Mermaid’s Lust

Chapter 2

[Nina’s Perspective]

After talking to my dad, we went back to the party and barely anyone was there. I guess everyone left after everything calmed down. 

I walked towards the small group of people in front of the stage. I saw my mom, Sara, Andy and Kathy sitting at one of the tables waiting. 

“Nina” My mom greeted me first. 

I gave her a cold stare. 

My mom sulked and kept quiet. I know that she is aware of my feelings toward her. 

After that, Sara spoke next. 

“Nina, why don’t we eat somewhere else. I bet you are hungry. It’s past one in the morning after all” Sara offered. 

“I’m not hungry!” I angrily said to her and she immediately lost her smile. 

“Nina, Please.” Mom said again, almost pleading. 

“I don’t want to hear from the both of you!” I shouted at both my mom and Sara. 

“How could you do that to me? In front of all those people?” My voice was breaking. I wanted to cry again. 

My mom and Sara just stared at me. 

“Can’t you push your differences aside for a while? for me atleast? Can’t you be civil with each other?” I told them again. 

Tears started streaming down my face again. I still feel bad about what happened earlier. In my opinion, both of them could have held their emotions back but they didn’t. 

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry.” Mom stood up from her seat and hugged me. 

“I’m sorry for what happened. I’m sorry that I couldn’t stop myself from stooping down to her level” Mom started to throw some shade again. 

“Mom. Stop! I know you still feel betrayed by what dad and Sara did to you but treating me like this is not fair either. Why don’t you just settle the score between the both of you, once and for all?”

My mom was shocked by my words. She probably did not expect me to ask her that favor. 

“Nina, I…” Mom struggled to find the right words to say. 

“You have to start moving on mom! Our setup is not easy for me either.” I held my mother’s hand and looked straight at her. 

“Okay honey. I’m sorry” Mom continued to calm me down. 

When everything started settling down, my mom asked me to go home with her while dad and Sara went home too. While she was driving, no one spoke between us so I decided to break the silence. 

“I’m sorry, Mom” 

“Honey, sorry for what? I should be the one who’s sorry. I ruined your night after all.” Mom spoke while keeping her eyes on the road. 

“No mom. I’m sorry for speaking harshly a while ago. My emotions just got the best of me. I didn’t mean to say it that way.” I stole a glance at her. 

“Oh, that’s okay honey. I’m even thankful that you said that. I didn’t know that your dad and I were hurting you so much. Sorry for being so dense.” Mom replied. 

My eyes started to gather tears again. I was touched with what mom said. Maybe we do lack communication because she is always far away but I know that she loves me more than anything else. 

The air in the car was starting to get heavy and serious again. 

“Forget about that mom but…I hope you did not forget my present.” I joked. 

Mom gave out a small laugh and glanced at me. 

“I will give it to you once we are home, Nina.”

“Okay Mom.” I replied to her while smiling widely.

After some time, we arrived at mom’s house. We both went in and I excitedly anticipated what my gift would be. Mom went into her room to get my present. Seconds later, she handed me a small box with a red ribbon. 

I hastily untied the ribbon and opened the box. My eyes widened at what I saw. 

“Oh my…. Mom! This… I…” I couldn’t even make a clear sentence.

“Happy birthday, Nina. You can go out and give it a test drive.” Mom said with a smile. 

I dashed out of the living room and went directly to the garage. Upon arrival, I instantly saw my gift and approached it while squealing. She gifted me with the latest model of Ferrari. 

I went around it while admiring its beauty. It was matte blue in color, my favorite.

“Thank you Mom. Really!” I thanked mom as I rode the car. 

“You are always welcome honey. Go” Mom said while signaling me to drive. 

I then started the car and stepped on the gas. I decided to make some rounds around mom’s subdivision. While driving, I was sticking my hand out to feel the air. I was so happy. 

When I got tired, I went back home. Mom was waiting for me at the door. 

“So, how was it” she asked

“Great mom. So great!” I told her while smiling from ear to ear. 

We went to the living room and had a little catching up session before we both decided to sleep. 

“Oh, by the way mom, I will be going on a trip with my friends tomorrow. Dad arranged a vacation on my island, so I will be leaving early”

“Oh, the island he bought for you?”


“Okay then. Have fun with your friends and take care” Mom said before kissing me goodnight and going to her room. 

The next morning, Mom and I had a wonderful breakfast before she drove me to my dad’s house. 

“Call me if you need anything or anything happens, okay?” Mom said as I got out of her car. 

“Okay mom. I love you”

“I love you too Nina.” Mom said before she waved and drove off. 

After that, I turned around and went to the door. I knocked but no one answered. Thankfully, I brought my spare key with me. 

I opened the door only to find the house completely empty. Even the maids are not in today. I scanned every room but no one was really home so I decided to just pack my things for the vacation. 

