Living With The Player

Chapter 2 Butt Naked


The jerk didn’t look away, even after I had a towel over my skin, he still ogled at my body, letting his eyes roam over my body, mentally undressing me, flicking the towel off with his hands. Ugh!

I raised my head in embarrassment only to meet him smirking as nothing happened.

“Oh wait, I think I remember you now.” He said and I froze. My embarrassed demeanour was replaced with fright instead. He made me so easily.

“Oh no…” I thought as he cocked his head to my side, daring to take a step forward even.

“We go to the same high school right?” He asked. I exhaled in relief before nodding my head.

“Knew it. In that case, I’ll see you tomorrow, please don’t go blabbing to everyone that we live together. I’d prefer if that’s kept between us. Got it?”

It wasn’t much of a question than a command. He thought too highly of himself, then of course very lowly of me. I was a nobody, the scandal it’ll bring him when his flings find out he was living under the same roof with me. He’d have to do a lot of explanations, I’d be saving him a lot of stress if I simply kept my mouth shut. A little part of me extremely wanted to blab, just to taunt him, and for the fun of it then maybe for a little spotlight myself. I don’t know okay.

I simply scoffed in response, shoving him the finger.

“Trust me, I’d love to. It’s easier since we’re under the same roof, I’m just a few doors away, whenever you’re ready” He responded before turning away.

“Lest I forget, very nice ass by the way.” He clicked his tongue, I gasped and reached for a pillow, tossing it at him at the same time he slammed the door causing it to hit against the door instead. I huffed, crossed my arms then fell on the bed. Playing with my hair while contemplating my current life choices. It’s only for a few weeks, then I’ll leave this shit hole, I’ll leave him.

“So much for fucking avoiding him then,” I muttered, stood up, took a few steps to lock the door, then I freely removed the towel.

I checked the closet since rich people loved to keep robes in there, and there were some clothes, but they looked like guy’s clothes, this room was occupied before it seemed. Since I had no choice, I brought them down, tossing a few on the bed to make my pick. I would have to manage them for the night, I put on a simple T-Shirt which reached my knee. Since it covered half my body, there was no need for shorts.

I laid on the bed as thoughts of the fire crowded my mind. I turned and tossed all through unable to wash the guilt or get some sleep at least.

“I’m so sorry Dad,” I whispered nearly shedding tears. I had none left to cry.

“Aside from the fire, there was another factor dancing around in my mind. Dylan Emerton. He might not remember, but I do. Vividly. That makes things extra complicated. I can’t play with fire, that’s both figuratively and literally. I would have to avoid him at all costs no matter what. If he gets a whiff of the truth, I’m comatose.” I thought with a deep sigh.

I hope things don’t change. I just want to continue my boring life as the unnoticed girl in school.

“You wish.” My subconscious mocked and I knew it was right. My life had changed and it might never be the same. I can only salvage what’s left and pray for the best.


The sun rays were my artificial alarm clock, the minute they hit my skin I found myself waking up slowly with a lengthy yawn, don’t get me wrong, I love my sleep and I didn’t get much of it last night.

I slept like a baby last night and now I was fully charged for the day.

Usually, I would get my clothes ready for the laundry but things aren’t what they used to be.

I simply rushed out of bed, grabbed my dirty clothes and left them in the bathroom for later.

I heard a soft knock on the door, Dylan wouldn’t knock, would he? Forget Dylan. It might be my mom or dad.

I walked towards it, unlocking it as I twisted the doorknob to reveal a smirking Dylan. I was wrong, he was being civil…? Knocking even. Did I wake up in an alternate universe?Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

His eyes raked over my body as I realised I was wearing just a T-Shirt.

“I left my clothes here but they look so much better on you, I doubt you need these.” He raised a bag, I reached to grab it allowing my shirt to raise as Dylan stared at my bare laps, shamelessly might I add.

I yanked it off his hands, slamming the door on his face as I pressed my hand on my beating heart to calm it down.

“Being around him does me no good, I need to stay away,” I muttered opening the nylon to pick out the clothes for the day.


