From Hell To Heaven



Dharani POV


"But champ, it's her birthday today. Let's not spoil my princess 'birthday by scaring her. Please?!"

Akash requested Daksh.

Of course, Ana is her daddy's girl. Akash is asking, no, begging us not to scare his princess. He's very

protective and extremely supportive dad. I'm very glad to have him in my life. Akash always support his

princess, even if she's wrong. I'm tried of telling him not to support her when she's wrong, but he

doesn't listen and says that he'll teach his princess in his way.

"No Akash. You scared my baby boy too. So we have to scare your princess." I sternly said to Akash.

"Daksh, I want to tell you something. Come here" he called Daksh ignoring me.

Daksh went near him, and Akash bent to whisper something in his ears. I can see Daksh's face

glowing with happiness.

"Ok dad, I won't scare her, but you'll have to keep your promise." Daksh said to Akash and Akash

nodded his head. I raised my eyebrows at them not understanding what they are up to.

"Angel, can you please not do this to our princess?" Akash gave me his puppy eyes. I want to ignore it,

but I couldn't as he looked so cute.

"Daksh, can you please get the gift we got for Ana?" Akash asked, and Daksh ran into our room to get


Akash suddenly hugged me tightly. Before I could even react, he crashed his lips on mine. The kiss

was first vigorous and dominating, but eventually he slowed down the pace, and our lips moved in

perfect sync. I melted in his kiss. I clenched his collar accepting him completely. Every time he kisses

me, I fall for him again, harder than before.

I was drowsy due to the long kiss. He broke the kiss and learned to me touching our foreheads.

"Angel, please can we not play with my princess?" He asked in his husky voice, and I nodded my head

like a school girl.

"Thank you Angel" Akash kissed my forehead and that's when I came back to my senses and realised

what I nodded for.

I looked at him, and he was already smirking at me.

Oh god! This was his plan and I, like usual, gave in to him. I smacked his arm.

"Daddy, here it is" Daksh came with a gift in his hand.

"Ok let's go" Akash pulled my hand, and we went to Daksh's room.

We opened the door slowly only to see our princess sleeping peacefully hugging her pillow. Akash's

face beamed with happiness to see our baby girl after such a long time. I held his hand, and we walked

toward the bed.

Daksh jumped on to the bed and started shaking Ana to wake her up.

"Come on sleepy head! Wake up" he shook her again. Akash pulled him in his arms as soon as we sat

on the bed. He stopped Daksh from shaking her.

Akash leaned close to her and kissed her forehead. Ana suddenly caught Akash's hand and snuggled

to it. I smiled at her involuntary reaction.

"Princess, wake up. I want to see your beautiful eyes" Akash said slowly leaning near her ears. She

fluttered and opened her eyes slowly.

"Daddyyyyyyyy" she screamed in happiness and quickly jumped in his arms. Akash caught her and

kissed her forehead.

"Happy birthday princess" we said all together.

"Thank you" Ana said still hugging Akash.

"Won't you give your mommy a hug?" I asked her.

"Mommyyy..." she hugged me and I kissed her cheeks.

"Happy birthday baby girl" I said and she smiled.

"Ana" Daksh called her.

"Big bro" she again jumped on to him. Dkash, not being able to catch her, fell on the bed with his sister

on top. Akash and I laughed at them.

"Oh my god! Ana, you are too heavy!" Daksh said trying to push her down.

"Happy birthday sleeping beauty" he said and Ana smacked his arms.


"Princess, are you ready?" I asked her.

"Yes mommy, one minute" she said trying to fix her hair pin. I smiled and helped her fix it. We went

downstairs together. I and Ana wear same colour dress.

"Wow! My princess is looking so beautiful!" Akash hugged her.

"Thank you daddy for the dress. I love it" Ana said.

"Princess, it's not my gift. It's your brother's." Akash said while pointing at Daksh. I noticed Daksh and

Akash also wearing same colour white suit.

"Thank you big bro" Ana said happily.

"Welcome princess" Daksh said and kissed her forehead.

"Princess, now come on. Cut the cake. Everyone is waiting for you" Akash said taking her to the hall

where the guests where assembled.

"Happy birthday Ana!" Ritika, Avinash brother and Divya entered. Ana ran to Bhai and hugged him.

She's brother's most favourite. He never denies anything of she asks. She's everyone's princess. She

can make anyone fall for her charms. Akash always says that she's got my innocent big doe eyes

which makes him happy whenever he look at her. She's really a cute little angel.

"Pari Maaaaa" Divya yelled while ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"How are you doll? " I asked her.

"I am fine Pari maa" My doll said.