After packing my things, I decided to call dad to tell him that my friends and I are already going. 

“Okay then, Take care Nina. Have fun” Dad said on the other line. 

“I will dad. Thank you.” I said and then ended the call. 

After that, I called Andy and Kathy to tell them that we are meeting at the port of Garin and we would leave by ten in the morning and both of them agreed. 

I arrived at the port fifteen minutes earlier than our agreed time so I looked for a bench to sit on. Minutes later, I can already see Andy and Kathy walking towards me. 

“You guys ready?” I asked them excitedly. 

“Yep!” Andy answered.

“Yeah” Kathy said too. 

After a few minutes more, we were called to board a boat to arrive at Pulgy Island. The island that I own. One and half an hour later, we finally arrived at our destination. 

“Wow, it’s so pretty here.” Kathy exclaimed.

“I know right?” I replied to her. 

The island was indeed very beautiful. There is a small cabin that is ready for us. It is surrounded by palm and coconut trees. I heard that it also has a beautiful coral reef reserve that has been here for over 100 years now. I am excited to see that. 

Moments later, the tour guide approached us. He talked about the precautions of going out to the sea. He pointed out that at this time of the year, the tidal waves are a bit stronger than usual. After that, he introduced us to his companion, who was our life guard, just in case. When he was done with everything, he finally gave us permission to go for a swim. 

Before heading into the sea, we left our belongings in the cabin and ate first. When our stomachs were already full, we changed into our swimsuits, grabbed some of our swim essentials and went out to go to the sea. 

Andy, Kathy and I looked for a nice spot to lay our picnic blanket. After a while, we were already done with organizing our things and were already getting ready to swim. 

“Nina, we will go ahead and swim, okay?” Kathy said.

“We will wait for you at the end of the ramp” Andy said too. 

“Okay. Go ahead. I will follow you shortly” I replied while applying sunscreen on my face and body. 

Both Andy and Kathy walked farther and farther from me. I just followed them with my gaze until I couldn’t see them anymore. I hurriedly tried to finish putting sunscreen on but from my peripheral vision, I could see someone approaching me. A poor old lady was approaching me. She was wearing rags and she looked like a beggar. I quickly turned around hoping she would just pass by if I did not make eye contact. Seconds later, I felt the old lady reach out so I instinctively shouted. 

“Ah. Don’t touch me! Who are you anyway?” I asked. 

“I am Grandma Lucia, people know me here.” The old lady said proudly. 

“Okay then. What do you want?” I asked again. 

She did not answer. Something is off putting with this situation. 

“Sorry Grandma Lucia but I really have to go. My friends are waiting for me. Here, you can spend this money to buy some food” I gave her the money and prepared to leave. 

Before I could take another step, Grandma Lucia grabbed my hand which made me jump. 

“I came to give you a warning” she suddenly blurted out. 

“Warning? What are you talking about? Is it the tidal waves?” I asked curiously.

“You and your friends should respect this ocean, otherwise, the sea will punish you.” Grandma Lucia said again. 

Since I was panicking and my heart was full of fear, I quickly answered her. 

“I own this island. Everything here is mine. This island should respect me.” I said while trying to free my hand from her. 

“No!” Grandma suddenly shouted. 

“You have leave everything as is. You have to be careful. You have to be careful about the curse of the mermaid!” She continued. 

I gave out a small laugh. 

“Mermaids? Those aren’t real. They are just created out of fantasy” I replied. 

“You don’t believe me? Let me tell you a story then…” Grandma Lucia started off. 

Since she was holding onto my arm, I quietly sat down to listen to her story. After all, she might release me when I listen attentively. 

“Once upon a time, a beautiful mermaid lived here on Pulgy Island. One day, a fisherman came to Pulgy Island. The mermaid and the fisherman became good friends. After that, the fisherman always caught a lot of fish every day. He thanked the mermaid very much for his help. It didn’t take long for them to fall in love. How enviable was their love, until one day the fisherman kissed the mermaid …”

“Let me see… after that kiss the mermaid grew feet?” I interrupted Grandma Lucia’s story. 

“How did you know?” Grandma Lucia asked me curiously.

“Because your story is too tacky.” I replied with a disdainful expression.

Grandma Lucia insisted on finishing the story. 

“But that’s not the end, there is still…”

“I have seen all the mermaid TV dramas, and their plots and endings are basically the same.” I told her while freeing my hand from her grip. When she loosened her grip, I quickly stood up and ran towards my friends. 

[Grandma Lucia’s Perspective]

As Nina ran away, I just followed her with my sight.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

I smiled silently. 

She did not let me finish the story. 

“Well, well… I did not finish the story. This means that Nina will get retribution!” I exclaimed while laughing evilly

[Nina’s Perspective]. 

