in his arms.

Madison watched him turn again to face her, and then he began the necessary introduction, “Honey, this is Madison Connor. My childhood friend, I told you sometime ago that I lost contact of years back and…” The lady interrupted with a squeal, placing her hands over her mouth and exclaiming, “Maddie, you mean the Maddie you normally talk about?” She questioned and Alvarez nodded with a smile, while Madison just raised her brows inquisitively.

Seems, like she was already known in this household, and offering the friendly woman a smile, Madison was about to say something, when she heard the little chubby girl who was now standing in front of her taking her hands, and saying, “The same pretty Maddie, Uncle Damien talks about too?”

Oh jeez… the grip she had on the child’s chubby fingers froze, as she looked straight at Alvarez confused already.

What the hell was going on? She asked herself, as a panic started to build up in her, and she wondered, her mind already spinning.

Damien talked about her, and this little girl knows?

Was this a trap or?

Instinctively her hands dropped from the girl’s own, and she could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on her, but she couldn’t even say anything.

“Oh Ma’am I’m so sorry. Ivy, you talk too much. Come here…” Madison heard Alvarez’s wife say, not that she was paying any attention, and she saw the pregnant lady taking the small child out of the room until it was just her and Alvarez alone in the large sitting room.

“What was the meaning of that?” She questioned almost immediately, her steps moving backwards slowly as if she was about to leave, and sighing, Alvarez responded, “Yes I told my wife about you, and it seems my daughter must have heard us talking about you one time and…”

“Is this some kind of trap Alvarez?” She cut in, her hand on her forehead rubbing slowly as she tried to calm herself, and she then said, “Please tell me, so I can leave here, I’ll just get my things from your car and I’ll…”

Her heart had already begun to thump hard in her chest as different possibilities raced through her head.

What if Damien was aware?

Was it possible that he knew about it and on his behest, Alvarez had just tricked her into coming with him?

She had kept that thought in mind, and now her doubts resurfaced with lightening speed.

Run, her mind kept saying. And Madison began to think if she should really listen to it.

“Madison, stop saying that.” Alvarez cut in but she interjected, continuing to talk, “Back then, we were friends but you were more of Damien’s friend, and I know you can work for him now and…”

She had no idea when he took a step but now he was standing in front of her, and she felt his hands on her shoulders.

He was was shaking her furiously, perhaps to stop her from talking further and have her listen to him and well it worked because she shut up almost immediately and looked up at him, tears streaming down her face.

“Don’t say these things Madison. I assure you Damien has no idea you’re here, or anything. I’m doing all this because I’m concerned about you as I always have been Maddie. You should know that. I know there are still a lot of things you haven’t told me, but I want you to know that you’re safe here. I’m here for you, and even when you go back to London we’ll still keep in touch. Remove the thoughts of me snitching and whatever you’re thinking in your head. You’re welcome here, and you just arrived. You need to rest. Stop thinking to much.”

“I… I have not had much rest and I’m used to staying without rest and…”

“Stop saying that Maddie.” He chided, and grabbing her wrist he started to lead her away to the couch in the sitting room.

“Here… sit… I’ll go bring your luggage, from the car, and then we’ll talk more okay? What do you want, snacks, juice, wine?” He questioned looking at her and waiting for her opinion but she replied with a curt no.

Madison watched him leave, and then she sank back into the couch, rubbing her fingers to her temples.

She was exhausted.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

As she looked up to try and distract herself from the thoughts, her eyes started to survey his house.

It was a small but comfy family apartment.

From the beautiful exterior, the gardens decorating the outside compound which she had marveled over to this interior now, Madison could only open her mouth in awe.

It was somehow large with nice furniture and so many accessories and from what she was seeing, Alvarez was doing pretty well for himself and deep in her heart she was once again so happy for him.

He had come with Damien, and now the both of them was doing fine.

She could remember back then when Damien had pestered her, to follow him, so they could run away and… no… no… she didn’t want to talk about Damien not at all.

Sighing she smiled thinking of Alvarez and she was so happy for him… So, so happy.

He had all he had ever dreamed of… achieved everything he had vowed to do, and it was blissful seeing this.

He was married with a beautiful wife, had the most adorable little girl she had ever laid eyes on, and he had a happy home.

He was happy. They all were.

He had worked for this and he deserved it.

A small smile framing her lips, Madison couldn’t help but be proud of her best friend.

He had done really well.


Damien groaned in disgust as the taste of the pudding filled his mouth.

He let the spoon in his hand drop to the plate, and spitting out the pudding in his mouth in a napkin, he growled his face in disgust.

This had to be the most disgusting thing he had ever tasted. Hissing, he tossed the entire plate into the trash, and hissed silently.

Of course he should have expected this. When Kathrine had offered to make him lunch today, he had tried not to let his surprise show.

All through the time they had spent together he had never seen Katherine step into the kitchen, not to talk more of preparing a meal.

She couldn’t cook, always hiring chefs and so far she had hired three different chefs over the last month.

For someone who didn’t know her way in the kitchen, she was always full of complains, sacking the cooks and always grumbling that the food wasn’t properly cooked or about something else.

With all these though he never said a thing, allowing her do whatever it is she wanted.

She had called him earlier today asking what he wanted for lunch. He didn’t particularly care and that he had told her.

The line had gone silent for a while, and he thought that she had already hung up on him when she abruptly announced that she was making lunch to be sent to him nevertheless.

He had cocked an eyebrow in surprise but not wanting to hurt her feelings, he had said nothing, expecting her meal of course.

Now looking at the discarded plates, Damien shook his head and downed a glass of wine to kill the taste of the rubbish he had just ingested.

A knock at his door made him look up.

“Come in.” He ordered, still wiping the corner of his lips with the napkin.

Straightening up when he saw it was the guard he had sent to follow Alvarez, he questioned impatiently, eyeing the envelop in the guards hands, wondering what was in it, “Yes?”

“I followed him on your orders. And I found out he had gone to meet someone. It was a woman.”

As he heard that, he felt his breath hitch in his throat.

He felt like telling into thin air, but not wanting to embarrass himself he said nothing, and also he just couldn’t jump into conclusion of what he had in mind without proof.

He stretched his hands towards the guard who handed him the envelop, and quickly he tore the sheet open.

His hands shook with anger as he began to flip through the pictures – Alvarez and Madison in front of a tiny motel.

Alvarez shielding a seeming crying Madison as they pushed through paparazzi.

Alvarez and Madison getting into his car and zooming off.

His jaw began to tic as he squeezed the photos in his hands.

So Alvarez had been going behind his back all this while to meet Madison, just as he’d thought?

Although he knew how much she had hurt him? Still he had betrayed their best friend bond…

He knew all of this. So why?

Was Alvarez siding Madison instead of him? He knew what he had gone through in the hands of the Connors, and still he had gone and done this.

“Fuck!” He yelled not caring about anything again, kicking his legs hard against the desk and heaving as anger pumped through his veins.

He stared down at the photos once more, rage boiling through him as he swiped them away from his face, dumping the envelope angrily on the table.

He needed answers though… He thought within himself as he began to pace restlessly.

He needed answers, and he was going to get it.

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