Guardian Wolf

Chapter 14

Training Nova POV: spend the weekend exploring the pack grounds and getting my things unpacked in my suite, I introduce myself to the pack members I meet along the way and everyone seems very welcoming. I hear a lot of compliments about Kia which makes her stand tall in my head extremely pleased with herself. It’s Sunday evening when I am walking outside after dinner to go and spend some time in the gardens when I hear my name being called behind me. Turning I see Jax striding my way looking relaxed in a loose white button top and denim trousers. “Hey” I say as he draws closer. “Hi” he smiles stopping in-front of me, after a minute gazing at me he continues, “I just wanted to check in and see how you’re settling in?” Turning I look out across the gardens, “it’s lovely thank you for wondering. I’ve got things sorted in the suite and everyone I have spoken to has been very welcoming.” “Good” he says sounds relieved, “I’m glad. Still on for a spar in the morning before they begin training sessions? We could do it instead of the gym?” Nodding enthusiastically I spin to look at him, “definitely!” Seeing his eyes light up I blush slightly, “shall we say 6am?” His deep voice replies “I’ll be there. I’m just on my way to my parents for dinner I’m running late after office work so please excuse me, but I look forward to the morning. I’ll come get you” he says with a wave before he jogs off towards the lake path. Smiling after him I look up into the darkening sky, “peaceful” Ki murmurs to me happily. After sitting outside for a little while I wander back to my room determined to enjoy a nice bubble bath and get an early night ready for a new week. Lying in bed later on I can’t help but drift off to sleep happily recounting the time id spent with Jax. Waking up to the noise of my alarm I roll over turning it off, remembering I have sparring in 30 mins I jump up and run for a quick rinse in the shower. Throwing my

1/4 Training hair up into a messy bun and getting some training shorts and crop top on I fill my I water waiting for Ajax. At 6am on the dot I hear a soft knock on the door and walk over opening it to a smiley Jax. “You look awake this morning” he comments as he stands there in some training shorts and vest top showing off his large muscles. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m a morning person” I shrug, “plus I enjoyed an early evening, I feel well rested for once. You look pretty fresh yourself.” “I’m the same, I’ve always struggled sleeping in normally waking before my alarm which I used to hate as a teenager” he laughs as he runs his hand through his tousled hair. Slipping my trainers on I shut the door quietly behind me as we wander downstairs.” Fancy jogging to the training ground as a bit of a warm up?” I ask. “I like your thinking” he answers as we break into a light jog. “So how often did you spar at your last pack?” He asks intrigued. “Everyday, I ran the training program there and it’s a bit of a passion of ours. Kia loves it” I let him know. “So I should be expecting good things then” he smirks. “Just have to wait and see won’t you” I wink at him as we reach the entrance. We do a few stretches before heading to the sparring area, “ok we can just go pretty simple if you’d like, first I’ll attack and you defend then we can switch?” Jax suggests. “Perfect” I reply getting myself into a defensive position. Seeing his eyes widen in approval at my eagerness he readies himself before launching his attack. I quickly see he’s aiming for my legs so I jump up and flip over him, he spins and runs aiming a quick flurry of punches to my side which I block and dance out of the way of. He then runs at me and skids to try take my legs out but I once again see his opening before hand and do a slide flip over him landing

and pushing him forward. “You don’t have to take it easy” I let him know, “I’m a wolf I’ll heal.” His eyes narrow in determination before he throws himself into a more forceful attack. managing to land a couple of blows. After 20 mins of this he doesn’t manage to get ||| 2/4 Training me down and steps back saying time out. “You’re quite something” he admires as he looks at me, “you don’t even look out of breath!” Looking at him I notice his vest has started to stick to him with his sweat highlighting his toned abs underneath. “Yes I’m not going to lie I feel stronger than before, I’m not sure why. But I could definitely notice it then.” “You’re the first person I haven’t been able to take down” he admits quietly with awe in his eyes. “Really?” I ask, “you’re not just saying that to make me feel good are you?” I tease elbowing him in the side. “Pffft I wish” he laughs, “but no I’m being serious. You don’t realise how impressive you are do you” he adds on quietly. “Thanks” I murmur as I drink some water. “Right let’s swap” he says before groaning, “I might regret this.” 20 minutes later I launch an attack on his abdomen before dropping low and kicking his legs out from under him making him land with a thud, as he quickly tries to spin grab his arms and with a quick flick i have them pinned above his head with my knee resting over his throat, “gotcha” I smirk before I release him and sit back on my heels. He looks up at me from the ground, “that was f*****g amazing!” He stands up with a big grin on his face as I ask “oh so you don’t mind being beaten by a woman?” Stripping his wet top off he smirks down at me as he stretches his

hand out to help me up. Pulling me up with a little extra force I find myself up against him resting my hand on his toned chest, “you’re an exception..the only exception” he whispers in my ear making my heart race. I look up at him through my lashes as I bite my lip to try hide my growing excitement. Seeing his eyes darken as they focuses on my action he lowers his head as I tilt mine open, just as his warm full lips brush mine we hear wh oops in the distance and we spring apart. Seeing some pack members running down ready for training I try to calm my breathing. “I’m sorry” he whispers as he stands beside me. 111 3/4 Traming “I’m not” I say breathlessly repeating his words back to him from the other evening. Turning to him I see his eyes trained on me. “This is going to be harder than i thought” he admits quietly running his hand through his hair again. “ is” I agree with him as others enter the area. Once everyone has arrived he motions for them to quieten down, “morning everyone. Today we have Nova joining us, she’s going to be helping run the training sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays alongside either Gam ma Theo or Gam ma Florence. I hope you welcome her in this position.” “Don’t worry boss we’ll make sure we take it easy on her” a young warrior smirks cheekily. Jaxs eyes flash to mine before he replies, “Aaron I’d suggest if anyone takes it easy it be Nova considering she just had me on my ar se a few minutes ago.” Seeing everyone’s jaws drop in surprise I feel a blush spread across my cheeks, ” that’s my sister” I hear Florence exclaim as she arrives beside me. “This lady here is a machine everyone” she calls out loudly, “it would do you some good to listen to

what she says and take note of her advice. Who do you think started training me?” Hearing a muttering of excitement spread through the pack I smile as Florence begins the session. Π

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