Her Sweet Alpha



Six Months Later….

Dade was awakened by his own groans. After retrieving his eyes from the back of his head and prying his eyelids open, he glanced down the length of his body. Halle had her hand wrapped around his cock, massaging the root while her mouth engulfed the head. She ran her tongue over the tip, licking him lustily and then suckling for all she was worth. His dick happily supplied her with a spurt of the cream she was seeking. Her satisfied moan drowned out his growl.

She was so engrossed in what she was doing, she hadn’t even noticed him watching her. She was four and a half months pregnant. Beyond a slight rounding of her belly and a glow to her skin, there were no physical changes in her appearance. But he could smell the change in her hormones. Oh, the hormones. They constantly made her horny.

Like now for instance. She raked her nails over his chest, tweaking his pebbled nipples, before rising to her knees. She whipped her nightgown over her head as she mounted him. She’d stopped wearing panties since they got in the way and she wanted him every night. Every night. He fucking loved it.

She grabbed his cock, aimed, and impaled herself. He grunted. Her gaze met his. “Did I wake you? I’m sorry,” she said, as she rose and dropped down with a swivel of her hips. “This will only take a few minutes. You can go back to sleep if you want.”

He barked out a laugh. As if he could go to sleep while her deliciously tight pussy squeezed the life out of him. He decided to allow her a moment to be in control before taking over. Besides, he was enjoying the view. Her bountiful breasts bobbed up and down. He rose to his elbows so that he could see her pussy as it was stretched open by his dick.

He ghosted his fingers over her nipples. The pregnancy had made them incredibly sensitive so he was careful to keep his touch light. Halle moaned. If it was possible, her pussy clenched even tighter. His head fell back and he groaned. He didn’t stop touching her though because he knew how much pleasure it gave her. He lifted his hips into her thrusts. Sure enough, in minutes, she was crying out his name. Her pussy milked him determinedly. He was close to going over the edge, but he held on. Still in the throes of her orgasm, Halle collapsed on top of him and bit his neck. “Fuck!” he ground out. The pain only sharpened the pleasure.

He grabbed her ass. Her hips continued to grind into his. He flipped them and quickly rolled her onto her belly. Moaning, she hoisted herself onto her knees. “You want more?” he asked as he stroked his cock through her wet folds.

“You know I do.”

He notched his staff in her opening. “Yeah, I do.” He filled her in one hard lunge. She didn’t want it gentle. A few thrusts, and she was coming apart again, moaning his name and shredding the linens with her nails.

Dade paused to give her time to cool down. He sat back on his knees, spread her thighs wider, and pulled her more firmly onto his lap. He stroked her sides and her back until her breathing had evened out. “Ready?”

At her nod, he withdrew and drove forward again. He set a fast pace. Holding back wasn’t an option. Halle’s pleasured moans spurred him on, making him fuck her harder and faster. He gritted his teeth as his orgasm approached. He wasn’t going to last much longer.

He reached around her and slid his fingers through her pussy lips. He found her clit, teasing it, circling it, then rubbing it before giving it a pinch. Halle’s thighs began to shake. She cried out his name and her pussy grew wetter around him. Growling, Dade fell over her, buried his teeth in her shoulder and filled her with his seed. It went on and on, his hips jerking as his cock continued to jet cum.

Lightheaded, he collapsed onto his back at her side. “Good morn—” He glanced out the window. The sun wasn’t up yet.

Head turned to the side, she grinned at him. It was a lazy, satisfied curl of her lips. “I told you that you could go back to sleep.”

He narrowed his eyes on her. “You’re a naughty wolf.”

“You made me this way.” She reached over and ran a fingertip down the middle of his chest.

Dade shook his head. “You were always naughty. I just gave you the security you needed to let it out.”

She scooted closer, one arm going around his waist. She settled her cheek on his chest and exhaled. “I love you, Dade.”

“And I love you, baby.” He squeezed her and kissed her temple. He inhaled. Her sweet scent was now mixed with his and that of the baby. He loved it. She’d never smelled better. Content, he drifted off to sleep. He dreamt of their two wolves running together, leaping the occasional log, and splashing through streams, always in unison.


“I can carry those myself. Shouldn’t you be at work?” Halle loved having him with her, but she felt guilty about pulling him away from work. Not to mention that she’d deprived him of sleep by waking him up in the wee hours of the morning for sex. Besides, she was perfectly capable of carrying one measly box of quilts. “I’m pregnant but that box isn’t that heavy.”

