Marked By The Demon Triplet Alpha Kings

Chapter 27

Chapter 27


I felt my heart summersalt a thousand times as my legs were rooted to a spot.

Sweat broke out on my forehead and it trickled down my face as I stared at the girl in shock.

“The Alpha King’s chamber? Isn’t that too soon?” My shaky voice came out in a whisper. It would take a lot of effort to hear.


I haven’t even recovered.

“Nothing is too soon for the Alpha King. He owns you now. You are his property,” she responded before turning her eyes to the dimly lit hallway.

We walked away silently, but her words kept replying in my head.

It was like someone with a megaphone screamed those words in my head.

I couldn’t deny that it was the truth, but why would she have to break it to me like that?

Why couldn’t she be nice?

The bitter taste of irritation burned in my gut as her words rang in my head again.

Did he own me?

Was I a piece of jewelry?

Was I a piece of cloth that he would use and dispose of as he liked?

Despite knowing I was choiceless, I wouldn’t let anyone see me as the King’s mere property.

I still had my parents’ blood running in my veins. I was the Alpha’s daughter, which meant I was an Alpha.

My discomfort grew at her silence while we kept walking, without stopping to catch our breaths.

Exhausted, I stopped in my tracks, panting hard while my butt rested on the floor.

Today was so eventful…I will never forget it in a hurry.

“Please, can you slow down a bit?” I called, signaling her to wait for me to catch up, but she kept walking, but slower this time.

“You have to hurry. He is already waiting. It’s dangerous to keep him waiting. The dungeon is not a nice place.” A forced smile played on her face as she waved her hand towards me, urging me to shake off my tiredness.

But my body protested.

Taken aback by her words, I had to glance at her to be sure she was the one who spoke to me.

Her voice was calm and more encouraging this time.

These were the highest words she had said to me and they were enough to quicken my legs.

In a flash of light, I bounced back to my feet, rushing to meet her before we continued our journey.

Guilt was shoved up my gut when I noticed the reason for her initial cold behaviour.

She had to keep up with the Alpha King’s time or she would spend the rest of my life in the dungeon.

I hated the dungeon too.

I didn’t think I would want her to go into any trouble because of me.

I won’t be able to live with that for the rest of my life.

But how could I forget the mean hefty man that compelled her to be strict to me?

I bet he would have snapped at her for being nice to me.

The hall was dim making me unable to make out most of her features.

“Do you mind if I know your name?” I asked, initiating a conversation.

“My name is Alex and yours is Aurora Gray. It’s nice finally seeing you.”

I gasped in shock at the mention of my name.

“How did you know my full name?” I asked curiously.

“Trust me, news spreads.”

“Does that mean everyone already knows that I belonged to the King?” A wave of sadness hit me, making tears gather around my eyes when she nodded.

I blinked back the tears and cleared my throat to avoid drawing her attention.

No amount of tears would change my twisted fate.

We halted at the presence of three huge guards for a security check, but as soon as Alex came into view, a large mahogany door was opened for us.

I turned to look back, but the frightening figures of the guards sent chills down my spine.

Why was everyone huge in this place?

Like a scared cat, I scurried behind Alex, resisting the urge to turn to the guards who had their cold hard stares on me.

“Can I ask, Alex? As the King’s property, what services am I to render?”

Her face contorted in sadness as she laid her pitiful eyes on me.

I didn’t need a soothsayer to tell me how horrible the services would be.

“Anything he pleases,” she said before releasing a sigh.

My head went blank in confusion as I thought of what the King could possibly ask.

“Anything like…” My voice trailed, waiting for her answer.

“I don’t know. The King can be extreme and unpredictable sometimes. But I am certain that your services would involve gracing his bed from time to time.”

Colour rapidly drained from my face as my heart sank into the pit of my stomach.

By gracing his bed, that would mean he would have sex with me.

But I was a virgin, and I vowed to only lay with my mate.

Why would he be so cruel to take my pride away from me?

My heart began to hammer hard against my chest as I thought of ways to avoid having sex with him.

“Grace his bed? Doesn’t he have people to do that for him?” Sadness was evident in my voice despite trying to block it.

“I thought I would be made to do tasks…” The flow of tears stopped the rest of my words as I bit my trembling lips.

“Why would he ask them when he can use the service of his property?”

Why didn’t I think of that before accepting to be his?

No wonder my parents wouldn’t stop crying.

“A friendly advice if you want to live, take Ric’s words to heart and offer a good service to the king,” she said, patting my slumped shoulders

“Who’s Ric?”

“The guy that brought you here.”

“And what if I don’t please the King?”

“You’ll die faster than you get to say oops,” she replied coldly.

“Will I be able to go home if I please him well?”

She stuffed a chuckle before landing her soft eyes on me. “Whosoever told you lied to you. The King doesn’t let go of his properties. Once you are in, you are in…Death is the only exception.”

Maybe not. There should be another way.

“Have you thought of escaping?” I asked with a low voice, afraid that the guards would hear me.

A burst of hearty laughter left Alex’s throat as I stared at her in confusion.

What was funny?

“That shit does not work here, trust me. I’ve been here my whole life. I tried that too, but here I am,” she said dismissively.


“There is a slim chance of escaping. When you do, don’t get caught.”

“And when you don’t?”

“You’ll still get killed, but this time, by rogue hunters. So, escaping is not an option.”

I followed silently, weighing both options in my head.

This was harder than I thought.

I need help!

This was serious.

As we took long strides into the heart of the castle, more guards appeared and voices filled the barren hallway.

“We are here. Compose yourself.”

My heart did a quick backflip as we got closer to the huge double door that demarcated his chambers from the others.

Alex pulled me in a warm hug when she noticed my failed composure.

“Cheer up. It’s not that bad. At least you get to see the alpha. I can count the number of days I’ve seen him-”

Her words were interrupted by the screams of a helpless woman.

Embarrassment flushed on Alex’s cheeks, making my eyes widen in surprise.

She wasn’t helpless, she was having her orgasm.

But was she also his property?

I stifled a scream when Alex leaned with her lips brushing against my ear. “One more thing if you want to live here for a long time. Avoid that moaning lady. She is the King’s mistress and she is of no good.”From NôvelDrama.Org.

Her face slowly pulled away from my ears and I turned to mouth a ‘thank you’ to her.

Since he had a mistress, he wouldn’t need sex from me.

The door flung open and a guard walked towards us.

His heavy steps almost led to my collapse as his eyes were fixed on me.

“You are dismissed Alex,” he said before landing his icy gaze on me.

“Come with me, Aurora. The King wants you.”

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