Her Raging Flame [English Version]

Chapter 7

“I need the money as soon as possible if you want the investigation to start now.”

I glanced at Dave from my cup of espresso. The man is leaning back on the collapsible chair outside a famous cafe while looking at his phone. Passers-by cannot help but throw us a glance from time to time. I can’t blame them. We are quite an eye-catching pair.

Dave is wearing an old English-style outfit. He looked as dapper as an Englishman with his Victorian-styled hat, double breasted jacket and overcoat made in leather. He finished the countenance with his cane and dark brown spectacles on his head. I on the other hand is screaming in colors. I’m literally in neons. My shirt is neon pink with a neon green scribble on the center paired with a striped yellow and red neon pajamas.

“How much?”

He spared a look at me from his concentration on whatever he is reading from his cellphone. “One million.”

It’s a good thing that I just put down the coffee on the table after sipping before he answered me. If it were a second later, I could have been swimming in a spilled coffee. Coughing, I fumbled for a tissue which is unluckily not on my side. Dave offered me a handful to which I accepted and wiped my wet thigh with a scowl in my forehead. When all is dried again, I gave him a sharp look as he got back to his business on his phone.

“One million?! Are you fucking serious?! I’m looking for a fucking dog not a Yamashita treasure for crying out loud!”

He sighed exasperatedly from him seat and abandoned his phone and whoever he’s talking to.

“It’s not just an ordinary dog, Femella. It’s a Tibetan Mastiff dog, one of the most expensive breed of dogs in the whole wide world. It’s a million dollar dog and it’s what we need to get the lead.”

I stopped to munch the words in my head. “No, I still think a million is too big for searching a dog, a freaking dog, Dave.”

“And I stand by my statement that it’s not just an ordinary dog.”

I squinted my eyes at him. What a ridiculously hardheaded being, I thought. “Are you trying to play your tricks on me again, Dave Estrella? Don’t you dare do it again. I might not spare you this time. You don’t know me.”

“Woah, Femella Alcantara! Are you threatening me now?” he asked grinning from ear to ear while sipping on his cup to hide his whole face in the process.

“No, I’m just telling you not to mess up with me because if you do, you’ll not like it where you’ll end up so you better not do your dirty games with me.” I crossed my arms and studied the smirking man across me.

“Now you’re threatening me.” He smiled cockily.

“Why, you’re scared now?”

“No, not all all.” He leaned back. “Back to the business, I need a million or you would have to find me a replacement to do the job.”

I released a long sigh. When would this guy ever get that I’m not playing around with him this time? I shoved all the errant strands of my hair back to my neatly restrained bun and threw a blank look at him.

“Dave, let me ask you a question,” I said impatiently.

“I hope it’s not another threat. I’m sick of talking to every client serving me their top-tier death threats. Now be different and don’t come at me with those most used lines.”

“Who recommended me to you?” I said ignoring his statement.

A knot formed on his forehead. “It’s Mr. Rowald.”

I nodded approvingly. “Yes, that’s right. Mr. Rowald recommended me to you. Do you even have the slightest idea why?”

The crease on his head just got another twist. “Where are you heading up to?”

“Nothing. Nothing. I have nothing to point out. Now, answer my question.”

“He said a client wanted a detective. He can’t cater to you because he’s had too many high-profile cases in his plate as of the moment.”

“Uh-uh. I’m hurt. So mine is not considered to be a high-profile one. Anyways, that’s not the real reason why. You see, Rowald is too exposed in the detective scene so he’s not a part of my choices. He can easily get detected that’s why he slowly retired in the litigation industry. He gave me to you, no, practically he gave you to me to handle my very high-profile case because I need someone, a novice. A rookie, a newcomer in the world of con artists and you Dave is the perfect one.”

He went silent for the rest of the minute. Dave just scribbled something on the coffee table while thinking about what I just said.

“And to add further to that obvious shock look you have, I have all your credentials in me.” I played with my cup of coffee by twirling my finger on its handle.

And just as I thought, his bulging eyes spell amazement. Shocked is plastered all over his face.

“No way!”

“Yes way!” I smirked.

“That’s impossible! Mr. Rowald will not do that to me. He knows my conditions,” he said in a higher register, the smile on his face faded.

I just leisurely shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know why he gave that to me. Maybe, just maybe, it’s a proof that we were so so…” I raised my two middle finger and stick them together “so close,” I finished my sentence.

