My Bully’s Love

Chapter 15

Chapter 15


It was a good time having the Palmers here with us, opening presents and laughing with each other. The only thing that I would wish to have changed was Jace sitting right beside me in the loveseat. Every time I felt his touch, i tingled in places that I shouldn’ t be, mixed with the fact that I’m now wearing his collar, stating his ownership over me, I’ve been in a state of both confusion and arousal all day

We are just finishing up Christmas dinner when I decide to go for some fresh air. I sneak downstairs when my dad has Jace cornered, asking him questions about college and his plans for after graduation. I quickly change into a pair of sweats and throw my boots on, before sneaking out the back door.

I take the path through the woods that will lead to a little pond that I used to love ice skating on whenever we were here, but it’s been years since I’ve done it. Wiping off one of the benches by the edge of the pond, I take a seat, and breathe a sigh of relief. I’m overwhelmed with everything that’s going on, not knowing what it is that I’m supposed to be doing. I don’t understand why I’ve let Jace take his liberties with me after everything he has done. I shouldn’t want him to be anywhere near me, but it’s the complete opposite. Jace is like the apple in the Garden of Eden, I shouldn’t taste it, but it’s just too tempting, and in the end, it will be my downfall; I just know it.

My phone vibrates inside my coat pocket and so I reach in and grab it. Just as I hold it up, it vibrates again with another message and Brandon’s name pops up. What the hell? I didn’t know I had his contact info; I think to myself. I light up the screen and realize that I must have grabbed Jace’s phone by mistake. Part of the message catches my attention though, so I click on it even though I know that I shouldn’t.

Brandon: Isn’t it funny as shit? It’ll teach

the bitch not to make ridiculous accusations

about our friends!

I click on the link that came in the first message and I’m mortified by it. It was me and Brandon talking in Lit class before winter break, only they changed my words, and I sound like the slut that they are portraying me to be!

“What the fuck? Where did you get that?” An angry voice comes from behind me.

I swing around and glare at Jace, “I guess you think I’m nothing but a little fool, letting you have your way with me while letting your friends bully me! God, I knew I couldn’t trust you!”

“Watch your tone, Ella, and what are you talking about? Where did you get that video?

I hold up his phone, “I grabbed your phone by mistake when I left the house and your bff, Brandon, sent it to you, so the two of you could have a good laugh at my expense!” I slam the phone against his chest and go to stomp away, but he grips my wrist and slams me back against him.

“I told you to watch your tone!” Jace growls, “You don’t get to make accusations or assume something, and then walk away, Ella. Maybe I should pull your pants down right here and show you the error of your ways!”

“Let me go, Jace…”

“Not until we’ve had a little heart to heart,” he glances down at the chain peeking out of the top of my coat, “After all, you are mine, and you will obey me on this.”

His sits down on the bench, bringing me down onto of his lap sideways. I can feel his hardness through his pants, but I try to ignore it. I don’t want to be here with him. Every time I think I might be able to let him in, something happens that reminds me of my place in Jace Palmer’s life. I will never be anything but a little toy for him to play with.

He’s the first one to start talking, “I wanted to talk about this last night but then you earned your punishments and we never got to it.” He sighs, “I saw the video on social media yesterday on the way

here, and I had a friend of mine go in and take it off the internet. What I want to know is why you never told me that Brandon approached you like that?”

“Like you care! I’ve seen how close you three have gotten over the last two years, they wouldn’t be doing it unless they knew it was okay with you. God, you three are the biggest bullies around, and nobody else sees it, definitely not Kaylee, who seems to have you guys wrapped around her little finger. I’m sorry that I can’t be a dancer and have a fantastic body like her, but I honestly

Into The Woods

don’t know how you can stand her nasally voice! It doesn’t even matter because…”

He cuts me off by gripping my chin, and then gets right up in my face, “Are you done yet?”

I sigh heavily, trying so hard to keep my tears at bay. I don’t like looking weak in front of this guy, but damn it..

*First off, I want to address something that you obviously are not getting through your head. There is no one else that I want but you, Ella! You have always been the one that I wanted, and now that you know, I’m making it a reality, so stop assuming that I want that nasally cunt, Kaylee fucking Simpson!”

He seems really pissed about that part of my rant, and maybe he’s telling the truth where she is concerned, but she is only part of the problem.

“As for the rest,” he continues, “I’ve never given Brandon or Toby the okay to bully you. You have always been mine alone, and I’ve told them that, but I think when I told them that I was going to pursue you, they decided to do what they did. The day I beat the shit out of Toby for touching you, he said he had done it for Kaylee…”

“Wait – what did you just say?” I ask, making sure I heard him right.

“What, that I beat the shit out of Toby?”

I sit up straighter, “That was you that made him look like that? I thought it was Mason, since he pulled him off me.”

Jace scowls, “All that pussy did was give Toby a black eye. I beat him to an inch of his fucking life for touching what is mine, and I’ Il do it to anybody else that touches you remember that!”

I can’t hide the slight smile that touches my lips, hearing him say that, even though I don’t want him to beat anybody up like that again, “Thank you, Jace.”

