Her, his desire


Lani stared down shyly seeing Alex close to her.

She never dreamt of this day.

Alex saw that and chuckled.

He placed his hand on her thigh creating tiny circles on it which gave Lani some tingles.

She could feel the goosebumps forming on her body.

It’s been almost a week Alex asked her to be his girlfriend, she didn’t even hesitate to accept because it has always been her dream.

Her crush asked her out, who would refuse that?

They even shared a kiss a few times they have met.

Her face reddened at the thought of that, remembering they went into a hot make out yester made her face reddened the more.

She feels so happy, elated and excited.

” What are you thinking and why are you blushing?”

Alex asked narrowing his eyes at her.

She shyly hid her face on his chest which made Alex laughed.

His baby is a shy baby, he felt so fulfilled to have someone like Lani beside him aside from his toxic family.

When he finally gets married, he will move out and stay with his wife. ..

He doesn’t want what happened to Sadie to happen to Lani although Lani seemed tougher than Sadie.

Talk of Sadie, since they left two days back. She haven’t been picking his calls, maybe she just needed some times to herself to think about the whole information and let it sink in .

Alex sympathize with his sister Sadie, even if he just discovered they are not related by blood, she will forever remain his favourite baby sister.

That is very sure.

” Nothing, I am just glad I have you ” Lani said sincerely.

Alex drew her more closer to himself giving her a hug, a heart warming one at that.

” I am glad I have you too babe, you are the best thing that has happened to me in a long time Leilani ”

Alex said while she blushed furiously. ..

When it comes to Alex, she tends to be weak and less of a talker.

Or is it love? Do love make someone shy?

Alex deepened the kiss throwing Lani on the sofa in their sitting room.

Thank goodness her Dad is not home else, it’d be another thing.

She was so overwhelmed with blush with the thoughts in her head. Alex bit her lower lip.

She gasped giving him access to devour her mouth as he wants.

Lani couldn’t help but give in, she wants that too.

Alex unhook her brà in a swift dumping them on the floor while still devouring her lip like a hungry lion.

It felt like he has been wanting to do this for a very long time, right now. He couldn’t hold himself, he just want her.

To take and give her pleasure down there.

His hand went straight to her bóòbs cupping them .

Lani could feel his diçk bulging out of his trouser as he pushed and pressed it against her thigh.

The intense moment was cut short when Lani’s phone began ringing.

She ignored at at first but it continue ringing, it wouldn’t stop.

Lani breathed out angrily, Alex groaned.

Why will someone call at this time? Isn’t it a perfect but stupid wrong timing?

” You just pick the call ” he said getting down from her.

Lani sat up properly with her face covered with blush.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

She can’t believe they almost did it! .

Sadie will tease her forever if she gets to find out.

The phone caller ID was unknown, she wonders who will be calling her. ..

With a frown on her face, she picked up the call taking it to her ear.

” Hello ” she said the moment she picked the call.

” Good morning, please am I speaking with Miss Leilani ?” The caller asked.

Lani sat up abruptly on hearing her name .

” Yes, yes, you are ” she answered.

” I am inspector Cole, your father was brought to the station few minutes ago, we want you to come give a statement on his behalf ”

The cops said.

Lani tensed! Station? Her father was arrested? Why? How? He went on a business trip since yesterday, why will he be arrested huh?

” I will be right there Sir, thank you ” she said and hung up.

Lani stood up rushing to her room to get changed while Alex ran after her.

” What’s the problem? Are you alright? Who called?” He questioned.

” A cop, my Dad! He was arrested ”


Sadie woke up with the sun piercing through her window.

She stretched herself tiredly and sleepily on the bed like she didn’t just wake up.

Maybe she should just sleep a little. She thought and was about lying back down when her eyes caught the clock on the wall.

11:45am !!!!!

The sleep on her face earlier flew away.

How on Earth did she sleep this long?

Everything that happened yesterday came flushing back into her memory.

Her face turned crimson remembering the crazy and very hot make out she had with Nathan the previous day.

It felt better than having a real sèx, Nathan is such a bad boy.

Sometimes, Sadie wonders how and where he learnt all that from.

From onset, she knows Nathan has never been into women even before they met.

Looking around the room with no sight of Nathan, maybe he is out for work, she came out of the bed and straight to the bathroom smelling herself.

She smells awfully bad!

Sadie didn’t get to take her bath after yesterday’s escapade with her dear husband because she fell asleep almost immediately.

She quickly did her business in the bathroom coming out dripping wet with a small towel wrapped around her barely reaching her knees.