“I don’t believe you. If you’re doing this to scare me so that I would give in to you then you’re wrong. I could drop your case like a hot potato. It’s not my loss.”

I sensed that even he is not sure about his words. The tremor in his voice sent me a confirmation that he’s just convincing himself.

“Really Johnny boy? You’ll drop me like a hot potato? What if I tell your grandfather right at this moment that you are not really in America to study? All this time you were here in the Philippines trying to be like what, like Sherlock Holmes? Uhm, what do you say?” It’s my turn to smirk.

He turned pale the instant I mention his grandpa. Yes, the young man is just trying to hide his real age by wearing retro and baggy clothes.

“N-no, please. I don’t want to go back to U. S. I don’t like it there.” The kid bowed down his head.

I grinned. “Good. Now we’re on the same wavelength. I’ll give you half a million next week. I think it’s time to up my game. Oh well, as if I have any other choice left.”

I stood up and tapped his shoulders.

“Rowald gave you to me because he trusts your ability. Now I’ll send the money to you and after that you’ll find the dog for me. Understand? Okay?”

He chuckled a little and met my eyes, a different twinkle is on his face. “I’ll be expecting the money. After that, I can guarantee you the information about the dog.”

“Good. I better go now. You know, I need to find myself a million pesos for you. Adios!”

I left the place and went back to the car which is just parked on the outskirts of the area. Chino opened the door for me when I knocked on the window.

“What happened? Is it a success?” he asked right away.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I sighed sadly and shook my head. “Unfortunately, it didn’t go as I planned.” I sighed again and sat on the seat. “He doesn’t want to let me borrow some money.” I faked another exhausted breathing. “I have no other choice Chino but to go with my bidder next week. I need the money so bad otherwise, someone will get killed if I don’t give them the money.”

“But are you ready now? What if it’s Mr. Samontina who will bid for you? I heard him talking with the boss the other night. He’s eyeing for you, Femella. It should have been the last bidding but Maverick bought your time with his newest car. You really got him in the hook, girl. You are really something! It’s not everyday that you will have the likes of Maverick under your palms!”

The idea bothered me. If Maverick will bid me next week then I have no other choice but to submit to him. One night. It’ll be just one night. He’s not a bad lover I think. But if it’s Mr. Samontino then…

“Chino, what is the probability that Mr. Samontino will bid for me next week?”

“Fem, we both knew the answer. Do you really have to ask that? Of course, 100 percent! That dirty old man is so crazy for you. I believe it’s close to obsession already. I saw his car stalking you when we went to the mall together.”

I leaned on the backseat of the car to think things through.

“Chino, do you have the names of the attendees last week? I need them.”

He threw me a guarded look. “Why?”

“I just want to know the cards on the deck. I have to play them to my own advantage this time.”

He nodded apprehensively. “Femella, be careful. I don’t know what you’re trying to do but I’m not feeling good about it. Yes, I have the list. Now what will you do with it?”

I turned to Chino who looked every bit worried about me.

“I can’t wait anymore until next week. If the man I’ve been waiting for the longest time will not come then it’s time to take the matters in my hands. I’m going to sell myself now.”

“FEMELLA, c-can we go back to the club now? Are you sure about this? What if the boss finds out that you’re trying to circumvent her? We’re dead meat if she knows! It’s against your contract!” Chino pulled me away from being able to push the doorbell button.

“She won’t if you would just keep your mouth shut. Unless…” I deliberately did not finish my sentence while looking at his worried face.

“Hey! I will never betray you and you know that! I will never put you at a disadvantage!” he almost shouted.

“It’s good to know, Chino, so if I were you, just stay mum and follow me. We need to hurry before the club management notices our disappearance. I only asked for an hour.”

He did not protest when I yanked him back to the gate and rang the bell. I pushed the button thrice and waited until the gigantic entrance opened. A series of steps and then the clanking of the metal followed. The gate finally opened to reveal a young-looking girl, almost in my age, in her uniforms.

“What do you need ma’am and sir?” Her curious eyes fluttered from Chino to mine which stayed on me especially to my clothes.

I gave her my sweetest smile and answered.

“Good morning. I’m Femella Alcantara and this is my friend Chino Mason. Mind if I ask if Jason is inside? We are his friends. He is expecting us.”

A look of doubt crossed her face but upon taking another glance at my smiling face, she widened the opening of the gate for us.

