Mermaid’s Lust

Chapter 16

[ Nina’s Perspective]

In my dream, I saw Evan having an argument with his family. It turned out that the reason for their feud was that Evan really wanted to marry Grandma Jingchen.

He loved her more than anything in the world, and he was willing to sacrifice for her.

When his entire family knew about his plan, they immediately disagreed with his decision. They wanted him to marry a more suitable wife who is wealthier.

The scheme of love marriage is still unknown to them.

They do not feel comfortable with such a marriage where love paved the way and still believed in the traditional method of choosing a life partner through a fixed marriage.

“We figured out that you should marry Miki, the daughter of the rival group,” they commanded him.

Evan turned to them and he cannot believe that he was being pressured by his own family.

“I do not love her! How many times would I have to prove that I deserve to be married to the girl of my dreams? Evan shouted with despair.

Regardless of how Evan defended his commitment, they refused.

His family kept on arguing with him and forced him to change his mind.

They made him choose over his own blood and personal decisions till their argument turned into hatred against Grandma Jingchen.

Evan was triggered until he finally ceased the discussion and left angrily.

This action of Evan made them even angrier to the point that they were enraged.

His family did not stop there. In their power, they would do anything to end their connection instantly.

They planned to send some people to frighten Grandma Jingchen and get rid of her.

In this way, they thought that Evan would immediately give up, but they were wrong.

Until they added a more wicked plan which is to finally kill Grandma Jingchen.

Their idea was to hire someone to shoot her because most of them find it difficult to commit the act of murder on their own hands.

They hired a middle man to have the advantage of not carrying out the actual killing, thus making it more difficult for law enforcement to connect them with the crime.

Since grandma Jingchen lived on an island, it took them a lot of effort to plan everything out.

At the moment of their scheme, the killer was already prepared to aim his weapon.

However, they did not expect that the moment that he tried to shoot Grandma Jingchen, Evan quickly rushed to her and perfectly saved her on time.

Making sure Grandma Jingchen was safe, he went over to seize the killer.

They battered each other, and Evan unfortunately, got stabbed with a sharp knife.

He survived the fatality and was sent to the hospital for treatment, but he suffered constant bleedings and extreme trauma.

Later on, his body got very weak and he died.

The news reached a lot of people near Evan’s residence.

It immediately frightened and saddened everyone.

After what they’d done, his family finally gave up the idea of tormenting Grandma Jingchen. They went over the island to show remorse and begged for her forgiveness, as they can’t accept that Evan died due to their evil deeds.

Ever since then, they have lived unhappily and carried a heavy conscience that haunted them forever.

Losing a loved one brings unexplainable pain for the people left.

It eventually made Grandma Jingchen weak and depressed.

One of the worst things about grief is how disconnected and alone it made her feel.

After that incident, Grandma Jinchen, later on, died with a broken heart.

“Woof, woof, woof!” The dog was barking loudly and made me awake.

Surprise! I looked at my watch and found out that it was already late.

I folded my blanket immediately and fixed my beddings.

I urgently prepared and ate breakfast together with my pets.

Making sure that they had a full tummy, I quickly prepared to leave for work.

Working has been my daily routine. Every day my motivation has been the idea that the price of success is hard work and dedication to the job, the determination that whether we win or lose, we still apply the best of ourselves.

In short, I am not just working for myself nor my needs. I am working for my future.

I rowed my boat and paddled as fast as I could.

There it is! I’m already near my workplace!

As soon as I reached the port, I immediately ran towards the restaurant.

I entered the door, and I saw the store manager sitting down with an exhausted face. Something seems off with him. What is his problem?

I asked him curiously what happened, and it turned out that he had an argument with his girlfriend. As a result, he wasn’t allowed to go home, so he had to stay in the store for the rest of the night. For a moment, I pitied him. We don’t have any sleeping area nor blankets here.

He might’ve tried sleeping in his office area and took the table cloths as his pillow.

I went to him and tapped his shoulders.

“I’m sure you’ll resolve things with her sooner, try to talk to her calmly and apologize if you are wrong. Being in a relationship is not easy. If you have each other’s trust, you can settle small arguments easily.” I advised him.

“You’re right. I might’ve been harsh to her lately, not realizing that she started to feel neglected. Thank you for your concern! I’ll talk to her later.” The store manager smiled at me.

He also told me that a mouse appeared in the restaurant last night.

He said that he tried to go after it till he finally caught it.

After disposing of the rodent, he went back and attempted to continue his rest.

However, he was not used to his new sleeping environment.

Adding the stress from the argument he just had, it kept him awake the entire night.

That explains why he looked super tired and exhausted now.

“Today is Friday. I am always looking forward to getting off work early. After finishing today’s work, I can have two days off. My mother is also going to visit me here in Greenland this week, so I am looking forward to it.”I told him.

“That’s great, I hope you have a good time then. ” he replied.

Then we proceeded with today’s work at the resto.

As usual, there was nothing special, except that the store manager was so tired that he almost fell asleep at the checkout. I almost felt guilty for laughing at him. I offered to take over him but he insisted.

Finally, it was already closing time.

After punching in my time stamp, I went over to Haier Supermarket with a smile on my face. Tomorrow is the day that my mother will visit us and I am very excited about her arrival.

I bought the ingredients I needed for tomorrow and purchased some daily necessities as well. After that, I went over to Kailin Port to return home. Watching the endless ocean while rowing a boat, I suddenly felt that life was too beautiful. It was very relaxing and calm to feel.

