Her, his desire

The photoshoot

Nathan sighed tiredly running his hand through his hair, he just doesn’t know how Sadie didn’t get to remember him after the encounter with her. He was very certain she saw his face clearly but then, he can’t really explain why. She definitely didn’t lost her memory because he was keeping a very close tap on her, more like stalking her ever since. He sighed again massaging his knuckles.

Nathan’s just happy that he got Sadie all to himself now, that’s all that matters and he will find a way to tell her about it one day but till then, he will do anything and everything to make her happy. No one can take her away from him, she’s his. His forever!!! ***************************** ” Why are you storming your leg on the floor and looking all gloomy?” Gabriella asked seeing Carly storming into her room . She’s been fuming since she came back from lani’s place. That brat have the guts to threaten her and she can’t do anything about it. When she gets to see Sadie, she will deal with her instead. All the angers and everything she was supposed to do to Lani will be done to her. ” Mum, there’s a problem ” Carly said sinking into the chair. Her face look so frightening like someone who was bitten by a very poisonous reptile. Gabriella frowned at her daughter. What could be the problem that will make her restless huh? ” What is it Carly?” She asked curiously. ” Sadie, Sadie is not dead Mum. She’s back into modelling and I will be sharing the stage with her tomorrow ” The cup in Gabriella’s hand fell and the water poured on the dress she was putting on. Sadie? She survived that death trap and she didn’t care to come back under her roof? ” How sure are you that she’s the one? You know how much Sadie loves you, she will give up everything for you and Jenna, even if it’s her life ” Gabriella assured, it can’t definitely be. ” Don’t you believe me anymore Mum, Sadie’s back. If she can get back into modelling then, she’s back for us Mum. I am so scared” Gabriella thought about it but ended up chuckling. Isn’t she the Sadie she brought up? She will never harm anyone. She doesn’t have the heart to. ” You don’t have to be scared baby, sharing the stage with your sister is not a big deal. She’s been out of that line for five years remember? I am very certain she has forgotten all her skills ” ” And I believe my baby is better than her, you will end up stealing the show because I believe in your skills. All you have to do is to try your best and win against her ” Carly sat motionlessly trying to make everything her Mum is telling her sink in. Her sister is a third rated model so why is she worrying herself to death? The ridicule Sadie will face tomorrow on the stage will make her give up. With the thought of that, Carly smiled to herself.

She shifted arrogantly on the sofa thinking that Sadie will be a laughing stock. Carly believe she can do better than her sister. She knows she can. She just wait to see Sadie been thrown out tommorow in shame. ★ Next morning ★ Sadie woke up stretching her body while making some grumpy sounds. Beside her lies her latest brand of expensive phone. It’s actually king’s product. Even the lowest of king’s phone is very expensive.

How much it could have cost Nathan for the phone he gifted her yesterday. She feel bad for collecting it from him, as much as they were going to be married in a few weeks, she doesn’t want to be a burden to anyone . She rejected it at first but Nathan insisted on her taking the phone. She have always wanted to be independent. Only that way she can prove her sisters and parents wrong. The new her is strong and different. She knows what she wants and she will get it.

She’s not a failure like they told her she was anyways. She threw the blanket from her body and jumped out of the bed making her way into the bathroom. Modeling can be a toilsome job but what can she do? That’s where her dream and passion lies. She did her business in there and came out to find two maids patiently waiting for her. One had a pair of dress in her hand and the other stood by her . The moment they noticed Sadie’s present, they bowed their head in respect. ” Good morning young Mistress” they greeted in unison . Sadie cringed the moment she heard them call her Young Mistress, she’s not use to such name. They are lots of maids in this mansion that Sadie wonders what their jobs are. She haven’t seen this two before till now. ” Good morning…” She trailed off not knowing what else to say with her eyebrows raised as if waiting for them to speak up. ” Young master asked us to deliver this dress to you, he said you should be clad in it ” Sadie’s mouth formed an oh as she nodded at them but why will Nathan buy her a new dress? A lot of them are already in the closet. She took the dress from the maid dropping it on the bed. ” Thank you ” Sadie said turning to the mirror. She dried herself removing the the rubber band on her hair letting them fall on her shoulder. She gently combed the hair before tying it in a ponytail. Sadie turned to the maids who were still standing there with their heads facing the floor . Aren’t there going to leave?Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

