Guardian Wolf

Chapter 28

Chapter 28


Nova POV:

After bidding a goodbye to the White Mountain Pack Jax and I settle into the car for the drive back to

our pack.

“How are you holding up?” He checks.

“It’s just a lot of information but I am good, I have time to process it and I know you and my dad are

with me whilst I do so” I tell him.

“It’s amazing that Ki has accepted me as her mate before your birthday, I’m honestly amazed she is so

sure” he says happily.

“I never doubt her, she’s my voice of reason” I assure him as a wide smile crosses my face.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, he suddenly slams on the breaks as he looks at me in

shock as the car comes to an abrupt halt.

“What the hell was that for?” I ask angrily as I’m thrown forward.

“Sorry” he quickly says stroking my leg, “you ok?”

“Yes but do you care to explain what that was about?” I ask confused.

“Just something you told me, you said if I die as your mate then you would also die. Is that the case for

all guardian wolves?” He asks looking at me with an unreadable


“Yes I assume so?” I reply questioning him.

“When did you learn that?” He asks.

“Elder Johnathan told me they found a book written by the last known Guardian Wolf

from three hundred years ago, they found the book in a hidden archive at the council

building about 2 years ago and they told me as soon as they found it.” I said unsure as

to where he was going.

“Nova..your dad is still alive” he says quietly.

“I know thank the goddess” I reply quickly.




“Yes but surely as he’s also a Guardian wolf if your mum had died..he would have also” he slowly says

looking at me.

Hearing that I freeze as I process what he has said. Suddenly my b*dy begins to shake and he pulls

me in close to him, lifting me over the middle console so I’m cradled in his arms.

“s**t s**t s**t” I cry into his chest, “she’s alive?”

“If what you were told is true than yes” he agrees.

“I have to tell my dad” I say frantically.

“Wait Nova, telling him this moment will do no good. Wait until we are back and we can tell him then,

think about how much this is going to hurt him..please love. Just be patient” he reasons with me.

“You’re right” I whisper into his chest as he rubs soothing circles on my back.

After a few minutes I shift back to my seat and he continues driving whilst holding my hand right in


“Why didn’t we think of this before” Kia wails to me upset at the thought of my mother being alone all

this time.

“We’ve had so much to deal with the last few days Kia” I reply sadly back.

Drifting off into my thoughts the rest of the drive home is spent in a daze. Seeing the pack house in

front of me I wait a few moments to get out of the car, Jax carries our things to our room in silence and I

change into some comfortable leggings and a loose jumper. Sitting down I play with the hem of my top

as Jax potters about the room putting things away.

Feeling the edge of the bed deep beside me I look up into Jaxs concerned eyes. “It’s going to be ok

Nova” he reassures me whilst bringing my head into his chest.

Taking a deep breath I straighten and head towards the door, “let’s go tell him” I


He walks down beside me just holding my hand for confidence as I walk into the

lounge. Seeing my dads eyes brighten when he sees me I offer him a small smile. A frown crosses his

face as he takes in my rigid posture.



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“You ok Nova?” He asks concerned.

“Dad I need to tell you something” I start.

Jax pulls me onto his lap as he takes a seat, rubbing me back soothingly, “a couple of years ago sn

Elder called Johnathan found some information on Guardian Wolves in a hidden archive at the council

building. It was from the last known Guardian wolf dated 3 hundred years ago.”

“That’s intriguing, would I be able to learn more about it?” He asks interestedly, “I actually know very

little about us apart from I have personally experienced.”

“Yes, but that’s not what I need to tell you. One of the pieces of information I learnt. was about mates.

It’s said that when a Guardian Wolfs mate dies, they also die” I say quietly.

“Oh hunny, if you’re worried about that then I can assure you Jax is strong and together you will be a

force to reckon with” he replies trying to make me feel better.

“No dad, you’re not getting it” I say looking at Jax for help as my voice shakes.

Seeing I’m struggling he sits up and clears his throat, “Kingsley I don’t want to make

you feel worse than you already do about the past, but if Lizzie had died…you would

have also.”

Hearing that my dad shoots off of his chair, his eyes wild in panic. “f**k” he exclaims

tearing at his hair.

“My mate” he whispers despairingly. “My poor mate” he cries as tears start to pour

down his face.

