Keeping 13: Boys of Tommen #2

Keeping 13: Chapter 28

‘Nice of you to join us, lads,’ Coach Mulcahy barked when Gibsie and I stumbled into the jam-packed classroom filled with both fifth and sixth year students. ‘You’re only fifteen minutes late.’ Leaning against the desk at the front of the room, he folded his arms and gave us a no-nonsense nod. ‘Find a seat wherever you can and be quick about it. Our visitors want to get the presentation underway.’

‘Hey there,’ Gibsie purred, winking at the three seriously attractive women standing next to Coach. ‘I just want to let you lovely ladies know that I’m seventeen, I’m single, and I’m one-hundred percent willing to be a guinea pig for any hands-on demonstration–’

‘Get away from the ladies, Gibsie,’ Coach snapped, ignoring the loud snickering around us. ‘Go to the back of the classroom – and not with Kavanagh, Biggs, or Feely. Go sit with someone else.’

Shaking my head, I spotted an empty desk five rows back on the left, and moved for it, ignoring the curious stares as I went. Fucking eejits. You’d swear they never saw a crutch in their lives.

‘I talk to everyone, sir,’ Gibsie shot back with a chuckle. ‘And the back row is full.’ Waggling his brows, he added, ‘Looks like I’m going to have to sit up front with you.’

‘Like hell you are.’ Eyeing the back row of desks, Coach pointed a finger, ‘Bella, move up to the fifth row with Kavanagh. Gibsie, take her seat.’


Why, God, why?

‘Fine,’ Gibsie sulked. ‘But I’m taking these,’ he added, grabbing a box of tissues off the desk as he stalked to the back of the classroom and proceeded to wipe down the chair before slumping down. ‘Can’t be too careful these days.’

‘Are you alright there, Kavanagh?’ Coach Mulcahy asked as I tried to maneuver my way down the narrow rows of desks, ignoring the glowering girl sitting at my fucking desk. ‘Do you need a cushion to sit on?’

‘No, sir,’ I bit out as I gingerly lowered myself onto my seat, careful not to brush against her. ‘My arse is grand.’

‘Are you sure?’ Coach asked, watching me warily. ‘Do you need a hand?’

Loud snickering came from Hughie and Feely who were perched at the back of the class. Two seats over from them, Gibsie was doubled over his desk laughing.

Twisting around, I not so discreetly gave him the finger.

Gibsie returned the gesture by shoving his hand under his desk and pretending to wank himself – toppling a stack of books off the desk with his over enthusiastic performance.


Just fucking lovely.

‘Or a mouth?’ a familiar voice sneered in my ear.

Disgusted, I turned to glare at Bella. ‘What did you say to me?’

She rolled her eyes. ‘It was a joke, Johnny.’

‘You think because you’re a girl it’s okay to say shite like that to me?’ I hissed.

‘Relax,’ she spat, drumming her long nails on the desk. ‘I was just making con–’

‘Conversation,’ I deadpanned. ‘Yeah, I got that.’ Fucking double standards. ‘Well, here’s me making conversation; don’t fucking talk to me.’

‘You’re an asshole,’ Bella growled, purposefully poking me with her elbow. I presumed she meant to hurt me, but it was just plain irritating. ‘So, what’s going on with you and the Lynch girl?’

Clenching my jaw, I leaned back in my chair and folded my arms across my chest, dutifully ignoring her.

Don’t feed the crazy.

Don’t feed the crazy.

‘Answer me,’ she whispered-hissed.

Give me strength…

‘You might as well answer me because I’m going to keep –’

‘She’s my girlfriend,’ I spat, losing my cool. ‘Now stop fucking talking to me.’

Bella’s expression fell. ‘Your girlfriend?’

I nodded stiffly and turned my attention back to the nurse listing off types of STD’s on the projector machine at the top of the class.

‘You’ve lost your mind,’ Bella growled. ‘What are you going to do with a girlfriend? You’re leaving in a couple of months.’

You don’t fight with girls.

You don’t fight with girls.

‘Ah, now I get it,’ she mused. ‘You feel sorry for her.’

That got my attention and I snapped my head around to glare at her. ‘Excuse me?’

‘Shannon,’ Bella replied with a smirk. ‘She’s all fucked up, with a broken home and a bad daddy, and you’re a sucker for a sob story,’ she added, ‘Just look at Gib –’

‘Don’t even go there,’ I warned, hands balling into fists.