Dade shot her a look over his shoulder as he hefted the box out of the back of her new SUV. It was one that she well understood. It meant he was providing for his mate and no amount of protest on her part would change his mind.

He’d demanded she accept the new SUV once her pregnancy was confirmed by the doctor. “Demanded,” as in, he’d traded in her car without asking and come home with a shiny, black new SUV. Before she could argue, he’d shut her down by explaining that she’d need more space to lug around a baby stroller, the car seat, and her quilts. Plus, it would be safer for her and the baby. He would worry less, he said.

Halle sighed and pushed the button to close the door. When Dade turned and headed toward the craft store, she smiled. Yeah, he was protective, demanding, bossy, and a bit possessive, but all of it came from a place of love. She might argue with him, but it was mostly for show. She couldn’t wait to get her fine werewolf home so she could show him just how much she appreciated him.

The bell above the door rang as Dade pushed inside of Needle & Thread. He held it open until she’d entered the store. Sarah was behind the counter and her husband Brady sat in a rocking chair off to the side carving a piece of wood. They both looked up and smiled as Dade and Halle entered. “More quilts?” Sarah said, rounding the counter. “Thank goodness. The last ones sold out in a week. I’ve had customers calling daily to ask when they’ll be back in stock.”

Selling her quilts at Needle & Thread had come about by accident. When Halle had brought her quilts home, she’d left one out on the couch after a nap. Holly had come by and seen it and wanted one for each of her children. Halle had been happy to give some of them away. She’d made more quilts than she could ever use. Sarah and Brady were Holly’s aunt and uncle. Sarah had seen the quilts at Holly’s house and loved them. When Sarah had asked Halle to allow her to sell them in the store, Halle had thought maybe they’d sell one or two. But the quilts were a hit. They were even selling them online. Halle had been stunned to find out how much people were willing to pay for handmade quilts.

Halle was thrilled. She could do something she enjoyed while working from home. Dade was still the better cook, but she did make an effort a few times a week.

Dade set the box on the counter and Sarah began sorting through them. “They’re beautiful. The quality and detail…they’re simply stunning.” She ran her hand over a cream quilt with lavender and pink flowers.

“Thank you.”

“No. Thank you. Your quilts have been a real spark for our online store.” Sarah and Brady might seem like an elderly couple that would be flummoxed by the sight of a computer, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. They’d only recently moved back into town. Brady was a retired computer programmer and Sarah had been a graphic designer who created ads and did layout for a small-town newspaper.

“It’s been the perfect solution for me, too,” Halle said. “I’ve got a few more quilts that should be ready in a week or so.” She looked up at Dade. “We’d better get going. I’m keeping Dade from work.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I’m fine. I’m the boss. I can set my own hours. If you want to shop before we head home….” He glanced around significantly.

Halle grinned at him. He was so sweet to offer, but she could spend hours pawing through the bins of ribbon, thread, and cloth. Shopping here never failed to spark her imagination. “Maybe next time.” She linked her fingers with his. She waved goodbye to the other couple. “See you soon.”

“Hope so,” Sarah said. Brady nodded.

Dade led her out to the passenger door and opened it for her. He always drove—which was fine with her. “You’re wonderful. And so sweet,” she said when he climbed behind the wheel. Tears stung her eyes. She wiped her cheeks. Pregnancy hormones. She cried about just about everything these days.

He leaned over. Cupping the back of her neck, he drew her close. He kissed her then nipped her bottom lip. “I’m not sweet,” he growled. “You’re the amazing one. Look at all the changes you’ve had to deal with in this last year. You’ve moved, changed jobs, become the Alpha female of a wolfpack, and you’re soon going to become a mother.” He shook his head. “It’s enough to send most anyone into a tailspin. You’ve come through it all like a champ.”

More tears filled her eyes. “When we get home, you’re so getting another blowjob.”

He laughed. “Then let’s get home.” He turned the key in the ignition.

“And this time, I’m not stopping until I have a mouthful of your cream.”

He groaned, his hands tightening on the steering wheel. “Careful there, baby. You’ll make me so hot, we’ll get in a wreck.”

But he didn’t. He drove carefully. And just inside their doorway, she dropped to her knees and loved her man. As promised, she didn’t stop until he was calling her name and filling her mouth with his cream.

Epilogue Two

Six Months Later….

Dade cradled his baby daughter close, amazed by her tiny perfection. He couldn’t stop staring at her. She clung to his finger with her entire hand with a surprisingly strong grip. She stared up at him with bright gold eyes so much like his own. She tracked his movements. The doctors believed that she couldn’t see well, but Dade knew otherwise.

