Love for the Librarian

Q and A

The next morning I decided that I am going to change up the clothes a little bit. I get a more fashionable top and tighter pants. I leave my hair down, smoothing the waves. I decided not to wear my glasses. After all, I am not supposed to wear them all the time, I just do it because I hate to take them off and on. When I look in the mirror I am pleased. Not quite Katelyn style but more my own and showing a bit more of me. These are older clothes, but I kept them because I liked them.

When I step into the kitchen I get the shock of my life. My mom is in there cooking breakfast like she promised, but sitting at the counter is Dylan. He is dressed in his usual t-shirt and jeans. A royal blue shirt this time, that curves around his muscles nicely. He looks good sitting in my kitchen. He notices me first and gives me a satisfied smile. Apparently he likes my outfit. Because he gave me a good once over before the smile fully settled on his face. “You should leave your hair down more often.” His voice is satisfying.

My mom chimes in, “I tell her that all the time. You look gorgeous honey. Come have some breakfast. I found this guy hovering around the door this morning. I think his plan was to drive you to school.” She gives me a knowing smirk. She knows we are more than friends, and I think she approves.

“That was the plan, your mom invited me in for breakfast. You don’t mind, do you?” Dylan gives me that smile that makes me melt.

“Of course it’s fine. She is the one cooking so if she says it’s good then it is.” I sat on the stool next to him.

No sooner had I sat down then my mom turned around with two plates. She placed them in front of Dylan and I. “Eat up. You need to be well fueled for those finals.” She smiles at both of us. “I am going to finish getting myself ready. I have decided to start down at the library today. Polly is ecstatic about it. She has been on me about working there for years.” She laughs as she leaves to head to her room.

“So your mom is nice.” Dylan smiles at me.

“Yeah, I think she is going through a midlife crisis. Only hers is legit. My dad and her are getting a divorce so she is rethinking her life.”

“Sounds like your dad is an idiot.” He states it like it is a common fact. I think he likes my mom.

“Yeah, he is a big time jerk. He thinks he is this special guy and maybe he was once upon a time, but right now he is a middle aged balding man who makes enough to get by. Not that it is a bad thing, but he shouldn’t think he is better than mom because of it. My mom doesn’t know that I used to hear them fighting. He was always putting her down. I am kind of glad that he is gone.”

“I’m sorry I know it isn’t easy for parents to split. Your mom seems to be in a good mood about it though.”

“Mostly she is, I have seen her down a few times. She is great though.”

“If she keeps cooking like this I will be here every morning.” He digs into the plate.

I laugh, “Great now you are going to leave me for my mother.”

“Oh, no, your mother would be a poor substitute for you. You are what I want.” Dylan puts his arm around my shoulder pulling me close to him. “I could just get used to having breakfast with you, is what I am saying.”

I lean closer so I am whispering to him. “She came in while I was in the shower last night asking me questions. She thought I was sick. I completely forgot to lock the door. I would have been so embarrassed if she came in sooner.”

“I’ll remind you next time.” He kisses my forehead and goes back to eating breakfast.

“You are so sure there will be a next time.” I raise my eyebrow at him.

“Oh, yeah. There will definitely be a repeat of last night. Hopefully soon I will be in bed with you.” He narrows his eyes at me.

“Maybe.” I smile at him. He presses his lips to mine. Then his watch lets off a little ding.

“Crap, we gotta go. Bye Mrs. Anderson.” He hollers back to my mom.

She hollers back. “Call me Peggy dear. Hope to see you again soon. Have a good day at school you two.”

“Bye mom.” I holler as we leave out the front door.

Dylan helps me up into his truck. “Your mom’s name is Peggy. And your Aunt’s name is Polly.”

“Actually my mom’s name is Margaret but she likes to go by Peggy. She thinks Margaret is too old fashioned. I kind of like it.”

“I do too. Wait, does this mean that your mom is going to be at the library after school too.” I can see concern on his face. It is easy to dodge one parental figure, it is another to dodge two.

“Most likely.” I smirk at him. “I wouldn’t worry so much though. I will probably have more free time with my mom working there. I might be able to just hang out for the rest of the year. It would be nice to not have to work there, until it is actually my job.”

“Is that really what you want to do, or do you just feel like it is an obligation.” I can tell there isn’t judgement. He genuinely wants to know my feelings on the matter.

“Yeah, I love the library. I have been looking forward to running it my whole life. I am a book nerd, remember, what better job for me.” I smile at him.

“Oh, there is nothing hotter than a book nerd. I can’t wait to have your body open to me. Last night was a tease and it was still better than anything I have ever had.” Dylan looks sideways at me. Looking at me but not taking his eyes away from the road.