‘You feel bad about it so you’re keeping this charade up,’ she continued. ‘I knew there had to be something more to this. It made no sense for you to look sideways at the likes of her –’

‘Someone swap seats with me!’ I roared, causing the nurse who was addressing the class to jump and everyone else to turn and look at me. ‘Am I a piece of art?’ I snapped, standing up stiffly. ‘Stop fucking looking at me and start moving seats. Now!’

‘Kavanagh!’ Coach said, looking confused. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Either move her away from me, or find me another seat,’ I hissed through clenched teeth. ‘Because I’m going to lose my shit.’

Coach obviously took me seriously because he didn’t hesitate when he said, ‘Bella, move seats with Gibsie.’

‘Woo-hoo,’ Gibsie hooted from the back of the room.

‘Why do I have to move?’ Bella growled. ‘He’s the one with the problem.’

‘Because I told you to,’ Coach shot back tersely. ‘Now move!’

‘Preferential treatment because he’s your star boy,’ Bella sneered as she shoved her chair back and stood. ‘Enjoy your pity relationship,’ she hissed in my ear as she roughly shoved her chair into my leg. ‘Cripple.’

‘Move along,’ Coach warned. ‘Now, Bella.’

Biting back a growl as a wave of pain shot up my leg, I remained stoically silent as she stepped around me, not trusting myself not to explode on her.

‘You heard the man,’ Gibsie sneered, leaning against the desk. ‘Move along, Devil Pussy.’

‘Fuck off, Gibsie,’ she snarled as she stalked to the back of the class.

‘You alright, lad?’ Slapping a hand on my shoulder, Gibsie slipped around me and sank down on the inside seat. ‘Did she hurt you?’

‘Nah, I’m grand.’ Sinking back down, I stretched my legs out and breathed easily for the first time since walking into class. ‘She’s just batshit.’

‘That she is,’ he mused. ‘Now listen, I have a plan –’ Settling his elbows on the desk, he clasped his hands together, and looked attentively to the front of the classroom. ‘When they come around with the freebies, I’ll hold the bag open and you just pour the whole tub in, okay?’

‘You’re an eejit,’ I chuckled.

‘I’m serious,’ he shot back, keeping his eyes trained on the large container of condoms on the desk.

I studied his face. ‘Jesus, you are serious.’

‘They’re mine,’ he replied, grinning devilishly. ‘And I’m taking them all.’

‘You have no bleeding tact,’ I growled, eyeing my best friend from across the lunch table. The sexual health talk that Gibsie unintentionally orchestrated rolled into the three classes – and small break – due to the fact that some big, blond eejit wouldn’t stop asking questions. I had French and History straight after and I swear my blood sugar levels had dipped from the lack of food. ‘You say I’m the tactless one, but you?’ Dropping my gaze to the plastic container in front of me, I stabbed the chicken breast with my fork and tore into it. ‘You are in a league of your own, lad.’

His brows shot up. ‘Me?’

‘Yes, you,’ I shot back, nodding to his overflowing bag of supplies that he had emptied onto the table the minute we sat down for lunch. I swallowed every morsel of meat and veg in my lunchbox before continuing, ‘What are you planning to do with all of those? Make water balloons? Because you’re not going to use them all. It’s physiologically impossible.’

Physiological?’ he scoffed. ‘You need to get your head out of those books, lad,’ or at least that’s what I thought he said. It was kind of hard to work out what he was saying with half a dozen lollipops hanging out of his mouth.

‘How many are you planning on wearing at once?’ I shot back, unscrewing the cap on my water bottle. ‘Half a dozen? Because there’s no other reason to fill your bag to the fucking brim, Gibs.’ Shaking my head, I pressed my bottle to my lips and drained the contents in four long gulps. ‘They’ll be out of date in a year and then what?’

‘Say what you want, but I’m being practical,’ he replied, slurping loudly on his lollipops as he perused his freebies proudly. ‘And sensible.’ Sifting through what had to be a minimum of eighty different colored condom wrappers, he compiled a neat pile to the left of his sandwich. ‘One of us has to be.’

One of us has to be?’ I narrowed my eyes. ‘Are you serious? You honestly think you’re the sensible one in this relationship?’

‘Well, where are your condoms, Johnny?’

I narrowed my eyes. ‘I’m not having sex, so I don’t need any.’

‘Sure.’ He, in turn, rolled his eyes to the heavens. ‘Famous last words, lad.’

‘You look like a gobshite,’ I stated. ‘Pack it away, will ya?’


‘Because everyone can see you.’

