Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 4

“Babe I don’t think you should do this, you could get in big trouble”Zoey said.

“Babe don’t do this, you could be suspended or even expelled”Jane said.

“Does it look like i care? And if i can remember clearly i didn’t ask for either of your opinions, this is all on me, chill babes no such thing will happen, I think I’m principal Benson’s favourite student”I said.

“Favourite? really?”Zoey asked.

“I don’t think so, you’ve been skipping detention for about three times now and he’s been looking for you, if you follow through with this plan you could get into more trouble, you know he’s mad at you right now”Jane said.

“I know…… I know but think on the bright side, this is my biggest opportunity to finally settle scores with Alex”I smirked “Don’t worry about Principal Benson, I can handle the Old Grinch”I said.

“Fine, but don’t forget that we warned you”Jane said.

“Please Babe don’t-”

“Not now Zoe, you should know that once i make up my mind it’s difficult to make me change it”I said.

“But not impossible right?, babe come on” Zoey protested.

“One more word from both of you and I’m outta this place to destroy Alex way worse than you can imagine”I warned and they both sighed.

“Fine, just be careful”Zoey said.

“Now that’s more like it, all i need to do now is to get into the basketball changing room and then get to Alex’s locker”I said.

“Then what next?”Jane asked.

“Kill”I smirked.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“This is dangerous babe”Zoey said.

“Don’t worry babe, he’ll just sustain a few injuries and that’s it”I said.

“What if it happens in a way you don’t expect?”Jane asked.

“Then I’ll see it as fate playing it’s role to deal with him, have you forgotten all Alex has done to us already? He deserves more than he has gotten, Jane your a cheerleader, have you forgotten when Alex ripped your dress and made you loose the opportunity of performing in the big Football game last year?”I reminded.

“Yes, that bastard, I think he deserves every bit of damages we do to him”She Grimaced.

“And you Zoey, have you forgotten how Alex set you up with Luke three months ago?”I asked.

“Never ever, I say we pull through with this plan and take Alex down, it’s time to get even”She scowled.

“That’s more like it, now Zoey you’ll have to get into the Janitor’s closet and get me the key to the boys changing room while Jane will keep watch, I’ll get Cade”I said.

Cade was the guy that was gonna help us with the electrocuting, he was a master at anything that has to do with foul play

“On it”They said in unison as they left the room.

I scurried out of the room heading towards the engineering class where cade would probably be.

“Hey Cade”I greeted.

“Hi”He said, an amused expression on his face.

He was probably surprised to see me, Olivia Henderson, talking to him Cade, same guy that asked me out about two months ago and i threw it on his face.

“Can we…. talk?”I asked.

“Um…… I’m kinda busy now, we can talk later”He said.

“I guess i have no option than to do this”I said and pulled him by his collar, out of the classroom to an empty classroom specifically only for me and my friends only, anyone else who tried getting into that class without our permission was dead meat.

“Hey! why did you have to drag me like that?”He protested.

“Next time you reject me like that I’ll beat the rejection out of you”I told him.

“You wouldn’t, besides you also rejected me once, remember?”He said.

“It doesn’t look like i care does it? You’re gonna do something for me and i won’t be taking no for an answer”I said.

“Remember when you turned me down publicly?”He asked.

“Lool Cade, I don’t have time for your nonsense right now, if i didn’t need you i wouldn’t have called you”I said sternly.

“What does the great Olivia Henderson need me for?”He asked, smirking.

“I just need your skills”I said.

“What skills?”He asked.

“I need you to electrocute something for me and I’ll pay you whatever amount you want”I said.

“What’s that?”He asked.

“Do you remember when Alex poured smoothie on your face at the cafeteria in front of everyone?”I asked.

I loved playing dirty.

“Yes, i hate that dude so much”He said.

“Now is the time to get revenge for the humiliation he caused you”I said.

“Look Liv, i know i hate Alex for what he did to me but i won’t have you dragging me into whatever enmity you guys are having, keep me out of it, whatever it is”He said, turning to leave.

“But we could strike a deal”I stopped him on his track.

“What deal?”He asked.

“Name your price”I said.

“Whatever you want, I’ll give to you”I added

“Hmm…… well, i think there’s something i want, we could um…… I’ll do it on one condition”He smirked.

“What?”I asked.

“Sex, let’s just have sex, simple sex with no strings attached, I’d love your ass against me”He said and i punched him right on his jaw.

“How dare you say something like that to me, are you insane?”I asked.

“Well I’ll take that as a no”He said and turned to leave but i stopped him on his tracks.

“Wait…. fine…… I’ll do it, but only after you do what i asked of you” I said and he smirked.

Playing dirty I see…. Well two can play at this game then.

“Deal, so how do we go about it?”He asked and i smirked and then told him about the plan.

In less than an hour everything was done and my plan was full proof.

“Great Job guys”I said.

“Yeah i can’t wait to see Alex on the floor, shocked and injured”Jane said.

“Me too, it will be hilarious”Zoey said.

“Don’t you think it’s really dangerous though?”Jane asked.

“Relax, he won’t die, I’ll just press the button for ten seconds and that’s it”I said.

“That’s more like it, but i hope this plan is successful”Zoey said.

“It will be”I said.

“By the way, how did you talk Cade into doing it?”Zoey asked.

“Sex”I said.

“What? You slept with him?”Jane exclaimed.

“Babe I can’t believe you did such a thing, how could you sleep with him just for this minor stuff!”Zoey yelled.

“Relax girls, i didn’t have sex with him, we only had an agreement, once my plan is full proof and successful I’ll get rid of him, I only agreed to it to let him off”I said.

