

“Janis, I know we didn’t ask before, but who’s the father of your child?” My Dad asked, and I almost choked upon hearing that question from him.

This is what I’ve been fearing so greatly… this damned question, because I don’t know the right answer to that either. I got tongue tied and just averted my gaze from my father.

“Yes, Janis and is he wealthy? Will you both get married soon?” My mum added with a note of urgency in her tone, making me gulp and I faced them both.

“He is well-to-do, but not as rich as us, and we aren’t getting married. As for his identity, please don’t ask me about that ever again.” I deadpanned, and the response I received was… well, despicted that I took things to a slightly harsh height.

My parents were taken aback by my response and they stared at me with widened orbs including Stravis.

“I think I’ve had enough for dinner.” I quickly added though I hadn’t touched any food and stood up, walking out on them, but my mom followed closely behind, trailing after me until she caught up with me.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Janis?”

“Nothing, mom. I’m just… I’m frustrated.” I revealed, almost breaking down in front of her.



The wind whipped my hair across my face as I drove on the road with my mum sitting next to me in the car.

She had asked me to take her out for lunch, but I know it’s just an excuse to use our family tradition for the both of us every month to get me to reveal whatever was bothering me to her.

I took cursory glances of my mum’s profile. Her once brown hair which was tied to a bun now had ounces of grey in them but still her hazel eyes always sparkled with life in them.

I hardly ever got to spend time with my mum frequently, I was always too busy with work and taking care of our bills that at times, I did neglect our together time; including our once in a month lunch tradition.

It was for this reason I made sure from few months ago that I at least spent quality time with her during our alone time together at that time of the month– go out together, have lunch and just enjoy her company.

Being a single mother is not easy, especially when the man that you thought loved you, abandoned you to the cold hands of fate. My mother never told me who my father was; she never shed light on his real identity.

All I know is that my father abandoned her when she took in and left her without giving it a second thought and ever since then, my mum had single handedly brought me up without getting into a relationship with any other man.

Speaking about him was a secret, but well known taboo in the house, and although I was a bit curious as to his identity, I couldn’t ask.

I mean, what does he look like?

Is he dead or alive??

Does he still think of my mum and I???

Why did he abandon us?

Do I possess his features or my mum’s??  Did he get married to another woman after leaving my mum in the hands of perilous times to perish??

I honestly wanted to find out the answers to all these unending questions but then, if he was bold enough to leave my mother and I before I was even born, then he doesn’t deserve to meet us ever again.

Nevertheless, whenever I thought of him, mixed emotions clouded my mind; I wanted to see him, but at the same time, I found him repulsive.

I just hope to give my mum the life she truly deserves.

I inhaled for a brief second and my thoughts raced back to Janis.

It’s been two days since I had fucked a woman imagining her to be Janis and honestly, it wasn’t easy for me. I don’t even know why Janis won’t leave my head.

Now suddenly, having sex with another woman seems like a crime. What exactly is going on in my life?!

“Jax, you seem so lost in thoughts. What’s wrong??” My mum’s voice intruded into my thoughts.

I took a quick glance at her and flashed her a smile.

“It is nothing, mum. I’m just thinking about work.” I lied.

“You work too much. Today is our fun day, so please keep work aside” my mum sighed.

“Yes ma. As my queen wishes” I teased her which got her laughing.

“We are actually here mum” I announced to her before driving into the parking lot of the restaurant.

Killing the engines, I stepped down and proceeded to open the door for her too.

Walking hand in hand, we sauntered into the dainty restaurant.

The interior was just like I thought it would be. It wasn’t overly fancy to feel out of place. The decor was enough to make someone feel comfortable.

With wooden chairs and rounded tables decorating the interior and a rectangular glass case that was placed next to the counter of the restaurant which showcased samples of the various delectables and tasty edibles that the restaurant could provide, it left my mouth drooling.

The sweet aroma of varous pastries filled the entire air, mild chatterings of the people creating the placid ambience.

The moment we took a seat, a waiter swiftly came over to my side.

A wide smile was fastened on to his face. With a pen and booklet on one hand, he proceeded to ask, “Hello what would you both like to eat?”

I thought a while before responding.

“Pasta and chicken breast for both of us”

The man took my order and swiftly left.

“When did you start liking pasta?” My mum asked with a lopsided grin.

I chuckled. “Ever since the last time I tasted your pasta. It got me craving for it” I replied back.

“Work has so taken away from me that you hardly even visit me anymore” my mum said with a sad look on her face.

I exhaled and massaged my temples.  “Mum I’m here now aren’t I? I’ll always be here for you ok. I do love you and I’m working so hard to secure a better life for both of us” I caressed her hands.

My mum smiled and held on to my hand. “Now tell me how is your new job going on? I know the ladies are definitely staring at my handsome son”

My mum pinched my cheeks softly which got me chortling. “I am no longer a baby. You have to stop doing that in public” I told her.