‘And I care because?’ he shot back, unfazed. ‘Fuck them all.’ Grinning, he waggled his brows. ‘You’re just afraid your girlfriend is going to see.’ Snickering, he shook his head and continued to make small piles. ‘Lad, I can’t believe you signed yourself off.’ He sighed dramatically. ‘I guess it’s down to me and Feely now – since you and Hugh both fucked yourselves over.’

Dear Jesus, please give me strength to deal with his crazy today…

Leaning back in my chair, I gripped my water bottle and practiced the art of not strangling my best friend to death. ‘You need to put that shite away,’ I bit out when I felt calm enough to speak again. I glanced around the room, looking for Shannon and coming up empty. ‘I’m serious, Gibs.’

‘It’s all foreign,’ he mused, inspecting the label. ‘I can’t read the instructions.’

‘What’s to explain?’ I shot back. ‘Roll it on your dick when you’re ready and roll it off when you’re done. I’d say the whole process is fairly self-explanatory, lad.’

‘Well, this pile’s for you,’ he offered. ‘Since you were too pussy to get your own.’

‘I already told you that I don’t need any condoms,’ I bit out, aggravated. I don’t need the temptation. ‘And if I do, I’ll get them, because, believe it or not, Gibs, I am more than capable of getting shite for myself. I’ve been keeping myself out of trouble for years now.’

‘True.’ He shrugged, unfazed. ‘But that was before you went and got yourself shacked up.’

Yeah, it was safe to say I bulldozed this morning, but I had no regrets. For the first time in months, I felt like I had some clarity over my feelings. Like something in my life was falling into place.

Did I push her too hard too fast? Probably. Should I have taken it slower? More than likely.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

Either way, I wasn’t about to take it back.

‘It’s not like that with her,’ I snapped, dragging myself from my thoughts. ‘So just put them away before she comes in here and you freak her out.’

‘No, it’s not like that with Shannon,’ he agreed. ‘It’s a lot worse and a lot more dangerous because you went and caught yourself some big, fat feelings, didn’t ya, lover boy? And I’m telling you now that this valiant act won’t mean shit when you find yourself caught in the moment, bollocks naked, and drowning in tight, virgin pussy. Just ask every poor bastard our age with a baby on his hip or on a food run in Dunnes Stores for cravings.’ Pushing a pile of condoms towards me like he was hustling poker chips, he added, ‘I’m only looking out for you. So here – big boy ones for you.’

‘I can’t deal with you today, Gibs,’ I growled, throwing my hands up in sheer fucking despair. ‘I honestly can’t.’

‘Take them.’


‘Take them.’



‘Did they adjust your medication?’

‘Not lately, now take them.’

‘Jesus, Gibs –’

‘Take the condoms or I’ll make a scene.’

‘Fine!’ Grabbing two fistfuls of foil packets, I shoved them into my pockets and glared at him. ‘Happy now?’

He grinned widely. ‘You will be – when you’re not caught out in a moment.’

‘Fine, thank you, Gibs, for keeping my dick protected. Now, will you put it away?’ I practically begged.

Nodding, he started to sweep everything back into his bag and I sagged in relief. Because the very last thing I needed was Shannon walking in while we were trading Trojans like Pokémon cards.

‘So,’ he mused, tone slightly more serious now. ‘How are you feeling?’

I flexed my jaw. ‘Fine.’

‘You’re in pain, aren’t ya?’ His eyes landed on mine, full of concern. ‘Lad, if you need to go home, that’s okay.’

‘I’m just stiff, Gibs,’ I muttered. ‘Everything’s locking up on me.’

Fisting a handful of condoms, he said, ‘We should go for a swim after school.’

‘Yeah.’ I nodded. ‘I know.’

‘But you won’t?’ Smirking, he dropped the wrappers back down and leaned forward. ‘Because you have other plans?’ He waggled his brows. ‘Shannon plans?’

‘I don’t know, lad.’ Exhaling heavily, I leaned forward and dropped my elbows on the table. ‘It’s all fucked up.’

‘Already?’ His brows shot up. ‘Christ, Johnny, you made short work of that, lad.’

‘Not Shannon,’ I muttered, feeling my body grow hot with temper. ‘But her family hates me.’ Dropping my head in my hands, I bit back a growl. ‘It’s so messy, Gibs.’


‘Messy,’ I confirmed grimly, glancing back up at him. ‘You saw the way her brother reacted to me last week? Well, I’m telling you that was nothing compared to how her Ma was with me.’

