Mafia Obsession

Chapter 32


My ass stings as I sit on the hard bus seat, traveling back to Ashley’s apartment. Leo Romano knows how the hell to make me come. It’s something I’m not used to. He insisted I

be at Mode tomorrow evening again.

Deep down I hope that he never gets bored of punishing me and wants me at Mode every night. Leo is everything I’ve wanted when it comes to sex. For a while now, I’ve known I’m not into the normal, vanilla things most people like.

Ashley is the only person who doesn’t judge me for my tastes. The first time I had sex it was so disappointing and not arousing at all. It was only through watching porn that I realized that being submissive is everything I crave.

True alpha men like Leo who take what they want, when they want, get me going. It’s exactly what he is. I like a little bit of pain that turns the pleasure up a notch, spanking and being tied up, but I’m not a masochist.

The moment this ends, I know reality is going to come crashing down on me hard. I’m homeless and my good for nothing drug dealer ex- boyfriend wants me dead. I stumbled into his only decent friend, Sid, who warned me he has all his other friends out searching for me. He promised he wouldn’t tell him where I am, but it’s only a matter of time until one of those assholes spots me.

Bruce doesn’t scare me, but he is an idiot. I wouldn’t put it passed him to kill me for this. Even though I had nothing to do with his drugs going missing. Not to mention, he’s definitely not a stranger to violence, I’ve seen that first hand.

There’s not many people on the bus at this time of night, but the fact Leo is insisting I keep going to Mode each night is increasing my chance of getting caught.

The bus rolls passed the next stop and my stop is only two more away. Hopefully, I’m going to make it to Ashley’s without a hitch. I’m lucky that Bruce’s friends don’t use public transport. They all have their flashy cars they’ve bought with their drug money.

The next stop comes into view, and I can see two men flagging it down. As we get nearer, my heart starts to pound more frantically in my chest. It’s Jimmy and Ryan, two of Bruce’s friends.


It makes sense that they would start riding the bus, trying to find me. Bruce is out for my blood, and I shouldn’t have risked going to Mode. Even though Leo demanded it, and you don’t deny a Romano when he tells you to do something.

The bus comes to a stop, and I keep my head bowed, praying they don’t see me. It would be a damn miracle if they don’t recognize me.

Bruce knows I always use the bus, and I should have been more careful. The only problem is, it’s my only way of getting around. I knew if I’d walked, they’d definitely find me. They’re always out on the streets, dealing drugs at night.

Ryan pays their fares, and Jimmy is heading toward me. I can see him out of the corner of my eye. “Well, well, look who it is,” Jimmy says, stopping directly in front of me.

I swallow and then glance up at him. “Hey, Jimmy, how are you?” I say, trying to keep my voice light.

Ryan laughs behind him. “We’re good now that we’ve found you.” He shakes his head. “Bruce has offered a grand to find you.”

I narrow my eyes. “A grand,” I say, laughing. “You honestly believe he’ll come through and pay you?”

Ryan’s face turns serious. “He will or he will regret it.” He punches his palm with his fist. “No one fucks with us.”

Ryan and Jimmy are two good for nothing drug dealers. All of Bruce’s friends think they’re hard, alpha males. But when it comes down to it, they’d piss their pants if they came up against someone like Leo.

Ryan slumps into the seat on my right side, and Jimmy slides into the seat on my left. “Hasn’t anyone told you it’s dangerous to travel alone at

night?” Ryan asks, sneering down at me.

“Piss off, both of you,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest, trying my best to appear unaffected by their presence.

A lady sitting a few seats down looks at me concerned. Inside, I’m a panicking mess. They can’t take me back to Bruce. I won’t go anywhere near that fucking bastard again.

Jimmy grips hold of my thigh, squeezing so hard it hurts. “Don’t fuck with us, Ellie.” He leans closer to my ear. “You know what we’re both capable of.”

Do I know what they’re capable of? As far as I’d been aware, these two cowards have only ever been capable of selling drugs to vulnerable teenagers and hookers. “Leave me alone,” I say.

Ryan laughs at that. “Or what? You’ll beat us up?”

Jimmy joins in. “What are you going to do? Ride the bus until the end of the line.”

I glare at him, wondering if I could take these two. They both have less meat on them than a size zero model. My stop is ever nearing and I know I’ve got to get up. I stand to my feet and hold onto one of the rails, trying to get away from them.

Ryan comes after me, sliding a hand onto my shoulder. “We know you’re getting off at the next stop. Sid told us where you are staying.”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

My jaw clenches. So much for Sid being Bruce’s only decent friend. I move toward the front of the bus, ready to get down the steps and run if I have to.

The bus slows down, but I know they’re just behind me. It’s going to take one hell of a dash to out run them, but they’re both crack heads who don’t work out. Hopefully, I’ve got the upper hand.

The driver pulls over to the bus stop and gives the two men behind me a wary look. “Are you all right, Miss?” he asks.

I nod at him, knowing if I get him involved they’ll end up beating him up. The driver has to be about sixty years old, with gray hair. “I’m fine, thanks.”

Ryan pipes up, “She’s safe with us, now mind your own fucking business, old man.”

I step off the bus, and it’s at that moment I realize there’s no use running. They know where Ashley lives, and if I run there, they’ll just find me. In turn, it would put Ashley and her boyfriend in danger.

I’ve got nowhere else to go, but I’m not bringing these assholes to my best friend’s doorstep. Instead, I step off the bus and turn to face them, walking backward toward the wall.

It’s going to be fight or fucking die at this point. There’s no way in hell I’m letting them take me back to Bruce. “What do you want?” I snap, trying not to show fear, despite feeling sick to the stomach. I keep my fists clenched and ready.

The bus driver stares out the window at us and so does the other lady who was on the bus. He hasn’t moved the bus on yet, and I can tell from the look on his face that he is flirting with the idea of intervening.

Any on looker would know these guys are after trouble. I meet the drivers gaze and shake my head slightly.

He revs the engine, and I watch the bus pull away. Ryan steps even closer to me, blocking me into the wall. “How about we do this the easy way?”

I shake my head. “There’s no way in hell I’m going anywhere with you.”

Jimmy chuckles. “We’ll take you to him, even if we have to drag you kicking and screaming.” His hand circles my arm and I writhe against him, trying to break free.

“Over, my dead body,” I spit, bringing my fist up to his face and punching him hard.

“Fucking bitch,” he spits, grabbing me even harder and pushing me against the wall with such force the air is knocked from my lungs.

Okay, maybe Jimmy is stronger than I anticipated. A yelp from Ryan startles me, and I glance over to see him out writhing on the floor, clutching a bloody nose.

“What the fuck?” Jimmy says.

Movement behind him catches my eyes and I realize someone has come to my rescue. The guy who put out Ryan moves so quick I barely see him as he grabs hold of Jimmy, turning him around and punching him in the stomach. Jimmy doubles over and my breath catches in my throat at the bright blue eyes that lock with mine. It’s only at that point I realize it’s Leo.

He’s saving me from these assholes. A flood of warmth fills me, as he turns his attention back to Jimmy. His jaw is clenched and eyes full of rage as he protects me like no one ever has.

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