Akash always used to call me angel. Once Divya asked meaning of the name. Akash explained her by

saying that I was his Angel send from his mother, and Angel means pari in Hindi. From that day

onwards, Divya calls me pari maa. I liked it. The pet name is enough to make a smile on my face.

"Let's cut the cake, princess" Rithika said, Ana stood in front of the cake with Akash on her right and

me and Daksh on her left.

"Make a wish and blow the candles sister" Daksh guided her. Ana closed her eyes for a minute and

them blew the cake. Everyone started singing for her.

Happy birthday to you....

Happy birthday to you....

Happy birthday dear Ana....

Happy birthday to you

She cut the cake and first fed Akash. Akash also fed her.

"Hey princess. Sorry we are late" we looked at the door to find Dad and Shanthi maa smiling at us.

Ana, Daksh and Divya rushed to the door and hugged them.

"Happy birthday Princess" Dad blessed Ana.

"Happy birthday little one, stay happy" Shanthi maa also blessed her.

Dad gave her a new bicycle as a gift. Ana was so thrilled to look at it. It was decorated with ribbon and

beautiful designs were made on the sides. She was beyond happy.

Shanthi maa gave her a cute pearl necklace set. Maa said that she made it herself. It was very cute

and fit Ana perfectly.

Akash and I thanked dad and Shanthi maa on Ana's behalf. The photographer didn't miss to click any

of these.

After greeting the guests with snacks and some soft drinks, we got ready to give her gift.

"Ana, come here princess" Akash called her. She hopped and came to Akash jumping.

She truly a spring!

"Here's your gift princess" Akash gave her a cover and kissed her forehead. I don't know what he's got

for Ana since he said that he'll get something very special for her on her birthday from New York. He

didn't even let me know what he got for her.

Ana smiled widely as she opened the envelope. She jumped in Akash's arms hugging him tightly.

"Thank you so much daddy" she squealed in happiness. She kissed Akash's cheeks and Akash smiled

looking at her cute gesture.

"Anything for you princess. But before that we'll have to convince mom" he said.

What? Convince me? For what?

"Angel, I booked us tickets for Disney world this summer break" Akash said and I froze in my place.

Surely he never leaves a single chance to spoil our kids.

"But Akash, it is unnecessary. We just went abroad last summer break" I said angrily.

"Mommy but it's my birthday present form dad. Please let's go, please" Ana looked at me with hope. I

couldn't disappoint her in her birthday.

"Ok princess. But on one condition. Promise me that you'll score your best in your upcoming exams" I


"Sure mommy. Thank you" she hugged me.

"Leave. That's mine Daksh" I heard someone screaming. I turned around to see Divya and Daksh

fighting over a ball.

"Champ, what's going on?" Akash asked Daksh taking the ball from Divya hand. Akash took Divya in

his arms.

"Dad, I was the one who took the ball first. I want to play basketball now but Doll took it from me"

Daksh complained.

Daksh and Divya are two opposite poles. They never have anything similar in them. Their ideas and

opinions are very different and the worst part is they never compromise. It's always any elder, specially

Akash who sorts out the difference between them. But Daksh is always over protective about Divya.

Divya also loves his company even though they fight like tom and jerry.

"No uncle. I took it first. He's lying" Divya said.

"Ok kids. Let's do one thing. After our dinner and after our guests leave, we all will play basketball.

What do you say?" Akash asked them and they nodded their head happily.

"Yayyy" both screamed their heart out.

Meanwhile I gave my gift which is a huge elephant teddy to my princess. She eagerly opened it and

beamed with happiness to see a huge elephant teddy of her favourite colour.

She hugged me tightly and kissed my cheeks thanking me. It was dinner time. The dinner contained all

Ana's favourites. She looked very happy and excited. I know she'll love this surprises, and that she'll

never forget this birthday.

After our delicious dinner, our guests started leaving. Ana and Daksh forced Ritika, brother and Divya

to stay in our home. Dad and Shanthi maa also accompanied us.

"Dad, let's play" Daksh pulled Akash's sleeves.

"Yea uncle. Let's play basketball. Everyone, let's go to the basketball court" Divya and Daksh pulled my

husband to the court.

"Now let's make our teams" Ana said excitedly.

The leaders were Daksh and Divya. Akash, Brother, Shanthi maa and geetha, our helper were in

Daksh's team and Ritika, Ana, dad and I were in Divya's team.

Akash smirked at me challenging me to win against him. Of course, he's a very good basketball player,

but I can't just lose in front of him without give him a tough match. I nodded in agreement.