“I was really nervous. Please promise me that no one will ever see that picture.” I look at him pleading. I really do not want that out there. I mean I was in my underwear, for crying out loud.

“If anyone breaks into my phone and sees that I will carve their eyes out. That is only for me.” He narrows his eyes at me. “Same better go for you. I don’t go around sending pictures of myself to people.”

“Absolutely. I would never show anyone. I am not that type of person.”

“I didn’t think you were. Just making sure.”

“I was asking because I know some people get vindictive after a breakup.”

“It would still be my private picture if we were done. I wouldn’t violate you like that Riley.” He places his hand on my thigh.

“Thanks Dylan.”

We pull into school and Kevin and Katelyn are standing at the gate waiting for us. As soon as we pull in Katelyn rushes to us. “What the hell took you guys so long? Did you stop for a quickie? You guys were almost late.”

Kevin comes up and smacks her shoulder, “That is none of our business.”

I laugh, “No, my mom pulled us into breakfast.”

Katelyn narrows her eyes. “Both of you.”

“Yes, apparently my mom didn’t want to wait any longer to meet Dylan. She saw him waiting for me this morning and pulled him in for breakfast.” We are all rushing through the gate but I feel Katelyn’s gaze on me. She is wondering how serious we are that my mom insists on meeting him. “We can talk about this later, now finals. Kevin, are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” He shrugs like it isn’t a big deal. “Good thing there really isn’t anything in P. E. so only two to worry about today.”

Katelyn pushes his shoulder, “You got this. Go get ’em.”

Then we all ran off to our classes, with Kevin shouting. “I got this.” as he runs off. Dylan gave me a quick kiss as we got to our own classes. I am glad that Dylan did make a big deal about me asking Kevin about his test, after all, he is the one who needed the most help out of all of us.

The morning tests go by without a hitch. I don’t have any more episodes of lateness to have the teachers scold me and I finish the test just fine. I feel bad for those people who struggle. I mean learning comes naturally to me, I know that isn’t the case for other people. I think about what I can do at the library to help those out who can use that help. That is why I am ready to take over the library. I want to make it more of a community thing. Help people.

When it hits lunch time I grab some food and head out to the field that we have been taking our lunch in. I am not surprised to see everyone already there. When I approach, Dylan brings his hand up to me and then he leads me down to sit in between his legs. He is resting his head on my shoulder.

Kevin shoots us all a funny look. “Alright I think we should play a little game of truth. So we go around asking questions and everyone has to answer the question. I want good questions, people. Katelyn you ask the first question.”

“Alright, who was your first kiss?” Katelyn looks at him expecting him to answer first, after all it is his stupid game.

“Good, Um, Kylee in the third grade. It was one of those dare things. Come on Dylan, it’s your turn.”

“Um, Jennifer in the eighth grade. She was my first girlfriend.”

Now everyone is looking at me. “Well,”

Then Kevin cuts me off. “Let me guess Dylan.”

“No, I kissed Thomas in the seventh grade.”

Dylan gets a funny look on his face. Katelyn starts laughing at his face. Then Dylan voices his thoughts. “There is no Thomas in our class.”

“I know he was in ninth.” I replied.

Realization dawns on his face. “You mean Thomas Clark was your first kiss. As in Brittney’s older brother.”

“Yeah, he was coming into the library a lot and we became close.”

“Oh, my God, I had no idea I had such stiff competition. He was like a fucking Adonis here I swear that was all I heard about until he left.” Dylan rolls his eyes, “Does Brittney know?”

“Why do you think she hates me? I was close with her brother for a while. He still sends me texts from time to time. Just friends though. No relationship. No worries.”

“Oh, I know he could turn that charm on anytime he wanted.” Dylan frowns.

“Don’t worry about it, he is just my friend.” I roll my eyes. “Katelyn your turn.”

“Ok, my first kiss was Clark in the third grade. His little brother liked me and I didn’t like him so I kissed Clark to get his brother to leave me alone.”

“Oh, you minx.” Kevin laughed. “Alright, what is the most naked you have been in public?”

Katelyn answers, “I flashed my tits at a party last year.”

Kevin grins, “I wish I was at that party.” He wags his eyebrows at her.

“Yeah, me too. I wouldn’t have done it then.” She smirks at him.

“You wound me.” Kevin grins. “Alright Riley, let’s hear it.”

“At summer camp two years ago I went skinny dipping. It was all girls but still public.” I groan. Not exactly a high point of my life.

“The one year I didn’t go to camp to watch out for you.” Katelyn laughs.

“I was a little tipsy. One of my roommates brought some wine.” I responded.

Kevin answers next, “I streaked at a party last year, it was a group of us guys and of course we were all drunk. Your turn Dylan.”