Seeing his upset I jump up and pull him into my arms as he so b s quietly. “Nova I’m so sorry, I had no

idea that was the case.”

I hold him for a few moments before I pull away as a thought crosses my mind. “Dad

does the council know you exist?”

“No” he shakes his head, “I only shifted when I was 16, I was a large wolf but my

parents left me at an orphanage when I was 2. I have no idea who they are or where I

came from. When I got to the age of 25 and Drake – my wolf – told me we were a

Guardian Wolf I was travelling from my pack and Drake said I could not tell anyone.

who I was. I trust him, with my life and didn’t question him. I believed it was down to



my mates parents being hunters.”

“Ask him” I say quietly.

His eyes glaze over for a few moments before he looks at me solemnly, “what?” I ask.

“He said that the Moon Goddess visited him and she foretold that if people knew

what we were then we would bring harm to everyone we loved. Our time would come when people

would know what we were and that it would be at a time where we are

needed..for our daughters..”he trails off.

“How did others you spent time with not realise what you were?” Jax asks.


“Guardian Wolves are thought to be myths. The few that did ask about my mark I played off as being a

birthmark, although it didn’t actually appear until I was 25. And my’s strange. It’s only in the last

year I have grown so much. Now I believe it’s because I would find Nova soon.

“Drake was blessed by the Moon Goddess to protect their identity” Kia tells me.

“Kia says you were blessed to protect yourselves” I inform him.

Hearing that Laurence who has been watching quietly nods his head, “that would make sense. I read

that with Guardian Wolves they are brought to their true strength

when their time of need is greatest. You emerge when you are 25 yes, so you gain strength, size and

power but when you are faced with danger or are needed by those you protect or support for better

words, that is when you are truly known between wolves for what you are. The Moon Goddess plays a

large part in your emergence.”

“What does that mean?” I ask him.

“There is limited information available but from what I’ve read it changes given the circumstances. I

believe a meeting with the Elders could be beneficial” he voiced his


“I think you’re right” my dad sighs, “Drake says we no longer need to hide, I need to

inform them of us.”

“I will contact them and request an audience for next week” Laurence tells us.

“What do we do about your mother Nova?” My dad asks nervously.

“We wait. It has been almost 25 years..I know it’s hard but first we need to gather




information. I am going to arrange the transfer of my grandmother to here with Jaxs help. He has

doctors who are highly skilled and will be able to wake her so we can get some answers. We will go

from there.” I say calmly trying to comfort my father.

“Will she ever forgive me?” He asks quietly, “I tried to find her I truly did. I believed I was looking for her

b*dy but I never stopped searching.”

“I know dad, I’m sure she will..I can see the love for her in your eyes. Be patient dad, we will do this

together” I hug him.

Kissing my forehead gently he pulls away, “I need to return to my pack and ensure everything is in

order. Can I request to come see you again soon?”

Jax immediately steps up,” we are having a pack BBQ to celebrate Novas 25th birthday this weekend. I

would love it if you could join us, you are welcome here whenever.”

Shaking his hand my father allows a smile to grace his tired features, “I would be

honoured, I can’t wait to spend my daughters birthday with her, I have been waiting a long time.”

“Keep in touch till the weekend dad” I say as he heads towards the door.

“I will call every morning” he promises as he leaves.

Sighing I look at Jax and Laurence, “do you think he will be ok?”

“He will Nova. That man is so happy he has found you, and now he has something to

live for. 3 things to be precise, you..your sister, and now your mother. He is strong and

has been through a lot, I don’t believe he will give up now” Laurence says to me as he

steps closer. “Permission to give our Luna a hug?” He asks Jax with a gleam in his


“I suppose so” Jax drawls.

Laurence pulls me into his embrace and I hug him back finding it comforting, “you are

so strong Nova and so is your dad. I’ve only known you a short time and for that I’m

honoured and I’m looking forward to having you here with us in the future. Naomi and

I will be with you every step of the way” he whispers into my ear dropping a quick k*ss

on my head.

Stepping back I smile through a few tears, “thank you Laurence, you have no idea




how much that means to me.

Seeing him smile I suddenly grin, “on that note I think it’s time you find your pregnant

hormonal mate.”

“Wish me luck” he chuckles as he runs from the room eager to see her.


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