It was One Night Only


**Characters, Description and Disclaimer**



Welcome. I’m so glad and happy to have you here. Anyways since we are on this note. I would like to say to everyone that I’m not a professional and we’ll I’m human. I can make mistakes. So if you see a mistake kindly (with all the sweetness in you) point it out and I will have it corrected immediately. Please don’t steal my work. I had worked hard to make it this far. So please just have humanity in you and love me. Remember to comment.

This is a book I wrote a while back and I just want to share this with you all so you can enjoy these stories.

Please note that I wrote this when I was younger and it might have some level of cringness in it. I hope you do enjoy this story as much as I did when I was writing it.




Rachael Mirchoff is the only daughter of her parents. Alice and Jasper Mirchoff. Well, she is a typical rich girl because her parents are rich but she is not a spoilt brat because her parents are strict. She is also an inexperienced twenty-four-year-old expert at love. She believes in happy endings and love and Prince Charming and all those Disney stuff. She cares for her family and shows passiveness to all she hates. (hate is such a soft word. The word is detest). Well and on the plus side she falls in love too quickly. Join her on a rollercoaster joy ride.

Noah Lorraine owner of Simple Armaments. Has only his mom and sister and a caring girlfriend until she breaks his heart. He is rich and no not a playboy. Too hard to believe then you have yourself a Noah. He cares too much to break girls’ hearts and just gets his broken instead. On the plus side, he loves you easily. Join him on a rollercoaster ride.

And guess what? (what you may ask? (and if you didn’t ask that, know that there is something wrong with you) well if you asked what then I have to tell you then) there is a secret, an ex-girlfriend, a crazy mom, lying parents, and wonderful family and friends.


I don’t accept requests to translate. I may consider all that in the future. I don’t like you stealing my story. The idea is open to everyone but you use the same names and scene and personalities. That is very hurtful to me. I love you guys but please DON’T STEAL MY STORY. You see I used capitals I’m just begging okay? I just want you not to steal my story.

That being said.

I have no particular character list for this book. Take all the features I give you put it in a pot and put it on a hot plate and you have yourself your imaginative character living in your head.


Read on.

I’m out



® It Was One Night Only.


This is a nice dream. I’m able to close this deal and I can finally open that agency for helping young girls be whatever they want to be and not have to listen to what the boys say they should. Wait, this is a dream. It isn’t real.

I stretch on the bed. I must say this bed is very comfortable and I can sleep all day. No Rachael you can sleep all day, you have to go to work today.

But I don’t feel like going to work today. I tried all the best I could ever do to make sure that I closed that deal and trained girls who think and believe in themselves.

My eyes flutter open and I stretch slightly on the bed trying well to make sure that my eyes adjust to the light above me. I turn in bed and there next to me is a man.

A man? A man is next to me in my bed. Okay, there is a man next to me. THERE IS A MAN NEXT TO YOU my brain screams. I can only see his back. Dirty blonde hair and a very masculine back. I’m panicking big time. What is a man doing here? Rachael, you are logical and smart don’t panic this could all still be a dream right?

I looked down at my body and I was naked, not naked like in a bra and panties. No stark naked or nude or whatever it is called. Okay, that’s new. You always sleep with clothes on. Something is wrong. Pain shoots through my legs and my head. I ignore it as the matter at hand is bigger.

Okay still think rationally there has to be an explanation right? I pull the covers out of the bed and wrap it around me and a naked bu*tt greets me. Well, that’s new. So many new things today. I close my eyes and inhale slightly. How much did I drink last night? I rub my temples to try and ease the pain shooting through my head. I stand up wrapping the covers around me well.

I look around the room and I discover that this isn’t even my room now. This looks like a hotel room. The imprint on the pillows confirms it. Woodley hotels. We are at my cousin’s hotel. This can’t be too bad.

The naked man is still in the bed. He was still breathing slightly. Think Rachael

What do girls do when they wake up in such a situation? Run away? Stay? I would run away but I sincerely want to know what exactly happened.

