Her Dark Lycan

chapter 20

chapter 20

"Attatch the oxygen mask,"

"Install two drip bags,"

"Heart beat monitor fluctuating,"

"Luna stay with us,"

A rush of voices heard but a muscle not moved, she lay still on the hospital bed once again, wanting to

blink and move but her body didn't allow it.

Her wolf was back, she felt it.

Her memories were back too and she felt as if she was floating amongst its abyss, her body numb and

cold. Yet something- someone was calling out to her.

Her mates lycan was beckoning her to regain consciousness, to come back to her and she heard the

call like a siren, mustering up all of her energy she twitched her eyes, her body wanted to shut down

but her wolf was pushing through, needing her mate.

"Dante," she spoke but her voice came out hoarse.

In a flash her hand was encompassed in a large rough one, sparks ignited and she heard the fast

beeping of a monitor, her heart beat.

It was as if someone was giving her strength.

Her wolf was out with the touch of her mate.

Dante watched Venus's body twitch a bit, the doctors right by them, waiting.

Her eyes snapped open, glowing eyes, not her warm brown orbs.

Her wolf was out.

In a flash she had jerked upright in bed and was scanning her surroundings, the minute her eyes

landed on dante a smile graced her lips and she tried getting out of bed, despite that Kaya had taken

over there still wasn't enough energy in her body to work.

"Easy there sweetheart," dante said, making venus sit back on the bed.

One nod at the doctors and they were gone.

"Dante," kaya called out, her eyes aglow and her voice slightly deeper than Venus's.

"Yes love?"

"Enzo?" Kaya asked, tilting her bandaged head to the side

His chest rumbled with laughter at her cute gesture,

"Not now love, but after Venus is better then yes."

"Can you give Venus control now?" Dante asked.

After a moments hesitation Kaya nodded and closed her eyes, after a deep breath in she opened her

eyes, Dante was greeted with doe brown eyes.

"Venus?" He called out, unsure of what state she was in.

Venus blinked and looked up at her beautiful mate who was looking down at her with concern etched

across his chiseled features.

"Baby, why don't you lie down," he said, gently pushing her down onto the bed but Venus shook her

head vigorously, not able to find her voice.

Tears filled her eyes as she held onto her mates strong arms and pulled him down and raised her head

up, placing her lips on his.

Dante froze for a spilt second, caught off guard but soon started to move his lips with hers, feeling its

softness, as she fitted the contours of her mouth into his, moving her lips against his and gripping onto

him, as he traced his tongue on the seam on her lips, she didn't open her mouth for him but kissed his

tongue instead, then pulled back.

Breathing heavily, hearts thundering.

He leaned back in and kissed her lips again, then her forehead.

As a soft smile played on her lips.

"I missed you," he whispered to her achingly.

With tears in her eyes she looked up at her forever and smiled at him, placing her hand against his


"I missed you more."


"As for now everything seems okay, but if something comes up come to me immediately," the pack

doctor said, shuffling the papers in his hand into a neat pile, smiling at his slightly pale luna who gave

him a weak smile.

They set off back home with a diet plan to get Venus's body healthy, and some medicines so she could

heal quickly.

"Dante i can walk just fine," venus whined, as dante insisted on carrying her.

"This is not up for discussion," he said, holding her closer to himself.

"Hmph, I'm not a baby," venus said, scowling at him in an adorable manner, laughing at her antics he

leaned down to press a kiss to the tip of her nose.

"Yeah you're not, but you're my luna which makes you my responsibility," he said, carrying her up the

staircase into his room.

"Hey this is your roo-" venus was cut off when she saw that his room was completely redone, it looked

more like 'their' room than his.

"Ummm how- what?"

"Our room," he corrected.

Venus looked at him verily, but he shook his head at her.

"Doctors orders sweetheart, i cant let you out of my side and definitely not at night, and-" he was about

to say something else but stopped.

"And what?" Venus urged.

He sighed and sat on their bed, making her sit in his lap,

"Venus, I-i haven't been the mate you deserve or anything close to it for that matter, and i know it took

me hell to get that but fuck me, baby I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, till my last breath,

you mean everything to me venus," he said, his voice gentle.

"Dante i-"

"Shh darling let me finish, and if you'll have me i wanna have forever with you, let me love you and treat

you like my everything, where later on the line we will have a family together, you'll be by my side

forever and I ll give you all that you can imagine,

I love you venus."

Her breath caught in her throat from the emotion in his voice, his barriers down, he was just Dante now, Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

not a feared lycan or an alpha, this was just her dante.

"I love you more dante."

His eyes softened further and he pulled her to him, cradling her to his chest, resting his chin on her

head, placing a kiss there and then just feeling her in his arms, her warmth and her scent.

They were one now, and this,

This was the start of their forever.


Hello darlings,

Im so sorry college started and I was all over the place with it but now dw I'll be updating every Friday,

promise. now I'm into a routine so its easier for me to manage, thank you so much for being patient

with me, i love yall.

show your love,

vote and comment,

peace out.

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