She went to the mirror, dried her hair before combing it.

She sat down on the small chair placed in front of the mirror to apply her cream when the door burst open.

The sudden cringe of the loud thud on the door made her flinch.

Nathan stood there at the door with his arms crossed in amusement while laughing at his wife’s cuteness.

Sadie held her chest while breathing out loudly.

She hissed glaring at her husband going to get her lotion that flew from her hand.

” You scared the hell out of me, why did you do that Nathan?”

She asked followed by a loud hiss.

Nathan chuckled taking in her appearance.

She looks so hot in that short towel around her tiny waist.

Damn! This woman is his wife….

He walked to her wrapping his hands on her waist with his hot breath aerifying her back.

” I am sorry wifey, I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you might still be sleeping, I did that to wake you up ”

Nathan whispered into her ear.

Sadie rolled her eyes trying to leave his grip.

” Don’t! Stay! ” Nathan said holding her more tightly.

He turned her to face him giving her cheeks kisses.

” You look freaking hot in this towel, I want to be seeing you in it more often”

He whispered huskily with one of his hands trailing down her thigh sending shivers to her body.

” How do you feel wifey? Did you enjoy your sleep?” Nathan asked teasingly.

Her face turned tomato noticing that Nathan’s question has double meanings.

He is referring to their make out yesterday.

Truthfully, Sadie felt really good from that like never before.

” Pervert, let me go ” Sadie said with a small smile tugged on her lips.

” No! I want us to stay this way, your scent is intoxicating, let’s stay like this for a while please wifey ”

He said snugging closer to her placing his head on her shoulder.

Sadie sighed!

” Nathan ” she called.

” Hmm ”

” My parents, they asked you and I to meet them at the station by 12pm, I forgot to relate it to you yesterday and it’s already past 12 ”

She said.

She totally forgot to mention it to him yesterday, why won’t she even forget when Nathan practically didn’t let her rest yesterday.

Heaven knows they could have taken the make out to the next level if she had not slept off.

Nathan stepped away with a frown!

” What for? Why are we going to the station?” He asked.

” To see my uncle, the uncle that almost killed us. The one that seperated us and split us apart”

Sadie spat with hatred.

She has not met with the so called uncle but she hates him already for what he made her went through.

That man is evil, wicked for plotting evil against his own brother. Who does that?

” And you didn’t care to inform me since yesterday? You even woke up late ” Nathan replied.

” I am sorry Nathan, I wanted to tell you when I came but you know, we uhh….” She trailed off without knowing how to put it which made Nathan chuckled.

” You don’t have to struggle with the words wifey or are you shy of me?”

Nathan whispered.

Sadie rolled her eyes and turned away from him.

” C’mon, go dress up. I don’t want any more punch from your father ”

Nathan replied, the duo reminisced about yesterday bursting into a fist of laughter.

Thirty minutes later…….

” You two are late ” Kelvin’s voice came in jolting Nathan in fear.

Truth to be told, Nathan is slightly afraid of Sadie’s Dad.

He looks so disciplined more like a military man who is well trained in marshall art.

His punch yesterday still hurt till now. Nathan has never dreamt of being afraid of anyone but here he is, scared of his father in-law.

” Dad ” Sadie called hugging him.

” Good day Dad, mum ” Nathan greeted with a bow. He can’t take risk of making the same mistake twice.

” How are my kids doing?” Both Kelvin and Loretta asked simultaneously.

They exchanged greetings, Sadie and Sofia glued together while they have their chitchat talking about whatever as they all entered into the station.

Sadie and Sofia have bonded so fast within this few days they got to know that they are siblings, not just siblings but twins.

The atmosphere became a little tensed entering there.

Kelvin felt anger boiling through him but he decided to control himself.

At least, the case is already with the cops.

He felt so angry that Galen will betray him this way. He did everything Galen ever wanted for him, putting him first even before his family.

” You are welcome Mr Kelvin ” inspector Cole greeted as he shook hands with them.

” Thank you inspector, where is he?” Kelvin asked as calmly as ever.

” He is in the interrogation room, you all can follow me ” he replied.

They all nodded and began striding towards the interrogation room .

After a few minutes, inspector Cole stopped by a room.

” What is happening Dad? Can you explain to me? ” A female voice was heard as they entered.

Sadie knew the familiar voice but.. what could she be doing here? It’s not possible right?

Her thoughts were confirmed when they finally entered.

” Lani? ” Sadie called shocked.

She took a quick look at the guy beside her and it was….

