Learn Your Lesson: A Single Dad Hockey Romance (Kings of the Ice)

Chapter 19



I’m in trouble.

Will hadn’t spoken in a full five minutes since I’d finished telling him the truth about my sexual experience.

We had moved back to the table — me in a new set of pajamas that wasn’t soaking wet, and him in his boxer briefs and dress shirt, the buttons left open for me to enjoy the view of his hair-dusted chest and muscle-lined abdomen. Nacho and Pepper were still hiding somewhere in my bedroom, but Coconut had sauntered out to join us, flicking her tail and eyeing Will suspiciously from where she curled up by my feet.

I didn’t mind letting him quietly soak in the information, not when I had the opportunity to rake my eyes over every inch of him without hurry. Everything had happened so fast, I’d barely been able to register. But now, I could ruminate on the memory of his thick, long, hard cock, how he’d pumped himself with his eyes drinking me in, how he’d fisted my hair when I’d attempted to go down on him without a fucking clue what I was doing.

I internally laughed at myself, cringing a little and hiding my face in my hands.

“What?” Will asked, finally breaking the silence.

“Nothing. Um, do you want some tea?” I asked, hopping up and moving into the kitchen before he could answer. Coconut skittered away, but didn’t leave the room. She perched on the back of the couch like she still wanted to keep an eye on us.

I put on the electric kettle and pulled two mugs from the cabinet, plucking out one of my favorite hibiscus teas.

Another long stretch of silence existed between us until I sat down with the tea, and I wrapped my hands around my mug as Will blinked at his, brows furrowed, still digesting.

“Okay,” he said, gaze hard when it found mine. “New rule. You need to be fucking honest with me — especially about shit like this.”

“I didn’t exactly have time to tell you,” I pointed out.

“You make time.”

“You said you didn’t want to know anything about my life.”

That made Will’s scowl deepen. “Well, I want to know about things like this.”

“How am I supposed to tell the difference?”

“Use your common fucking sense, maybe?” Will stood, dragging his hands through his hair as he paced to the sliding glass door and back again. “Chloe, I wouldn’t have fucked you like that if I’d have known…”

His frown had shifted from frustration to concern, the line between his brows making me all gooey inside.

“Oh, what?” I teased, arching a brow. “You would have made sweet, sweet love to me instead?”

Will flattened his lips, slow-blinking at me.

“Exactly,” I said, waving a hand over him before I lifted the hot mug of tea to my mouth and tentatively took the first sip.

Will sat back down, reaching for his own mug but just resting his thumb on the handle rather than drinking from it.

“The shit I was saying to you…” He winced, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head.

I reached across the table and squeezed his wrist until he lifted that gaze to me, and I made sure he saw the sincerity in my eyes when I said, “I loved it.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

He swallowed. “You did?”

“Will, I came not once, not twice, but three times.” I widened my eyes and blinked rapidly at him like that should have been all the evidence he needed. “Wanna know how many times I came the first time I had sex?” I held up my hand and made a zero with my fingers curling toward my thumb. “This many.”

That made Will’s brows bend together in a menacing glare. “Fucking punk. He didn’t deserve to touch you.”

I ignored the way that fired me up again, releasing my grip on his wrist and sitting back in my chair to sip my tea.

I thought the conversation was over, but after a moment, Will said, “Honesty.” He pinned me with his gaze. “One-hundred-percent honesty from here on out.”

“But don’t tell you about my life,” I added. “And don’t ask about yours.”

“Don’t be a smart ass.”

“Or what?”

I smirked with the dare, and Will’s nostrils flared like he was more than happy to deliver on punishment if I tested him.

“Okay, fine. Here’s my first bit of honesty,” I said, cupping my mug in my hands and leaning over the table. “I’ve never sucked a cock before.”

“Jesus Christ, woman,” he muttered, wetting his lips as one hand reached down to adjust himself in his briefs.

One glance under that table showed me why, and my mouth watered a bit at the sight of that thick bulge.

“Can you let me recover before you say things like that?”

“Okay, your rules are getting very confusing now.”

Will tongued his cheek, and I swore something just short of a laugh came from his chest like an exhale.

“I almost made you smile there.”

“I smile all the time,” he defended, his scowl back in place.

“Oh, sure. The most smiley man I know, hands down.”

The mood felt lighter now that the truth was out in the open. Will finally took a sip of his tea — and then promptly grimaced and looked at me like I was insane for liking it. Hibiscus wasn’t for everyone.

“Well, I better…”

Will hooked a thumb over his shoulder toward the house, and I smiled down at my tea on a nod.

“Yeah,” I said.

I tried to ignore the rush of confusing emotion surging through me as I walked him over to the sliding glass door after he’d dressed.

I wanted him to stay.

But for what?

He didn’t want to be friends. I agreed that I was fine with just sex, and yet, there was a hollow ache inside me now that he was leaving. I wondered if it would be so bad if he just sat on the couch here instead of inside. I could turn on an old episode of Jeopardy. We didn’t have to talk. I could be quiet. We could just be in the same room.

I tampered down those desires, cracking my knuckles before I clasped one hand around my elbow behind my back and stared at my bare feet.

“You okay?” Will asked.

I forced a smile up at him. “I just came three times, Mr. Perry. I’m fantastic.”

The corner of his mouth tilted, and he reached forward, thumbing my chin. “I kind of like when you call me that.”

“I’ll remember that for next time.”

His eyes flared like he couldn’t wait.

That made two of us.

With one last stroke of my jaw line, Will opened the door.

Before he could step through it, my hand jutted out to catch his arm. “Wait.”

He paused, his eyes finding mine.

“I… does this mean…” I swallowed, tucking my hair behind my ear and staring at his chest so I didn’t have to meet his gaze when I finished that thought. “Will you teach me?”

“Teach you?”

I glanced up at him through my lashes before my gaze dropped again. “You know… how to… do things.”

He was quiet for so long I thought maybe I wasn’t making sense, but when I found the gall to look at him again, his eyes were dark and heady, his chest rising and falling in a restrained manner.

“You want me to teach you how to suck my cock, Chloe?”


My body burned, skin flushing the same bright pink it had when he’d made me come.

I nodded. “I want you to teach me everything.”

A hot breath shuddered out of him, and he looked away from me and toward the house before giving a curt nod.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said.

And then he bolted like if he stayed one moment longer, our first lesson would begin right here and now.

Damn that man and his restraint.

* * *

The next morning, I made the strongest cup of tea of my life and pulled up Reddit.

I posted an update.

I shared the latest news, but left out the details.

And I proceeded to ask for every piece of sexual advice the Internet could give me — starting with how to let my boss teach me how to fuck without catching feelings.

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