The sea breeze feels so therapeutic, like a drug I would love to take forever.

Back in Greenland, I stored the purchased groceries right away.

I looked for my pets and found them playing outside.

I saw a cute doll held by Tingge. I was thinking about where the doll came from. He went over and took me to a little bunker. I saw that there were a bunch of dolls placed. I’ve never seen it before and it made me very curious. I sat down and watched them.

After that, I paused and noticed a part of sand being dug aside.

I silently took everything out and filled the pit back. I observed my cat and dog who were playing happily, they seemed to be having fun.

Meanwhile, it suddenly rained lightly. I hurriedly went in together with them. Even though we stayed inside, it was still immensely cold in the cave. We went over to our beds, I grabbed our blankets to keep ourselves warm. I glanced to check my mobile phone quickly. I looked at the time and wished that it would run faster. I’m so excited about tomorrow!

Feeling sleepy, I put my phone away and closed my eyes.

Goodnight. I said aloud.

Suddenly all of us were already in a deep sleep.

The next morning, the rain stopped and the sky cleared up.

I stood up to fix my beddings. I glanced at my phone and saw mom’s phone number on the screen. She called and told me that she had packed her bags and was ready to leave. Today was a special day. It’s been a long time since mom visited here. I missed her so much.

I happily prepared a delicious blueberry cheese, which has a bit of sour and sweet taste. Overall, it was delicious! It instantly made Tingge crave and drool! I gave them an equal portion in their bowl and they immediately ate it.

Meanwhile, I got a message that my mother’s boat already arrived here in Greenland. This is it, mom is here. We needed to prepare now.

I gathered my pets to accompany me to fetch mom at the port.

I can see the excitement in their eyes. They were also delighted with her arrival.

We walked over and sighted everywhere for my mother. Finally, we saw her. She carried two pieces of luggage and a lovely bag in her hand.

I stared at the other bag out of curiosity. She smiled and said that it was meant to be given to me as a gift. My eyes suddenly grew big, “A… a gift? ” I said with a stuttered voice.

“Yes”, mom nodded with a smirk on her face.

It’s been a long time since I got a gift from her. Receiving a present can light your mood at dark times, especially when all other lights go out.

It instantly made me happy. We hugged each other merrily.

After that, we held each other’s hands while carrying her luggage and walked together.

After reaching my place, I put my mother’s luggage in my room. She came to see how my living environment was. She said that my room was like a fantasy fairyland based on a television program, which she thought was very beautiful and unique.

She was also amazed by the decorations I made on the walls.

After she was finished inspecting my room, we sat on a big stone on the shore to relax. I took the freshly prepared blueberry cheese and had her try and taste it. “It’s very Delicious!” she smiled widely and gently patted my shoulders. This moment was very precious to me, I miss my childhood and how things used to be.

We started walking and talked about life. Mom and I talked about the boy who courted her. I asked her curiously about their progress and relationship. A sad tone was immersed in her voice. She sighed and said that the other party knew that she was married for the second time. As a result, she was judged.

” It’s okay, mom, everything would be okay. If they can’t accept your past then you weren’t meant for each other “, I comforted her.

I can see in her eyes that she was broken-hearted.

My mom has been strong all these years. I can’t imagine the pain she went through.

“Mom, you know that you can come here anytime, Right? ” I glanced at her and smiled. She nodded and smiled back at me,

“Sure, if that’s what you want, I’ll travel here whenever I am free.”

My mother and I agreed that she could come to my place more often during holidays. Our location has beautiful scenery, which can make all your troubles and worries disappear instantly. She promised me that if she ever feels sad or lonely in the future, she would talk to me more.

My mother also agreed to bring Aunt Sara here for her honeymoon next week. She expressed her blessings without any sarcasm and did not intend to pester my father’s new relationship. The two of them broke up a few years ago. Deep inside, I know she still cares for him as much as she does for me. When a family member willingly walks away, you may miss them, feel puzzled, and saddened, especially if the hope of reconnection is gone. The pain of the past never went away. I hoped I could let it go, but it never went off.

Somehow, seeing both of them happy with their own lives now, I still felt a small reassurance and contentment.

The most important thing is that both of them still care for me.

We continued to chat and tell her stories of our experiences here in the cave.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

At noon, we went over to lay under the tree.

Reminiscing of when I was a child, I went out to play once and it was super hot. My skin felt the touch of a prickling sunset.

My mother called and took me under the tree.

I asked her why she took me there.

She said that leaves would create shadows, and we would not be directly exposed to the sun when we hid in the shadows.

“It would feel a lot cooler”.

Realizing her words, it could have a deeper meaning to real life.

I was young back then, as I grew older I could understand some of her expressions.

Childhood memories hold a very special place in your heart. They are kept treasured in your subconscious mind for the rest of your life.

I watched my mother while feeling Tingge and Huamei lying next to me. Watching them sleep soundly, I felt very happy.

Although our family is incomplete now, I always wanted to feel their presence around me. Feeling the sea breeze and humid air was almost a perfect memory to picture. It is nice finding that place where you can just relax your doubts and fears.

Time passed quickly. That evening, we roasted the fish caught by Tingge and Huamei on the sea. They watched us while we prepared our dinner.

Mom helped me prepare the food. I also showed her some of my cooking techniques and recipes. She may have missed out a lot from me, and this is the perfect time to show her my skills.

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