I don’t know. I’m so bad at these. So I do the best thing ever. I bend over and tap this stranger’s hand lightly. Since he is facing down. I can’t see his face at all. All that greets me is his back.

“Wake up please” I beg in his ears and he stirs before turning and then he looks at me.

“Hello,” he gives me a grin and my breath hitches when he looks at me. His green eyes are very dark as he rubs his hands over his eyes. His lips are resting so below his face. He smiles and I look away. Compose yourself, Rachael.

“You are… I mean you are….. What are you doing here” I finally manage to choke out my words and he laughs before standing up.

I toss him a pillow which he uses to cover himself. “Thank you” he mutters, rubbing some more of his eyes from sleep.

“How did we get here?” I asked calmly.

“I asked my driver to bring us here” he just responded as if it wasn’t a big deal. It is a big deal alright I’m going to bed with the CEO of an armament company not just any armament company but a Simple armament company. I’m doomed.

“I know he must have driven us here but how are we here together?” I ask “Because I was at Rob’s drinking yesterday,” I say and he laughs. How can he laugh?

“You were drinking and I kept you company and when I suggested we go somewhere quiet you agreed and here we are ” he said as if he does this every single night.

“Noah-” I began but he cut me off.

“You know my name but I don’t know yours,” he said, maybe gesturing for me to introduce myself.

“I’m Rachael Mirchoff,” I said and he nodded. “Noah” I continued and he rested still holding the pillow to his area. “Did we?” I ask myself to stop halfway.

“Have se*x?” he asked back and I nodded. “Yes, we did. That’s why we came here” he said.

“O my Soul,” I said, dropping to the bed.

“You weren’t that bad” he commented and I shuddered at the thought.

“I don’t need to know that,” I say and he smirks.

“So what is it?” he asked, concerned.

“I’m…. Well… The thing is that…. How do I explain this to you” I say with a lot of fear within me. I don’t need to go around telling strangers that I’m a virgin. Although he isn’t a stranger I have seen him on multiple occasions, especially through business meetings but he is still a stranger to me.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Wait, don’t tell me you are a vir*gin*?” he asked as if it was a bad thing. So he thinks virgins are some kind of sin.

“Is that a wrong thing?” I ask already feeling afraid that I was discussing such matters with a man. Not anybody, just a popular CEO who turns out to be Noah Lorraine.

“No of course,” he said with a smile ready to break off his lips.

“Then I’m a vir*gin” I finally say “Although I just lost that,” I say timidly. I feel so bad. I had been keeping it for Mr. Right and perfect that I had always imagined.

“I’m sorry I’m sure that wasn’t the very best way to lose something like that,” he said with so much concern. Can he really be kind? Or maybe that is what he tells all virgin girls who end up on a one night stand with him. So I just had an official one night stand.

“What do I do now?” I mutter mostly to myself but he hears and he turns to me.

“Nothing I can say can bring it back, but I’m indeed very sorry,” he said sincerely. Was that sarcasm or sincerity?

“As long as you didn’t rape me, I consented too, it’s fine,” I say shrugging him off. I just wanted to believe that. Although a part of me wanted to tell him to please tell me I didn’t consent to it. I feel the pain shoot through my legs. First drunk night you lose your virginity. Way to go Rach.

“I’m still sorry,” he said again.

“It’s okay,” I say standing up and fishing out my clothes and putting them on. “Noah, do you think you can drop me off at home? My parents must be worried nuts and I don’t think I can leave like that. This hotel belongs to my uncle and I can run into my cousin here” I say babbling away. I definitely don’t want to run into Leah. She will interrogate me. I am still going to tell them but not when Noah is around.

“Sure,” he said, standing up with me facing the other way. He wore his clothes and finally led me out of the room.

When he dropped me off at home he still apologized. I guess he was truly sorry.

Now it’s time to face my mother. She will be so worried about me.

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