"Let's make a deal" Daksh said looking at Akash and Brother. I'm sure it's Akash and brother plan.

"Whoever loses had to do whatever the winning team demands" Daksh stated and we all nodded.

"If you lose, we'll not to go to school or office for next five days" Daksh said indicating Akash and


Shock would be an understatement. Ritika and I glared at them.

"What? Deal is a deal. You all agreed to it" Akash defended Daksh.

"Ok then, if we win you'll have to do all the house chores for a next one week. Deal?" I smirked at

Akash and high fived to Ritika and Ana.

"Dad, how can..." Daksh was cut off by bhai.

"Ok deal" brother agreed.

"Uncle...." Daksh whined.

"Don't worry champ, we'll definitely win. Don't you remember your dad, and I am very good basketball

players? Also you too play very well. So cheer up buddy" Brother said and Daksh smirked at Divya and

Divya flicked her hair.

Akash POV


The match began. We continuously played for half an hour but still the score was 0-0. I sighed.

Our opponents are quite strong. It's our fault to under estimate them. I agree that Avinash, and I are

good players but little did I know that my angel and Rithika also play this good. They are really giving

us a tough match.

The ball was with Geetha.

"Pass the ball to Avinash" I screamed as I ran towards my basket.

Geetha skillfully passed the ball to Avi, but my smart angel obstructed her and took the ball from her.

Oh god!

She passed the ball to dad, and dad was nearing their basket. I saw my champ glaring at me.

Dad passed the ball to Divya, who was already near the basket. Daksh ran to her to take the ball from

her. However, Divya managed to dodge him and.



Oh god!

Divya basket a ball. Daksh ran his fingers through his hair. He is exactly my replica.

"Avinash your barbie doll is quite competitive." I told him. He smiled at his daughter proudly.

"Though I love to see my daughter this strong, but they are on the other team. I don't want to do any

household chores, Akash" Avinash said fearfully.

"Now, we have to play better." I said to Avinash.

"I have a plan." Avinash gestured at me to come close to him. He whispered his plan in my ears. I must

agree it's a good plan. I'm sure this will work out. I have a thumps up to him, and the game resumed.

The ball was currently with my princess. She was passing it to Rithika, and she neared the basket. I

signaled Avinash to implement the plan, but I guess he didn't have to be reminded. He's already in the

process of implementing it.

He ran to Rithika and touched her arm seductively. She jerked his hand and glared at him angrily and

ran with the ball.

Oh god! Avinash failed.

I know it's my turn now. I ran to my angel and stood behind her. I signalled Shanthi maa to take the ball

from Rithika. Shanthi maa approached her. Now Rithika was struck in-between Avinash and maa.

Having left with no other choice, she dodged the ball to angle.

As everyone were busy looking at Rithika and her move, I quickly kissed my angel on her neck in her

weak spot. She immediately turned around in shock, and I took that opportunity.

I caught the ball which Rithika threw and ran to my basket.

"You cheat Akash!" I heard angel yelling at me. I quickly passed the ball to Geetha knowing Divya

trying to take the ball from me. I turned around to see my angel fuming in anger.

Oh god! She's so cute. Her big doe eyes were widened as she placed her hands were on her waist.

She's so hot! Her breadth was uneven, and her lips were parted as she was respiring heavily. How

badly I want to kiss her now! Not to mention, she's so hot and sexy with her wet hair from her forehead.

I controlled myself to focus on the match because if we lose, my baby boy will beat the hell out of me.

Geetha passed the ball to my champ, and he perfectly aimed and hit the basket.

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I saw my opponents glaring at us. Rithika was fuming at Avinash. I guess she and angel knew our plan.

I saw Avinash looking at Rithika. He turned to me and we both high fived each other. Daksh smirked at

Divya, and my princess was mad at us.

Oh! I'm so sorry princess! I signalled her through my eyes. Yet, she didn't give in. Well, it's a game. If

we didn't have the deal before us, I would have to lost just to make my princess win. But now no! If we

win, we don't have to go into an office for almost a week, and I'll get time to spend with my love, my

angel and my amazing kids. Moreover, I don't want to become a prey to my angel because I know she

will take her revenge for my plan if I lose and do all house chores.

Oops! Sorry princess!

Now comes the final point. Now the real match starts.

The ball was with Divya. Oh god! She's a great player of basketball. She even won state level Medel

for her performance. Though she's young, her age was never a barrier for her passion towards the


She was in the best of her capacity and was playing like a professional. No wonder, she's her class

basketball captain. All thanks to her mother, Ritika for getting her enrolled in basketball classes.