“Are you crazy? don’t you know Cade? an agreement with him is an agreement, if you fail to keep your part of the deal he might do something, what if he tells Alex or worse still he rapes you?”Zoey yelled.

“Firstly I’m not scared if he tells Alex and i know he won’t since he hates Alex and rape is out of the Case, i didn’t take a two years Judo training in New york for nothing, if he tries nonsense, I’ll break his jaw”I said.

“Don’t waste your time talking to her, you know her by now, she’ll never listen to you”Jane said.

“I know but we still have to try right?”Zoey asked.

“Look girls just chillax, nothing will happen, it will all work out”I smiled.

“You sure about this?”Zoey asked.

“One hundred percent, now drop the ill thoughts and let’s rather celebrate our upcoming victory”I smirked.

“You’re right”Zoey said.

“I don’t know why i have a bad feeling about this”Jane muttered.

“Oh please…. Change the topic already!”I said and she shrugged.

“When’s the game starting?”Zoey asked.

“In about 30 minutes”I said.

“Great, I can’t wait”Zoey said.

“Me neither”I smiled.

“I don’t feel too good about this”Jane said.

“Come on babe, why do you always have to be the grape in the midst of apples”I said.

“I’m just stating the obvious”She shrugged.

“Well keep that Obvious to yourself”I said.

“Fine, if you say so but don’t say i didn’t warn you”She said.

“Babe have you forgotten so soon all that Alex has done to us? to you? we are only settling scores with him and besides it’s not like we’re planning on killing him”I said.

“But this is extreme and dangerous”Jane said.

“But i have to do this to shut that mouth of his and teach him a valuable lesson he’ll never forget”I said.

“You know Alex by now, he definitely won’t be keeping quiet about this”She said.

“Oh I’m ready for him this time, it’s back to back revenge”I smirked.


“The game was about to start, we sat at the center court awaiting the players who were on their way to the court.

The game began in less than ten minutes and the players began to dribble the ball, passing it to each other.

Within a few minutes Alex scored a point by putting the ball in the net.

As much as i hated him, I admired the way he played, he was so good at it that i started doubting if i should follow through with my plan, basketball was his life, i saw him passion for the game as he put all his focus in it.

But as the classical bitch i am, i hit the button waiting to see him get shocked but nothing happened.

“What’s going on?” I asked nervously.

“What’s wrong babe?”Zoey asked.

“The button isn’t working, I don’t know what’s wrong with it”I said as i continued pressing the button all to no avail.

“Come on, let’s get out of here”Zoey said as she noticed people were beginning to stare at us as we were making so much noise, we left the bleacher, heading back to our classroom.

“What’s wrong?”I asked anxiously.

“Are you sure the thing even works, maybe there’s a fault from the stuff” Zoey said.

“It was working earlier on when Cade fixed it, i tested it and it was working” I said.

“Then what happened, why isn’t it working?”Jane asked.

“The remote is working perfectly, it’s just no longer connected to my boots” Alex’s voice rang from behind us.

“Alex!” I scowled as we turned to face him.

“Hello there, losers, so you thought you could harm me easily and i won’t do anything about it? I must say that i didn’t expect this from you Liv, up till now i use to think we were just playing cheap tricks to embarrass each other but you really went far this time”He said.

“So Cade told you, that asshole!”I yelled angrily.

“No he didn’t, i saw you dragging him out of the class earlier today and i knew you and Cade never got along so i suspected and followed you both, i eavesdropped on your entire conversation and then immediately went to my locker room and put another boot there which wasn’t the one i was planning on wearing, i planned it all, the boot you electrocuted has been destroyed and thrown away”He said.

“Moron! How dare you! This was my big opportunity to get back at you”I yelled.

“And you failed, like always, see Liv, there’s one thing that differentiates the both of us, Your smart and bold bit I’m confident and intelligent”He said.

“And next time you try to do something to me, make sure it’s not something that will cause physical injuries, i let you off this time and i won’t be reporting you but next time i won’t be so generous, thank me later”He smirked and left.

“The guts of that boy!”I yelled angrily, tossing the remote on the floor and then trampled it.

“I can’t believe our plan backfired, this was a big chance to get even with him” Zoey said.

“Well I’m glad it did, do you know how much trouble you could have gotten into if anything went wrong and maybe he got brutally injured, you were busy playing with someone’s life and i kept warning you both about this but as always Jane’s opinion doesn’t matter, if only you both had listened to me, you went too far this time, Alex was kind enough to let this off but i promise you he won’t be keeping quiet about this, you know Alex by now, he’ll definitely be getting his revenge and mark my words he won’t go easy on us this time, this is all on you Liv, you never listen, you always feel your right and you’re always on and on about yourself, you know what? there’s really no difference between you and Alex, you both are clearly the same, same mentality and lifestyle!”Jane said.

“Jane’s right babe, at times we need to start listening to her, what if something extraordinary happened, we would have been in big trouble”Zoey said.

“I guess you’re right, I’m sorry guys”I said and they smiled at me.

“It’s okay, what are sisters for, we are sisters and we must stick together no matter what”Jane said and we smiled.

“Yeah and I’ll start listening more henceforth”I smiled.

“Don’t let your desire for revenge get in the way of greater things and don’t do anything to ruin someone’s life all in the name of revenge”Zoey said.

“Right”I smiled.

“Phew…. I said a lot didn’t i?”Jane said and we laughed and i ruffled her hair with my hands.

“Hey! keep your hands off my hair!”She squealed and we laughed.

“Seems like we found Alex Jnr”Zoey said laughing

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