Halle paused in the doorway to the nursery. From the soft expression on her face, he could tell she was thinking that he was sweet again. Sighing, he explained, “She was crying.”

“Mmhmm.” She crossed to stand next to the rocking chair in which he sat. She ran her hand over Raina’s head of thick, inky curls. “Strange. I didn’t hear anything.”

“Well, why would you? The house is full.” They came home from the hospital yesterday. His parents and her grandmother had been at the hospital for the delivery. Rather than drive home, her grandmother had spent the night in their guestroom. His parents had descended on them in the morning. And then his brother and Holly arrived with their children. His pack mates had been in and out throughout the day.

He appreciated their support and enthusiasm, but he couldn’t wait until it was just him and his girls. He’d barely had the chance to hold his baby today. Every time he picked her up, someone was there holding their arms out for a turn.

Halle kissed him on the forehead. “You could just order them to go home.”

He could. He was definitely tempted. And he would too if it weren’t for the fact that Halle had been asking the experienced mothers for advice about taking care of the baby. He knew she was nervous about being a new mom. He couldn’t blame her. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was scared as hell too of this tiny bundle with a powerful set of lungs. Neither of them had ever raised a baby or even babysat.

He shook his head. “No. You’re enjoying the company.”

She kissed him again on the lips. “You’re so—”

“Ferocious. Protective. Smart.” He interrupted on purpose.

“All that.” She lifted Raina, who by now was sleeping, kissed her cheek, and gently placed her in her crib. Then she sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. “And very sweet. I love you very much.”

He covered her mouth with his, nipping her bottom lip before plunging his tongue deep into her mouth. He held her close and continued to kiss her until she moaned and withdrew.

“Six weeks before we can do that,” she panted.

Dade grinned. He knew his canines were showing from the way Halle’s pupils dilated. “We’re werewolves, baby. It’ll be one—two weeks max. And then I’ll have you on your belly, and I’ll be buried deep inside your tight—”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“There you two are,” his mother said from the doorway, her exasperation obvious. She propped her hands on her hips. “You have guests. If the baby needs to be taken care of, you know I’m eager to volunteer.”

“Uninvited guests,” Dade pointed out, assisting Halle to her feet before standing himself. “You guys have one hour before I put both my girls to bed.”

His mother shook her head. “None of that. You’ve got to give Halle time to recover before you try for pup number two.”

“Mother,” he said firmly, “they just got out of the hospital.” Though Halle might appreciate the advice, she had to be tired. “One hour then I’m throwing you all out. You’re welcome to come back—in a few days. By then, we may actually need your help. If we need you before then, we’ll call.”

His mother grumbled but he refused to back down. She sighed. “One last peek at the baby?”

“Of course.” He led Halle downstairs. He settled her on the couch. Shooing one of his packmates out of the way, he put her feet up and covered her in one of her quilts. This one had light blue and white border. The middle featured a scene with wolves running through the snow. People had been raving over her quilts all day. Needle & Thread would be receiving brisk business after today. He kissed her temple. “Do you need anything?”

“Can I have a glass of water?”

“Anything you want, baby.” His father and brother were in the kitchen along with a few other males. “Halle will be taking a nap in an hour,” he informed them not giving a damn whether they took the hint or not. In one hour, he’d be escorting them out the door.

His father nodded. “You heard him, boys. Time to go.”

The kitchen cleared out quickly after that. Dade didn’t object. The sooner he had his wife all to himself, the better. Dillon gave him a quick hug before going in search of his wife. He got a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.

His father slapped him on the back. “I’m proud of you, son. When it’s time to hand over the reins, every Alpha has his reservations. But you’ve never disappointed me.”

Dade nodded, his throat suddenly too tight to enable speech. His father didn’t deliver compliments often.

“So, any word about Mina?”

He shook his head and cleared his throat. “I contact some of the other Alphas occasionally about different issues—Mina being one of them. Someone got in touch with her parents and apparently, they haven’t heard from her either. But it doesn’t matter. The community is aware of her. Her best bet is to settle down somewhere quiet and not cause any more trouble.”

“And the guy who tried to steal your wife?”

“I visited him in jail before his trial and suggested that he should plead guilty if he didn’t want me to rip his limbs off and beat him with them.” Though Mina had been feeding Lamar information, some false and some true, there was no evidence that she was aware that Lamar would attempt to kidnap Halle. Maybe Lamar had convinced her that he really could convince Halle to run away with him.

It was a truly stupid plan. No Alpha would ever willingly release his mate.

