Forever with the Billionaire

Business Problems

Loukas POV

I despise the smell of hospitals. Spending years of your life in the hospital will make you hate everything about it, which is how I felt when Hillary pushed me into the lobby. I closed my eyes and, thanks to the nose masks, the smell was blocked out, but it wasn’t long before I gasped out because I couldn’t keep up any longer. Hillary stopped pushing me and stood in front of me when I coughed. “Are you all right?” she inquired.

In response, I nodded and pointed to the receptionist. “Get Mr. Atin’s room number.”

She nodded and walked away from me, towards the receptionist. I tried as hard as I could not to inhale the bleach odor that was everywhere.

In three words, I hated hospitals.

Five minutes later, Hillary reappeared and began pushing me toward the elevator. “Did you get the room number?” I inquired.

“Yes, on the third floor, Room 203,” she replied.

“Great. Remember what we’ve planned, okay? Once we were alone in the elevator, I reminded her. ” I hope you remember.”

“You have nothing to be concerned about, Loukas. I’m not going to let you lose this business opportunity, “She promised, and I believed her.

I needed the business to succeed so that I could repay my family. For everything they did to me, they deserved to be punished.

Hillary wheeled me out of the elevator and into the room as soon as the doors opened. I stopped her with my hand when we arrived. “Is everything okay?” I nodded in response to her question. Everything was fine, but I needed to make certain that I got the best deal possible. Losing a great deal like that would only complicate matters because finding a great company like A&T would be difficult.

“Let’s go,” I said, and she opened the door and wheeled me inside.

I never expected someone as great as Mr. Atin to be in a room as small as the one we just entered. The room was too small for him, and I wondered how deep his debts were for him to be in a room with only a small bed and a chair beside it. Apart from that, there was nothing.

Mr. Atin was on the tiny bed, but he had his back to us when we entered the room, and I could hear his loud snore, but it sounded like a ruse. As if he didn’t want to see us and the only way he could get us to leave was to pretend to sleep.

“Seems he’s sleeping,” Hillary said, believing Me Atin’s stupid actions, but I could see right through him, and when he shifted on the tiny bed, it was confirmed that he was acting.

“I know you’re not sleeping, Mr. Atin,” I said, clearing my throat and placing my hand on the bed. “You don’t have to act.”

“Are you certain he isn’t sleeping?” Hillary inquired, but I did not respond because I knew Mr. Atin was not sleeping. “We should come back Loukas,” Hillary suggested.

“Wait,” I said, stopping her and pointing to Mr Atin. “Wheel me closer to him,” I said, and she did so without arguing. When I approached Mr. Atin, he tried desperately to keep his eyes closed, but I beat him to it and waved my hand in front of his face. I tutted at his folly as he blinked twice. Mr. Atin had lost all of his hair, but I could still see a few grey strands on his head.

Perhaps his illness had caused him to lose all of his hair. That was just a thought because Rotimi didn’t tell me everything I needed to know about the man.

How could he have thought I wouldn’t notice his stupid tricks? I was curious as to why he was hiding from us or pretending to sleep so that we couldn’t visit him. “Mr. Atin, I’m here for a business proposal that will benefit you, and if you agree, I’ll take you out of here and place you in a better ward.”

” I don’t need your insignificant assistance!” His eyes fluttered open, and he pushed himself out of bed. “I’m curious why you didn’t take that as a hint to leave,” he coughed, turning to face Hillary. ” Who exactly is she?” He inquired. “Is she your sister?”

“She is my future wife,” I corrected him. How could he have thought Hillary was my sister when we don’t even look alike, I’ve never wished Hillary was my sister in my wildest dreams. She’ll most likely nag me to death.

“Are you sure?” Mr. Atin’s gaze roved around Hillary’s body, not in a sexual way, but as if he knew her from somewhere. “She’s lovely,” he said, pointing to the chair beside his bed. “Since you’re both here, I can’t chase you out any longer,” he coughed once more.

” Thank you, sir, ” Hillary smiled at him and sat on the chair. She shouldn’t even be smiling because she didn’t know Mr. Atin from anywhere.

Why was she acting as if she knew who he was? I glared at her, and when her gaze met mine, she lowered her head quickly. I returned my attention to Mr. Atin, who had remained silent since asking Hillary to take a seat. He just stared at the ceiling, as if counting, which he was. I told him about my business proposal, clearing my throat because I didn’t have time to waste. “I was aware of A&T and the buyout. I’m here to make you a deal,” I explained.

