Mine for a Moment

: Epilogue

Three years later

Serenity looks out of the window of my private jet, excitement radiating off her as we slowly begin to descend near Keukenhof, where we’ve gone every single year to see the flower displays and the endless rows of tulips.

This year, a whole field of flowers was planted to recreate one of her paintings from above. It’s absolutely surreal what she’s accomplished, and I couldn’t be more proud of her. In a mere few years, she has become an international sensation, like I knew she would be.

“Oh God, I can’t wait,” she says, sounding giddy.

I grin and pull her onto my lap, my arms wrapping around her. “We’ve got about five minutes before they come tell us that we need to put on our seat belts,” I murmur, my mouth caressing her neck.

She giggles, her head falling back on my shoulder as my hand slips underneath her dress. She turns her head slightly, her lips brushing against mine, and I grin when she reaches behind her, her hand wrapping around the back of my neck as she kisses me slowly, leisurely.

“I can’t get enough of you,” I murmur against her mouth, and she draws a shaky breath as she pushes off me long enough to straddle me.

“The feeling is entirely mutual,” she says, cupping my face with one hand as she pushes the other up my neck and into my hair. It’s unbelievable that I get to call her mine and that she still loves me the same. If anything, as time passes, our feelings just seem to grow deeper.

We moved in together very quickly, but now we’ve truly built a life together. She spends her days painting in the apartment below ours that she bought and converted into a fully equipped studio, while I go to the office and try to find every excuse I can to work from home instead, so I can watch her do her thing. I miss her terribly when she travels for exhibitions, and though I try to join her as often as I can, I love that we’ve both built our own careers while simultaneously building a home together. I didn’t think life could get better than when we first started dating, but it did. I’ve never been happier, and judging by the way she still looks at me, neither has she.

I sigh as I pull her closer, kissing her right until the seat belt sign comes on, and she laughs when I struggle to let her go, my cock throbbing from one single kiss. She still does that to me—drives me wild with one single touch, and she knows it. “If you can wait for an hour or so, we can disappear in a field of tulips, just me and you,” she whispers, before kissing my neck in that way she knows I can’t resist.

I groan as she moves off my lap and back into her own seat, the butterflies in my stomach going wild as I watch her. I’d wondered if this feeling might fade someday, if it was just infatuation and the fact that our relationship was so new and thrilling, only I’ve eventually learned that what she made me feel back then was nothing compared to the way she makes me feel now.

Serenity frowns when we arrive at her favorite park only to find it empty. She glances at me in confusion. “Someone was supposed to meet us here,” she says, reaching for her phone. “The park isn’t meant to be closed today.” I take her phone from her and hide it away in my suit pocket, earning myself a sexy little glare.

“Actually, darling,” I murmur, nerves rushing through me. “I thought we could go for a walk.”

Our eyes lock, and she studies me for a moment. “I’d love to,” she says, her voice soft.

I bite down on my lip as I pull her along, worried that she’s on to me. No one knows me like she does, after all.

I watch her gush over all the flowers, and fuck, I didn’t think I could fall any deeper in love, but right here, right now, I do. She does this to me every single day, and I just don’t understand how. How is it possible to love someone this deeply?

“Let’s check out that cute little bridge,” I tell her, my tone just a touch too nervous, but thankfully, she doesn’t seem to realize. She’s too taken with the beauty that surrounds her, not even realizing just how taken I am with her.

“Wow, look! Doesn’t that look like words in between the flowers? Is it some kind of installation?” she asks excitedly as we walk onto the bridge. I watch her face as we reach the perfect vantage point for her to read what’s spelled out underneath her in pink tulips amongst red ones, the message subtle but undeniably for her.

Serenity, will you marry me?

“Oh my God,” she whispers as she places a hand over her mouth in shock.

I grin as I drop down to one knee in front of her and reach for the ring box in my suit jacket, my hands shaking as I pop it open.

Serenity turns to look at me, happiness radiating off her.

“Serenity Adesina,” I begin to say. “You and I started off unconventionally, both of us thinking we wouldn’t last longer than a stolen moment or two, but from the moment I first kissed you, I knew things would never be the same again. Before I knew it, I was enthralled, addicted to your smiles, your outlook on life, your generosity, and your heart, not to mention your beauty, your wit, and your incredible talent. You are so much more than I ever expected, so much more than I deserve. I’m well aware that I’m not worthy of you, Serenity, but I swear on all I hold dear that I’ll never stop doing everything in my power to make you happy.”

I take a deep breath when she smiles through her tears. “So give me a moment with you and then another. Grant me enough moments with you to fill up a lifetime because, darling, if you’ll let me, I’d like to be yours every moment of every day for the rest of our lives.” She inhales sharply when I take her hand, our eyes locked. “Serenity, will you please make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”

She nods, a tear running down her face. “Yes,” she says. “Yes. Nothing would make me happier, Archer.”

Relief rushes through me as I slip on the four-carat engagement ring that Laurier, a famous and highly exclusive jeweler, custom made for her.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

She barely glances at it, unable to take her eyes off me, and I grin as I rise to my feet and sweep her off hers. I twirl her slowly, until she cups my face and leans in to kiss me, stealing away every thought but one.

I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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