‘Joey the hurler doesn’t have a problem with you,’ he offered. ‘Well, no more than the rest of the world.’

‘One out of seven, lad,’ I mumbled. ‘I’m on a winner, aren’t I?’

‘I don’t get it,’ he mused, catching his jaw. ‘I honestly don’t.’

‘Yeah, well, you and me both, lad.’

‘Maybe they find you threatening?’

‘If I was a threat, they’d be scared,’ I countered. ‘They’re not scared, lad. They’re just out for blood – my blood.’ My shoulders sagged in defeat. ‘I can’t catch a bleeding break.’

‘It’ll balance out eventually,’ he told me. ‘Life has its own built-in weighing scales.’ He shrugged. ‘It can’t be all bad all of the time, the same as it can’t be all good. Something’s got to give.’

‘Yeah?’ I grimaced. ‘I hope you’re right, lad.’

‘You’re ridiculous,’ Hughie said then, as he and Feely joined us at the table, bringing an abrupt end to our conversation. Slapping a tinfoil covered sandwich down on the table, Hughie sank down on his usual chair to my right and roughly scraped the legs of his chair forward, never taking his eyes off Gibsie. ‘Put that shit away before Katie comes over.’

Gibsie stared at Hughie and then me before sighing dramatically. ‘I don’t know where I went wrong with the two of you.’ Packing away the last of his supplies, Gibsie tossed his school bag on the floor and huffed loudly. ‘I really don’t.’

‘Let it go, Hugh,’ Feely, who had positioned himself next to Gibsie, said with a sigh. ‘It was a joke.’

‘About my sister,’ Hughie bit out, glowering.

Morbidly curious, I turned to look at Hughie’s face and, oh shit, he was still peppering over this morning.

‘You’re still pissed off with me?’ Gibsie accused, sounding amused. ‘That was hours ago, lad.’

‘Damn straight I’m still pissed with you,’ Hughie seethed.

‘Hey, Johnny,’ Katie Horgan, Hughie’s tiny, red-haired girlfriend said as she slipped around the back of my chair.

‘Alright, Katie,’ I replied, offering her a nod.

‘Hope you’re feeling better,’ she added, giving my shoulder a small squeeze before moving straight for her fella.

‘You’re overreacting,’ Gibsie said, smiling at Hughie. ‘First about your sister and now the condoms.’ Sighing, he added, ‘You’d swear you never saw a pair of tits the way you’re carrying on.’

‘If you want to see a pair of tits, Gibs –’ Pausing mid-rant, Hughie murmured, ‘Hey, babe,’ to his girlfriend. Dragging Katie down on his lap, he pressed a quick kiss to her cheek before turning his glare back on Gibsie, ‘You need only look in the mirror.’

‘What’s wrong?’ Katie asked, curling an arm around Hughie’s neck. ‘Babe?’

‘Him.’ Wrapping an arm around her waist, Hughie drew her closer to his chest, and pointed across the table at Gibsie. ‘That little fucker.’

‘Lad.’ Gibsie threw his head back and laughed, much to Hughie’s dismay. ‘I’m two inches taller than you.’ Shoving his chair back, he pulled his jumper and shirt up, revealing his bare chest, and grinned. ‘And are these the tits you’re talking about?’ he taunted, flexing his pecks. ‘Fine pair, aren’t they?’

‘You’re an eejit,’ I muttered wearily.

‘An eejit with great tits, apparently,’ he shot back with a wink.

‘I can’t believe you pierced your nipples,’ Katie chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand. ‘What if they get ripped off in a match?’

‘Don’t look at his nipples, baby,’ Hughie huffed. ‘Look at my fucking nipples.’

Deciding to eject myself from the storm brewing around me, I leaned back in my chair, zoned out of their conversation, and waited for Shannon.

Checking my watch for the fiftieth time in the last fifteen minutes, I felt a pang of agitation surge through me.

Where was she?

We only had an hour for big lunch and I wanted to spend those sixty minutes with her, because let’s face it, it was the only time I was going to get with her.

Glancing around again, I spotted two blonde heads in the reflection of the glass floor-to-ceiling window. Twisting around in my seat, my eyes landed on Claire and Lizzie just beyond the archway of the hall. They were clearly arguing with one another and standing in between them, several inches closer to the ground, was Shannon.

My heart slammed against my chest bone and I took a moment to just soak in the sight of her. She was tugging on their sleeves, pulling them away from the archway, looking all flustered and wide-eyed. As soon as she slipped out of view, my brain kicked into gear and my feet started moving.

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