She huffed and shook her head at me. “You will always be my baby darling. So come on tell me? How is work?”

“Well work is actaully great. I love it. Better than my uber job as a driver”

“And the ladies? I know you are definitely swaying them off their feet” my mum teased me, a grin playing on her lips.

“I am definitely not doing that mum” I laughed and shook my head at her.

“Lies. All lies. I know the son I gave birth to. He is handsome, tall, a ladies man, a heartthrob, caring…” my mum went on and on about my qualities that I couldn’t stop the fits of laughter erupting within me.

“Mum someone would think you are describing the man of your dreams” I grinned.

“Well you are the man of my dreams my little boy” she trailed her hands to softly pinch my cheeks again.

Just then the waiter arrived with our food in a large spherical tray.

The delicious aroma of both cuisines mixing filled my nostrils and I just couldn’t wait to start eating.

“You must have such a large appetite Jax. Have you been starving yourself?” My mum asked.

“You will be so amazed mother. Probably yes” I replied in between stuffing the food in my mouth.

Lunch went smoothly from there on and it was just a beautiful moment between I and my mother.

I really hope to give her all the happiness in the world because she deserves it.

* * * * * * *

“You will visit me soon right?” My mum prodded as she stepped out of my car.

Lunch was memorable. We had lot of mother to son bonding time and it just got me feeling nolstagic as my mind took a walk down memory lane to when I was just a young kid and my mum would take me out every week to spend time with me as a result of her busy work schedule.

I had drove her back home after lunch and the smile on her face was worth all the millions in the world.

“I will mum. I promise” I assured her.

She gave me a bright smile and nodded. “Take care son. Avoid trouble and please always stop by to see me ok”

I geared up the engines of the car and waved at her. “Sure mum. Take care ok”

Not wasting any more time, I reversed my car wheels and hit the road. Today was my off day and I wanted to make good use of it.

Now atleast, I had spent time with my mum and the day was still young so probably the bar would be a good place to just go and have my own relaxation time and just drink away my worries.

I drove into a nearby bar and ambled inside. Loud music played from the speakers and nudely dressed women danced around men, giving the club a stench of sex.

I walked towards a free table, void of people making out and sat on it, flopping my head backwards.

I watched everything in the club and decided to call my best friend, Micheal. Probably he could come around and keep me company.

Swiping my phone from my pocket, I quickly dailed his number and gave him a quick call.

“Hey man. You around?” I asked once he picked.

“Sure. What’s up?” He replied.

“I’m at Dèjâ Club. Can you come over?” I asked.

“Sure. I’ll be there in five minutes” he quickly replied before hanging up.

I ordered for tequila shots as I waited for Micheal and drowned myself in it, gulping down glass upon glass.

In about five minutes, he arrived and sighted me.

“Hey bro! Long time no see” Micheal sniggered as he came over to sit by my side.

“How have you been man? Work has been pulling me apart from everyone” I said with a sigh.

“You care for some tequila?” I inquired.

“Ofcourse. A drink a day keeps the dick awake” Micheal laughed before taking a scull out of the drink placed before him.

“How is work going? You quit your other job which was something I thought you would never do. Man you must have gotten millions by now.” Micheal gave a snide smile.

I laughed at his teasing remarks.

“Bro the work was eating me up and it was too stressful. I couldn’t keep up with it anymore so I saved enough money and made sure to settle some bills, get myself a car and went for a more accommodating job”

“You must have really saved a lot then to be able to do all these”

I straightened my spine and nodded, not wanting to reveal the true source of my income.

“So how about Daphne? How’s things between you both?” I inquired changing the topic.

“She is even on her way here, bro.” He gave me a sly smirk.

“C’mon! I asked you to come meet me and you then called a woman over?” I asked in disbelief.

Michael laughed and at that moment, a distinct female voice called his name.

A young beautiful woman walked towards us and on reaching us, she caressed Michael’s shoulders.

“You are here already baby. See you later, Jax.” Micheal gave a devilish smile before leaving with her.

As soon as he left, a different lady walked up to my table and sat down, giving me amorous glances.

“You need company here, sweetheart?” She asked, fluttering her lashes at me.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I can keep you company, you know?” she added.

I ignored her statement as I wasn’t in the mood and offered her a drink. She took it with a glint in her eyes and kept on trying to touch me unnecessarily.

Irritated by her advances, I stood up but she at once held my hand and caressed it.

“Where are you going darling? Come stay with me. Let’s spend time with each other. I can pleasure you as well as you want.”

“Thank you, but I’m not interested” I turned down her offer and walked out on her.

I wasn’t interested in her and I didn’t want anything sexual between us. She wasn’t the woman I wanted.

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