“What are you thanking me for? You are mine to protect, Ella.” I only nod.

“I will be taking care of both Brandon and Kaylee when I get back home. I’ll also be making things right; something I should have already done by now. Ella, you need to come to me when someone comes at you like that. I can’t do anything if I don’t know about it. I’m not sure why Brandon sent me the video, thinking I would find it funny, but he will know real soon that he made a mistake.”

“Jace, I apologize for going off on you, but you have to understand why I took it the way I did.” I go to climb off his lap, but he holds me down.

“Ella, I don’t want you thinking that things will change much between us. Aside from knowing my feelings for you, I will still do whatever I want to you, wherever I want. I do it for reasons you obviously don’t understand, but that’s not my problem. There won’ t be shoving you into things or knocking your shit from your hands, but I will boss you around as I see fit.” As though I weigh nothing at all, he lifts and turns me so I’m now straddling his lap, “If I tell you to do something, I expect to be obeyed. If I want to touch you, you are mine to touch any way I want, and if I want to punish you, you know damn well that I will bend you over and spank your naughty ass.” His cold hand slides into the front of my sweat pants until he gets to the opening in my panties, “If want you to come for me, you will do it, do you understand?”

My eyes have closed because of the sparks shooting through me due to his touch, so all I can do is nod.

“The only thing that I won’t take from you is your virginity. That is something that I want you to give to me willingly, but I will do everything else to this body that I want, because it’s mine and your curves drive me fucking crazy. You don’t realize how fucking sexy you are, Ella. More guys want you than you know, but I keep them back, because you’re mine.”

I’m not sure when he slipped his fingers into me, or how long I’ve been grinding and thrusting against his hand, but I’m close to coming already, “Can I come, Jace..please?”

“Are you going to be my good girl, and listen when I tell you that I will not allow anybody to bully you, and that you are the only woman that I want?”

“Oh my God…yes!” My hands are on his shoulders, and he has his other hand on my hip, directing my hips on how he wants them to move.

“Kiss me, Ella, and then you can come.” This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

He doesn’t need to tell me twice. I crash my mouth against his, shoving my tongue into his mouth as soon as he opens it. His thumb rubs circles around my clit while his other fingers curl inside of me, “MMM..” is all the sound I can make while my lips are locked with his as I release myself all over his fingers. My climax goes on longer than expected, but then it’s over and my forehead is against his as I catch my breath.

Into The Woods


I open my eyes at his command, and Jace is holding up his fingers in front of my mouth. I take them in and taste myself as I suck them clean, all while staring into his green eyes.

“Fuck Ella…”

I’m breathing heavily after such an intense orgasm, but the moment I hear him say my name, I begin to freak out a little bit. What am I doing? Why can’t I say no to him? I keep finding myself wanting him to possess every part of me, and yet in the end, I just feel used, as though I’m his little toy. Deep down, even that turns me on a bit, but I’m trying to fight it, thinking that it’s wrong to want to be used like that; like I’m the slut that everybody thinks I am.

I jump off his lap, and slowly start backing away from him. I see confusion in his eyes as he watches me get further and further away from him. He says my name again but all I can do is shake my head, turn and run back into the woods. He continues to call my name, but doesn’t give chase. I know there will be consequences for running away, but I don’t care at the moment; I just need my space.

The Palmers had left the day after Christmas, because Mrs. Palmer had to get back to her store. Jace ended up going back with them since I was giving him the silent treatment and refused to do anything causing me to be alone, giving him a chance to try and trap me. He finally gave up and left, but I knew that this wasn’t over. Luckily, I was able to make it through the rest of break without seeing Jace.

School has now started back up, and once again, I’m weary as I walk down the halls, waiting for him to pull me into an empty room and dole out his punishment. I’ve caught glimpses of him a few times throughout the day, but as far as I know, he never saw me because I was quick to duck or hide until he was gone. Each time I saw him, he looked deep in thought, not really paying attention to his own surroundings, which wasn’t like Jace at all. Not once did I see him walking with his friends, laughing at something one of them had said, or smirking when a female flirted with him; in fact, he ignored everyone that had approached him.

This is how the whole week went and by the end of the first week back, I close my locker for the last time. I didn’t keep much in it to begin with, so there isn’t much to clean out. I’m a bit saddened that this

part of my life is over, even though it’s been hell on me, but moving on with my journey will be bringing me into unchartered waters. Hopefully, this next part will be a happier one.

I’ve decided on going to a collage on the other side of the country. The West coast has been nice, but I’m looking forward to seeing what the East coast has to offer me, and it’s far enough away from my past that I won’t have to worry about it coming back to bite me. I’ll miss my family terribly, but I need to do this for my own sanity. Jace Palmer took so much away from me, and even though he wants to make it up to me, I just don’t know how I could ever get passed the last few years. Jace has woken things up inside of me that I never knew I wanted, but that doesn’t mean that he has to be the one that I continue exploring with. There is a whole ocean out there, and I’m ready to dive into it.

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