He didn’t respond and just kept counting the ceilings. I thought he’d gone insane until he turned around to face me. “How am I supposed to tell you about A&T when you have a fucking mask up on, ” he pointed out.

I completely forgot. “I’m so sorry,” I apologized as I removed the mask from my nose. “Let me properly introduce myself,” I said as I extended my hand, but he just stared at it. “My name is Loukas Whitemore, and I’m interested in your buyout,” I told him, and when he didn’t take my hand, I dropped it.

“You don’t need to introduce yourself because I’m not going to sell my company to you,” he said as he leaned back in his bed. “When you’re finished with the introduction, you can go,” he said as he closed his eyes.

This man has guts. How could he still be proud when he was drowning in debt and had no one to help him? His face was wrinkled and shallow, with no emotions, and he appeared to be dying in seconds if he wasn’t given proper care. “I have some fantastic offers for you, Mr. Atin, “I cleared my throat and began listing the things I would do for him if he agreed to sell his company to me. “I’ll pay your bills and get you the proper treatment, and I’ll clear your name.” Instead of opening his eyes, he turned his body towards Hillary and backed me up. “Stop acting as if you don’t require this. If you do not agree to my demands, the bank will sue you, and even if you sell your company at that low price, it will not cover your bills and debt “I informed him.

” Loukas, maybe you should give him some time to think about this,” Hillary suggested, earning a glare from me.

Was she deaf when I told her not to say anything that would jeopardize my chances with Mr. Atins? Maybe she was, but I was hoping she didn’t say anything else that would irritate me.

“I think you should listen to your fiancee and get out of my room,” Mr. Atin finally said, and it was all because Hillary had to ruin everything for me.

“My fiancee doesn’t get to decide what I’ll do for me,” I said, frowning at Hillary, who mouthed an apology to me. “Your son is currently on trial for defrauding a large number of people, and agreeing to me is your only option.”

Mr. Atin burst out laughing and jumped out of bed. He was in front of me in the blink of an eye and grabbed me by the collar. That didn’t surprise me because I expected him to react that way. His son was a huge disappointment, and as a result, his father was facing a lot of difficulties.

“Don’t even bring up that crazy boy with me, and as I previously stated, I’m not selling my company to a jerk like you!” He yelled at me, but I didn’t move. ” You must leave my room immediately or I will summon security.”

” Mr. Atin, get off your high horse!” I yelled at him. “Do you have any idea what’s going on?”I yelled at him. ” You are about to lose everything you’ve worked for!”

“I don’t need you to tell me that!” He tightened the collar of my shirt. ” Simply leave!”

Hillary rose from her chair and approached us. ” Please,” she pleaded. “Don’t get upset over what he just said.” What in the world was she saying? She was supposed to support me. I turned to face her and asked her a question.

“What are you up to?” I inquired of her.

Hillary ignored me and kept talking to Mr. Atin. “Loukas only has your best option in his heart, and he just wants to help you,” Hillary explained calmly.

Mr. Atin let go of me and sighed briefly, saying, “I don’t want help from someone like him!”

“Then we’ll leave,” Hilary said, putting her hand on the wheelchair. “If you need more time to think about it, we’ll give you that, but know that Loukas has your best interests at heart.”

I don’t think so. I was only interested in the business deal. I was perplexed as to why Hillary was fueling the whole thing when I didn’t have time. If I lose the deal, Mr. Atin will sell it to someone else, and it may end up in my brother’s hands. “We’ll leave right now,” She wheeled me forward, and when I tried to speak, she tightened her grip on my shoulder, causing me to moan in pain. “Bye,” she said as she grabbed her bag from the chair she was sitting in and exited the room.

I clenched my fist because I couldn’t do anything, but she would be sorry. I had planned to make her…

“Wait!” When we were close to the door, Mr. Atin yelled. Hillary came to a halt but did not turn. “I’ll take the offer,” he said.

What’s that? Is it possible that I misheard him? “Turn me around,” I said, and Hillary did so without a fight. “Do you agree to this?” I inquired of Mr. Atin, who nodded in response.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“But I’ll only be speaking to the lady,” he said.

What was that again?

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