She paused and narrowed her eyes questioningly at them. ” Is there a problem?” Sadie asked glancing at them. They both nervously gave each other a quick glance . ” Uhmm, the young master assigned us to dress you ” Seriously? Sadie chuckled and turned back to the mirror. ” You two should go, I can dress myself ” Sadie replied. ” But young Mistress….” ” No buts, and I am Sadie not young Mistress. Call me Sadie ” Sadie playfully rolled her eyes at them. ” We are sorry Young Mistress, we will both loose our jobs if we disrespect you by calling you by name ” The maids quickly interjected, they will not only loose their jobs but Young Master can make their life a living hell if they dare disrespect the woman he adores so much. Not only the Young Master, including the entire family of the Rogers. Death is not what they wish for themselves. Sadie just sighed without making a comment on it. Typical Nathan, she knows right. ” Fine, but you two can leave. Inform Nat…. The young master that I will be with him shortly ” She said without giving a room for any argument. Few minutes later……..

Sadie couldn’t help but giggle at her image in the mirror. The dress fit her so perfectly revealing all her massive curves.

Nathan’s taste is not bad after all. She shook her phone inside her bag dashing into the living room . Nathan choked on the meal he was eating the moment he saw Sadie.

Damn it!

He cursed under his breath. His eyes scanned Sadie thoroughly. If he had known it will reveal her curves this much, he wouldn’t have bought it. Now other men will feed their lustful gaze on her. He sighed gulping down some water. He can’t tell her to change anyways, she’s a model and this type of dresses are required for her.

Guess he have to get used to it. Nathan looked away immediately Sadie caught him staring at her. His ears reddened in embarrassment. ” Good morning Nathan ” Sadie greeted taking her seat opposite Nathan. ” Good morning beautiful” Nathan grinned while Sadie shook her head. She’s getting used to Nathan flirting with her all the time. Sadie began eating the butterscotch schnapps already served. ” You are having your first photoshoot today ”

Nathan said. That wasn’t a question was it? ” Yeah ” Sadie answered courtly. She just hopes that anyone she’s going to share the stage with won’t be an impediment to her. She’s not ready for one, the only encumber she has to face now is that of her family. She wonders how they are doing without her. Her face darken at their thoughts, she can’t let their thoughts ruin a bright day like this for her. ” I believe you will do well Sadie, did you need me to come with you to the shoot?” Nathan asked and Sadie shook her head. ” I will do just fine Nathan, you don’t have to come. Out relationship is a secret remember?” She reminded him . Nathan groaned in response, he really wants their relationship to be public, he want to show her to the world that Sadie is his woman. But if that’s what she wants now, he will endure till she’s ready for them to make it public. Anything is worth sacrificing for his Sadie. ” Sadie?” He called softly. ” Yeah ” ” My mum and sister will be coming by weekend, Mum said she got something to discuss with you ” Sadie glanced at him and nodded. As much as she knows Mrs Rogers, she’s already a mother figure in her life so anything they want to discuss won’t be something alarming right? She shudder the thoughts standing up. ” I am done ” she announced. Nathan also stood up and together, they headed to his car. As already discussed, he dropped her in front of LBCs gate without driving in. ” Thank you” she politely said. ” See you by six? ” Nathan asked. ” Yeah, see you by six” Sadie nodded as she turned to leave. ” wait ” Nathan’s voice rang in her ear. She paused and turned to him. ” You look beautiful my Sadie ” before Sadie could react, Nathan gave her a cheeky smile and drove off leaving her gaping at the back of his retreating car. ******************* Hours later…. ” Are you sure you are ready for this Sadie?” Mia asked panicking for the umpteenth time. She’s worried that Sadie might make them loose a huge contract. This CQ Magazines means a lot the LBC. She refused to practice or even allow Mia to teach her a few things she needed to know.

How can one be this stubborn? Mia thought to herself. ” Believe in me this once Mia, okay. Let’s strike a deal ”

Sadie said with a signature smirk on her face. Mia stared confusingly at her. What deal did she want to strike with her? Within this few days she has spent with Sadie, Mia knows that this young woman in front of her is unpredictable. Behind that calm facade, Mia knows Sadie is no doubt very mischievous in her own way. ” What deal?” Mia found herself asking. ” Okay this is it, if this CQ Magazines become a success. You should never doubt me again” Mia blinked her eyes trying hard not to scoff, she so much hates Sadie’s guts sometimes. How can she be so confident that she’s going to make the magazine a success even without the photoshoot and publication? ” Deal or no deal?” Mia heard Sadie’s voice again. She sighed helplessly. She have no option than to agree with her. ” Deal ” ” Good, now let’s get going already. You don’t want us to get late do you?” Sadie urged Mia. They both packed whatever they will need there. Both Sadie and Mia entered into the company car and drove off to City S.

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