Love for the Librarian

Plans Change

RILEY’S P. O. V.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

After school I head straight to the library. When I enter Aunt Polly greets me with a large smile. “How did it go yesterday?”

“Great, I did close a little later, but it was because I was helping another student with his studies and lost track of time.” I know she already checked the logs when she came. It is to make sure that I don’t have trouble getting people out.

“So no trouble?”

“None whatsoever. I will be helping my friend this week to study for finals. Is that all right Aunt Polly?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. If I need you I’ll pull you away for a moment. I am sure that I can handle it though.” She waves me off as I find a table to set up for Dylan. I am just getting the table cleared when Kevin comes in and shoots straight to the table I am clearing.

“I want in.” He leans on the table in a clear I am completely serious posture. What the hell?

I look at him shocked. “Want in on what? What the hell are you talking about?”

“This study deal. I want in.” He waves a hand at the table as if this is the key point in his discussion.

“I’m sorry Kevin, you are going to have to find someone else to tutor you. You and I do not get along well enough to constitute a good study relationship.” I turn to look somewhere else, I do not want to get into a debate with Kevin in front of Aunt Polly. She will not let it end well.

“Come on. I am just as good as Dylan. How does he rate?” He follows me. What the hell is his deal?

“For one he doesn’t insult me. Kevin, I just don’t see it working out well. You need to find someone else to help you.” I try to look at him to make sure that it is clear I am not happy to work with him.

Dylan comes up behind Kevin. “Is there a problem here?”

Kevin turns around with a smile on his face. “I was just asking Riley here to tutor me too. It seems to have done wonders for you. You can’t keep her all to yourself you know.”

Dylan grunts at him. “I highly doubt that a tutor can help you. However, you are welcome to join us.” He is trying to insult him as well as sound accommodating. I think he thinks it will piss off Kevin enough that he leaves.

However, Kevin throws him off. He smiles and turns to me. “See, your friend agrees I can join. I’ll sit next to you.”

“I didn’t agree to be your tutor.” I shake my head at him.

“Oh, come on, what are you scared of?” Kevin always knows how to goad me.

“I am not scared, I just don’t feel the need to subject myself to someone who likes to pick on me.” I glare at him.

“Your boy toy here will make sure I am polite enough.” Kevin cocks his head to Dylan.

“He is not my boy toy, and you are starting off on a terrible step.” I cross my arms and glare at him more.

Aunt Polly decides to check on things. When she sees Kevin she grows cross. “Kevin, I thought I told you that I didn’t want to see you in here ever again. You are not welcome anywhere near my niece. Leave now before I call your father.”

Kevin smiles at Aunt Polly. “I am here for a study session with Riley. I swear I will be on my best behavior.” He holds up his hands in a surrender posture. He knows how ferocious that Aunt Polly can be, so I am sure that with her in the back corner he will be on his best behavior.

Aunt Polly glares at him. “Is this true Riley?”

“That is what he claims. He came here asking to join in our study session.” I answer her as honestly as I can tell from what Kevin said coming in. I think he has another reason for being here, not really sure what it is.

“I will be watching you Kevin, if you say one wrong thing I will send you packing. You know for a fact that I am not one bit scared of your father so don’t even try to pull that one on me.” Aunt Polly glares at him as she starts back to her desk. She will be true to her word, she will be watching Kevin like a hawk.

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