"My girl" Avinash exclaimed. Obviously, I'm so proud of my daughter. Yes, Divya is no lesser than my

own daughter.

Daksh ran to her and pulled the ball from her. Divya was in the verge of bursting out. Her face said it


Daksh passed the ball to Avinash sensing Divya's professional tricks to take the ball back.

Avinash caught the ball. Dad tricked him and got hold of the ball. He started to run to the basket.

Oh god! I have to do something. I ran to dad and bounced the ball backwards. He lost the balance over

the ball, and I smartly took the ball under my control.

I looked around to find my team members so that I can pass on the ball. But I realized that I was at the

centre of the court.

Daksh was at the basket waiting until the ball to hit the basket. Avinash and Shanthi maa were at our

court to the defence position whereas Sangeetha was an offender in their court. I had no one to pass

on the ball to.

So I started bouncing the ball and neared my court where Divya and Rithika were guarding me from

reaching Daksh.

"Akash, here. Pass the ball to me" I saw Avinash managing to break through the ladies.

I bounced the ball twice before throwing it to Avinash to avoid a penalty. But suddenly, someone took

the ball.

What? The ball just disappeared!

I turned around to see my daughter tribbling the ball as she was moving towards her basket!

Oh princess! You never fail to surprise your dad.

I was still wondering how she managed to take the ball from me, and that's when realization dawned on

me that she, being short in height, passed through my leg and snatched the ball. Shanthi maa, dad,

Rithika, Avinash and even my angel were laughing at me.


"Here Ana, pass it to me" Rithika passed through Ana taking the ball and moved further ahead. Daksh

was running like a bullet to take the ball back.

"Dad, there" he pointed at the place where he could throw the ball to me after he gets it from Rithika. I

ran there and stood while Daksh ran half the court and was behind Rithika.

"Doll, here you go" Rithika was about to pass the ball to Divya but Avinash blocked her and smirked.

"Rithika" my angel screamed to stand near the basket from the other side of Avinash.

Within a flash of second, the ball was in my angel's hand, and she hit the ball into the basket.

"No mom!"

"Yes Pari maa"

Both Daksh and Divya screamed at the same time.

Everyone's jaw dropped when the ball passed through the basket.


Oh shit!!! They win the match


"Your work starts from tomorrow. So take enough rest tonight because I doubt you'll be able to rest for

the next one week" Rithika mocked at us and our face dropped.

I looked at angel and saw her winking at me. Oh angel! If only you could understand how tempting that

was! If we were alone, I would have kissed you right here senselessly.

"Dad! I'm not doing any work please" Daksh complained.

"My baby boy, you were the one who came up with this deal!" Angel reminded him.

"Angel please, don't involve my champ in this" I took Daksh's back.

"If you want so, then Daksh, you'll have to promise me to do math everyday atleast for an hour without

crying like a little boy. Okay?" Angel asked him and he nodded reluctantly, not having any other option


"Ok, time for sleep now."Shanthi maa came with a tray of milk before sleeping. We all took each glass

and drank it. We headed to our respective rooms.

"Angel, so you want to punish me now?" I asked her pinning her to the wall and kicking the door behind


"Akash, it was your idea to make that deal. And also it's your fault to lose the game. I'm just punishing

you because you cheated during the game" she said trying to release from my grip.

Oh my innocent angel, today you can't escape from me.

"Oh yea. Ok so, give me my punishment. I'm ready for it" I said, and she widened her big doe eyes in

shock. She might haven't expected me to accept my punishment so easily.

"Are you sure Akash?" She asked me to come out of her shock.

"Yes angel. I'm ready" I said burying my face on her neck, kissing her on her weak Spot. She moaned

in reflex.

"Ok then. This is your punishment" she said and pulled me by my collar. She smashed her rosy lips on

mine, kissing me roughly.

I kissed her back with same intensity, pulling her towards me by her waist. She crashed her small body

against my hard chest. I just love the way she fits in my arms perfectly. She's meant to be fitted in here,

in my arms.

We both kissed each other furiously and then gradually slowed down. Even though we are married for

more than ten years, our love for each other never lessened. In fact, it grew endlessly with every

passing second. Yet we get the same electrifying sensation by each other's touch.

We fell onto the bed holding each other in our arms. We broke the kiss in need of oxygen.

"I love you Akash" she said looking at me with adoration. Her eyes still reflecting the same live when

she proposed me for the first time.

"I love you more my angel" I said and pulled her for a tight hug.

This is what we are supposed to be and this is where we are supposed to be.

This is heaven!


Hi Friends, Please check out my new story, Love Like Heaven! It's up now! Hope you'll check it


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