“Come in, ma’am, sir. I will just call Sir Jason upstairs. I remembered he instructed us that he will be having his guests for today.”

“Thank you.”

I winked at Chino who is still sporting the same troubled face to assure him that we’re all set. Soon, the girl is leading us onto the large pavement of the property and into the lawn where the swimming pool is situated. There are a couple of sets of chairs and tables sprinklered in the corners.

“Ma’am, sir, please take a seat first. I will inform Sir Jason right away.”

“Sure. We’ll be waiting here. Thank you.”

I sat on the chair, crossed my legs, and scanned the place. Chino is still not settling anywhere and is pacing from back and forth.

“Oh, come on Chino. Chill out! You’re making the situation more stressful that it already is. Sit down my friend and watch how I wrap this. Relax for god’s sake. I have this under my control.”

“Who the hell would sit still with what you’re doing, woman? Hello? Didn’t you know that Jason and our boss are friends? What if he’ll tell her about our visit? Then we’ll be kicked out in a matter of seconds? What will happen to my kids, Femella? No, I can’t lose this job! And what about you? What will the boss do to you? Your privilege in the club might get revoked. Let’s go now Femella before Jason sees us. Come on!”

I chuckled. “He will never do that. If he is the type of person I assumed him to be then most probably he will accept my proposal. If he is not, well… I’ll just think that luck is not on our side for today.”

His face now looked more concerned that I have ever seen him to be.

I grinned. “I’m just joking. Of course, I know he will say yes the moment I laid down my plan. Jason is someone you can easily toy with. Typical man with an overbloated ego. He’ll do anything to feed it. Now back off Chino. He’s coming.”

I stood up and plastered my famous smile on the face and shot the man from across the pathway who is frowning a seductive smile.

“Jason Santos. I’m Femella Alcantara. Nice to meet you.” I held out my hand to him which he reached and shook lightly.

“What brings the great Femella into my humble abode?”

I breathed in relief when I heard his flirty tone while he led me back to the seat. Chino is still standing from my behind without acknowledging Jason’s presence.

I curled the ends of my hair using my fingers and hurled a seductive smile to the guy at the other end of the table. “Well, I have a proposal to make.”

A mischievous smile appeared in the corner of his lips. His eyes moved down to my fitted shirt and stayed there for a few seconds to stare at my cleavage.

“Let’s hear it.”

“I want you to bid for me, next week.” I said without inhibitions.

Jason laughed mockingly. “Oh yeah? Why?” He indulged me.

I stood my ground and firmly answered. “Because you want me.”

The guy laughed heartily. “So all I have heard about you from the men you have rejected are true. Femella Alcantara is fierce, bold and straight-talker. Now I get to experience the real thing at hand. About your proposal, merely saying I want you doesn’t sit well with me. You have to do more than that Femella. Convince me, maybe give me a demonstration?” His eyes grazed again to my chest.

I leaned forward and intentionally squeezed my boobs in the process to give him a better look. Well, he didn’t disappoint me because I easily read what his lustful eyes are telling. He gawked on them. He is a man after all.

“I guess they forgot to tell you that I’m also good in convincing people. First, I’m a good fuck. Ask why men pile on me? It’s a simple logic. I’m desirable. I’m beautiful. Second, you want me. I learned that you also bid for me last week but you weren’t able to at least talk to me because of Mr. Fuentebella which leads me to the third one. Getting me is a boost on your ego. Come to think of it, all these powerful and wealthy men are begging me to have sex with them but I chose you. Isn’t that a very good raise in your superego?”

“Why me of all men who fancied over you, Femella?” Curiousity is written on his face.

“None of your business. Fourth, I’m a virgin. I have documents to prove that. Fifth, you have a fetish for virgins. Don’t deny. I did my little research. And lastly Mr. Santos, you clearly want me so I see no credible reason to reject me. Look, I came here just to offer myself to you so why think twice when you should be celebrating for finally winning the prize?”

The guy just snorted. “And what if I still reject you?”

“Which I doubt you will. But if you still refuse me, then I can always go to your brother and offer him the same proposal.” My heart beamed when his face grimaced.

It took a long moment before I got his answer. He gawked on me first as if he’s undressing me and when I surmised that he has decided, he slowly nodded. “I don’t know why you resorted to this but call. How much do you need?”

A smile formed in the corner of my lips. “Now you’re talking.”

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