After taking a shower, I got dressed in a floral gown and was on my way downstairs, everyone was at the dining table except my parents. Did they leave? Or maybe they were still resting after the long day yesterday. Mrs Emerton noticed how confused I was so she sighed.

“Your parents had an emergency, they had to leave the country but they’ll be back soon.”

She dropped with a reassuring smile at the end.

“They left without telling me?” I was a little hurt. Not little. Very hurt. Not even a note?

“I’m sorry dear, they left a bag and some money. They promised to call you later, but had to leave very quickly.” Mr Emerton said I exhaled grabbing what I needed. This sucked. This sucked.

I left most of my books in my locker for which I was thankful.

“I’m not hungry, I’ll eat something during lunch hour at school.”

I offered a sad smile, not to sound ungrateful.

“Dylan dear, be so kind as to drop Camila at school.” His mom ordered.

He groaned a little bit standing up nonetheless as we got out of the house.

Sadly, to complete his whole bad boy look he refused to get a car so he only owned a motorcycle. He handed me a helmet as I got on holding him tightly giving me a chance to inhale his cologne before he drove off. What happened to not been seen together? No complaints from this side though.


My joy was short-lived. I enjoyed clinging to him, getting a constant whiff of his cologne, but Dylan had another trick up his sleeves.

He stopped a few Meters away from school. I got up from the motorcycle. Of course, he drops me where no one can see us.

“I know, no one can know we live together,” I repeated, rolling my eyes.

“Great.” He beamed as I started to walk away.

The minute I got to school, I went straight to my locker getting the books I needed for the day.

I felt a warm pair of hands hold my waist and nuzzle around my ear.

“Hey, baby.” He whispered. I knew that voice all too well. His presence made me recall the incident once more.

“Hey, sweetheart.”

He added as I turned and placed my hands on his neck.

Meet Kyle. You might already be suspicious, but I’ll confirm by saying he’s my boyfriend. Two years and still going strong or whatever they say.

“I’m sorry about yesterday.” He apologized and I sighed. He didn’t need to bring that up, I’m trying to forget

“It’s not your fault.”

We were texting when the house caught on fire, you know the rest…

“Do you have anywhere to stay?” He asked tenderly. I gulped, meeting his intense gaze. What do I do? I can’t spill Dylan’s story, not because I’m scared, but Kyle wouldn’t understand.

“Yeah we do, my dad friend’s place.” Well, that wasn’t a total lie, more like a partial truth.

“But I am sorry, come on let’s get to class.” I slammed my locker in response as we held hands on our way to class. Glad he dropped that, one crisis averted, for now. Knowing Kyle, he’ll want to know more shortly. Very near future.

“Camila…” Dylan called behind me. What the?

I swear his voice made me freeze, I stood on an edge, dead in my tracks, and unable to react. He’s talking to me? Calling my name even?

We’ve attended the same school since junior high, he barely utters one word to me even though we have over three classes together, now he’s yelling my name in the halls? Murder me now. It was his dumb idea not to get noticed, wasn’t it? I mentally smack myself across the face before turning to meet Kyle. Of course, his brows were knitted in confusion, he had that “Explain now” look. I’m so doomed.

“Who’s he?” Kyle asks, tugging me towards himself. He knew exactly who Dylan was. Everyone did. He meant “Who the fuck is he to call your name like that?” The same question I was asking myself. We should both ask Dylan.

“I’m nobody actually but then again, I am the guy who saw her butt naked yesterday but still nobody.”

He replied with a sly grin. My jaw dropped, he did not just spout out the rubbish. I wished the ground would just open up and swallow me. Kyle had a murderous look, not to mention the glint of betrayal in his eyes. How do I explain this to him? It’s easier if Dylan was playing a nasty prank, telling lies, but it’s true.

The environment turns noisy. I can hear everyone whispering things about me. Most of them are nasty. They’re saying “I’m just his next catch.” He’ll get bored of me. There’s nothing special yet he’s craving my body.

Ugh. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I know for a fact everyone wants Dylan. His perfect jawline, always styled hair and the back boy aura he has going on.

It’s going to turn out a very interesting day today.

Oh fuck me.


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