Jim chuckled. Dade smiled, but he hadn’t been kidding. There was no way that fucker was going to run around free and unpunished after trying to kidnap his wife. Although, he didn’t think Lamar would be so foolish as to attempt anything with Halle again, Dade wasn’t willing to take that chance.

The wheels of justice turned slowly. It’d been almost a year after the event before Lamar’s case went to trial. Halle had been swollen with their baby and Dade had hated the thought of her having to testify. Since Lamar took a deal, she didn’t have to do so. Dade thought he got off light with only a three-year sentence. He knew Halle was capable of protecting herself against Lamar. That didn’t stop him from giving the other man a look that promised bloody retribution if their paths should cross again.

His father followed him out of the kitchen. “Where’s Beth?”

“Probably still upstairs with the baby. You’re going to have to pry her away.”

Jim laughed. “You’re right. If you don’t see us again in ten minutes, you might have to pry me away, too. Raina’s beautiful.”

“Thanks, Dad.” His father went upstairs and Dade continued on to the den. He gave Halle her water. He was happy to note that she was in the room alone. “How are you feeling?”

She smiled. “I’m fine. There’s only one thing I need now.” She swung her feet onto the floor and patted the spot beside her on the couch. “You.”

He sat and she immediately curled into his side. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Burying his face in her hair, he inhaled deeply of her fragrance. When she fell asleep, he carried her upstairs and put her to bed. He shooed away his parents, who were still staring at his sleeping daughter. He took out steaks for dinner and seasoned them. Just as he finished, Raina began to cry.

They didn’t own a baby monitor. They didn’t need one. He could hear his daughter quite well. His daughter was so loud humans could probably hear her. He raced up the stairs to the nursery and scooped her up. He kissed her forehead before giving her a pacifier. Then he changed her diaper as she happily sucked away.

A glance at his watch told him that it’d been almost two hours since Raina last ate. Before he could take the baby to her, Halle came into the room rubbing her eyes. She smiled at the sight of him holding their daughter. “Feeding time,” she said, sitting in the rocking chair and reaching for Raina.

He stood by and watched as Halle fed their daughter. He loved being with his girls. And to think, he’d come so close to missing out on this. In a way, he had Mina to thank. He never would have left town if she hadn’t been stalking him. He liked to think that with her being so close that he would have found Halle eventually, but that was the thing about fate. It happened when it was meant to happen.

Halle lifted Raina to her shoulder. Before she could pat her, Raina released a belch worthy of a person twice her size. His eyes met Halle’s and they shared a laugh. He took the baby and kissed each of her pink cheeks and placed her back in the crib. He swaddled her as Halle had taught him. Raina watched him for a second before she yawned and her eyes slid closed.

Halle took his hand and led him from the nursery. It was for the best. He could stare at their daughter for hours. “And what are you making me for dinner, Mr. Stone?”

“Your favorite—steak.”

“You are so good to me, my sweet Alpha.”

He growled and swung her up into his arms, carrying her down the stairs. She’d just gotten out of the hospital after all and he would always take care of her needs. He placed her on the couch and made sure she was comfortable before claiming a kiss. Then he went into the kitchen to prepare their dinner. With their excellent hearing, it was possible for them to hold a conversation while in different rooms without shouting.

When Halle was able, she helped him with the side dishes. He wouldn’t hear of her doing anything but resting at the moment. He made biscuits and a Caesar salad, though Halle was more into protein these days. Once he had everything in place, he carried Halle to the table.

“I can still walk,” she reminded him but she cupped his jaw and kissed him before he moved away to take his own seat. “I love you, Dade.”

“And I love you, baby.”


Later that night, Halle slid back into bed. She’d been careful not to wake Dade when she went to feed the baby. He got up with her every time even though it wasn’t necessary. The minute her body hit the mattress, he drew her into the warm circle of his arms. “I missed you.”

She laughed. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

“I seem to recall someone waking me on the regular not so long ago even when I had work in the morning.”

She hid her face in his neck and nipped him. “Two weeks,” she reminded him, snuggling deeper into his warmth.

“Two weeks,” he echoed. “I love you, Halle.”

“I love you, too.” She turned her face up and kissed his jaw. He was a wonderful husband. She was glad she’d taken a chance and agreed to become his Alpha female. In the year that she’d been his wife, his mate, he’d kept all his promises and then some. She’d met other werewolves and other Alphas at events. None of them even came close to comparing to her husband. He truly was the sweetest Alpha male in the world. He was her sweet Alpha.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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