” Alex?” She called again utterly shocked but more shocked when she saw that the person they came to visit is Lani’s Dad.

” Uncle George?”

She called again blinking her eyes to see if it is a dream! But… it wasn’t!

It is real and she doesn’t want to believe whatever thought she is having in her mind now.

Both Lani and Alex were surprised to see Sadie, Nathan and her family.

Alex was quick to identify them as her family because he has seen them before.

Lani was about talking but Kelvin beat her to it.

” George? What George? I don’t want to believe you changed your name after what you did to my family and I Galen ”

Kelvin said laughing bitterly.

Galen’s eyes widened in shock! K.. Kelvin?

He thought he was dead! He killed him! Galen killed Kelvin, how come is he standing right in front of him in one pieces?

Fear ran through his body, Kelvin didn’t die!!!

All of them survived!

” K… Kelvin ” he stuttered in fright !!

Kelvin chuckled spreading his arms proudly!!!

” Surprised to see me alive? I did not die Galen, but how could you? I loved you as my only brother, I did everything a brother could do for his younger brother but you decided to kill me in return Galen? You are so evil ”

Kelvin said balling his hands in a fist, he doesn’t want to touch him.

Galen is already badly wounded, Kelvin will let vengeance do it’s work.

Galen coughed out blood!

Lani stood there watching from one person to another. ..

Who is this man? Why is he calling her Dad Galen?

What did he mean her Dad changed his name?

And he also referred to him as brother.

Her Dad has always told her he is an alien, is this man an alien too? Or her Dad lied to her?

” I thought you really did died Kelvin, I am very surprised to see you but I didn’t have any regret in what I did fifteen years ago. My only regret is that you are still alive ”

Kelvin couldn’t stay calm anymore, he punched Galen who was tied up.

” Punch me as you can dear brother, it won’t stop me from hating you. Even if I die today, I will hate you with every drip of blood in me Kelvin ”

Galen said with a dry laugh.

” D… Dad?” Lani called breaking into tears.

She can’t believe her father will have so much hate in him to the extent of trying to kill someone and he has no regrets.

This isn’t her sweet, loving and caring Dad! Was he just acting up to her and mum before she died?

Galen glanced at his daughter, his eyes soften staring lovingly at Lani!

Then back at Kelvin!!!!

” Kelvin, I know you won’t be that heartless to hurt my daughter! You don’t have a heart like mine, even in my absent, I know you won’t hurt my daughter, your niece. She has no idea of what happened in the past ”

He said….

All eyes snapped at Lani who stood there unable to understand what was happening.

Including Sadie’s gaze was fixed on her.

Lani’s Dad is her wicked uncle and Lani is her sister.

Lani is her sister! Sadie can’t just put all this together.

Her best friend’s father is the same man she dreaded so much.

She has been so close to Uncle George, no! Galen all her life because of Lani and she just discovered he was the one that made her life miserable.

How did this happen?

With so much rage, Max punched Galen very hard.

” I almost lost my life because of you, I almost lost my Dad, mum and sisters. All your care and love towards us then was just a show off? Nothing more? ”

Max asked staring at his uncle with so much hatred.

Galen laughed, the laughter did not reach his heart.

Not even for once did he regret what he did. He knows that within himself.

” Galen! I promise you, you will rot in jail ”

Kelvin spat angrily.

Galen chuckled in return his lips dropped blood, spitting out so much blood.

” I know right? I know I will face the consequences of my action, I just didn’t know it will be this soon ” he replied flickering his eyes.

His eyes ran into Sadie’s and he shook his head.

” You Sadie, you my brother’s child have been so close to me yet I didn’t get to find out. I thought about you looking so much like Isabelle but I shudder the thought thinking people were created in twos and threes ”

” If I had known you are Kelvin’s daughter all this while, I’d have gotten rid of you long time ago. I wouldn’t have given you the opportunity to be close to my daughter, I wouldn’t have treated you nicely because I so much hate your father ”

Galen rant taking everyone by surprise, he had really wanted to kill his children too?

Galen’s eyes met with his only child’s who was shedding uncontrollable tears.

His heart soften, his nemesis is catching up with him and his dear beloved daughter will be the one to pay for it .

His heart ache for his only child not because Kelvin and his family might hate her! Heck! Galen knows very well that they will accept Lani as their sister.

But…. His daughter will find it hard mixing with them.

His daughter will hate him forever! That’s the only thing that bothers him.

Galen reached out to Lani but she was quick enough to shift away breaking into sobs.

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