I was panting hard when I arrived at where Andy and Kathy were. I immediately spotted them helping someone out of the water. 

“Guys!” I shouted. 

“Nina!” Both of them exclaimed. 

“What happened?” I asked worriedly. 

“I saw her gasping for help so I dived in” Andy replied. 

“Thank you for saving me. My foot suddenly cramped so I couldn’t move.” 

Kathy and I watched as Andy tried to massage the woman’s foot. When everything was done, the woman spoke again. 

“I’m Nacy, by the way” she extended her hand to shake. 

“I’m Andy. These are my friends Nina and Kathy” Andy took her hand and introduced us to her. 

“Nice to meet you! Thank you again.” Nacy smiled widely. 

“No worries. I’m sure that anyone in my position would do the same” Andy replied.

After that, Nacy and Andy continued to get to know each other while Kathy told me that she was going to get something to eat. I decided to finally go for a swim. I took my robe off and ran towards the sea. 

I dived under and saw the clear sea water and beautiful coral reefs. I felt that the world under the sea was different from what I imagined. It was more wonderful than what I imagined.

[Andy’s Perspective]

While talking to Nacy, I was constantly looking at where Nina is. The tour guide said that the tidal waves are stronger than usual so we shouldn’t swim that far. From where I am, I can see that Nina was trying to go farther and farther. 

“Nacy, give me a second” I told Nacy before standing up. 

“Nina!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. 

“Do not go too far. Swim back!” I continued. 

I am worried that she might be drawn farther by the waves. 

“Nina!” I shouted again but it was to no avail. I think that she could not hear me. 

“Why don’t you go follow her? She is almost at the boundary of the corals. It’s dangerous there.” Nacy suggested. 

“You are right! Wait here, okay?” 

As I was about to swim after Nina, I saw her taking her life jacket off and dove. 

[Nina’s Perspective]

I was already at the part of the island where the coral reefs were. I wanted to take a better look at the corals so I took my life jacket so that I could dive further. 

As I scanned the coral reef, one coral caught my attention. I was so pretty and I wanted to bring it home with me. I went back on top of the water to grasp some air before diving for the coral again. Just when I pulled off the coral, a school of jellyfish suddenly surrounded me. I panicked under water. 

I hastily looked for a possible way out but I couldn’t find one. There were just too many jellyfishes. I was running out of breath so I decided to leave the coral behind and start looking for my life jacket that is floating above water. I tried to swim as fast as I could to get to the top and breathe but I failed. 

[Andy’s Perspective]

As soon as I saw her throw her life jacket away, I swam towards her. I can’t believe she actually decided to take that risk. 

When I arrived at her spot, I shouted her name multiple times. 

“Nina! Nina! Where are you?”

She was still nowhere in sight. I was starting to worry so I dove to look if she was under water. As soon as I dove, I saw her sinking and unconscious. I quickly swam towards her, pulled her close and swam back ashore. 

When we arrived at the coast, Nina was not breathing. The lifeguard who was with us immediately responded. After a couple of tries reviving her, Nina finally coughed out the water. 

[Nina’s Perspective]

“Nina, are you okay? What happened?” Andy asked. 

“Andy, there were so many jellyfishes. I couldn’t swim anywhere. They surrounded me.” I said with a bit of panic in my voice. 

Andy looked at me with a puzzled face. “When I went to save you, I only saw you and the coral reef, but I didn’t see any jellyfish.”

The lifeguard on the side said professionally, “This should be a normal phenomenon caused by just being scared, so don’t worry too much.”

When Andy heard what the lifeguard said, his mood relaxed.

I was transported to our cabin where the lifeguard told me to rest for the time being. I decided to call my mom to give her an update. 

“Hello? Mom?”

“Yes Honey? Is everything alright?”

“Actually… I want to go home.” 

“Why? What’s wrong?” My mom asked me with a hint of worry in her voice.

“I’m just not happy with what happened today” I replied. 

I tried to call my mom down as much as possible. I didn’t want her to worry so much. 

“Alright then I will tell my driver to pick you up at the port” My mom reassured me.

“Okay mom. See you there! I love you”

After I said that, I ended the call with my mother.  By that time, Andy and Kathy we’re already finished with sorting and organizing our luggages. 

Andy escorted me out of the cabin.  He told me to sit on the bench for a while, while he loaded our luggages on the boat.  Just as I was about to board the boat, I saw Grandma Lucia looking at me with a devilish smile. I gave her a puzzled look and then I turned to Andy and Kathy. 

“That’s her! Look!” I said while pointing at the shoreline.

“Who? What are you talking about? There is no one there.” Andy asked.

I looked again and grandma Lucia was not there anymore.  I know that I clearly saw her.  Is this still a side effect of drowning?

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