“I was streaking with you.” Dylan laughed.

“Oh, yeah, I remember now.” Kevin laughed with him.

“What was your most serious relationship?” Dylan asks. He looks at me.

“You. I only went out with like two other people and they were not even close to serious.”

Dylan smiles. “Same.”

Katelyn rolls her eyes. “Like you two would say something else. Although with Riley I know it is true. Me, I never had a serious relationship. I guess the most serious I thought it was was Kevin.”

Kevin is quiet for a moment. “Sorry for that. If I am being honest you were my most serious too. I got scared, that was why I did what I did.”

Katelyn waves him off. “No big, it’s in the past. We can move past it. Riley, what’s your question?”

“Who was the first person you slept with? You all already know my answer. No one.”

Katelyn answered next. “I am pretty sure everyone knows mine too. Kevin.” She shrugs.

“You were my first too, believe it or not.” Kevin looks right at Katelyn, they have an unspoken conversation. Then Kevin looks at Dylan with a smile. “Your turn.”

“Um Brittney.”

Kevin smiles. “Really, you haven’t been with anyone else?”

“Really. I am not as big of a whore as you think I am.” He glares at Kevin.

“No judgments. Boy that round was an eye opener.” Kevin laughs. “Alright, it got too serious. Something else. Let’s lighten the mood.”

“I think I did pretty well on my finals.” Katelyn brings up.

“I did too, it felt good to go in there and not feel dumb.” Kevin laughs. “Ok, I just knew more than usual. I usually get by with the basics.”

“I did well, I think. I am glad to be almost done. One more tomorrow and then we are clear.” Dylan gives me a squeeze. “We never really discussed what we were going to do during the two days we have nothing. Are we just going to hang out?”

“It sounds good to me. I don’t want to put too much thought into things at the moment.” I lean back into Dylan. “I am comfy right here.”

Katelyn laughs. “Not all of us have a hot guy to sit on. I could bring some cards or something. We could play poker.”

“That sounds like fun. Who has pennies?” Kevin questions.

“I am not sure I have that many pennies. Maybe we could play for something else.” I mentioned.C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

Kevin gets a gleeful look in his eyes. “I got it, we will play for dares. Whoever wins the hand gets to dare the others to do whatever they want. Ok within reason and school rules apply.”

Dylan smiles. “Alright, but if you dare my girl to kiss you, I will hand you your ass.”

Kevin gives him a hard look. “I would never do that man. What type of man do you take me for?”

“A horn dog.” Dylan states bluntly.

“Ok, sometimes, but I have limits. She is my friend. I wouldn’t violate her like that. It is not because I am scared of you.” He narrows his eyes at Dylan. “So, what do you think, does that work?”

Katelyn shrugs. “At least it is something to do.”

I smile, “Sounds like a plan.”

“Good. I will bring the cards. Anyone got a blanket?” Katelyn looks around.

“I am pretty sure I have one.” I am reveling in the arms around me. It makes me feel safe.

“So are you going to ask Mr. Harman to join us on the field?” Dylan speaks into my neck. I am pretty sure that I am the only one that heard him.

“I can try. If he actually has something for me in the office I can’t push it. I am the T. A. after all.” I smile at him. “Can’t live without me that long.”

“Nope.” He smiles into my skin.

Katelyn groans. “God you two are so cute you make me sick. Ok, so Kevin you have one more final what is it? Do we need to study tonight for it?”

“Na, it’s an easy one. I do not want to study tonight.” Kevin groans. Then he lightens. “I’ll still hang at the library with you though.”

“Actually, my mom just started at the library today, so they may not need me. Maybe we could go to a movie or something.” I look hopeful at them. It would be so nice to go out.

“Yeah, that sounds fun.” Katelyn adds. “We haven’t been to a movie in a while.”

“I was supposed to take you this last weekend. So I don’t mind.” Dylan mumbles a little.

“So after school I will check in with them and make sure they don’t need anything and then meet you at the theater. Anyone know what’s playing?” I ask. Of course I see Katelyn pull out her phone. She has the theater app that allows her to check in like a minute.

“It looks like there is a horror movie. You guys game. I know Riley is.” She smiles at me. I love horror. A good scare is awesome.

“What guy doesn’t like horror?” Kevin commented. I am pretty sure he just likes it so that the girls will take his comfort during the movie. Little does he know that Katelyn and I thrive on horror.

Dylan nods. “Although it better not be one of those horror movies where the bad guy still lives in the end. He needs to die in an epic way.”

“What if the bad guy is a girl?” I roll my eyes at him.

“Then she needs to die too. I am an equal opportunity bad guy killer.” Dylan nods at me, stating the fact.

“Good answer.” I smile at him.

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